use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.ExecutionFlow in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerStateVectorTest method testSCStateVectorDeepNonOrthopgonal.
* The state vector descriptor of the ExecutionFlow must have an offset of 0
* and a size that is the maximum orthogonality of the statechart.
public void testSCStateVectorDeepNonOrthopgonal() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("test");
Region r = _createRegion("r", sc);
_createState("s1", r);
State s2 = _createState("s2", r);
Region s2_r = _createRegion("r", s2);
State s2_1 = _createState("s2_1", s2_r);
Region s2_1_r = _createRegion("r", s2_1);
_createState("s2_1_1", s2_1_r);
_createState("s2_1_2", s2_1_r);
_createState("s2_2", s2_r);
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
assertStateVector(0, 1, flow.getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 0, "test.r.s1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 1, "test.r.s2").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 2, "test.r.s2.r.s2_1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 3, "test.r.s2.r.s2_1.r.s2_1_1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 4, "test.r.s2.r.s2_1.r.s2_1_2").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 5, "test.r.s2.r.s2_2").getStateVector());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.ExecutionFlow in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerStateVectorTest method testSCStateVectorDeepOrthopgonal.
* The state vector descriptor of the ExecutionFlow must have an offset of 0
* and a size that is the maximum orthogonality of the statechart.
public void testSCStateVectorDeepOrthopgonal() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("test");
// first top region
Region r = _createRegion("r1", sc);
_createState("s1", r);
State s2 = _createState("s2", r);
// first sub region
Region s2_r = _createRegion("r", s2);
State s2_1 = _createState("s2_1", s2_r);
// first sub sub region
Region s2_1_r = _createRegion("r1", s2_1);
_createState("s2_1_1", s2_1_r);
_createState("s2_1_2", s2_1_r);
// second sub sub region
Region s2_2_r = _createRegion("r2", s2_1);
_createState("s2_1_3", s2_2_r);
_createState("s2_1_4", s2_2_r);
_createState("s2_2", s2_r);
// second top region
Region r = _createRegion("r2", sc);
_createState("s3", r);
_createState("s4", r);
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
assertStateVector(0, 3, flow.getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 0, "test.r1.s1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 2, getAssertedExState(flow, 1, "test.r1.s2").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 2, getAssertedExState(flow, 2, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 3, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_1.r1.s2_1_1").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 4, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_1.r1.s2_1_2").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(1, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 5, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_1.r2.s2_1_3").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(1, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 6, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_1.r2.s2_1_4").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(0, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 7, "test.r1.s2.r.s2_2").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(2, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 8, "test.r2.s3").getStateVector());
assertStateVector(2, 1, getAssertedExState(flow, 9, "test.r2.s4").getStateVector());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.ExecutionFlow in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerStateVectorTest method testSCStateVectorPseudoStates.
* The state vector descriptor of the ExecutionFlow must have an offset of 0
* and a size that is the maximum orthogonality of the statechart.
public void testSCStateVectorPseudoStates() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("test");
// first top region
Region r = _createRegion("sc_r1", sc);
Entry e = _createEntry(EntryKind.INITIAL, null, r);
Entry s = _createEntry(null, "s", r);
_createTransition(e, s);
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
assertEquals(0, flow.getStateVector().getSize());
assertEquals(0, flow.getStateVector().getOffset());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.ExecutionFlow in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerStateVectorTest method testSCStateVectorFlatNonOrthopgonal.
* The state vector descriptor of the ExecutionFlow must have an offset of 0
* and a size that is the maximum orthogonality of the statechart.
public void testSCStateVectorFlatNonOrthopgonal() {
SimpleFlatTSC tsc = new SimpleFlatTSC();
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(;
assertEquals(1, flow.getStateVector().getSize());
assertEquals(0, flow.getStateVector().getOffset());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.ExecutionFlow in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerStateVectorTest method testSCStateVectorEmptyRegion.
* The state vector descriptor of the ExecutionFlow must have an offset of 0
* and a size that is the maximum orthogonality of the statechart.
public void testSCStateVectorEmptyRegion() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("test");
// first top region
_createRegion("sc_r1", sc);
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
assertEquals(0, flow.getStateVector().getSize());
assertEquals(0, flow.getStateVector().getOffset());