use of org.xmldb.api.base.Collection in project exist by eXist-db.
the class XMLDBSecurityTest method ownerChownGidCollection.
* Owner can NOT change the owner gid of a collection
* to a group of which they are not a member
* As the user 'test1' attempt to change the
* ownership gid of /db/securityTest1
* to 'guest' group
@Test(expected = XMLDBException.class)
public void ownerChownGidCollection() throws XMLDBException {
final Collection test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest1", "test1", "test1");
final UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) test.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// attempt to change gid ownership of /db/securityTest1 to the guest group
use of org.xmldb.api.base.Collection in project exist by eXist-db.
the class XMLDBSecurityTest method dbaChownGidCollection.
* DBA can change the owner gid of a collection
* As the user 'admin' (who is a DBA) attempt to change the
* ownership gid of /db/securityTest1
* to 'guest' group
public void dbaChownGidCollection() throws XMLDBException {
final Collection test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest1", "admin", "");
final UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) test.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// attempt to change uid ownership of /db/securityTest1 to the guest group
use of org.xmldb.api.base.Collection in project exist by eXist-db.
the class XMLDBSecurityTest method dbaChownUidCollection.
* DBA can change the owner uid of a collection
* As the user 'admin' (who is a DBA) attempt to change the
* ownership uid of /db/securityTest1
* to 'test2' user
public void dbaChownUidCollection() throws XMLDBException {
final Collection test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest1", "admin", "");
final UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) test.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// attempt to change uid ownership of /db/securityTest1 to the test2 user
final Account test2 = ums.getAccount("test2");
use of org.xmldb.api.base.Collection in project exist by eXist-db.
the class XMLDBSecurityTest method setGid_copyResource_resourceGroupInheritedFromParent.
public void setGid_copyResource_resourceGroupInheritedFromParent() throws XMLDBException {
Collection test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest2", "test1", "test1");
EXistCollectionManagementService cms = (EXistCollectionManagementService) test.getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) test.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// create the /db/securityTest2/test.xml resource
Resource resource = test.createResource("test.xml", XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
ums.chgrp(resource, "extusers");
// create /db/securityTest2/parentCollection with owner "test1:users" and mode "rwxrwsrwx"
Collection parentCollection = cms.createCollection("parentCollection");
ums = (UserManagementService) parentCollection.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// now copy /db/securityTest2/test.xml to /db/securityTest2/parentCollection/test.xml
// as "user3:guest", it should inherit the group ownership 'users' from the parent collection which is setGid
// and it should NOT have its setGid bit set as it is a resource
test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest2", "test3", "test3");
cms = (EXistCollectionManagementService) test.getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
cms.copyResource("test.xml", "/db/securityTest2/parentCollection", "test.xml");
ums = (UserManagementService) parentCollection.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
parentCollection = test.getChildCollection("parentCollection");
resource = parentCollection.getResource("test.xml");
final Permission permissions = ums.getPermissions(resource);
assertEquals("users", permissions.getGroup().getName());
use of org.xmldb.api.base.Collection in project exist by eXist-db.
the class XMLDBSecurityTest method copyCollectionWithResources_destResourceExists_destResourceIsWritable_preservePermissions.
* As the 'test1' user, creates the collection and resource:
* test1:users /db/securityTest3/source
* test1:users /db/securityTest3/source/source1.xml
* test1:users /db/securityTest3/source/source2.xml
* We then also create the Collection
* test1:users /db/securityTest3/copy-of-source (0777)
* so that the destination (for the copy we are about
* to do) already exists and is writable.
* We then create the resource
* test1:users /db/securityTest/copy-of-source/source1.xml
* and set it so that it is writable by all (0777)...
* As the 'test3' user, copy the collection:
* /db/securityTest3/source
* -> /db/securityTest3/copy-of-source
* The test should prove that during a copy, existing
* documents in the dest are replaced as long as the
* dest collection has write permission and that the
* permissions on the dest resource must also be writable
* and that the existing permissions on the dest
* resource will be preserved
public void copyCollectionWithResources_destResourceExists_destResourceIsWritable_preservePermissions() throws XMLDBException {
Collection test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest3", "test1", "test1");
EXistCollectionManagementService cms = (EXistCollectionManagementService) test.getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
// create collection owned by "test1", and group "users" in /db/securityTest3
Collection source = cms.createCollection("source");
// create resource owned by "test1", and group "users" in /db/securityTest3/source
Resource resSource = source.createResource("source1.xml", XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
resSource = source.createResource("source2.xml", XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
// pre-create the destination and set writable by all
final Collection dest = cms.createCollection("copy-of-source");
UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) dest.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// pre-create a destination resource and set access for all
Resource resDestSource1 = dest.createResource("source1.xml", XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
ums.chmod(resDestSource1, 0777);
// as the 'test3' user copy the collection
test = DatabaseManager.getCollection(getBaseUri() + "/db/securityTest3", "test3", "test3");
cms = (EXistCollectionManagementService) test.getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
cms.copy("/db/securityTest3/source", "/db/securityTest3", "copy-of-source");
final Collection copyOfSource = test.getChildCollection("copy-of-source");
assertEquals(2, copyOfSource.listResources().length);
ums = (UserManagementService) copyOfSource.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// permissions should NOT have changed as the dest already existed!
Permission permissions = ums.getPermissions(copyOfSource);
assertEquals("test1", permissions.getOwner().getName());
assertEquals("users", permissions.getGroup().getName());
final Resource resCopyOfSource1 = copyOfSource.getResource("source1.xml");
assertEquals("<test1/>", resCopyOfSource1.getContent().toString());
// permissions should NOT have changed as the dest resource already existed!
permissions = ums.getPermissions(resCopyOfSource1);
assertEquals("test1", permissions.getOwner().getName());
assertEquals("users", permissions.getGroup().getName());
final Resource resCopyOfSource2 = copyOfSource.getResource("source2.xml");
assertEquals("<test2/>", resCopyOfSource2.getContent().toString());
// permissions SHOULD have changed as the dest resource is did NOT exist
permissions = ums.getPermissions(resCopyOfSource2);
assertEquals("test3", permissions.getOwner().getName());
assertEquals("guest", permissions.getGroup().getName());