Search in sources :

Example 11 with Job

use of org.xwiki.job.Job in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class ExtensionManagerScriptServiceTest method testOverwriteAllowedNamespaces.

public void testOverwriteAllowedNamespaces() throws Throwable {
    InstallRequest installRequest = this.scriptService.createInstallRequest("extension", "version", "namespace");
    // Indicate all extensions of type "test" should be installed on root
    ((ScriptExtensionRewriter) installRequest.getRewriter()).installExtensionTypeOnRootNamespace("test");
    // Allow redirect on root
    Job job = this.scriptService.install(installRequest);
    if (job == null) {
        throw this.scriptService.getLastError();
    List<LogEvent> errors = job.getStatus().getLog().getLogsFrom(LogLevel.WARN);
    if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
        throw errors.get(0).getThrowable();
    // Validate
    InstalledExtensionRepository repository = mocker.getInstance(InstalledExtensionRepository.class);
    assertNotNull(repository.getInstalledExtension("extension", null));
Also used : LogEvent(org.xwiki.logging.event.LogEvent) InstallRequest(org.xwiki.extension.job.InstallRequest) Job(org.xwiki.job.Job) InstalledExtensionRepository(org.xwiki.extension.repository.InstalledExtensionRepository) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with Job

use of org.xwiki.job.Job in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class DocumentsDeletingListenerTest method testCancel.

public void testCancel() throws Exception {
    Request request = mock(Request.class);
    Job job = mock(Job.class);
    JobStatus status = mock(JobStatus.class);
    Map<EntityReference, EntitySelection> concernedEntities = new HashMap<>();
    DocumentReference doc1 = new DocumentReference("a", "b", "c1");
    concernedEntities.put(doc1, new EntitySelection(doc1));
    XarInstalledExtension ext1 = mock(XarInstalledExtension.class);
    when(ext1.getId()).thenReturn(new ExtensionId("ext1"));
    InterruptedException e = new InterruptedException();
    doThrow(e).when(status).ask(any(), anyLong(), any());
    // Test
    DocumentsDeletingEvent event = mock(DocumentsDeletingEvent.class);
    mocker.getComponentUnderTest().onEvent(event, job, concernedEntities);
    // Check
    verify(status, times(1)).ask(any(), eq(5L), eq(TimeUnit.MINUTES));
    verify(event).cancel(eq("Question has been interrupted."));
    verify(mocker.getMockedLogger()).warn("Confirm question has been interrupted.");
Also used : JobStatus(org.xwiki.job.event.status.JobStatus) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) XarInstalledExtension(org.xwiki.extension.xar.internal.repository.XarInstalledExtension) EntitySelection(org.xwiki.refactoring.job.question.EntitySelection) Request(org.xwiki.job.Request) EntityReference(org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference) ExtensionId(org.xwiki.extension.ExtensionId) Job(org.xwiki.job.Job) DocumentReference(org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference) DocumentsDeletingEvent(org.xwiki.bridge.event.DocumentsDeletingEvent) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 13 with Job

use of org.xwiki.job.Job in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class JobsResourceImpl method executeJob.

public JobStatus executeJob(String jobType, boolean async, JobRequest restJobRequest) throws XWikiRestException {
    // TODO: provide extension point to decide of the access depending on the job
    if (!this.authorization.hasAccess(Right.PROGRAM, null)) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(Status.UNAUTHORIZED);
    // Parse JobRequest
    DefaultRequest request = this.factory.toJobRequest(restJobRequest);
    if (request == null) {
        request = new DefaultRequest();
    // Start job
    Job job;
    try {
        // Give a few context related values to the job
        if (request.getProperty(JobRequestContext.KEY) == null) {
            JobRequestContext.set(request, this.xcontextProvider.get());
        job = this.jobExecutor.execute(jobType, request);
    } catch (JobException e) {
        throw new XWikiRestException("Failed to start job", e);
    // Wait for the job end if asked
    if (!async) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new XWikiRestException("The job as been interrupted", e);
        // Fail the HTTP request if the job failed
        if (job.getStatus().getError() != null) {
            throw new XWikiRestException("The job failed (" + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(job.getStatus().getError()) + ")", job.getStatus().getError());
    // Get job status
    org.xwiki.job.event.status.JobStatus status = job.getStatus();
    // Convert Job status
    return this.factory.toRestJobStatus(status, null, true, false, false, null);
Also used : JobException(org.xwiki.job.JobException) WebApplicationException( DefaultRequest(org.xwiki.job.DefaultRequest) XWikiRestException( Job(org.xwiki.job.Job)

Example 14 with Job

use of org.xwiki.job.Job in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class FlavorManagerScriptService method searchValidFlavors.

 * Start searching for valid flavors.
 * @param namespace the namespace where to validate the flavors
 * @return the {@link Job} searching the flavors
 * @since 8.0RC1
public Job searchValidFlavors(String namespace) {
    Job job = null;
    try {
        FlavorSearchRequest flavorRequest = new FlavorSearchRequest();
        job = this.jobExecutor.execute(FlavorSearchJob.JOBTYPE, flavorRequest);
    } catch (JobException e) {
    return job;
Also used : JobException(org.xwiki.job.JobException) FlavorSearchRequest(org.xwiki.platform.flavor.job.FlavorSearchRequest) Job(org.xwiki.job.Job) FlavorSearchJob(org.xwiki.platform.flavor.internal.job.FlavorSearchJob)

Example 15 with Job

use of org.xwiki.job.Job in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class SaveAction method save.

 * Saves the current document, updated according to the parameters sent in the request.
 * @param context The current request {@link XWikiContext context}.
 * @return <code>true</code> if there was an error and the response needs to render an error page,
 *         <code>false</code> if the document was correctly saved.
 * @throws XWikiException If an error occured: cannot communicate with the storage module, or cannot update the
 *             document because the request contains invalid parameters.
public boolean save(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
    XWiki xwiki = context.getWiki();
    XWikiRequest request = context.getRequest();
    XWikiDocument doc = context.getDoc();
    EditForm form = (EditForm) context.getForm();
    // Check save session
    int sectionNumber = 0;
    if (request.getParameter("section") != null && xwiki.hasSectionEdit(context)) {
        sectionNumber = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("section"));
    // We need to clone this document first, since a cached storage would return the same object for the
    // following requests, so concurrent request might get a partially modified object, or worse, if an error
    // occurs during the save, the cached object will not reflect the actual document at all.
    doc = doc.clone();
    String language = form.getLanguage();
    // FIXME Which one should be used: doc.getDefaultLanguage or
    // form.getDefaultLanguage()?
    // String defaultLanguage = ((EditForm) form).getDefaultLanguage();
    XWikiDocument tdoc;
    if (doc.isNew() || (language == null) || (language.equals("")) || (language.equals("default")) || (language.equals(doc.getDefaultLanguage()))) {
        // Saving the default document translation.
        // Need to save parent and defaultLanguage if they have changed
        tdoc = doc;
    } else {
        tdoc = doc.getTranslatedDocument(language, context);
        if ((tdoc == doc) && xwiki.isMultiLingual(context)) {
            // Saving a new document translation.
            tdoc = new XWikiDocument(doc.getDocumentReference());
        } else if (tdoc != doc) {
            // Saving an existing document translation (but not the default one).
            // Same as above, clone the object retrieved from the store cache.
            tdoc = tdoc.clone();
    if (doc.isNew()) {
        if (doc.getDefaultLocale() == Locale.ROOT) {
            doc.setDefaultLocale(LocaleUtils.toLocale(context.getWiki().getLanguagePreference(context), Locale.ROOT));
    try {
        tdoc.readFromTemplate(form.getTemplate(), context);
    } catch (XWikiException e) {
        if (e.getCode() == XWikiException.ERROR_XWIKI_APP_DOCUMENT_NOT_EMPTY) {
            context.put("exception", e);
            return true;
    if (sectionNumber != 0) {
        XWikiDocument sectionDoc = tdoc.clone();
        sectionDoc.readFromForm(form, context);
        String sectionContent = sectionDoc.getContent() + "\n";
        String content = tdoc.updateDocumentSection(sectionNumber, sectionContent);
    } else {
        tdoc.readFromForm(form, context);
    // TODO: handle Author
    String username = context.getUser();
    if (tdoc.isNew()) {
    // Make sure we have at least the meta data dirty status
    // Validate the document if we have xvalidate=1 in the request
    if ("1".equals(request.getParameter("xvalidate"))) {
        boolean validationResult = tdoc.validate(context);
        // If the validation fails we should show the "Inline form" edit mode
        if (validationResult == false) {
            // Set display context to 'edit'
            context.put("display", "edit");
            // Set the action used by the "Inline form" edit mode as the context action. See #render(XWikiContext).
            // Set the document in the context
            context.put("doc", doc);
            context.put("cdoc", tdoc);
            context.put("tdoc", tdoc);
            // Force the "Inline form" edit mode.
            getCurrentScriptContext().setAttribute("editor", "inline", ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
            return true;
    // redirect place-holders that are created when we move pages around.
    if (tdoc.getXObject(REDIRECT_CLASS) != null && request.getParameter("XWiki.RedirectClass_0_location") == null) {
    // We get the comment to be used from the document
    // It was read using readFromForm
    xwiki.saveDocument(tdoc, tdoc.getComment(), tdoc.isMinorEdit(), context);
    Job createJob = startCreateJob(tdoc.getDocumentReference(), form);
    if (createJob != null) {
        if (isAsync(request)) {
            if (Utils.isAjaxRequest(context)) {
                // Redirect to the job status URL of the job we have just launched.
                sendRedirect(context.getResponse(), String.format("%s/rest/jobstatus/%s?media=json", context.getRequest().getContextPath(), serializeJobId(createJob.getRequest().getId())));
        // else redirect normally and the operation will eventually finish in the background.
        // Note: It is preferred that async mode is called in an AJAX request that can display the progress.
        } else {
            // Sync mode, default, wait for the work to finish.
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new XWikiException(String.format("Interrupted while waiting for template [%s] to be processed when creating the document [%s]", form.getTemplate(), tdoc.getDocumentReference()), e);
    } else {
        // Nothing more to do, just unlock the document.
        XWikiLock lock = tdoc.getLock(context);
        if (lock != null) {
    return false;
Also used : XWikiDocument(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument) XWiki(com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki) Job(org.xwiki.job.Job) XWikiException(com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException) XWikiLock(com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiLock)


Job (org.xwiki.job.Job)41 Test (org.junit.Test)11 JobStatus (org.xwiki.job.event.status.JobStatus)10 AbstractExtensionJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.AbstractExtensionJob)8 InstallJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.InstallJob)8 UninstallJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.UninstallJob)8 JobException (org.xwiki.job.JobException)8 DocumentReference (org.xwiki.model.reference.DocumentReference)8 InstallRequest (org.xwiki.extension.job.InstallRequest)7 UpgradePlanJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.UpgradePlanJob)7 InstallPlanJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.InstallPlanJob)6 UninstallPlanJob (org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.UninstallPlanJob)6 XWikiException (com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException)5 LogEvent (org.xwiki.logging.event.LogEvent)5 InstallException (org.xwiki.extension.InstallException)4 UninstallException (org.xwiki.extension.UninstallException)4 XarInstalledExtension (org.xwiki.extension.xar.internal.repository.XarInstalledExtension)4 EntityReference (org.xwiki.model.reference.EntityReference)4 WikiReference (org.xwiki.model.reference.WikiReference)4 IOException (