use of org.zalando.nakadi.domain.ConsumedEvent in project nakadi by zalando.
the class PartitionDataTest method eventsShouldBeStreamedOnBatchSize.
public void eventsShouldBeStreamedOnBatchSize() {
final long timeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
final PartitionData pd = new PartitionData(COMP, null, createCursor(100L), System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
pd.addEvent(new ConsumedEvent("test".getBytes(), createCursor(i + 100L + 1)));
assertNull(pd.takeEventsToStream(currentTimeMillis(), 1000, timeout));
final List<ConsumedEvent> eventsToStream = pd.takeEventsToStream(currentTimeMillis(), 99, timeout);
assertEquals(99, eventsToStream.size());
use of org.zalando.nakadi.domain.ConsumedEvent in project nakadi by zalando.
the class EventStream method streamEvents.
public void streamEvents(final AtomicBoolean connectionReady, final Runnable checkAuthorization) {
try {
int messagesRead = 0;
final Map<String, Integer> keepAliveInARow = createMapWithPartitionKeys(partition -> 0);
final Map<String, List<byte[]>> currentBatches = createMapWithPartitionKeys(partition -> Lists.newArrayList());
// Partition to NakadiCursor.
final Map<String, NakadiCursor> latestOffsets = config.getCursors().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(NakadiCursor::getPartition, c -> c));
final long start = currentTimeMillis();
final Map<String, Long> batchStartTimes = createMapWithPartitionKeys(partition -> start);
final List<ConsumedEvent> consumedEvents = new LinkedList<>();
long lastKpiEventSent = System.currentTimeMillis();
long bytesInMemory = 0;
while (connectionReady.get() && !blacklistService.isConsumptionBlocked(config.getEtName(), config.getConsumingClient().getClientId())) {;
if (consumedEvents.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: There are a lot of optimizations here, one can significantly improve code by processing
// all events at the same time, instead of processing one by one.
final Optional<ConsumedEvent> eventOrEmpty = consumedEvents.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(consumedEvents.remove(0));
if (eventOrEmpty.isPresent()) {
final ConsumedEvent event = eventOrEmpty.get();
// update offset for the partition of event that was read
latestOffsets.put(event.getPosition().getPartition(), event.getPosition());
// put message to batch
bytesInMemory += event.getEvent().length;
// if we read the message - reset keep alive counter for this partition
keepAliveInARow.put(event.getPosition().getPartition(), 0);
// for each partition check if it's time to send the batch
for (final String partition : latestOffsets.keySet()) {
final long timeSinceBatchStart = currentTimeMillis() - batchStartTimes.get(partition);
if (config.getBatchTimeout() * 1000 <= timeSinceBatchStart || currentBatches.get(partition).size() >= config.getBatchLimit()) {
final List<byte[]> eventsToSend = currentBatches.get(partition);
sendBatch(latestOffsets.get(partition), eventsToSend);
if (!eventsToSend.isEmpty()) {
bytesInMemory -= -> v.length).sum();
} else {
// if we hit keep alive count limit - close the stream
keepAliveInARow.put(partition, keepAliveInARow.get(partition) + 1);
batchStartTimes.put(partition, currentTimeMillis());
// Dump some data that is exceeding memory limits
while (isMemoryLimitReached(bytesInMemory)) {
final Map.Entry<String, List<byte[]>> heaviestPartition = currentBatches.entrySet().stream().max(Comparator.comparing(entry -> entry.getValue().stream().mapToLong(event -> event.length).sum())).get();
sendBatch(latestOffsets.get(heaviestPartition.getKey()), heaviestPartition.getValue());
final long freed = heaviestPartition.getValue().stream().mapToLong(v -> v.length).sum();
LOG.warn("Memory limit reached for event type {}: {} bytes. Freed: {} bytes, {} messages", config.getEtName(), bytesInMemory, freed, heaviestPartition.getValue().size());
bytesInMemory -= freed;
// Init new batch for subscription
batchStartTimes.put(heaviestPartition.getKey(), currentTimeMillis());
if (lastKpiEventSent + kpiFrequencyMs < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
final long count = kpiData.getAndResetNumberOfEventsSent();
final long bytes = kpiData.getAndResetBytesSent();
publishKpi(config.getConsumingClient(), count, bytes);
lastKpiEventSent = System.currentTimeMillis();
// check if we reached keepAliveInARow for all the partitions; if yes - then close stream
if (config.getStreamKeepAliveLimit() != 0) {
final boolean keepAliveLimitReachedForAllPartitions = keepAliveInARow.values().stream().allMatch(keepAlives -> keepAlives >= config.getStreamKeepAliveLimit());
if (keepAliveLimitReachedForAllPartitions) {
// check if we reached the stream timeout or message count limit
final long timeSinceStart = currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (config.getStreamTimeout() != 0 && timeSinceStart >= config.getStreamTimeout() * 1000 || config.getStreamLimit() != 0 && messagesRead >= config.getStreamLimit()) {
for (final String partition : latestOffsets.keySet()) {
if (currentBatches.get(partition).size() > 0) {
sendBatch(latestOffsets.get(partition), currentBatches.get(partition));
} catch (final IOException e) {"I/O error occurred when streaming events (possibly client closed connection)", e);
} catch (final IllegalStateException e) {"Error occurred when streaming events (possibly server closed connection)", e);
} catch (final KafkaException e) {
LOG.error("Error occurred when polling events from kafka; consumer: {}, event-type: {}", config.getConsumingClient().getClientId(), config.getEtName(), e);
} finally {
publishKpi(config.getConsumingClient(), kpiData.getAndResetNumberOfEventsSent(), kpiData.getAndResetBytesSent());
use of org.zalando.nakadi.domain.ConsumedEvent in project nakadi by zalando.
the class NakadiKafkaConsumer method readEvents.
public List<ConsumedEvent> readEvents() {
final ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = kafkaConsumer.poll(pollTimeout);
if (records.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final ArrayList<ConsumedEvent> result = new ArrayList<>(records.count());
for (final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record : records) {
final KafkaCursor cursor = new KafkaCursor(record.topic(), record.partition(), record.offset());
final Timeline timeline = timelineMap.get(new TopicPartition(record.topic(), record.partition()));
result.add(new ConsumedEvent(record.value(), cursor.toNakadiCursor(timeline)));
return result;
use of org.zalando.nakadi.domain.ConsumedEvent in project nakadi by zalando.
the class PartitionData method onCommitOffset.
CommitResult onCommitOffset(final NakadiCursor offset) {
boolean seekKafka = false;
if (, sentOffset) > 0) {
log.error("Commit in future: current: {}, committed {} will skip sending obsolete data", sentOffset, commitOffset);
seekKafka = true;
sentOffset = offset;
final long committed;
if (, commitOffset) >= 0) {
final Set<NakadiCursor> committedCursors = allCursorsOrdered.headSet(offset, true);
committed = committedCursors.size();
commitOffset = offset;
// Operation is cascaded to allCursorsOrdered set.
} else {
log.error("Commits in past are evil!: Committing in {} while current commit is {}", offset, commitOffset);
// Commit in past occurred. One should move storage pointer to sentOffset.
seekKafka = true;
commitOffset = offset;
sentOffset = commitOffset;
bytesInMemory = 0L;
committed = 0;
while (!nakadiEvents.isEmpty() &&, commitOffset) <= 0) {
final ConsumedEvent evt = nakadiEvents.remove(0);
bytesInMemory -= evt.getEvent().length;
return new CommitResult(seekKafka, committed);
use of org.zalando.nakadi.domain.ConsumedEvent in project nakadi by zalando.
the class PartitionData method extract.
private List<ConsumedEvent> extract(final int count) {
final List<ConsumedEvent> result = new ArrayList<>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count && !nakadiEvents.isEmpty(); ++i) {
final ConsumedEvent event = nakadiEvents.remove(0);
bytesInMemory -= event.getEvent().length;
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
this.sentOffset = result.get(result.size() - 1).getPosition();
this.keepAliveInARow = 0;
} else {
this.keepAliveInARow += 1;
return result;