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Example 6 with LinePlot

use of plot.LinePlot in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class GameActionSpaceAdapterMulti method evaluate.

public double evaluate(int[] actions) {
    // take a copy of the current game state and accumulate the score as we go along
    // System.out.println("Checking action length: " + actions.length + " : " + sequenceLength);
    // System.out.println("PLayer id: " + playerID);
    StateObservationMulti obs = stateObservation.copy();
    // note the score now - for normalisation reasons
    // we wish to track the change in score, not the absolute score
    double initScore = obs.getGameScore(playerID);
    double discount = 1.0;
    double denom = 0;
    double discountedTot = 0;
    double total = 0;
    // need to do the visual stuff here ...
    LinePlot linePlot = null;
    if (visual) {
        if (lineChart == null) {
            lineChart = new LineChart().setBG(Color.gray);
            lineChart.xAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[] { 0, sequenceLength / 2, sequenceLength });
            lineChart.yAxis = new LineChartAxis(new double[] { -50, -25, 0, 25, 50 });
            lineChart.plotBG = Color.white;
            lineChart.setXLabel("Rollout depth");
            frame = new JEasyFrame(lineChart, "Score versus depth");
        float grey = (nEvals % 100) / 150.0f;
        // add in a zero for the first element of the plot, since there
        // will be zero difference before any action has been taken
        linePlot = new LinePlot().setColor(new Color(grey, grey, grey));
    // linePlot = new LinePlot().setColor(;
    // deltas.add(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
        // Note here that we need to look at the advance method which takes multiple players
        // hence an array of actions
        // the idea is that we'll pad out the
        int myAction = actions[i];
        int opAction = random.nextInt(obs.getAvailableActions(opponentID).size());
        // opAction = AsteroidsGameState.doNothing;
        Types.ACTIONS[] acts = new Types.ACTIONS[2];
        acts[playerID] = gvgaiActions[myAction];
        acts[opponentID] = gvgaiActions[opAction];
        for (int k = 0; k < actionRepeat; k++) {
        discountedTot += discount * (obs.getGameScore(playerID) - initScore);
        if (useHeuristic && obs instanceof SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer) {
            SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer state = (SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer) obs;
            discountedTot += state.getHeuristicScore();
        denom += discount;
        discount *= discountFactor;
        if (linePlot != null) {
            // linePlot.add(discountedTot);
            double delta = obs.getGameScore((playerID)) - initScore;
    if (visual) {
    double delta;
    if (useDiscountFactor) {
        delta = discountedTot / denom;
    } else {
        delta = obs.getGameScore(playerID) - initScore;
    delta += noiseLevel * random.nextGaussian();
    logger.log(delta, actions, false);
    return delta;
Also used : LineChartAxis(plot.LineChartAxis) LinePlot(plot.LinePlot) JEasyFrame(utilities.JEasyFrame) StateObservationMulti( LineChart(plot.LineChart) SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer(gvglink.SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer)

Example 7 with LinePlot

use of plot.LinePlot in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class TestEAGraph method runTrial.

public ArrayList<Double> runTrial(EvoAlg ea) {
    int[] solution = ea.runTrial(evaluator, nFitnessEvals);
    // System.out.println("Solution: " + Arrays.toString(solution) + " : " + solutionEvaluator.trueFitness(solution));
    // linePlots.add(new LinePlot().setData(solutionEvaluator.logger().fa).setColor(lineColor));
    // ok, instead look at the true fitnesses of the evaluated solutions
    ArrayList<Double> noiseFree = new ArrayList<>();
    // System.out.println("Best yet solutions length: " + solutionEvaluator.logger().bestYetSolutions.size());
    for (int[] p : evaluator.logger().bestYetSolutions) {
    linePlots.add(new LinePlot().setData(noiseFree).setColor(color));
    if (evaluator.isOptimal(solution)) {
    return noiseFree;
Also used : LinePlot(plot.LinePlot) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 8 with LinePlot

use of plot.LinePlot in project SimpleAsteroids by ljialin.

the class TestEASimple method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (int w = 30; w <= 30; w = w + 10) {
        outputName = "data/noisefree_w" + w + ".dat";
        File f = new File(outputName);
        if (f.exists() && !f.isDirectory()) {
        // run configuration for an experiment
        // todo need an easy and general way to log the best solution yet
        // just add a new log method to the logger
        useFirstHit = false;
        // DefaultMutator.flipAtLeastOneValueDefault = true;
        // DefaultMutator.defaultPointProb = 1.0;
        // select which one to use
        // solutionEvaluator = new EvalMaxM(nDims, mValues, noise);
        solutionEvaluator = new EvalNoisyWinRate(nDims, mValues, noise);
        // solutionEvaluator = new Eval2DNonLinear(8, noise);
        System.out.println("Running experiment with following settings:");
        System.out.println("Solution evaluator: " + solutionEvaluator.getClass());
        System.out.format("Use first hitting time    :\t %s\n", useFirstHit);
        System.out.format("RMHC: (flip at least one) :\t %s\n", DefaultMutator.flipAtLeastOneValueDefault);
        System.out.format("Point mutation probability:\t %.4f\n", DefaultMutator.defaultPointProb / nDims);
        ElapsedTimer t = new ElapsedTimer();
        // StatSummary nt = testNTupleBanditEA(nTrialsNTupleBanditEA);
        // System.out.println(t);
        // DefaultMutator.totalRandomChaosMutation = true;
        int defaultK = 2000;
        CompactBinaryGA cga = new CompactBinaryGA(defaultK);
        cga.nParents = 10;
        // each time we run a test, we want to get
        // the way the fitness evolves over time
        // hence we need to get a list of arrays for each experiment
        // have an alpha less than 1 to be able to spot overlapping lines more easily
        float alpha = 0.8f;
        // lineColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 0, alpha);
        // testEvoAlg(new SimpleRMHC());
        // lineColor = new Color(0f, 1f, 1, alpha);
        // testEvoAlg(cga);
        // lineColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 1, alpha);
        // testEvoAlg(new CompactSlidingGA(2000).setHistoryLength(w));
        // lineColor = Color.getHSBColor(0.7f, 1, 1);
        // lineColor =;
        // testEvoAlg(new CompactSlidingModelGA().setHistoryLength(w));
        // lineColor = Color.getHSBColor(0.5f, 1, 1);
        lineColor =;
        // testEvoAlg(new NTupleBanditEA());
        // lineColor = Color.getHSBColor(0.3f, 1, 1);
        lineColor =;
        testEvoAlg(new SlidingMeanEDA().setHistoryLength(w));
        // testBanditEA();
        LineChart lineChart = new LineChart();
        for (LinePlot line : linePlots) {
        // add a linear plot
        // LinePlot linear = new LinePlot();
        // linear.setColor(Color.white);
        // for (int i = 0; i < nDims; i++)
        // linear.add(solutionEvaluator.optimalIfKnown()  * (0.5 + i / (2.0 * nDims)));
        // lineChart.addLine(linear);
        new JEasyFrame(lineChart, "Evolution Traces");
Also used : LinePlot(plot.LinePlot) File( LineChart(plot.LineChart)


LinePlot (plot.LinePlot)8 LineChart (plot.LineChart)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 LineChartAxis (plot.LineChartAxis)3 JEasyFrame (utilities.JEasyFrame)3 StateObservation ( StateObservationMulti ( EvalMaxM (evodef.EvalMaxM)1 NoisySolutionEvaluator (evodef.NoisySolutionEvaluator)1 SpaceBattleLinkState (gvglink.SpaceBattleLinkState)1 SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer (gvglink.SpaceBattleLinkStateTwoPlayer)1 BufferedWriter ( File ( FileWriter ( PrintWriter ( LineGroup (plot.LineGroup)1 StatSummary (utilities.StatSummary)1