use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class X509CaInfo method initSigner.
public boolean initSigner(SecurityFactory securityFactory) throws XiSecurityException {
if (signers != null) {
return true;
dfltSigner = null;
List<String[]> signerConfs = CaEntry.splitCaSignerConfs(caEntry.getSignerConf());
Map<String, ConcurrentContentSigner> tmpSigners = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] m : signerConfs) {
String algo = m[0];
SignerConf signerConf = new SignerConf(m[1]);
ConcurrentContentSigner signer;
try {
signer = securityFactory.createSigner(caEntry.getSignerType(), signerConf, caEntry.getCert());
if (dfltSigner == null) {
dfltSigner = signer;
tmpSigners.put(algo, signer);
} catch (Throwable th) {
for (ConcurrentContentSigner ccs : tmpSigners.values()) {
throw new XiSecurityException("could not initialize the CA signer");
this.signers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpSigners);
return true;
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class P12CertUpdateCmd method execute0.
protected Object execute0() throws Exception {
KeyStore ks = getKeyStore();
char[] pwd = getPassword();
X509Certificate newCert = X509Util.parseCert(certFile);
assertMatch(newCert, new String(pwd));
String keyname = null;
Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();
while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
String alias = aliases.nextElement();
if (ks.isKeyEntry(alias)) {
keyname = alias;
if (keyname == null) {
throw new XiSecurityException("could not find private key");
Key key = ks.getKey(keyname, pwd);
Set<X509Certificate> caCerts = new HashSet<>();
if (isNotEmpty(caCertFiles)) {
for (String caCertFile : caCertFiles) {
X509Certificate[] certChain = X509Util.buildCertPath(newCert, caCerts);
ks.setKeyEntry(keyname, key, pwd, certChain);
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(p12File)) {, pwd);
println("updated certificate");
return null;
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class IaikP11Slot method generateKeyPair.
private P11Identity generateKeyPair(long mech, PrivateKey privateKey, PublicKey publicKey) throws P11TokenException {
final String label = toString(privateKey.getLabel());
byte[] id = null;
try {
KeyPair keypair;
Session session = borrowWritableSession();
try {
if (labelExists(session, label)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("label " + label + " exists, please specify another one");
id = generateKeyId(session);
try {
keypair = session.generateKeyPair(Mechanism.get(mech), publicKey, privateKey);
} catch (TokenException ex) {
throw new P11TokenException("could not generate keypair " + Pkcs11Functions.mechanismCodeToString(mech), ex);
P11ObjectIdentifier objId = new P11ObjectIdentifier(id, label);
P11EntityIdentifier entityId = new P11EntityIdentifier(slotId, objId); jcePublicKey;
try {
jcePublicKey = generatePublicKey(keypair.getPublicKey());
} catch (XiSecurityException ex) {
throw new P11TokenException("could not generate public key " + objId, ex);
PrivateKey privateKey2 = getPrivateKeyObject(session, id, label.toCharArray());
if (privateKey2 == null) {
throw new P11TokenException("could not read the generated private key");
return new IaikP11Identity(this, entityId, privateKey2, jcePublicKey, null);
} finally {
} catch (P11TokenException | RuntimeException ex) {
try {
removeObjects(id, label);
} catch (Throwable th) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, th, "could not remove objects");
throw ex;
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class IaikP11Slot method generatePublicKey.
// method getObjects
private static generatePublicKey(PublicKey p11Key) throws XiSecurityException {
if (p11Key instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
RSAPublicKey rsaP11Key = (RSAPublicKey) p11Key;
byte[] expBytes = rsaP11Key.getPublicExponent().getByteArrayValue();
BigInteger exp = new BigInteger(1, expBytes);
byte[] modBytes = rsaP11Key.getModulus().getByteArrayValue();
BigInteger mod = new BigInteger(1, modBytes);
RSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPublicKeySpec(mod, exp);
try {
return KeyUtil.generateRSAPublicKey(keySpec);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex) {
throw new XiSecurityException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else if (p11Key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
DSAPublicKey dsaP11Key = (DSAPublicKey) p11Key;
// p
BigInteger prime = new BigInteger(1, dsaP11Key.getPrime().getByteArrayValue());
BigInteger subPrime = new BigInteger(1, // q
// g
BigInteger base = new BigInteger(1, dsaP11Key.getBase().getByteArrayValue());
// y
BigInteger value = new BigInteger(1, dsaP11Key.getValue().getByteArrayValue());
DSAPublicKeySpec keySpec = new DSAPublicKeySpec(value, prime, subPrime, base);
try {
return KeyUtil.generateDSAPublicKey(keySpec);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex) {
throw new XiSecurityException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else if (p11Key instanceof ECPublicKey) {
ECPublicKey ecP11Key = (ECPublicKey) p11Key;
byte[] encodedAlgorithmIdParameters = ecP11Key.getEcdsaParams().getByteArrayValue();
byte[] encodedPoint = DEROctetString.getInstance(ecP11Key.getEcPoint().getByteArrayValue()).getOctets();
try {
return KeyUtil.createECPublicKey(encodedAlgorithmIdParameters, encodedPoint);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException ex) {
throw new XiSecurityException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else {
throw new XiSecurityException("unknown publicKey class " + p11Key.getClass().getName());
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class LocalP11CryptServicePool method deriveModuleId.
/* ID = SHA1(moduleName.getBytes("UTF-8")[1..15] */
private static short deriveModuleId(String moduleName) throws XiSecurityException {
byte[] hash;
try {
hash = HashAlgo.SHA1.hash(moduleName.getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new XiSecurityException("Unsupported charset UTF-8");
int intCode = 0x7FFF & ((0xFF & hash[0]) << 8) | (0xFF & hash[1]);
return (short) intCode;