use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.
the class ComplianceTests method testRhsmCompliancedWhenNoProductsAreInstalled.
@// update=true, // uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-20066", "RHEL7-51090" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier1")
@Test(description = "rhsm-complianced: verify rhsm-complianced -d -s reports a compliant status when no products are installed (and a warning period status when at least one entitlement cert is within its warning period)", groups = { "Tier1Tests", "cli.tests", "blockedbyBug-723336", "blockedByBug-991580", "blockedByBug-1395794" }, // dependsOnMethods={"testSystemCompliantFactWhenNoProductsAreInstalled"},
priority = 610, enabled = true)
public // @ImplementsTCMS(id="")
void testRhsmCompliancedWhenNoProductsAreInstalled() throws JSONException, Exception {
if (!configureProductCertDirForNoProductsInstalledCompleted)
throw new SkipException("Unsatisfied dependency configureProductCertDirForNoProductsInstalledCompleted=" + configureProductCertDirForNoProductsInstalledCompleted);
if (clienttasks.getCurrentlyRegisteredOwnerKey() == null)
throw new SkipException("Unsatisfied dependency - expected system to already have been registered during a preceding testcase.");
String command = clienttasks.rhsmComplianceD + " -s -d";
SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult;
// verify the rhsmcomplianced status when there are entitlement certs within their warning period
List<EntitlementCert> entitlementCertsWithinWarningPeriod = clienttasks.getCurrentEntitlementCertsWithinWarningPeriod();
while (!entitlementCertsWithinWarningPeriod.isEmpty()) {
// assert the rhsmcomplianced status
// ssh /usr/libexec/rhsmd -s -d
// Stdout: System has one or more entitlements in their warning period
// Stderr:
// ExitCode: 0"Asserting RhsmComplianced while at least one of the current entitlement certs is within its warning period...");
// RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, command, Integer.valueOf(0), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenInsideWarningPeriod, null);
sshCommandResult = client.runCommandAndWait(command);
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getExitCode(), Integer.valueOf(0), "ExitCode from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenInsideWarningPeriod, "Stdout from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStderr().trim(), "", "Stderr from command '" + command + "'");
// unsubscribe from the serial
EntitlementCert entitlementCert = entitlementCertsWithinWarningPeriod.remove(0);
// verify the stdout message"Asserting RhsmComplianced status before unsubscribing from all currently consumed subscriptions...");
// RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, command, Integer.valueOf(0), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenCompliant, null);
sshCommandResult = client.runCommandAndWait(command);
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getExitCode(), Integer.valueOf(0), "ExitCode from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenCompliant, "Stdout from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStderr().trim(), "", "Stderr from command '" + command + "'");
// also assert RhsmComplianced when not consuming any subscriptions"Also asserting RhsmComplianced status after unsubscribing from all currently consumed subscriptions...");
// RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, command, Integer.valueOf(0), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenCompliant, null);
sshCommandResult = client.runCommandAndWait(command);
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getExitCode(), Integer.valueOf(0), "ExitCode from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(), rhsmComplianceDStdoutMessageWhenCompliant, "Stdout from command '" + command + "'");
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStderr().trim(), "", "Stderr from command '" + command + "'");
use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.
the class ComplianceTests method testAutoSubscribeAttemptsWhenNotCompliantAndNoProductsAreSubscribable.
@// update=true, // uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-21722", "RHEL7-51087" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier1")
@Test(description = "when no installed products are subscribable and system is NOT compliant, auto-subscribing again should try but not get any new entitlements", groups = { "Tier1Tests", "cli.tests", "blockedByBug-723044" }, // dependsOnMethods={"testSystemCompliantFactWhenNoProductsAreSubscribable"},
priority = 520, enabled = true)
public // @ImplementsTCMS(id="")
void testAutoSubscribeAttemptsWhenNotCompliantAndNoProductsAreSubscribable() throws JSONException, Exception {
if (!configureProductCertDirForNoProductsSubscribableCompleted)
throw new SkipException("Unsatisfied dependency configureProductCertDirForNoProductsSubscribableCompleted=" + configureProductCertDirForNoProductsSubscribableCompleted);
if (clienttasks.getCurrentlyRegisteredOwnerKey() == null)
throw new SkipException("Unsatisfied dependency - expected system to already have been registered during a preceding testcase.");
List<EntitlementCert> entitlementCertsBefore = clienttasks.getCurrentEntitlementCerts();
SSHCommandResult result = clienttasks.subscribe(true, null, (List<String>) null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
Assert.assertTrue(!result.getStdout().trim().startsWith(autosubscribeCompliantMessage), "When the system is not compliant, an attempt to auto-subscribe should NOT inform us with this message: " + autosubscribeCompliantMessage);
List<EntitlementCert> entitlementCertsAfter = clienttasks.getCurrentEntitlementCerts();
Assert.assertTrue(entitlementCertsBefore.containsAll(entitlementCertsAfter) && entitlementCertsAfter.containsAll(entitlementCertsBefore), "The entitlement certs have not changed after an attempt to autosubscribe a second time.");
Assert.assertEquals(entitlementCertsBefore.size(), entitlementCertsAfter.size(), "The number of entitlement certs did not change after an attempt to autosubscribe a second time.");
use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.
the class ContentIntegrationTests method getContentNamespaceDataAsListOfLists.
protected List<List<Object>> getContentNamespaceDataAsListOfLists() throws JSONException {
List<List<Object>> ll = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
for (List<Object> row : contentNamespaceData) {
String username = (String) row.get(0);
String password = (String) row.get(1);
ConsumerType type = (ConsumerType) row.get(2);
String productId = (String) row.get(3);
Integer sockets = (Integer) row.get(4);
ContentNamespace contentNamespace = (ContentNamespace) row.get(5);
EntitlementCert entitlementCert = (EntitlementCert) row.get(6);
ll.add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { username, password, type, productId, sockets, contentNamespace }));
return ll;
use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.
the class BugzillaTests method getVerifyEUSRHELProductCertVersionFromEachCDNReleaseVersion_TestDataAsListOfLists.
protected List<List<Object>> getVerifyEUSRHELProductCertVersionFromEachCDNReleaseVersion_TestDataAsListOfLists() throws JSONException, Exception {
List<List<Object>> ll = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
if (!isSetupBeforeSuiteComplete)
return ll;
if (clienttasks == null)
return ll;
String eusProductId = null;
if ((clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64")) && (clienttasks.variant.equals("Server")))
eusProductId = "75";
else if ((clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64")) && (clienttasks.variant.equals("Server")))
eusProductId = "70";
else if ((clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64")) && clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode"))
eusProductId = "217";
else if ((clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x")) && (clienttasks.variant.equals("Server")))
eusProductId = "73";
if (eusProductId == null) {
log.warning("This test does not yet cover variant '" + clienttasks.variant + "' on arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "'.");
// return no rows and no test will be run
return ll;
// unregister
clienttasks.unregister(null, null, null, null);
// register
clienttasks.register(sm_clientUsername, sm_clientPassword, sm_clientOrg, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
// get current product cert and verify that rhelproduct is installed on
// the system
ProductCert rhelProductCert = clienttasks.getCurrentRhelProductCert();
SubscriptionPool pool = null;
for (SubscriptionPool eusSubscriptionPool : SubscriptionPool.parse(clienttasks.list(null, true, null, null, null, null, null, null, "*Extended*", null, null, null, null, null).getStdout())) {
if ((CandlepinTasks.getPoolProvidedProductIds(sm_client1Username, sm_client1Password, sm_serverUrl, eusSubscriptionPool.poolId).contains(eusProductId))) {
// and attach eus subscription
clienttasks.subscribe(null, null, eusSubscriptionPool.poolId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
pool = eusSubscriptionPool;
if (pool == null) {
log.warning("Could not find an available EUS subscription that covers EUS product '" + eusProductId + "'.");
// return no rows and no test will be run
return ll;
// find the entitlement that provides access to RHEL and EUS
EntitlementCert eusEntitlementCerts = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertCorrespondingToSubscribedPool(pool);
if (eusEntitlementCerts == null) {
return ll;
// if eus repo is not enabled , enable it
String rhelRepoUrl = null;
for (Repo disabledRepo : Repo.parse(clienttasks.repos(null, false, true, (String) null, (String) null, null, null, null, null).getStdout())) {
String variant = null;
if (clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64")) {
if (clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode"))
variant = "hpc-node";
if (clienttasks.variant.equals("Server"))
variant = "server";
} else if (clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64") || (clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64le"))) {
variant = "for-power";
} else if (clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
variant = "for-system-z";
// add repos for eus-source rpms and debug rpms
if ((disabledRepo.repoId.matches("rhel-[0-9]+-" + variant + "-eus-rpms"))) {
clienttasks.repos(null, null, null, disabledRepo.repoId, (String) null, null, null, null, null);
for (// if eus repo is enabled then add it to the data provider
Repo enabledRepo : Repo.parse(clienttasks.repos(null, true, false, (String) null, (String) null, null, null, null, null).getStdout())) {
if (enabledRepo.enabled) {
String variant = null;
if (clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64")) {
if (clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode"))
variant = "hpc-node";
if (clienttasks.variant.equals("Server"))
variant = "server";
} else if (clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64") || (clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64le"))) {
variant = "for-power";
} else if (clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
variant = "for-system-z";
if (enabledRepo.repoId.matches("rhel-[0-9]+-" + variant + "-eus-rpms")) {
rhelRepoUrl = enabledRepo.repoUrl;
// against ppc64le
for (String release : clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableReleases(null, null, null, null)) {
// skip the latest releases; e.g. 6Server
if (!isFloat(release))
List<String> bugIds = new ArrayList<String>();
if (release.startsWith("6")) {
if (release.matches("6.4") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
if (release.matches("6.4") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("i386"))
if (release.matches("6.5") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("i386"))
if (release.matches("6.6") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("i386"))
if (release.matches("6.4") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
if (release.matches("6.5") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
if (release.matches("6.6") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
if (release.matches("6.5") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64"))
if (release.matches("6.6") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64"))
if (release.matches("6.7") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
if (release.startsWith("7")) {
if (// && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server"))
BlockedByBzBug blockedByBzBug = new BlockedByBzBug(bugIds.toArray(new String[] {}));
ll.add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { blockedByBzBug, release, rhelRepoUrl, eusEntitlementCerts.file }));
return ll;
use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.
the class CRLTests method testChangeToSubscriptionPoolStartEndDatesAndRefreshSubscriptionPools.
// Test Methods ***********************************************************************
@// update=true, // uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-27133", "RHEL7-51947" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier3")
@Test(description = "subscription-manager-cli: change subscription pool start/end dates and refresh subscription pools", groups = { "Tier3Tests", "ChangeSubscriptionPoolStartEndDatesAndRefreshSubscriptionPools_Test" }, dependsOnGroups = {}, // dataProvider="getAvailableNonTemporarySubscriptionPoolsData",
dataProvider = "getRandomSubsetOfAvailableNonTemporarySubscriptionPoolsData", enabled = true)
@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId = 56025)
public void testChangeToSubscriptionPoolStartEndDatesAndRefreshSubscriptionPools(SubscriptionPool originalPool) throws Exception {
// * the crl list on the server should be poplulated w/ the old entitlement cert serials
if (servertasks.dbConnection == null)
throw new SkipException("This testcase requires a connection to the candlepin database.");
// Before proceeding with this test, determine if the productId provided by this subscription pool has already been entitled.
// This will happen when more than one pool has been created under a different contract/serial so as to increase the
// total quantity of entitlements available to the consumers.
if (alreadySubscribedProductIdsInChangeSubscriptionPoolStartEndDatesAndRefreshSubscriptionPools_Test.contains(pool.productId)) {"Because the productId '"+pool.productId+"' from this pool has already been subscribed to via a previously available pool, it only makes sense to skip this iteration of the test.");"However, for the sake of testing, let's attempt to subscribe to it anyway and assert that our subscribe request is blocked with an appropriate message...");
SSHCommandResult sshCommandResult = clienttasks.subscribe(pool.poolId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals(sshCommandResult.getStdout().trim(),"This consumer is already subscribed to the product matching pool with id '"+pool.poolId+"'.");
throw new SkipException("Because this consumer is already subscribed to the product ("+pool.productId+") provided by this pool id '"+pool.poolId+".', this pool is unsubscribeable and therefore we must skip this test iteration.");
List<ProductSubscription> originalConsumedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions();
// With the introduction of virt-guest pools, it is possible that a former invocation of this test has changed the validity dates on this pool,
// therefore, let's re-fetch the SubscriptionPool object that we are about to test.
SubscriptionPool pool = SubscriptionPool.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("poolId", originalPool.poolId, clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableSubscriptionPools());
Assert.assertNotNull(pool, "Successfully found the SubscriptionPool with the poolId that we are about to test from list --available.");"Subscribe client (already registered as a system under username '" + sm_clientUsername + "') to subscription pool " + pool + "...");
File entitlementCertFile = clienttasks.subscribeToSubscriptionPool(pool, /*sm_serverAdminUsername*/
sm_clientUsername, /*sm_serverAdminPassword*/
sm_clientPassword, sm_serverUrl);
Assert.assertNotNull(entitlementCertFile, "Our attempt to subscribe resulted in a new entitlement cert on our system.");
EntitlementCert entitlementCert = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertFromEntitlementCertFile(entitlementCertFile);"Verify that the currently consumed product subscriptions that came from this subscription pool have the same start and end date as the pool...");
List<ProductSubscription> originalProducts = ProductSubscription.findAllInstancesWithMatchingFieldFromList("serialNumber", entitlementCert.serialNumber, clienttasks.getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions());
Assert.assertFalse(originalProducts.isEmpty(), "After subscribing to a new pool, at least one consumed product subscription matching the entitlement cert's serial number '" + entitlementCert.serialNumber + "' is expected.");
// TEMPORARY WORKAROUND FOR BUG: - jsefler 12/12/2010
Boolean invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen = true;
try {
String bugId = "660713";
if (invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen && BzChecker.getInstance().isBugOpen(bugId)) {
log.fine("Invoking workaround for " + BzChecker.getInstance().getBugState(bugId).toString() + " Bugzilla " + bugId + ". (" + bugId + ")");
} else {
invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen = false;
} catch (BugzillaAPIException be) {
/* ignore exception */
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
/* ignore exception */
if (invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen) {
log.warning("The workaround while this bug is open is to skip the assertion that: The original end date for the subscribed product matches the end date of the subscription pool '" + pool.subscriptionName + "' from where it was entitled.");
} else
for (ProductSubscription originalProduct : originalProducts) {
Assert.assertEquals(originalProduct.accountNumber, originalProducts.get(0).accountNumber, "All of the consumed product subscription from this pool '" + pool.poolId + "' should have the same accountNumber.");
Assert.assertEquals(originalProduct.contractNumber, originalProducts.get(0).contractNumber, "All of the consumed product subscription from this pool '" + pool.poolId + "' should have the same contractNumber.");
Assert.assertEquals(originalProduct.serialNumber, originalProducts.get(0).serialNumber, "All of the consumed product subscription from this pool '" + pool.poolId + "' should have the same serialNumber.");
Assert.assertEquals(originalProduct.isActive, originalProducts.get(0).isActive, "All of the consumed product subscription from this pool '" + pool.poolId + "' should have the same active status.");
Assert.assertTrue(originalProduct.startDate.compareTo(originalProducts.get(0).startDate) == 0, "All of the consumed product subscription from this pool '" + pool.poolId + "' should have the same startDate.");
Assert.assertTrue(originalProduct.endDate.compareTo(pool.endDate) == 0, "The original end date (" + ProductSubscription.formatDateString(originalProduct.endDate) + ") for the subscribed product '" + originalProduct.productName + "' matches the end date (" + SubscriptionPool.formatDateString(pool.endDate) + ") of the subscription pool '" + pool.subscriptionName + "' from where it was entitled.");
// new File(clienttasks.entitlementCertDir+"/"+products.get(0).serialNumber+".pem");
File originalEntitlementCertFile = entitlementCertFile;
Calendar originalStartDate = (Calendar) originalProducts.get(0).startDate.clone();
Calendar originalEndDate = (Calendar) originalProducts.get(0).endDate.clone();
Integer contractNumber = originalProducts.get(0).contractNumber;
Assert.assertTrue(RemoteFileTasks.testExists(client, originalEntitlementCertFile.getPath()), "Original entitlement cert file '" + originalEntitlementCertFile + "' exists.");"Now we will change the start and end date of the subscription pool adding one month to enddate and subtracting one month from startdate...");
Calendar newStartDate = (Calendar) originalStartDate.clone();
newStartDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
Calendar newEndDate = (Calendar) originalEndDate.clone();
newEndDate.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
updateSubscriptionPoolDatesOnDatabase(pool, newStartDate, newEndDate);
invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen = true;
try {
String bugId = "883486";
if (invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen && BzChecker.getInstance().isBugOpen(bugId)) {
log.fine("Invoking workaround for " + BzChecker.getInstance().getBugState(bugId).toString() + " Bugzilla " + bugId + ". (" + bugId + ")");
} else {
invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen = false;
} catch (BugzillaAPIException be) {
/* ignore exception */
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
/* ignore exception */
if (invokeWorkaroundWhileBugIsOpen) {
log.warning("The workaround while this bug is open is to compensate the expected new start/end dates for daylight savings.");
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
// adjust the expected entitlement dates for daylight savings time (changed by
// now.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) will equal 0 in the winter StandardTime; will equal 1000*60*60 in the summer DaylightSavingsTime (when the local time zone observes DST)
newStartDate.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, now.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) - newStartDate.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET));
newEndDate.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, now.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) - newEndDate.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET));
// END OF WORKAROUND"Now let's refresh the subscription pools...");
JSONObject jobDetail = CandlepinTasks.refreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, ownerKey);
jobDetail = CandlepinTasks.waitForJobDetailStateUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, jobDetail, "FINISHED", 10 * 1000, 3);"Refresh to make sure the latest entitlement certs are on the client...");
// makes sure the new entitlement is downloaded
clienttasks.refresh(null, null, null, null);"The updated certs should now be on the client...");"First, let's assert that the original entitlement cert file '" + originalEntitlementCertFile + "' is gone...");
Assert.assertTrue(!RemoteFileTasks.testExists(client, originalEntitlementCertFile.getPath()), "Original certificate file '" + originalEntitlementCertFile + "' has been removed from the system.");"Second, let's assert that the consumed products have been refreshed...");
// List<ProductSubscription> newProducts = ProductSubscription.findAllInstancesWithMatchingFieldFromList("contractNumber",contractNumber, clienttasks.getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions());
// Assert.assertEquals(newProducts.size(), originalProducts.size(),"The number of ProductSubscriptions corresponding to this subscription's original contract number ("+contractNumber+") remains the same.");
List<ProductSubscription> newProducts = new ArrayList<ProductSubscription>();
for (ProductSubscription productSubscription : clienttasks.getCurrentlyConsumedProductSubscriptions()) {
if (!originalConsumedProducts.contains(productSubscription))
Assert.assertEquals(newProducts.size(), originalProducts.size(), "The number of ProductSubscriptions altered after changing the subscription's start/end dates remains confined to original consumed products.");
BigInteger newSerialNumber = newProducts.get(0).serialNumber;
File newCertFile = new File(clienttasks.entitlementCertDir + "/" + newSerialNumber + ".pem");
Assert.assertNotSame(newCertFile, originalEntitlementCertFile, "The newly granted and refresh entitlement cert file should not be the same as the original cert file.");
Assert.assertTrue(RemoteFileTasks.testExists(client, newCertFile.getPath()), "New entitlement certificate file '" + newCertFile + "' exists.");
for (ProductSubscription newProduct : newProducts) {
Assert.assertEquals(ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newProduct.startDate), ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newStartDate), "Rhsmcertd has updated the entitled startdate from '" + ProductSubscription.formatDateString(originalStartDate) + "' to '" + ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newStartDate) + "' for consumed product '" + newProduct.productName + "' that originated from poolId '" + pool.poolId + "'.");
Assert.assertEquals(ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newProduct.endDate), ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newEndDate), "Rhsmcertd has updated the entitled enddate from '" + ProductSubscription.formatDateString(originalEndDate) + "' to '" + ProductSubscription.formatDateString(newEndDate) + "' for consumed product '" + newProduct.productName + "' that originated from poolId '" + pool.poolId + "'.");"And, let's assert that consumed product entitlement serial has been updated...");
Assert.assertTrue(!newProduct.serialNumber.equals(originalProducts.get(0).serialNumber) && newProduct.serialNumber.equals(newSerialNumber), "The consumed product entitlement serial has been updated from '" + originalProducts.get(0).serialNumber + "' to '" + newSerialNumber + "' for consumed product '" + newProduct.productName + "' that originated from poolId '" + pool.poolId + "'.");"Let's assert that the following consumed product attributes have been left unchanged...");
Assert.assertEquals(newProduct.accountNumber, originalProducts.get(0).accountNumber, "The consumed product accountNumber remains unchanged for '" + newProduct.productName + "' after its pool (poolId='" + pool.poolId + "') start/end dates have been modified and refreshed.");
Assert.assertEquals(newProduct.contractNumber, originalProducts.get(0).contractNumber, "The consumed product contractNumber remains unchanged for '" + newProduct.productName + "' after its pool (poolId='" + pool.poolId + "') start/end dates have been modified and refreshed.");
Assert.assertEquals(newProduct.isActive, originalProducts.get(0).isActive, "The consumed product active status remains unchanged for '" + newProduct.productName + "' after its pool (poolId='" + pool.poolId + "') start/end dates have been modified and refreshed.");
}"Third, let's assert that subscription pool reflects the new end date...");
pool = SubscriptionPool.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("poolId", pool.poolId, clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableSubscriptionPools());
Assert.assertNotNull(pool, "Successfully found the SubscriptionPool with the poolId that we just unsubscribed from and searched for in list --available.");
Assert.assertEquals(SubscriptionPool.formatDateString(pool.endDate), SubscriptionPool.formatDateString(newEndDate), "As seen by the client, the enddate of the refreshed pool '" + pool.poolId + "' (" + pool.subscriptionName + ") has been changed from '" + SubscriptionPool.formatDateString(originalEndDate) + "' to '" + SubscriptionPool.formatDateString(newEndDate) + "'.");"Forth, in honor of bugzillas 682930, 679617 let's assert that after unsubscribing, the subscription pool's original quantity is restored...");
Assert.assertEquals(pool.quantity, originalPool.quantity, "Assuming that nobody else has recently subscribed to this pool, the original pool quantity should be restored after updating the subscription's start/end dates and unsubscribing from the poolId '" + pool.poolId + "' (" + pool.subscriptionName + ").");"Finally, check the CRL list on the server and verify the original entitlement cert serial is revoked...");"Waiting 2 minutes... (Assuming this is the candlepin.conf value set for");
// give the CertificateRevocationListTask.schedule 2 minutes to update the list since that is what was set in setupBeforeSuite()
sleep(2 * 60 * 1000);
// NOTE: The refresh schedule should have been set with a call to servertasks.updateConfigFileParameter in the setupBeforeSuite()
// Set inside /etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf
// 0/2 * * * ?
// NOTE: if not set, the default is public static final String DEFAULT_SCHEDULE = "0 0 12 * * ?" Fire at 12pm (noon) every day
RevokedCert revokedCert = RevokedCert.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("serialNumber", entitlementCert.serialNumber, servertasks.getCurrentlyRevokedCerts());
Assert.assertTrue(revokedCert != null, "Original entitlement certificate serial number '" + entitlementCert.serialNumber + "' granted from pool '" + pool.poolId + "' (" + pool.subscriptionName + ") has been added to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) as: " + revokedCert);
Assert.assertEquals(revokedCert.reasonCode, "Privilege Withdrawn", "Expanding the certificate start and end dates should revoke the certificated with a reason code of Privilege Withdrawn.");
// just to add some complexity to succeeding dataProvided runs of this test, let's re-subscribe to this pool
// FIXME The following will cause failures for pools that originate from a virtualization aware subscription. It would be nice to re-subscribe, but first we need to determine if this pool came from a virt-aware subscription and excude it from the resubscribe
// clienttasks.subscribeToSubscriptionPool(pool);