use of parReg.query.unittest.NewPortfolio in project geode by apache.
the class PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest method testPRRRLocalQuerying.
* A very basic dunit test that <br>
* 1. Creates two PR Data Stores with redundantCopies = 1. 2. Populates the region with test data.
* 3. Fires a LOCAL query on one data store VM and verifies the result.
* @throws Exception
public void testPRRRLocalQuerying() throws Exception {
Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR Test with DACK Started");
// Creting PR's on the participating VM's
// Creating DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRCreate(name, redundancy, Portfolio.class));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating Colocated Region DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(coloName, NewPortfolio.class));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating local region on vm0 to compare the results of query.
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(localName, Portfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(coloLocalName, NewPortfolio.class));
// Generating portfolio object array to be populated across the PR's & Local
// Regions
final Portfolio[] portfolio = createPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
final NewPortfolio[] newPortfolio = createNewPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(localName, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloLocalName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
// Putting the data into the PR's created
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(name, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Inserted Portfolio data across PR's");
// querying the VM for data and comparing the result with query result of
// local region.
// querying the VM for data
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRColocatedDataSetQueryAndCompareResults(name, coloName, localName, coloLocalName));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR's Test ENDED");
use of parReg.query.unittest.NewPortfolio in project geode by apache.
the class PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest method testPRRRLocalQueryingWithIndexes.
* A very basic dunit test that <br>
* 1. Creates two PR Data Stores with redundantCopies = 1. 2. Populates the region with test data.
* 3. Fires a LOCAL query on one data store VM and verifies the result.
* @throws Exception
public void testPRRRLocalQueryingWithIndexes() throws Exception {
Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR Test with DACK Started");
// Creting PR's on the participating VM's
// Creating DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRCreate(name, redundancy, Portfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(name, "IdIndex1", "r1.ID", "/" + name + " r1", null));
// vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(name, "IdIndex11",
// "r1.status", "/"+name+" r1", null));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating Colocated Region DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(coloName, NewPortfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(coloName, "IdIndex2", "", "/" + coloName + " r2", null));
// vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(coloName, "IdIndex22",
// "r2.status", "/"+coloName+" r2", null));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating local region on vm0 to compare the results of query.
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(localName, Portfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(coloLocalName, NewPortfolio.class));
// Generating portfolio object array to be populated across the PR's & Local
// Regions
final Portfolio[] portfolio = createPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
final NewPortfolio[] newPortfolio = createNewPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(localName, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloLocalName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
// Putting the data into the PR's created
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(name, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Inserted Portfolio data across PR's");
// querying the VM for data and comparing the result with query result of
// local region.
// querying the VM for data
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRColocatedDataSetQueryAndCompareResults(name, coloName, localName, coloLocalName));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR's Test ENDED");
use of parReg.query.unittest.NewPortfolio in project geode by apache.
the class PRColocatedEquiJoinDUnitTest method testPRRRIndexQueryWithSameTypeIndexQueryResults.
public void testPRRRIndexQueryWithSameTypeIndexQueryResults() throws Exception {
Host host = Host.getHost(0);
VM vm0 = host.getVM(0);
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR Test with DACK Started");
// Creting PR's on the participating VM's
// Creating DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRCreate(name, redundancy, Portfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(name, "IdIndex1", "r1.ID", "/" + name + " r1", null));
// vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(name, "IdIndex11",
// "r1.status", "/"+name+" r1", null));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating Colocated Region DataStore node on the VM0.
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Creating the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionWithAsyncIndexCreation(coloName, NewPortfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(coloName, "IdIndex2", "", "/" + coloName + " r2", null));
// vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(coloName, "IdIndex22",
// "r2.status", "/"+coloName+" r2", null));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully created the Colocated DataStore node in the PR");
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Successfully Created PR's across all VM's");
// Creating local region on vm0 to compare the results of query.
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(localName, Portfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(name, "IdIndex3", "r1.ID", "/" + localName + " r1", null));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForLocalRegionCreation(coloLocalName, NewPortfolio.class));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRIndexCreate(coloName, "IdIndex4", "", "/" + coloLocalName + " r2", null));
// Generating portfolio object array to be populated across the PR's & Local
// Regions
final Portfolio[] portfolio = createPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
final NewPortfolio[] newPortfolio = createNewPortfoliosAndPositions(cntDest);
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(localName, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloLocalName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
// Putting the data into the PR's created
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(name, portfolio, cnt, cntDest));
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRPuts(coloName, newPortfolio, cnt, cntDest));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Inserted Portfolio data across PR's");
// Let async index updates be finished.
// querying the VM for data and comparing the result with query result of
// local region.
// querying the VM for data
vm0.invoke(PRQHelp.getCacheSerializableRunnableForPRAndRRQueryAndCompareResults(name, coloName, localName, coloLocalName));
LogWriterUtils.getLogWriter().info("PRQBasicQueryDUnitTest#testPRBasicQuerying: Querying PR's Test ENDED");
use of parReg.query.unittest.NewPortfolio in project geode by apache.
the class MiscJUnitTest method testBug40441.
public void testBug40441() throws Exception {
final Cache cache = CacheUtils.getCache();
AttributesFactory attributesFactory = new AttributesFactory();
RegionAttributes ra = attributesFactory.create();
final Region region = cache.createRegion("new_pos", ra);
String queryStr1 = " select distinct, pVal, r.\"type\" " + " from /new_pos r , r.positions.values pVal where " + // AND pVal.mktValue = 1.00";
" ( r.undefinedTestField.toString = UNDEFINED OR false ) ";
String queryStr2 = " select distinct, pVal, r.\"type\" " + " from /new_pos r , r.positions.values pVal where " + " ( r.undefinedTestField.toString = UNDEFINED AND true ) AND pVal.mktValue = 1.00";
final QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
for (int i = 1; i < 100; ++i) {
NewPortfolio pf = new NewPortfolio("name" + i, i);
region.put("name" + i, pf);
Index indx1 = qs.createIndex("MarketValues", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "itr2.mktValue", "/new_pos itr1, itr1.positions.values itr2");
Index indx2 = qs.createIndex("Name", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "", "/new_pos itr1");
Index indx3 = qs.createIndex("nameIndex", IndexType.PRIMARY_KEY, "name", "/new_pos");
Index indx4 = qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "id", "/new_pos");
Index indx5 = qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/new_pos");
Index indx6 = qs.createIndex("undefinedFieldIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "undefinedTestField.toString", "/new_pos");
final Query q1 = qs.newQuery(queryStr1);
final Query q2 = qs.newQuery(queryStr2);
SelectResults sr1 = (SelectResults) q1.execute();
SelectResults sr2 = (SelectResults) q2.execute();
use of parReg.query.unittest.NewPortfolio in project geode by apache.
the class MiscJUnitTest method bug40333Simulation.
private void bug40333Simulation(final Region region, final String queryStr) throws Exception {
final QueryService qs = CacheUtils.getQueryService();
Region rgn = CacheUtils.getRegion("/new_pos");
for (int i = 1; i < 100; ++i) {
NewPortfolio pf = new NewPortfolio("name" + i, i);
rgn.put("name" + i, pf);
final Object lock = new Object();
final boolean[] expectionOccurred = new boolean[] { false };
final boolean[] keepGoing = new boolean[] { true };
Thread indexCreatorDestroyer = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean continueRunning = true;
do {
synchronized (lock) {
continueRunning = keepGoing[0];
try {
Index indx1 = qs.createIndex("MarketValues", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "itr2.mktValue", "/new_pos itr1, itr1.positions.values itr2");
Index indx2 = qs.createIndex("Name", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "", "/new_pos itr1");
Index indx3 = qs.createIndex("nameIndex", IndexType.PRIMARY_KEY, "name", "/new_pos");
Index indx4 = qs.createIndex("idIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "id", "/new_pos");
Index indx5 = qs.createIndex("statusIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "status", "/new_pos");
Index indx6 = qs.createIndex("undefinedFieldIndex", IndexType.FUNCTIONAL, "undefinedTestField.toString", "/new_pos");
} catch (Throwable e) {
synchronized (lock) {
expectionOccurred[0] = true;
keepGoing[0] = false;
continueRunning = false;
} while (continueRunning);
final Query q = qs.newQuery(queryStr);
final int THREAD_COUNT = 10;
Thread[] queryThreads = new Thread[THREAD_COUNT];
final int numTimesToRun = 75;
for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; ++i) {
queryThreads[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
boolean continueRunning = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numTimesToRun && continueRunning; ++i) {
synchronized (lock) {
continueRunning = keepGoing[0];
try {
SelectResults sr = (SelectResults) q.execute();
} catch (Throwable e) {
synchronized (lock) {
expectionOccurred[0] = true;
keepGoing[0] = false;
continueRunning = false;
synchronized (lock) {
for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; ++i) {
synchronized (lock) {
keepGoing[0] = false;
synchronized (lock) {