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Example 26 with ConfPairs

use of org.xipki.common.ConfPairs in project xipki by xipki.

the class ConfPairsTest method test6.

public void test6() {
    ConfPairs pairs = new ConfPairs("key-a=value-a\\=\\,");
    String expEncoded = "key-a=value-a\\=\\,";
    Map<String, String> expNameValues = new HashMap<>();
    expNameValues.put("key-a", "value-a=,");
    check(pairs, expEncoded, expNameValues);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with ConfPairs

use of org.xipki.common.ConfPairs in project xipki by xipki.

the class ConfPairsTest method test3.

public void test3() {
    ConfPairs pairs = new ConfPairs("key-empty-value=");
    String expEncoded = "key-empty-value=";
    Map<String, String> expNameValues = new HashMap<>();
    expNameValues.put("key-empty-value", "");
    check(pairs, expEncoded, expNameValues);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with ConfPairs

use of org.xipki.common.ConfPairs in project xipki by xipki.

the class ConfPairsTest method test4.

public void test4() {
    ConfPairs pairs = new ConfPairs("key-empty-value=,key-b=value-b");
    String expEncoded = "key-b=value-b,key-empty-value=";
    Map<String, String> expNameValues = new HashMap<>();
    expNameValues.put("key-b", "value-b");
    expNameValues.put("key-empty-value", "");
    check(pairs, expEncoded, expNameValues);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with ConfPairs

use of org.xipki.common.ConfPairs in project xipki by xipki.

the class CaConf method init.

private void init(CAConfType jaxb, String baseDir, ZipFile zipFile, SecurityFactory securityFactory) throws IOException, InvalidConfException, CaMgmtException {
    // Properties
    if (baseDir != null) {
        properties.put("baseDir", baseDir);
    if (jaxb.getProperties() != null) {
        for (NameValueType m : jaxb.getProperties().getProperty()) {
            String name = m.getName();
            if (properties.containsKey(name)) {
                throw new InvalidConfException("Property " + name + " already defined");
            properties.put(name, m.getValue());
    // CMP controls
    if (jaxb.getCmpcontrols() != null) {
        for (CmpcontrolType m : jaxb.getCmpcontrols().getCmpcontrol()) {
            CmpControlEntry en = new CmpControlEntry(m.getName(), getValue(m.getConf(), zipFile));
    // Responders
    if (jaxb.getResponders() != null) {
        for (ResponderType m : jaxb.getResponders().getResponder()) {
            ResponderEntry en = new ResponderEntry(m.getName(), expandConf(m.getType()), getValue(m.getConf(), zipFile), getBase64Binary(m.getCert(), zipFile));
    // Environments
    if (jaxb.getEnvironments() != null) {
        for (NameValueType m : jaxb.getEnvironments().getEnvironment()) {
            addEnvironment(m.getName(), expandConf(m.getValue()));
    // CRL signers
    if (jaxb.getCrlsigners() != null) {
        for (CrlsignerType m : jaxb.getCrlsigners().getCrlsigner()) {
            X509CrlSignerEntry en = new X509CrlSignerEntry(m.getName(), expandConf(m.getSignerType()), getValue(m.getSignerConf(), zipFile), getBase64Binary(m.getSignerCert(), zipFile), expandConf(m.getCrlControl()));
    // Requestors
    if (jaxb.getRequestors() != null) {
        for (RequestorType m : jaxb.getRequestors().getRequestor()) {
            RequestorEntry en = new RequestorEntry(new NameId(null, m.getName()), getBase64Binary(m.getCert(), zipFile));
    // Users
    if (jaxb.getUsers() != null) {
        for (UserType m : jaxb.getUsers().getUser()) {
            boolean active = (m.isActive() != null) ? m.isActive() : true;
            String password = m.getPassword();
            if (password != null) {
                AddUserEntry en = new AddUserEntry(new NameId(null, m.getName()), active, password);
            } else {
                UserEntry en = new UserEntry(new NameId(null, m.getName()), active, m.getHashedPassword());
    // Publishers
    if (jaxb.getPublishers() != null) {
        for (PublisherType m : jaxb.getPublishers().getPublisher()) {
            PublisherEntry en = new PublisherEntry(new NameId(null, m.getName()), expandConf(m.getType()), getValue(m.getConf(), zipFile));
    // CertProfiles
    if (jaxb.getProfiles() != null) {
        for (ProfileType m : jaxb.getProfiles().getProfile()) {
            CertprofileEntry en = new CertprofileEntry(new NameId(null, m.getName()), expandConf(m.getType()), getValue(m.getConf(), zipFile));
    // CAs
    if (jaxb.getCas() != null) {
        for (CaType m : jaxb.getCas().getCa()) {
            String name = m.getName();
            GenSelfIssued genSelfIssued = null;
            X509CaEntry caEntry = null;
            if (m.getCaInfo() != null) {
                X509CaInfoType ci = m.getCaInfo().getX509Ca();
                if (ci.getGenSelfIssued() != null) {
                    String certFilename = null;
                    if (ci.getCert() != null) {
                        if (ci.getCert().getFile() != null) {
                            certFilename = expandConf(ci.getCert().getFile());
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidConfException("cert.file of CA " + name + " must not be null");
                    byte[] csr = getBinary(ci.getGenSelfIssued().getCsr(), zipFile);
                    BigInteger serialNumber = null;
                    String str = ci.getGenSelfIssued().getSerialNumber();
                    if (str != null) {
                        if (str.startsWith("0x") || str.startsWith("0X")) {
                            serialNumber = new BigInteger(str.substring(2), 16);
                        } else {
                            serialNumber = new BigInteger(str);
                    genSelfIssued = new GenSelfIssued(ci.getGenSelfIssued().getProfile(), csr, serialNumber, certFilename);
                X509CaUris caUris = new X509CaUris(getStrings(ci.getCacertUris()), getStrings(ci.getOcspUris()), getStrings(ci.getCrlUris()), getStrings(ci.getDeltacrlUris()));
                int exprirationPeriod = (ci.getExpirationPeriod() == null) ? 365 : ci.getExpirationPeriod().intValue();
                int numCrls = (ci.getNumCrls() == null) ? 30 : ci.getNumCrls().intValue();
                caEntry = new X509CaEntry(new NameId(null, name), ci.getSnSize(), ci.getNextCrlNo(), expandConf(ci.getSignerType()), getValue(ci.getSignerConf(), zipFile), caUris, numCrls, exprirationPeriod);
                if (ci.getExtraControl() != null) {
                    String value = getValue(ci.getExtraControl(), zipFile);
                    if (value != null) {
                        caEntry.setExtraControl(new ConfPairs(value).unmodifiable());
                int keepExpiredCertDays = (ci.getKeepExpiredCertDays() == null) ? -1 : ci.getKeepExpiredCertDays().intValue();
                if (ci.getValidityMode() != null) {
                if (ci.getGenSelfIssued() == null) {
                    X509Certificate caCert;
                    if (ci.getCert() != null) {
                        byte[] bytes = getBinary(ci.getCert(), zipFile);
                        try {
                            caCert = X509Util.parseCert(bytes);
                        } catch (CertificateException ex) {
                            throw new InvalidConfException("invalid certificate of CA " + name, ex);
                    } else {
                        // extract from the signer configuration
                        ConcurrentContentSigner signer;
                        try {
                            List<String[]> signerConfs = CaEntry.splitCaSignerConfs(getValue(ci.getSignerConf(), zipFile));
                            SignerConf signerConf = new SignerConf(signerConfs.get(0)[1]);
                            signer = securityFactory.createSigner(expandConf(ci.getSignerType()), signerConf, (X509Certificate) null);
                        } catch (ObjectCreationException | XiSecurityException ex) {
                            throw new InvalidConfException("could not create CA signer for CA " + name, ex);
                        caCert = signer.getCertificate();
            List<CaHasRequestorEntry> caHasRequestors = null;
            if (m.getRequestors() != null) {
                caHasRequestors = new LinkedList<>();
                for (CaHasRequestorType req : m.getRequestors().getRequestor()) {
                    CaHasRequestorEntry en = new CaHasRequestorEntry(new NameId(null, req.getRequestorName()));
                    List<String> strs = getStrings(req.getProfiles());
                    if (strs != null) {
                        en.setProfiles(new HashSet<>(strs));
            List<CaHasUserEntry> caHasUsers = null;
            if (m.getUsers() != null) {
                caHasUsers = new LinkedList<>();
                for (CaHasUserType req : m.getUsers().getUser()) {
                    CaHasUserEntry en = new CaHasUserEntry(new NameId(null, req.getUserName()));
                    List<String> strs = getStrings(req.getProfiles());
                    if (strs != null) {
                        en.setProfiles(new HashSet<>(strs));
            List<String> aliases = getStrings(m.getAliases());
            List<String> profileNames = getStrings(m.getProfiles());
            List<String> publisherNames = getStrings(m.getPublishers());
            SingleCaConf singleCa = new SingleCaConf(name, genSelfIssued, caEntry, aliases, profileNames, caHasRequestors, caHasUsers, publisherNames);
    // SCEPs
    if (jaxb.getSceps() != null) {
        for (ScepType m : jaxb.getSceps().getScep()) {
            String name = m.getName();
            NameId caIdent = new NameId(null, m.getCaName());
            List<String> certProfiles = getStrings(m.getProfiles());
            ScepEntry dbEntry = new ScepEntry(name, caIdent, true, m.getResponderName(), new HashSet<>(certProfiles), m.getControl());
            sceps.put(name, dbEntry);
Also used : CmpcontrolType( CaHasUserEntry( NameValueType( NameId( PublisherType( RequestorType( CaHasRequestorType( CertificateException( CaHasRequestorType( CaType( PublisherEntry( CmpControlEntry( ResponderEntry( SignerConf( ResponderType( X509Certificate( ScepEntry( AddUserEntry( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) UserType( CaHasUserType( CrlsignerType( X509CaEntry( ScepType( RequestorEntry( CaHasRequestorEntry( InvalidConfException(org.xipki.common.InvalidConfException) XiSecurityException( X509CrlSignerEntry( ProfileType( ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs) CertprofileEntry( X509CaUris( ConcurrentContentSigner( ObjectCreationException(org.xipki.common.ObjectCreationException) CaHasUserType( X509CaInfoType( CaHasUserEntry( AddUserEntry( UserEntry( CaHasRequestorEntry(

Example 30 with ConfPairs

use of org.xipki.common.ConfPairs in project xipki by xipki.

the class CrlControl method getConf.

// constructor
public String getConf() {
    ConfPairs pairs = new ConfPairs();
    pairs.putPair(KEY_EXPIRED_CERTS_INCLUDED, Boolean.toString(includeExpiredCerts));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_XIPKI_CERTSET, Boolean.toString(xipkiCertsetIncluded));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_XIPKI_CERTSET_CERTS, Boolean.toString(xipkiCertsetCertIncluded));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_XIPKI_CERTSET, Boolean.toString(xipkiCertsetIncluded));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_ONLY_CONTAINS_CACERTS, Boolean.toString(onlyContainsCaCerts));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_ONLY_CONTAINS_USERCERTS, Boolean.toString(onlyContainsUserCerts));
    pairs.putPair(KEY_EXCLUDE_REASON, Boolean.toString(excludeReason));
    if (updateMode != UpdateMode.onDemand) {
        pairs.putPair(KEY_FULLCRL_INTERVALS, Integer.toString(fullCrlIntervals));
        pairs.putPair(KEY_FULLCRL_EXTENDED_NEXTUPDATE, Boolean.toString(extendedNextUpdate));
        pairs.putPair(KEY_DELTACRL_INTERVALS, Integer.toString(deltaCrlIntervals));
        if (intervalDayTime != null) {
            pairs.putPair(KEY_INTERVAL_TIME, intervalDayTime.toString());
        if (intervalMinutes != null) {
            pairs.putPair(KEY_INTERVAL_MINUTES, intervalMinutes.toString());
    if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(extensionOids)) {
        StringBuilder extensionsSb = new StringBuilder(200);
        for (String oid : extensionOids) {
        extensionsSb.deleteCharAt(extensionsSb.length() - 1);
        pairs.putPair(KEY_EYTENSIONS, extensionsSb.toString());
    return pairs.getEncoded();
Also used : ConfPairs(org.xipki.common.ConfPairs)


ConfPairs (org.xipki.common.ConfPairs)38 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 Test (org.junit.Test)7 X509CaEntry ( IOException ( CertificateException ( X509Certificate ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)4 NameId ( CertValidity ( CaMgmtException ( ValidityMode ( DataAccessException (org.xipki.datasource.DataAccessException)4 SignerConf ( XiSecurityException ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)3 OperationException ( CaStatus ( X509CaUris ( X509ChangeCaEntry (