use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class AuthorizationManagerTest method testGlobalUserInEmptySubWiki.
// Tests
public void testGlobalUserInEmptySubWiki() throws Exception {
LegacyTestWiki testWiki = new LegacyTestWiki(getMockery(), getComponentManager(), "emptySubWiki.xml", false);
XWikiContext ctx = testWiki.getXWikiContext();
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.VIEW, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.EDIT, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.COMMENT, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.DELETE, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.REGISTER, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.ADMIN, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessFalse("User from global wiki should have the same rights on empty subwiki", Right.PROGRAM, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki2", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class AuthorizationManagerTest method testRightOnUserAndDelete.
// Cache tests
public void testRightOnUserAndDelete() throws Exception {
LegacyTestWiki testWiki = new LegacyTestWiki(getMockery(), getComponentManager(), "usersAndGroups.xml", false);
XWikiContext ctx = testWiki.getXWikiContext();
assertAccessTrue("User should have view right", Right.VIEW, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessTrue("User should have view right", Right.VIEW, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user2"), new DocumentReference("wiki", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
testWiki.deleteUser("user", "wiki");
assertAccessFalse("User should have view right", Right.VIEW, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user"), new DocumentReference("wiki", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
assertAccessTrue("User should have view right", Right.VIEW, new DocumentReference("wiki", "XWiki", "user2"), new DocumentReference("wiki", "Space", "Page"), ctx);
use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class XWikiRightServiceTest method testRelativeDocumentReference.
public void testRelativeDocumentReference() throws Exception {
LegacyTestWiki testWiki = newTestWiki("denieddocument.xml", true);
XWikiContext ctx = testWiki.getXWikiContext();
// view
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "view", "wiki:XWiki.user", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "view", "wiki:XWiki.user", "Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "view", "wiki:XWiki.user", "Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelTrue("User does not have right on the document space", "view", "wiki:XWiki.user", "", ctx);
// edit
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "edit", "XWiki.user", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "edit", "XWiki.user", "Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalse("User has right on the denied document", "edit", "XWiki.user", "Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelTrue("User does not have right on the document space", "edit", "XWiki.user", "", ctx);
use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class XWikiRightServiceTest method testGuestRightsOnEmptyWiki.
public void testGuestRightsOnEmptyWiki() throws Exception {
LegacyTestWiki testWiki = newTestWiki("empty.xml", true);
XWikiContext ctx = testWiki.getXWikiContext();
assertAccessLevelTrue("Guest does not have view right on empty wiki.", "view", "wiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelTrue("Guest does not have edit right on empty wiki.", "edit", "wiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalseExpectedDifference("Guest should not have delete right on empty wiki.", "delete", "wiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalseExpectedDifference("Guest should not have admin right on empty wiki.", "admin", "wiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertAccessLevelFalse("Guest should not have programming right on empty wiki.", "programming", "wiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest", "wiki:Space.Page", ctx);
assertWikiAdminRightsFalseExpectedDifference("Guest should not have admin right on empty wiki.", ctx);
assertAdminRightsFalseExpectedDifference("Guest should not have admin right on empty wiki.", ctx);