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Example 6 with IOServiceException

use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class DefaultIOService method getAnnotations.

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p>
 * This implementation retrieves all the objects of the annotation class in the document where target points to, and
 * which have the target set to {@code target}.
 * </p>
 * @see
public Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(String target) throws IOServiceException {
    try {
        // parse the target and extract the local reference serialized from it, by the same rules
        EntityReference targetReference = referenceResolver.resolve(target, EntityType.DOCUMENT);
        // build the target identifier for the annotation
        String localTargetId = target;
        // and the name of the document where it should be stored
        String docName = target;
        if (targetReference.getType() == EntityType.DOCUMENT || targetReference.getType() == EntityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY) {
            localTargetId = localSerializer.serialize(targetReference);
            docName = serializer.serialize(targetReference.extractReference(EntityType.DOCUMENT));
        // get the document
        XWikiContext deprecatedContext = getXWikiContext();
        XWikiDocument document = deprecatedContext.getWiki().getDocument(docName, deprecatedContext);
        // and the annotation class objects in it
        List<BaseObject> objects = document.getXObjects(configuration.getAnnotationClassReference());
        // and build a list of Annotation objects
        List<Annotation> result = new ArrayList<Annotation>();
        if (objects == null) {
            return Collections.<Annotation>emptySet();
        for (BaseObject object : objects) {
            // if it's not on the required target, ignore it
            if (object == null || !localTargetId.equals(object.getStringValue(Annotation.TARGET_FIELD))) {
            // use the object number as annotation id
            result.add(loadAnnotationFromObject(object, deprecatedContext));
        return result;
    } catch (XWikiException e) {
        throw new IOServiceException("An exception has occurred while loading the annotations", e);
Also used : XWikiDocument(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument) IOServiceException( EntityReference(org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) XWikiContext(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext) Annotation(org.xwiki.annotation.Annotation) XWikiException(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException) BaseObject(com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject)

Example 7 with IOServiceException

use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class DefaultIOService method addAnnotation.

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * <p>
 * This implementation saves the added annotation in the document where the target of the annotation is.
 * </p>
 * @see, org.xwiki.annotation.Annotation)
public void addAnnotation(String target, Annotation annotation) throws IOServiceException {
    try {
        // extract the document name from the passed target
        // by default the fullname is the passed target
        String documentFullName = target;
        EntityReference targetReference = referenceResolver.resolve(target, EntityType.DOCUMENT);
        // try to get a document reference from the passed target reference
        EntityReference docRef = targetReference.extractReference(EntityType.DOCUMENT);
        if (docRef != null) {
            documentFullName = serializer.serialize(docRef);
        // now get the document with that name
        XWikiContext deprecatedContext = getXWikiContext();
        XWikiDocument document = deprecatedContext.getWiki().getDocument(documentFullName, deprecatedContext);
        // create a new object in this document to hold the annotation
        // Make sure to use a relative reference when creating the XObject, since we can`t use absolute references
        // for an object's class. This avoids ugly log warning messages.
        EntityReference annotationClassReference = configuration.getAnnotationClassReference();
        annotationClassReference = annotationClassReference.removeParent(annotationClassReference.extractReference(EntityType.WIKI));
        int id = document.createXObject(annotationClassReference, deprecatedContext);
        BaseObject object = document.getXObject(configuration.getAnnotationClassReference(), id);
        updateObject(object, annotation, deprecatedContext);
        // and set additional data: author to annotation author, date to now and the annotation target
        object.set(Annotation.DATE_FIELD, new Date(), deprecatedContext);
        // TODO: maybe we shouldn't trust what we receive from the caller but set the author from the context.
        // Or the other way around, set the author of the document from the annotations author.
        object.set(Annotation.AUTHOR_FIELD, annotation.getAuthor(), deprecatedContext);
        // ftm don't store the type of the reference since we only need to recognize the field, not to also read it.
        if (targetReference.getType() == EntityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY || targetReference.getType() == EntityType.DOCUMENT) {
            object.set(Annotation.TARGET_FIELD, localSerializer.serialize(targetReference), deprecatedContext);
        } else {
            object.set(Annotation.TARGET_FIELD, target, deprecatedContext);
        // set the author of the document to the current user
        // Note: We make sure to only provide a few characters of contextual information in order to control the
        // size of the comment (we display the first 30 characters).
        deprecatedContext.getWiki().saveDocument(document, "Added annotation on \"" + StringUtils.abbreviate(annotation.getSelection(), 30) + "\"", deprecatedContext);
    } catch (XWikiException e) {
        throw new IOServiceException("An exception message has occurred while saving the annotation", e);
Also used : XWikiDocument(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument) IOServiceException( EntityReference(org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference) XWikiContext(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext) Date(java.util.Date) XWikiException(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException) BaseObject(com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject)


IOServiceException ( EntityReference (org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference)6 XWikiContext (com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext)5 XWikiException (com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException)5 XWikiDocument (com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument)5 BaseObject (com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject)5 Annotation (org.xwiki.annotation.Annotation)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Date (java.util.Date)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 AnnotationServiceException (org.xwiki.annotation.AnnotationServiceException)1 DocumentReference (org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference)1 ParseException (org.xwiki.rendering.parser.ParseException)1 TransformationException (org.xwiki.rendering.transformation.TransformationException)1