use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.AttachmentsPane in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class AttachmentTest method testAttachAndViewGifImage.
* See XWIKI-5896: The image handling in the WYSIWYG-editor with GIF images is buggy.
@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void testAttachAndViewGifImage() {
// Prepare the page to display the GIF image. We explicitly set the width to a value greater than the actual
// image width because we want the code that resizes the image on the server side to be executed (even if the
// image is not actually resized).
ViewPage viewPage = getUtil().createPage(getClass().getSimpleName(), getTestMethodName(), String.format("[[image:image.gif||width=%s]]", (20 + RandomUtils.nextInt(0, 200))), getTestClassName());
// TODO: Remove when XWIKI-6688 (Possible race condition when clicking on a tab at the bottom of a page in
// view mode) is fixed.
// Attach the GIF image.
AttachmentsPane attachmentsPane = viewPage.openAttachmentsDocExtraPane();
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.AttachmentsPane in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CopyPageTest method testCopyPage.
@IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See")
public void testCopyPage() throws Exception {
String sourceSpaceName = getTestClassName();
String sourcePageName = getTestMethodName();
String targetSpaceName = getTestClassName() + "Copy";
String targetPageName = getTestMethodName() + "Copy";
// Delete page that may already exist
getUtil().rest().deletePage(sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName);
getUtil().rest().deletePage(targetSpaceName, targetPageName);
// Create a new page that will be copied.
ViewPage viewPage = getUtil().createPage(sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName, PAGE_CONTENT, sourcePageName);
// Add an attachment to verify that it's version is not incremented in the target document (XWIKI-8157).
// FIXME: Remove the following wait when XWIKI-6688 is fixed.
AttachmentsPane attachmentsPane = viewPage.openAttachmentsDocExtraPane();
Assert.assertEquals("1.1", attachmentsPane.getLatestVersionOfAttachment("image.gif"));
// Click on Copy from the Page top menu.
CopyPage copyPage = new CopyPage();
// Check the source document
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("", sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName), copyPage.getSourceLocation().getPath());
Assert.assertEquals(sourceSpaceName, copyPage.getSourceSpaceName());
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, copyPage.getSourcePageName());
// Check the default target document.
DocumentPicker documentPicker = copyPage.getDocumentPicker();
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, documentPicker.getTitle());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("", sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName), documentPicker.getLocation().getPath());
Assert.assertEquals(sourceSpaceName, copyPage.getTargetSpaceName());
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, copyPage.getTargetPageName());
// Fill the target destination the page to be copied to.
// The target page name is updated based on the entered title.
Assert.assertEquals(targetPageName, copyPage.getTargetPageName());
documentPicker.waitForLocation(Arrays.asList("", sourceSpaceName, targetPageName));
// Select a new parent document.
documentPicker.waitForLocation(Arrays.asList("", targetSpaceName, targetPageName));
// Click copy button
CopyOrRenameStatusPage copyStatusPage = copyPage.clickCopyButton().waitUntilFinished();
// Check successful copy confirmation
Assert.assertEquals(COPY_SUCCESSFUL, copyStatusPage.getInfoMessage());
viewPage = copyStatusPage.gotoNewPage();
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("", targetSpaceName, targetPageName), viewPage.getBreadcrumb().getPath());
// Verify that the copied title is modified to be the new page name since it was set to be the page name
// originally.
Assert.assertEquals(targetPageName, viewPage.getDocumentTitle());
Assert.assertEquals(PAGE_CONTENT, viewPage.getContent());
// Verify the attachment version is the same (XWIKI-8157).
// FIXME: Remove the following wait when XWIKI-6688 is fixed.
attachmentsPane = viewPage.openAttachmentsDocExtraPane();
Assert.assertEquals("1.1", attachmentsPane.getLatestVersionOfAttachment("image.gif"));