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Example 6 with LiveTableElement

use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class AllDocsTest method attachmentsTabFilteringAndSorting.

 * This test is against XWiki Enterprise XE-701 (fixed in 2.5M1) WARN:
 * calling isReady() and waitUntilReady() from inside this class fails.
@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void attachmentsTabFilteringAndSorting() throws Exception {
    // Create 2 pages with attachments so that this test filter returns only one.
    // Note that we need to be logged in.
    getUtil().createPageWithAttachment(getTestClassName(), "Page", null, null, "attachment1.txt", new ByteArrayInputStream("attachment content1".getBytes()), TestUtils.SUPER_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS);
    getUtil().createPageWithAttachment(getTestClassName(), "OtherPage", null, null, "attachment2.txt", new ByteArrayInputStream("attachment content2".getBytes()), TestUtils.SUPER_ADMIN_CREDENTIALS);
    AllDocsPage docsPage = AllDocsPage.gotoPage();
    LiveTableElement liveTable = docsPage.clickAttachmentsTab();
    // Here we test if all the Columns are displayed.
    assertTrue("No Type column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Type"));
    assertTrue("No Name column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Name"));
    assertTrue("No Location column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Location"));
    assertTrue("No Size column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Size"));
    assertTrue("No Date column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Date"));
    assertTrue("No Author column found", liveTable.hasColumn("Author"));
    assertEquals(2, liveTable.getRowCount());
    // Filter by attachment file name.
    liveTable.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-allattachments-filter-2", "t1");
    assertEquals(1, liveTable.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("attachment1.txt", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(1), 2).getText());
    // Clear the filter.
    liveTable.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-allattachments-filter-2", "");
    // Filter by attachment location.
    liveTable.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-allattachments-filter-3", "th");
    assertEquals(1, liveTable.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("AllDocsTestOtherPage", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(1), 3).getText());
    // Clear the filter.
    liveTable.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-allattachments-filter-3", "");
    // Sort by attachment file name. The live table should be already sorted by file name ascending. This will
    // reverse the order.
    assertEquals("attachment2.txt", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(2), 2).getText());
    assertEquals(2, liveTable.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("attachment2.txt", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(1), 2).getText());
    // Sort by attachment location.
    assertEquals("AllDocsTestPage", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(2), 3).getText());
    assertEquals(2, liveTable.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("AllDocsTestPage", liveTable.getCell(liveTable.getRow(1), 3).getText());
Also used : AllDocsPage(org.xwiki.index.test.po.AllDocsPage) LiveTableElement(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement) ByteArrayInputStream( IgnoreBrowsers(org.xwiki.test.ui.browser.IgnoreBrowsers) Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractTest(org.xwiki.test.ui.AbstractTest)

Example 7 with LiveTableElement

use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class SpacesTest method spacesMacro.

@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void spacesMacro() {
    // Create a page with special characters in space name
    // See XE-1228: Broken links displayed in the Spaces widget if a space name contains a colon
    // See XE-1298: Spaces macro doesn't list spaces that contain a colon in their name
    String spaceName = getTestClassName() + ":" + getTestMethodName() + "&";
    String referenceEscapedSpaceName = getTestClassName() + "\\:" + getTestMethodName() + "&";
    // Make sure the new space's WebHome page doesn't exist.
    getUtil().deletePage(spaceName, "WebHome");
    // Create the new space using the UI and verify it leads to the space home page being edited.
    SpacesMacroPage macroPage = SpacesMacroPage.gotoPage();
    WikiEditPage editPage = new WikiEditPage();
    // Verify that space creation uses the space name as the space home page's title
    assertEquals(spaceName, editPage.getDocumentTitle());
    // Verify that the space created is correct by looking at the generate metadata in the HTML header
    // (they contain the space reference amongst other data).
    // Note: the value will be escaped since it is the space reference, not the space name.
    assertEquals(referenceEscapedSpaceName, editPage.getMetaDataValue("space"));
    // Go back to the Spaces Macro page and verify that the link to space index works
    // First, save the space's home page
    macroPage = SpacesMacroPage.gotoPage();
    // Assert the content of the space index live table.
    LiveTableElement spaceIndexLiveTable = new SpaceIndexPage().getLiveTable();
    assertEquals(1, spaceIndexLiveTable.getRowCount());
    assertTrue(spaceIndexLiveTable.hasRow("Page", "WebHome"));
    assertTrue(spaceIndexLiveTable.hasRow("Space", referenceEscapedSpaceName));
    // Go back to the Spaces Macro page and this time verify that the link to the space home page works
    macroPage = SpacesMacroPage.gotoPage();
    ViewPage spaceHomePage = macroPage.getSpacesMacroPane().clickSpaceHome(referenceEscapedSpaceName);
    assertEquals(spaceName, spaceHomePage.getDocumentTitle());
Also used : LiveTableElement(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement) SpacesMacroPage(org.xwiki.index.test.po.SpacesMacroPage) ViewPage(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage) WikiEditPage(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.editor.WikiEditPage) SpaceIndexPage(org.xwiki.index.test.po.SpaceIndexPage) IgnoreBrowsers(org.xwiki.test.ui.browser.IgnoreBrowsers) AbstractTest(org.xwiki.test.ui.AbstractTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with LiveTableElement

use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class MailStatusAdministrationSectionPage method getLiveTable.

 * @return the status live table
public LiveTableElement getLiveTable() {
    LiveTableElement lt = new LiveTableElement("sendmailstatus");
    return lt;
Also used : LiveTableElement(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement)

Example 9 with LiveTableElement

use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class MailTest method testMail.

public void testMail() throws Exception {
    // Step 0: Delete all pre-existing mails to start clean. This also verifies the deleteAll() script service
    // API.
    String content = "{{velocity}}$services.mailstorage.deleteAll(){{/velocity}}";
    ViewPage deleteAllPage = getUtil().createPage(getTestClassName(), "DeleteAll", content, "");
    // Verify that the page doesn't display any content (unless there's an error!)
    assertEquals("", deleteAllPage.getContent());
    // Step 1: Verify that there are 2 email sections in the Mail category
    AdministrationPage wikiAdministrationPage = AdministrationPage.gotoPage();
    Assert.assertTrue(wikiAdministrationPage.hasSection("Mail", "Mail Sending"));
    Assert.assertTrue(wikiAdministrationPage.hasSection("Mail", "Mail Sending Status"));
    Assert.assertTrue(wikiAdministrationPage.hasSection("Mail", "Advanced"));
    // Verify we can click on Mail > Advanced
    wikiAdministrationPage.clickSection("Mail", "Advanced");
    // Step 2: Before validating that we can send email, let's verify that we can report errors when the mail
    // setup is not correct
    // Make sure there's an invalid mail server set.
    wikiAdministrationPage.clickSection("Mail", "Mail Sending");
    SendMailAdministrationSectionPage sendMailPage = new SendMailAdministrationSectionPage();
    // Send the mail that's supposed to fail and validate that it fails
    // Step 3: Navigate to each mail section and set the mail sending parameters (SMTP host/port)
    wikiAdministrationPage = AdministrationPage.gotoPage();
    wikiAdministrationPage.clickSection("Mail", "Mail Sending");
    sendMailPage = new SendMailAdministrationSectionPage();
    // Make sure we don't wait between email sending in order to speed up the test (and not incur timeouts when
    // we wait to receive the mails)
    // Keep all mail statuses including successful ones (so that we verify this works fine)
    // Step 3: Verify that there are no admin email sections when administering a space
    // Select XWiki space administration.
    AdministrationPage spaceAdministrationPage = AdministrationPage.gotoSpaceAdministrationPage("XWiki");
    // 2018-01-31: Got a failure on CI showing that the first assert below this line was failing because the
    // current page was still the one before move to the XWiki space admin. Thus taking extra step to ensure we
    // wait. However I don't understand why this happens since getDriver().url() called by
    // gotoSpaceAdministrationPage() should wait for the page to be loaded before returning.
    getDriver().waitUntilCondition(driver -> spaceAdministrationPage.getMetaDataValue("reference").equals("xwiki:XWiki.WebPreferences"));
    // All those sections should not be present
    Assert.assertTrue(spaceAdministrationPage.hasNotSection("Mail", "Mail Sending"));
    Assert.assertTrue(spaceAdministrationPage.hasNotSection("Mail", "Mail Sending Status"));
    Assert.assertTrue(spaceAdministrationPage.hasNotSection("Mail", "Advanced"));
    // Step 4: Prepare a Template Mail
    getUtil().deletePage(getTestClassName(), "MailTemplate");
    // Create a Wiki page containing a Mail Template (ie a XWiki.Mail object)
    getUtil().createPage(getTestClassName(), "MailTemplate", "", "");
    // Note: We use the following bindings in the Template subject and content so that we ensure that they are
    // provided by default:
    // - "$xwiki"
    // - "$xcontext"
    // - "$escapetool"
    // - "$services"
    // - "$request"
    // Note: We also use the $name and $doc bindings to show that the user can add new bindings ($doc is not bound
    // by default since there isn't always a notion of current doc in all places where mail sending is done).
    // Note: We use $xwiki.getURL() in the content to verify that we generate full external URLs.
    String velocityContent = "Hello $name from $escapetool.xml($services.model.resolveDocument(" + "$xcontext.getUser()).getName()) - Served from $request.getRequestURL().toString() - " + "url: $xwiki.getURL('Main.WebHome')";
    getUtil().addObject(getTestClassName(), "MailTemplate", "XWiki.Mail", "subject", "#if ($xwiki.exists($doc.documentReference))Status for $name on $doc.fullName#{else}wrong#end", "language", "en", "html", "<strong>" + velocityContent + "</strong>", "text", velocityContent);
    // We also add an attachment to the Mail Template page to verify that it is sent in the mail
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream("Content of attachment".getBytes());
    getUtil().attachFile(getTestClassName(), "MailTemplate", "something.txt", bais, true, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("superadmin", "pass"));
    // Step 5: Send a template email (with an attachment) to a single email address
    // Step 6: Send a template email to all the users in the XWikiAllGroup Group (we'll create 2 users) + to
    // two other users (however since they're part of the group they'll receive only one mail each, we thus test
    // deduplicatio!).
    // Step 7: Navigate to the Mail Sending Status Admin page and assert that the Livetable displays the entry for
    // the sent mails
    wikiAdministrationPage = AdministrationPage.gotoPage();
    wikiAdministrationPage.clickSection("Mail", "Mail Sending Status");
    MailStatusAdministrationSectionPage statusPage = new MailStatusAdministrationSectionPage();
    LiveTableElement liveTableElement = statusPage.getLiveTable();
    liveTableElement.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-sendmailstatus-filter-3", "Test");
    liveTableElement.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-sendmailstatus-filter-5", "send_success");
    liveTableElement.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-sendmailstatus-filter-6", "xwiki");
    // Let's wait till we have at least 3 rows. Note that we wait because we could have received the mails above
    // but the last mail's status in the database may not have been updated yet. Note that The first 2 are
    // guaranteed to have been updated since we send mail in one thread one after another and we update the
    // database after sending each mail.
    liveTableElement.filterColumn("xwiki-livetable-sendmailstatus-filter-4", "");
    assertTrue(liveTableElement.getRowCount() > 0);
    assertTrue(liveTableElement.hasRow("Error", ""));
Also used : AdministrationPage(org.xwiki.administration.test.po.AdministrationPage) LiveTableElement(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement) SendMailAdministrationSectionPage(org.xwiki.mail.test.po.SendMailAdministrationSectionPage) ByteArrayInputStream( ViewPage(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage) MailStatusAdministrationSectionPage(org.xwiki.mail.test.po.MailStatusAdministrationSectionPage) UsernamePasswordCredentials(org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials) Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractTest(org.xwiki.test.ui.AbstractTest) ServerSetupTest(com.icegreen.greenmail.util.ServerSetupTest)

Example 10 with LiveTableElement

use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class ReleaseTest method testRelease.

public void testRelease() {
    // Create a user and log in with it so that we test the application with a standard user
    // Note that using the superadmin user would also fail since the uservatar macro doesn't work with it.
    getUtil().createUserAndLogin(getTestClassName() + "User", "password");
    // Delete pages that we create in the test (we have to be logged in).
    getUtil().deletePage("Release", RELEASE_PAGE_NAME);
    // Navigate to the Release app by clicking in the Application Panel.
    // This verifies that the Release application is registered in the Applications Panel.
    // It also verifies that the Translation is registered properly.
    ApplicationsPanel applicationPanel = ApplicationsPanel.gotoPage();
    ViewPage vp = applicationPanel.clickApplication("Release");
    // Verify we're on the right page!
    Assert.assertEquals(ReleaseHomePage.getSpace(), vp.getMetaDataValue("space"));
    Assert.assertEquals(ReleaseHomePage.getPage(), vp.getMetaDataValue("page"));
    ReleaseHomePage homePage = new ReleaseHomePage();
    // Add new Release
    ReleaseEntryEditPage entryPage = homePage.addRelease(RELEASE_VERSION);
    vp = entryPage.waitUntilPageIsLoaded().clickSaveAndView();
    // Go back to the home page by clicking in the breadcrumb
    // Assert Livetable:
    // - verify that the Translation has been applied by checking the Translated livetable column name
    // - verify that the Livetable contains our new Release entry
    LiveTableElement lt = homePage.getReleaseLiveTable();
    Assert.assertTrue(lt.hasRow("Version", RELEASE_VERSION));
Also used : LiveTableElement(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement) ApplicationsPanel(org.xwiki.panels.test.po.ApplicationsPanel) ReleaseEntryEditPage(org.xwiki.release.test.po.ReleaseEntryEditPage) ViewPage(org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage) ReleaseHomePage(org.xwiki.release.test.po.ReleaseHomePage) AbstractTest(org.xwiki.test.ui.AbstractTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


LiveTableElement (org.xwiki.test.ui.po.LiveTableElement)26 Test (org.junit.Test)16 AbstractTest (org.xwiki.test.ui.AbstractTest)15 ApplicationHomePage (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.ApplicationHomePage)8 IgnoreBrowsers (org.xwiki.test.ui.browser.IgnoreBrowsers)6 ApplicationHomeEditPage (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.ApplicationHomeEditPage)5 EntryEditPage (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.EntryEditPage)5 EntryNamePane (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.EntryNamePane)5 ViewPage (org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( WebElement (org.openqa.selenium.WebElement)2 ApplicationClassEditPage (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.ApplicationClassEditPage)2 ClassFieldEditPane (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.ClassFieldEditPane)2 AllDocsPage (org.xwiki.index.test.po.AllDocsPage)2 WikiEditPage (org.xwiki.test.ui.po.editor.WikiEditPage)2 ServerSetupTest (com.icegreen.greenmail.util.ServerSetupTest)1 UsernamePasswordCredentials (org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials)1 WebDriver (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver)1 AdministrationPage (org.xwiki.administration.test.po.AdministrationPage)1 AppWithinMinutesHomePage (org.xwiki.appwithinminutes.test.po.AppWithinMinutesHomePage)1