use of org.xwiki.query.Query in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class QueryGeneratorTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
queryManager = mocker.getInstance(QueryManager.class);
notificationPreferenceManager = mocker.getInstance(NotificationPreferenceManager.class);
serializer = mocker.getInstance(EntityReferenceSerializer.TYPE_STRING);
userPreferencesSource = mocker.getInstance(ConfigurationSource.class, "user");
wikiDescriptorManager = mocker.getInstance(WikiDescriptorManager.class);
notificationFilterManager = mocker.getInstance(NotificationFilterManager.class);
startDate = new Date(10);
query = mock(Query.class);
when(queryManager.createQuery(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(query);
pref1StartDate = new Date(100000000);
NotificationPreference pref1 = mock(NotificationPreference.class);
when(pref1.getProperties()).thenReturn(Collections.singletonMap(NotificationPreferenceProperty.EVENT_TYPE, "create"));
when(notificationPreferenceManager.getPreferences(userReference, true, NotificationFormat.ALERT)).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(pref1));
NotificationFilterPreference fakeFilterPreference = mock(NotificationFilterPreference.class);
when(userPreferencesSource.getProperty("displayHiddenDocuments", 0)).thenReturn(0);
use of org.xwiki.query.Query in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class DefaultNotificationManager method getEvents.
private List<CompositeEvent> getEvents(List<CompositeEvent> results, Parameters parameters) throws NotificationException {
// Because the user might not be able to see all notifications because of the rights, we take from the database
// more events than expected and we will filter afterwards.
final int batchSize = parameters.expectedCount * 2;
try {
// Create the query
Query query = queryGenerator.generateQuery(parameters.userReference, parameters.format, parameters.endDate, parameters.fromDate, parameters.blackList);
if (query == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// Get a batch of events
List<Event> batch = eventStream.searchEvents(query);
// Add to the results the events the user has the right to see
for (Event event : batch) {
DocumentReference document = event.getDocument();
// Don't record events concerning a doc the user cannot see
if (document != null && !authorizationManager.hasAccess(Right.VIEW, parameters.userReference, document)) {
if (filterEvent(event, parameters)) {
// Record this event
recordEvent(results, event);
// If the expected count is reached, stop now
if (results.size() >= parameters.expectedCount) {
return results;
// If we haven't get the expected number of events, perform a new batch
if (results.size() < parameters.expectedCount && batch.size() == batchSize) {
getEvents(results, parameters);
return results;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NotificationException("Fail to get the list of notifications.", e);
use of org.xwiki.query.Query in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class ExplicitlyAllowedValuesDBListQueryBuilder method build.
public Query build(DBListClass dbListClass) throws QueryException {
String statement = dbListClass.getSql();
DocumentReference authorReference = dbListClass.getOwnerDocument().getAuthorReference();
if (this.authorizationManager.hasAccess(Right.SCRIPT, authorReference, dbListClass.getReference())) {
String namespace = this.entityReferenceSerializer.serialize(dbListClass.getDocumentReference());
try {
statement = -> {
return evaluateVelocityCode(dbListClass.getSql(), namespace);
}, authorReference);
} catch (Exception e) {
this.logger.warn("Failed to evaluate the Velocity code from the query [{}]." + " Root cause is [{}]. Continuing with the raw query.", statement, ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e));
Query query = this.secureQueryManager.createQuery(statement, Query.HQL);
return query;
use of org.xwiki.query.Query in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class XClassMigratorListener method migrate.
private void migrate(PropertyClass newPropertyClass) throws QueryException {
ClassPropertyReference propertyReference = newPropertyClass.getReference();
EntityReference classReference = propertyReference.extractReference(EntityType.DOCUMENT);
EntityReference wikiReference = propertyReference.extractReference(EntityType.WIKI);
// Get all document containing object of modified class
Query query = this.queryManager.createQuery("from doc.object(" + this.localSerializer.serialize(classReference) + ") as obj", Query.XWQL);
List<String> documents = query.execute();
if (!documents.isEmpty()) {
XWikiContext xcontext = this.xcontextProvider.get();
String currentWikiId = xcontext.getWikiId();
try {
// Switch to class wiki to be safer
for (String documentName : documents) {
try {
migrate(newPropertyClass, documentName, xcontext);
} catch (XWikiException e) {
this.logger.error("Failed to migrate property [{}] in document [{}]", propertyReference, documentName, xcontext);
} finally {
// Restore context wiki
use of org.xwiki.query.Query in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class DefaultGroupsQueryBuilder method build.
public Query build(GroupsClass groupsClass) throws QueryException {
// We select distinct results because the document that defines the group has multiple XWiki.XWikiGroups
// objects, one for each group member. We order by document full name because the group document title is often
// empty. We could use coalesce and nullif functions to fall back on the document name when the title is empty
// but it complicates too much the query (and we can have a lot of XWiki.XWikiGroups objects, more than the
// number of users). We have to select the lower case version of the group reference in order to be able to use
// it in the order by clause (otherwise we get "PSQLException: ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions
// must appear in select list").
String statement = new StringBuilder("select distinct doc.fullName as groupReference, doc.title as groupName,").append(" lower(doc.fullName) as lowerGroupReference ").append("from XWikiDocument doc, BaseObject obj ").append("where doc.fullName = and obj.className = 'XWiki.XWikiGroups'").append(" and = 'XWiki' and <> 'XWikiGroupTemplate' ").append("order by lowerGroupReference, groupReference").toString();
Query query = this.queryManager.createQuery(statement, Query.HQL);
// Resolve the document full name from the first column into a DocumentReference (the group profile reference).
// Remove the groups whose profile page is not viewable by the current user.
return query;