use of pcgen.core.AbilityCategory in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class AbilityListToken method getToken.
* @see, pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter,
public String getToken(String tokenSource, PlayerCharacter pc, ExportHandler eh) {
final StringTokenizer aTok = new StringTokenizer(tokenSource, ".");
// Skip the ABILITYLIST token itself
final String tokenString = aTok.nextToken();
final String catString = aTok.nextToken();
final AbilityCategory aCategory = SettingsHandler.getGame().getAbilityCategory(catString);
return getTokenForCategory(pc, aTok, tokenString, aCategory);
use of pcgen.core.AbilityCategory in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class AbilityListToken method getAbilityList.
* Returns the correct list of abilities of a particular category for the character.
* This method is overridden in subclasses if they need to change the list
* of abilities looked at.
* @param pc the character who's feats we are retrieving.
* @param aCategory The category of ability required.
* @return List of feats.
protected MapToList<Ability, CNAbility> getAbilityList(PlayerCharacter pc, final AbilityCategory aCategory) {
final MapToList<Ability, CNAbility> listOfAbilities = new HashMapToList<>();
Collection<AbilityCategory> allCats = SettingsHandler.getGame().getAllAbilityCategories();
for (AbilityCategory aCat : allCats) {
if (AbilityCategory.ANY.equals(aCategory) || aCat.getParentCategory().equals(aCategory)) {
for (CNAbility cna : pc.getPoolAbilities(aCat, Nature.NORMAL)) {
listOfAbilities.addToListFor(cna.getAbility(), cna);
return listOfAbilities;
use of pcgen.core.AbilityCategory in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class AbilityToken method parseNonEmptyToken.
protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, CDOMObject obj, String value) {
if (isEmpty(value)) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Value in " + getFullName() + " may not be empty", context);
ParsingSeparator sep = new ParsingSeparator(value, '|');
sep.addGroupingPair('[', ']');
sep.addGroupingPair('(', ')');
String first =;
if (!sep.hasNext()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Syntax of ADD:" + getTokenName() + " requires 3 to 4 |: " + value, context);
String second =;
if (!sep.hasNext()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Syntax of ADD:" + getTokenName() + " requires a minimum of three | : " + value, context);
String third =;
Formula count;
if (sep.hasNext()) {
count = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(first);
if (!count.isValid()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getTokenName() + " was not valid: " + count.toString(), context);
if (count.isStatic() && count.resolveStatic().doubleValue() <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getFullName() + " must be > 0", context);
first = second;
second = third;
third =;
} else {
count = FormulaFactory.ONE;
if (sep.hasNext()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Syntax of ADD:" + getTokenName() + " has max of four | when a count is not present: " + value, context);
CDOMSingleRef<AbilityCategory> acRef = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(ABILITY_CATEGORY_CLASS, first);
Nature nature = Nature.valueOf(second);
if (nature == null) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getFullName() + ": Invalid ability nature: " + second, context);
if (Nature.ANY.equals(nature)) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " refers to ANY Ability Nature, cannot be used in " + getTokenName() + ": " + value);
if (Nature.AUTOMATIC.equals(nature)) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " refers to AUTOMATIC Ability Nature, cannot be used in " + getTokenName() + ": " + value, context);
ParseResult pr = checkSeparatorsAndNonEmpty(',', third);
if (!pr.passed()) {
return pr;
List<CDOMReference<Ability>> refs = new ArrayList<>();
ParsingSeparator tok = new ParsingSeparator(third, ',');
tok.addGroupingPair('[', ']');
tok.addGroupingPair('(', ')');
boolean allowStack = false;
int dupChoices = 0;
ReferenceManufacturer<Ability> rm = context.getReferenceContext().getManufacturer(ABILITY_CLASS, ABILITY_CATEGORY_CLASS, first);
if (rm == null) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Could not get Reference Manufacturer for Category: " + first, context);
while (tok.hasNext()) {
CDOMReference<Ability> ab;
String token =;
if ("STACKS".equals(token)) {
if (allowStack) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getFullName() + " found second stacking specification in value: " + value, context);
allowStack = true;
} else if (token.startsWith("STACKS=")) {
if (allowStack) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getFullName() + " found second stacking specification in value: " + value, context);
allowStack = true;
try {
dupChoices = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(7));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Stack number in " + getFullName() + ": " + value, context);
if (dupChoices <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid (less than 1) Stack number in " + getFullName() + ": " + value, context);
} else {
if (Constants.LST_ALL.equals(token)) {
ab = rm.getAllReference();
} else {
ab = TokenUtilities.getTypeOrPrimitive(rm, token);
if (ab == null) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(" Error was encountered while parsing " + getTokenName() + ": " + value + " had an invalid reference: " + token, context);
if (refs.isEmpty()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Non-sensical " + getFullName() + ": Contains no ability reference: " + value, context);
AbilityRefChoiceSet rcs = new AbilityRefChoiceSet(acRef, refs, nature);
if (!rcs.getGroupingState().isValid()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Non-sensical " + getFullName() + ": Contains ANY and a specific reference: " + value, context);
AbilityChoiceSet cs = new AbilityChoiceSet(getTokenName(), rcs);
StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(50);
if (!Nature.NORMAL.equals(nature)) {
title.append(' ');
title.append(" Choice");
PersistentTransitionChoice<CNAbilitySelection> tc = new ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice<>(cs, count);
context.getObjectContext().addToList(obj, ListKey.ADD, tc);
if (dupChoices != 0) {
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
use of pcgen.core.AbilityCategory in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class TestHelper method makeAbility.
* Set the important info about a Skill
* @param name The skill name
* @param cat the category of this Ability
* @param type The type info ("." separated)
* @return The ability (which has also been added to global storage
public static Ability makeAbility(final String name, final String cat, final String type) {
AbilityCategory useCat = Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().constructNowIfNecessary(AbilityCategory.class, cat);
final Ability anAbility = new Ability();
anAbility.put(StringKey.KEY_NAME, ("KEY_" + name));
addType(anAbility, type);
return anAbility;
use of pcgen.core.AbilityCategory in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class ExportHandlerTest method testExpressionOutput.
public void testExpressionOutput() throws IOException {
LoadContext context = Globals.getContext();
Ability dummyFeat = new Ability();
final PlayerCharacter pc = getCharacter();
// Create a variable
dummyFeat.put(VariableKey.getConstant("NegLevels"), FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(0));
// Create a bonus to it
Ability dummyFeat2 = new Ability();
final BonusObj aBonus = Bonus.newBonus(context, "VAR|NegLevels|7");
if (aBonus != null) {
dummyFeat2.addToListFor(ListKey.BONUS, aBonus);
AbilityCategory cat = context.getReferenceContext().constructCDOMObject(AbilityCategory.class, "Maneuver");
AbilityCategory cat2 = context.getReferenceContext().constructCDOMObject(AbilityCategory.class, "Maneuver(Special)");
Ability dummyFeat3 = new Ability();
Ability dummyFeat4 = new Ability();
addAbility(AbilityCategory.FEAT, dummyFeat);
addAbility(AbilityCategory.FEAT, dummyFeat2);
addAbility(cat, dummyFeat3);
addAbility(cat2, dummyFeat4);
assertEquals("Unsigned output", "7", evaluateToken("VAR.NegLevels.INTVAL", pc));
assertEquals("Signed output", "+7", evaluateToken("VAR.NegLevels.INTVAL.SIGN", pc));
String tok = "";
tok = "count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver\")";
// if this evaluates math wise, the values should be string "1.0"
assertFalse("Token: |" + tok + "| != 1.0: ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("1.0"));
tok = "VAR.count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver\")";
assertTrue("Token: |" + tok + "| == 1.0: ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("1.0"));
tok = "COUNT[\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver\"]";
assertFalse("Token: |" + tok + "| != 1.0: ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("1.0"));
tok = "count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver(Special)\")";
assertFalse("Token: |" + tok + "| != 1.0 ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("1.0"));
tok = "${count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver(Special)\")+5}";
assertFalse("Token: |" + tok + "| == 5.0 ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("5.0"));
tok = "${count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver(Special)\")+5}";
assertTrue("Token: |" + tok + "| != 6.0 ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("6.0"));
tok = "${(count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver(Special)\")+5)/3}";
assertFalse("Token: |" + tok + "| == 3.0 ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("3.0"));
tok = "${(count(\"ABILITIES\", \"CATEGORY=Maneuver(Special)\")+5)/3}";
assertTrue("Token: |" + tok + "| != 2.0 ", evaluateToken(tok, pc).equals("2.0"));