use of org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService in project exist by eXist-db.
the class BackupRestoreSecurityPrincipalsTest method restoreConflictingUsername.
* 1. With an empty database we create three
* users: 'frank', 'joe', and 'jack'.
* 2. We create a backup of the database which contains
* the three users from (1).
* 3. We destroy the database, restart the server,
* and start again with a clean database.
* 4. With an (again) empty database we create two
* users: 'frank', and 'jack'.
* 5. We then try and restore the database backup from (2), which
* contains the original 'frank', 'joe', and 'jack' users.
* frank will have the same username and user id in the current
* database and the backup we are trying to restore.
* joe does not exist in the current database, but his user id
* in the backup will collide with that of jack in the current database.
* jack will have a different user id in the backup when compared to the current
* database, however he will have the same username.
* We want to make sure that after the restore, all three users are present
* that they have distinct and expected user ids and that any resources
* that were owned by them are still correctly owner by them (and not some other user).
public void restoreConflictingUsername() throws PermissionDeniedException, EXistException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, URISyntaxException, XMLDBException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException {
// creates a database with new users: 'frank(id=11)', 'joe(id=12)', and 'jack(id=13)'
createInitialUsers(FRANK_USER, JOE_USER, JACK_USER);
// create a backup of the database (which has the initial users)
final Path backupFile = backupDatabase();
// reset database to empty
// create new users: 'frank(id=11)' and 'jack(id=12)'
createInitialUsers(FRANK_USER, JACK_USER);
final String accountQuery = "declare namespace c = '';\n" + "for $account in //c:account\n" + "return\n" + "<user id='{$account/@id}' name='{$account/c:name}'/>";
final XPathQueryService xqs = (XPathQueryService) server.getRoot().getService("XPathQueryService", "1.0");
final SecurityManagerImpl sm = (SecurityManagerImpl) BrokerPool.getInstance().getSecurityManager();
// check the current user accounts
ResourceSet result = xqs.query(accountQuery);
assertUser(RealmImpl.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_ID, SecurityManager.DBA_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(0)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(RealmImpl.GUEST_ACCOUNT_ID, SecurityManager.GUEST_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(1)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 1, "frank", ((XMLResource) result.getResource(2)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 2, "jack", ((XMLResource) result.getResource(3)).getContentAsDOM());
// check the last user id
// last account id should be that of 'jack'
assertEquals(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 2, sm.getLastAccountId());
// create a test collection and give everyone access
final CollectionManagementService cms = (CollectionManagementService) server.getRoot().getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
final Collection test = cms.createCollection("test");
final UserManagementService testUms = (UserManagementService) test.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0");
// create and store a new document as 'frank'
final Collection frankTest = DatabaseManager.getCollection("xmldb:exist:///db/test", FRANK_USER, FRANK_USER);
final String FRANKS_DOCUMENT = "franks-document.xml";
final Resource frankDoc = frankTest.createResource(FRANKS_DOCUMENT, XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
// create and store a new document as 'jack'
final Collection jackTest = DatabaseManager.getCollection("xmldb:exist:///db/test", JACK_USER, JACK_USER);
final String JACKS_DOCUMENT = "jacks-document.xml";
final Resource jackDoc = jackTest.createResource(JACKS_DOCUMENT, XMLResource.RESOURCE_TYPE);
// restore the database backup
final EXistRestoreService service = (EXistRestoreService) server.getRoot().getService("RestoreService", "1.0");
service.restore(backupFile.normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString(), null, new NullRestoreServiceTaskListener(), false);
// check the current user accounts after the restore
result = xqs.query(accountQuery);
assertUser(RealmImpl.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_ID, SecurityManager.DBA_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(0)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(RealmImpl.GUEST_ACCOUNT_ID, SecurityManager.GUEST_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(1)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 1, FRANK_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(2)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 2, JACK_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(3)).getContentAsDOM());
assertUser(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 3, JOE_USER, ((XMLResource) result.getResource(4)).getContentAsDOM());
// check the last user id after the restore
// last account id should be that of 'joe'
assertEquals(SecurityManagerImpl.INITIAL_LAST_ACCOUNT_ID + 3, sm.getLastAccountId());
// check the owner of frank's document after restore
final Resource fDoc = test.getResource(FRANKS_DOCUMENT);
final Permission franksDocPermissions = testUms.getPermissions(fDoc);
assertEquals(FRANK_USER, franksDocPermissions.getOwner().getName());
// check the owner of jack's document after restore
final Resource jDoc = test.getResource(JACKS_DOCUMENT);
final Permission jacksDocPermissions = testUms.getPermissions(jDoc);
assertEquals(JACK_USER, jacksDocPermissions.getOwner().getName());
use of org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService in project exist by eXist-db.
the class AnnotationsTest method annotationInXMLNamespaceFails.
@Test(expected = XMLDBException.class)
public void annotationInXMLNamespaceFails() throws XMLDBException {
final String TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT = "hello world";
final String query = "declare namespace hello = '';\n" + "declare\n" + "%hello:world\n" + "function local:hello() {\n" + "'" + TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT + "'\n" + "};\n" + "local:hello()";
final XPathQueryService service = getQueryService();
use of org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService in project exist by eXist-db.
the class AnnotationsTest method annotationWithLiterals.
public void annotationWithLiterals() throws XMLDBException {
final String TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT = "hello world";
final String query = "declare namespace hello = '';\n" + "declare\n" + "%hello:world('a=b', 'b=c')\n" + "function local:hello() {\n" + "'" + TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT + "'\n" + "};\n" + "local:hello()";
final XPathQueryService service = getQueryService();
final ResourceSet result = service.query(query);
assertEquals(1, result.getSize());
Resource res = result.getIterator().nextResource();
assertEquals(TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT, res.getContent());
use of org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService in project exist by eXist-db.
the class AnnotationsTest method annotationInXMLSchemaNamespaceFails.
@Test(expected = XMLDBException.class)
public void annotationInXMLSchemaNamespaceFails() throws XMLDBException {
final String TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT = "hello world";
final String query = "declare namespace hello = '';\n" + "declare\n" + "%hello:world\n" + "function local:hello() {\n" + "'" + TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT + "'\n" + "};\n" + "local:hello()";
final XPathQueryService service = getQueryService();
use of org.xmldb.api.modules.XPathQueryService in project exist by eXist-db.
the class AnnotationsTest method annotationInXPathFunctionsMathNamespaceFails.
@Test(expected = XMLDBException.class)
public void annotationInXPathFunctionsMathNamespaceFails() throws XMLDBException {
final String TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT = "hello world";
final String query = "declare namespace hello = '';\n" + "declare\n" + "%hello:world\n" + "function local:hello() {\n" + "'" + TEST_VALUE_CONSTANT + "'\n" + "};\n" + "local:hello()";
final XPathQueryService service = getQueryService();