use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.Sequence in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerHierarchyTest method testParentExitPartial.
* The transition sequence must contain all exit actions for parent states
* that will be left by a transition. A parent state may have no exit
* action.
public void testParentExitPartial() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("sc");
InterfaceScope s_scope = _createInterfaceScope("Interface", sc);
VariableDefinition v1 = _createVariableDefinition("v1", TYPE_INTEGER, s_scope);
Region r = _createRegion("r", sc);
State s1 = _createState("s1", r);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s1, 1);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s1);
State s3 = _createState("s3", r_s1);
Region r_s3 = _createRegion("r", s3);
State s4 = _createState("s4", r_s3);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s4, 3);
State s5 = _createState("s5", r_s3);
State s2 = _createState("s2", r);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s2);
_createState("s6", r_s1);
_createTransition(findState(sc, "s4"), findState(sc, "s6"));
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
ExecutionState _s1 = flow.getStates().get(0);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1", _s1.getName());
ExecutionState _s3 = flow.getStates().get(1);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3", _s3.getName());
ExecutionState _s4 = flow.getStates().get(2);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3.r.s4", _s4.getName());
Reaction _t = _s4.getReactions().get(0);
Sequence _effect = (Sequence) _t.getEffect();
assertEquals(2, _effect.getSteps().size());
assertCall(_effect, 0, _s1.getExitSequence());
// assertCall(_effect, 0, _s4.getExitSequence());
// assertCall(_effect, 1, _s1.getExitAction());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.Sequence in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerHierarchyTest method testParentExitExclusionForSiblingTransitions.
* Transitions to sibling state must nut invoke parent exit actions.
public void testParentExitExclusionForSiblingTransitions() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("sc");
InterfaceScope s_scope = _createInterfaceScope("Interface", sc);
VariableDefinition v1 = _createVariableDefinition("v1", TYPE_INTEGER, s_scope);
Region r = _createRegion("r", sc);
State s1 = _createState("s1", r);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s1, 1);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s1);
State s3 = _createState("s3", r_s1);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s3, 2);
Region r_s3 = _createRegion("r", s3);
State s4 = _createState("s4", r_s3);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s4, 3);
State s5 = _createState("s5", r_s3);
State s2 = _createState("s2", r);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s2);
_createState("s6", r_s1);
_createTransition(findState(sc, "s4"), findState(sc, "s5"));
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
ExecutionState _s1 = flow.getStates().get(0);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1", _s1.getName());
ExecutionState _s3 = flow.getStates().get(1);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3", _s3.getName());
ExecutionState _s4 = flow.getStates().get(2);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3.r.s4", _s4.getName());
Reaction _t = _s4.getReactions().get(0);
Sequence _effect = (Sequence) _t.getEffect();
assertSequenceSize(2, _effect);
assertCall(_effect, 0, _s4.getExitSequence());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.Sequence in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ModelSequencerHierarchyTest method testParentExitDeep.
* The transition sequence must contain all exit actions for parent states
* that will be left by a transition.
public void testParentExitDeep() {
Statechart sc = _createStatechart("sc");
InterfaceScope s_scope = _createInterfaceScope("Interface", sc);
VariableDefinition v1 = _createVariableDefinition("v1", TYPE_INTEGER, s_scope);
Region r = _createRegion("r", sc);
State s1 = _createState("s1", r);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s1, 1);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s1);
State s3 = _createState("s3", r_s1);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s3, 2);
Region r_s3 = _createRegion("r", s3);
State s4 = _createState("s4", r_s3);
_createExitAssignment(v1, s4, 3);
State s5 = _createState("s5", r_s3);
State s2 = _createState("s2", r);
Region r_s1 = _createRegion("r", s2);
_createState("s6", r_s1);
_createTransition(findState(sc, "s4"), findState(sc, "s6"));
ExecutionFlow flow = sequencer.transform(sc);
ExecutionState _s1 = flow.getStates().get(0);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1", _s1.getName());
ExecutionState _s3 = flow.getStates().get(1);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3", _s3.getName());
ExecutionState _s4 = flow.getStates().get(2);
assertEquals("sc.r.s1.r.s3.r.s4", _s4.getName());
ExecutionState _s6 = flow.getStates().get(5);
assertEquals("sc.r.s2.r.s6", _s6.getName());
Reaction _t = _s4.getReactions().get(0);
Sequence _effect = (Sequence) _t.getEffect();
assertEquals(2, _effect.getSteps().size());
assertCall(_effect, 0, _s1.getExitSequence());
assertCall(_effect, 1, _s6.getEnterSequences().get(0));
assertCall(_s1.getExitSequence(), 0, _s1.getSubScopes().get(0).getExitSequence());
StateSwitch _switch = (StateSwitch) _s1.getSubScopes().get(0).getExitSequence().getSteps().get(0);
StateCase _s4_case = assertedStateCase(_switch, _s4);
assertCall(assertedSequence(_s4_case.getStep()), 0, _s4.getExitSequence());
assertCall(assertedSequence(_s4_case.getStep()), 1, _s3.getExitAction());
assertCall(_s1.getExitSequence(), 1, _s1.getExitAction());
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.Sequence in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ExecutionStateImpl method basicSetInitSequence.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetInitSequence(Sequence newInitSequence, NotificationChain msgs) {
Sequence oldInitSequence = initSequence;
initSequence = newInitSequence;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SexecPackage.EXECUTION_STATE__INIT_SEQUENCE, oldInitSequence, newInitSequence);
if (msgs == null)
msgs = notification;
return msgs;
use of org.yakindu.sct.model.sexec.Sequence in project statecharts by Yakindu.
the class ExecutionScopeImpl method basicSetInitSequence.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetInitSequence(Sequence newInitSequence, NotificationChain msgs) {
Sequence oldInitSequence = initSequence;
initSequence = newInitSequence;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SexecPackage.EXECUTION_SCOPE__INIT_SEQUENCE, oldInitSequence, newInitSequence);
if (msgs == null)
msgs = notification;
return msgs;