use of qupath.lib.geom.ImmutableDimension in project qupath by qupath.
the class RoiTools method computeTiledROIs.
* Create a collection of tiled ROIs corresponding to a specified parentROI if it is larger than sizeMax, with optional overlaps.
* <p>
* The purpose of this is to create useful tiles whenever the exact tile size may not be essential, and overlaps may be required.
* Tiles at the parentROI boundary will be trimmed to fit inside. If the parentROI is smaller, it is returned as is.
* @param parentROI main ROI to be tiled
* @param sizePreferred the preferred size; in general tiles should have this size
* @param sizeMax the maximum allowed size; occasionally it is more efficient to have a tile larger than the preferred size towards a ROI boundary to avoid creating very small tiles unnecessarily
* @param fixedSize if true, the tile size is enforced so that complete tiles have the same size
* @param overlap optional requested overlap between tiles
* @return
* @see #makeTiles(ROI, int, int, boolean)
public static Collection<? extends ROI> computeTiledROIs(ROI parentROI, ImmutableDimension sizePreferred, ImmutableDimension sizeMax, boolean fixedSize, int overlap) {
ROI pathArea = parentROI != null && parentROI.isArea() ? parentROI : null;
Rectangle2D bounds = AwtTools.getBounds2D(parentROI);
if (pathArea == null || (bounds.getWidth() <= sizeMax.width && bounds.getHeight() <= sizeMax.height)) {
return Collections.singletonList(parentROI);
Geometry geometry = pathArea.getGeometry();
PreparedGeometry prepared = null;
double xMin = bounds.getMinX();
double yMin = bounds.getMinY();
int nx = (int) Math.ceil(bounds.getWidth() / sizePreferred.width);
int ny = (int) Math.ceil(bounds.getHeight() / sizePreferred.height);
double w = fixedSize ? sizePreferred.width : (int) Math.ceil(bounds.getWidth() / nx);
double h = fixedSize ? sizePreferred.height : (int) Math.ceil(bounds.getHeight() / ny);
// Center the tiles
xMin = (int) (bounds.getCenterX() - (nx * w * .5));
yMin = (int) (bounds.getCenterY() - (ny * h * .5));
// This can be very slow if we have an extremely large number of vertices/tiles.
// For that reason, we try to split initially by either rows or columns if needed.
boolean byRow = false;
boolean byColumn = false;
Map<Integer, Geometry> rowParents = null;
Map<Integer, Geometry> columnParents = null;
var envelope = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal();
if (ny > 1 && nx > 1 && geometry.getNumPoints() > 1000) {
// If we have a lot of points, create a prepared geometry so we can check covers/intersects quickly;
// (for a regular geometry, it would be faster to just compute an intersection and see if it's empty)
prepared = PreparedGeometryFactory.prepare(geometry);
var prepared2 = prepared;
var empty = geometry.getFactory().createEmpty(2);
byRow = nx > ny;
byColumn = !byRow;
double yMin2 = yMin;
double xMin2 = xMin;
// Compute intersection by row so that later intersections are simplified
if (byRow) {
rowParents = IntStream.range(0, ny).parallel().mapToObj(yi -> yi).collect(Collectors.toMap(yi -> yi, yi -> {
double y = yMin2 + yi * h - overlap;
var row = GeometryTools.createRectangle(envelope.getMinX(), y, envelope.getMaxX(), h + overlap * 2);
if (!prepared2.intersects(row))
return empty;
else if (prepared2.covers(row))
return row;
var temp = intersect(geometry, row);
return temp == null ? geometry : temp;
if (byColumn) {
columnParents = IntStream.range(0, nx).parallel().mapToObj(xi -> xi).collect(Collectors.toMap(xi -> xi, xi -> {
double x = xMin2 + xi * w - overlap;
var col = GeometryTools.createRectangle(x, envelope.getMinY(), w + overlap * 2, envelope.getMaxX());
if (!prepared2.intersects(col))
return empty;
else if (prepared2.covers(col))
return col;
var temp = intersect(geometry, col);
return temp == null ? geometry : temp;
// Geometry local is the one we're working with for the current row or column
// (often it's the same as the full ROI)
Geometry geometryLocal = geometry;
// Generate all the rectangles as geometries
Map<Geometry, Geometry> tileGeometries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int yi = 0; yi < ny; yi++) {
double y = yMin + yi * h - overlap;
if (rowParents != null)
geometryLocal = rowParents.getOrDefault(y, geometry);
for (int xi = 0; xi < nx; xi++) {
double x = xMin + xi * w - overlap;
if (columnParents != null)
geometryLocal = columnParents.getOrDefault(x, geometry);
if (geometryLocal.isEmpty())
// Create the tile
var rect = GeometryTools.createRectangle(x, y, w + overlap * 2, h + overlap * 2);
// Use a prepared geometry if we have one to check covers/intersects & save some effort
if (prepared != null) {
if (!prepared.intersects(rect)) {
} else if (prepared.covers(rect)) {
tileGeometries.put(rect, rect);
// Checking geometryLocal.intersects(rect) first is actually much slower!
// So add everything and filter out empty tiles later.
tileGeometries.put(rect, geometryLocal);
// Compute intersections & map to ROIs
var plane = parentROI.getImagePlane();
var tileROIs = tileGeometries.entrySet().parallelStream().map(entry -> intersect(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())).filter(g -> g != null).map(g -> GeometryTools.geometryToROI(g, plane)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// If there was an exception, the tile will be null
if (tileROIs.size() < tileGeometries.size()) {
logger.warn("Tiles lost during tiling: {}", tileGeometries.size() - tileROIs.size());
logger.warn("You may be able to avoid tiling errors by calling 'Simplify shape' on any complex annotations first.");
// Remove any empty/non-area tiles
return -> !t.isEmpty() && t.isArea()).collect(Collectors.toList());