use of pcgen.core.character.EquipSlot in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class EncounterPlugin method canAddEquip.
private static boolean canAddEquip(PlayerCharacter pc, EquipSet eSet, String locName, Equipment eqI) {
String idPath = eSet.getIdPath();
// allow as many as they would like
if (locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_CARRIED) || locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_EQUIPPED) || locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_NOTCARRIED)) {
return true;
// allow as many unarmed items as you'd like
if (eqI.isUnarmed()) {
return true;
// allow many Secondary Natural weapons
if (locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_NATURAL_SECONDARY)) {
return true;
// Don't allow weapons that are too large for PC
if (eqI.isWeaponTooLargeForPC(pc)) {
return false;
// make a HashMap to keep track of the number of each
// item that is already equipped to a slot
Map<String, String> slotMap = new HashMap<>();
for (EquipSet eqSet : pc.getDisplay().getEquipSet()) {
if (!eqSet.getParentIdPath().startsWith(idPath)) {
// an item in that particular location
if (eqSet.getName().equals(locName)) {
Equipment eItem = eqSet.getItem();
String nString = slotMap.get(locName);
int existNum = 0;
if (nString != null) {
existNum = Integer.parseInt(nString);
if (eItem != null) {
existNum += eItem.getSlots(pc);
slotMap.put(locName, String.valueOf(existNum));
for (EquipSet eqSet : pc.getDisplay().getEquipSet()) {
if (!eqSet.getParentIdPath().startsWith(idPath)) {
// checks for hands already in use
if (eqI.isWeapon()) {
// weapons can never occupy the same slot
if (eqSet.getName().equals(locName)) {
return false;
// other weapon slots can be occupied
if ((locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE) || locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_TWOWEAPONS)) && (eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_PRIMARY) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_SECONDARY) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_TWOWEAPONS))) {
return false;
// inverse of above case
if ((locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_PRIMARY) || locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_SECONDARY)) && (eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE) || eqSet.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_TWOWEAPONS))) {
return false;
// check to see how many are allowed in that slot
if (eqSet.getName().equals(locName)) {
final String nString = slotMap.get(locName);
int existNum = 0;
if (nString != null) {
existNum = Integer.parseInt(nString);
existNum += eqI.getSlots(pc);
EquipSlot eSlot = Globals.getEquipSlotByName(locName);
if (eSlot == null) {
return true;
for (String slotType : eSlot.getContainType()) {
if (eqI.isType(slotType)) {
// if the item takes more slots, return false
if (existNum > (eSlot.getSlotCount() + (int) pc.getTotalBonusTo("SLOTS", slotType))) {
return false;
return true;
return true;
use of pcgen.core.character.EquipSlot in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class EquipmentSetFacadeImplTest method setUp.
* @see pcgen.AbstractCharacterTestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
dataset = new MockDataSetFacade(SettingsHandler.getGame());
dataset.addEquipmentLocation(new BodyStructure(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_EQUIPPED, true));
dataset.addEquipmentLocation(new BodyStructure(LOC_HANDS, false));
dataset.addEquipmentLocation(new BodyStructure(LOC_BODY, false));
if (SystemCollections.getUnmodifiableEquipSlotList().isEmpty()) {
EquipSlot equipSlot = new EquipSlot();
SystemCollections.addToEquipSlotsList(equipSlot, SettingsHandler.getGame().getName());
Globals.setEquipSlotTypeCount("HANDS", "2");
equipSlot = new EquipSlot();
SystemCollections.addToEquipSlotsList(equipSlot, SettingsHandler.getGame().getName());
Globals.setEquipSlotTypeCount("BODY", "1");
uiDelegate = new MockUIDelegate();
todoManager = new TodoManager();
equipmentList = new EquipmentListFacadeImpl();
use of pcgen.core.character.EquipSlot in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class PlayerCharacter method canEquipItem.
* returns true if you can put Equipment into a location in EquipSet
* @param eSet
* @param locName
* @param eqI
* @param eqTarget
* @return true if equipment can be added
private boolean canEquipItem(EquipSet eSet, String locName, Equipment eqI, Equipment eqTarget) {
final String idPath = eSet.getIdPath();
// If target is a container, allow it
if ((eqTarget != null) && eqTarget.isContainer()) {
// TODO - Should make sure eqI can be contained by eqTarget
return true;
// allow as many as they would like
if (locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_CARRIED) || locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_EQUIPPED) || locName.startsWith(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_NOTCARRIED)) {
return true;
// allow as many unarmed items as you'd like
if (eqI.isUnarmed()) {
return true;
// allow many Secondary Natural weapons
if (locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_NATURAL_SECONDARY)) {
return true;
// Don't allow weapons that are too large for PC
if (eqI.isWeapon() && eqI.isWeaponOutsizedForPC(this) && !eqI.isNatural()) {
return false;
// make a HashMap to keep track of the number of each
// item that is already equipped to a slot
Map<String, String> slotMap = new HashMap<>();
for (EquipSet es : getEquipSet()) {
String esID = es.getParentIdPath() + Constants.EQUIP_SET_PATH_SEPARATOR;
String abID = idPath + Constants.EQUIP_SET_PATH_SEPARATOR;
if (!esID.startsWith(abID)) {
// an item in that particular location
if (es.getName().equals(locName)) {
final Equipment eItem = es.getItem();
final String nString = slotMap.get(locName);
int existNum = 0;
if (nString != null) {
existNum = Integer.parseInt(nString);
if (eItem != null) {
existNum += eItem.getSlots(this);
slotMap.put(locName, String.valueOf(existNum));
for (EquipSet es : getEquipSet()) {
String esID = es.getParentIdPath() + Constants.EQUIP_SET_PATH_SEPARATOR;
String abID = idPath + Constants.EQUIP_SET_PATH_SEPARATOR;
if (!esID.startsWith(abID)) {
// checks for hands already in use
if (eqI.isWeapon() && !eqI.isNatural()) {
// weapons can never occupy the same slot
if (es.getName().equals(locName)) {
return false;
// other weapon slots can be occupied
if ((locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE)) && (es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_PRIMARY) || es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_SECONDARY) || es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE))) {
return false;
// inverse of above case
if ((locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_PRIMARY) || locName.equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_SECONDARY)) && (es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_BOTH) || es.getName().equals(Constants.EQUIP_LOCATION_DOUBLE))) {
return false;
// check to see how many are allowed in that slot
if (es.getName().equals(locName)) {
final String nString = slotMap.get(locName);
int existNum = 0;
if (nString != null) {
existNum = Integer.parseInt(nString);
existNum += eqI.getSlots(this);
EquipSlot eSlot = Globals.getEquipSlotByName(locName);
if (eSlot == null) {
return true;
for (String slotType : eSlot.getContainType()) {
if (eqI.isType(slotType)) {
// if the item takes more slots, return false
if (existNum > (eSlot.getSlotCount() + (int) getTotalBonusTo("SLOTS", slotType))) {
return false;
return true;
return true;
use of pcgen.core.character.EquipSlot in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class EquipSlotLoader method parseLine.
* @see LstLineFileLoader#parseLine(LoadContext, String, URI)
public void parseLine(LoadContext context, String lstLine, URI sourceURI) {
final EquipSlot eqSlot = new EquipSlot();
final StringTokenizer colToken = new StringTokenizer(lstLine, SystemLoader.TAB_DELIM);
Map<String, LstToken> tokenMap = TokenStore.inst().getTokenMap(EquipSlotLstToken.class);
while (colToken.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String colString = colToken.nextToken().trim();
final int idxColon = colString.indexOf(':');
String key = "";
try {
key = colString.substring(0, idxColon);
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// TODO Handle Exception
EquipSlotLstToken token = (EquipSlotLstToken) tokenMap.get(key);
//TODO: (DJ) Sick hack, remove in 5.11.x
if (token != null && key.equals("NUMSLOTS")) {
final String value = colString.substring(idxColon + 1);
LstUtils.deprecationCheck(token, eqSlot.getSlotName(), sourceURI, value);
if (!token.parse(eqSlot, lstLine, getGameMode())) {
Logging.errorPrint("Error parsing equip slots " + eqSlot.getSlotName() + ':' + sourceURI + ':' + colString + "\"");
} else if (token != null) {
final String value = colString.substring(idxColon + 1);
LstUtils.deprecationCheck(token, eqSlot.getSlotName(), sourceURI, value);
if (!token.parse(eqSlot, value, getGameMode())) {
Logging.errorPrint("Error parsing equip slots " + eqSlot.getSlotName() + ':' + sourceURI + ':' + colString + "\"");
} else {
Logging.errorPrint("Illegal slot info '" + lstLine + "' in " + sourceURI.toString());
SystemCollections.addToEquipSlotsList(eqSlot, getGameMode());
use of pcgen.core.character.EquipSlot in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class EquipmentSetFacadeImpl method createNaturalWeaponSlot.
private void createNaturalWeaponSlot(EquipSlot slot, EquipNode node, String locName) {
EquipSlot natWpnEquipSlot = createWeaponEquipSlot(slot, locName);
EquipNodeImpl slotNode = new EquipNodeImpl((EquipNodeImpl) node, natWpnEquipSlot, true);
naturalWeaponNodes.put(locName, slotNode);