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Example 16 with Repo

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class ReposTests method testReposDisable.

@// update=true,	// uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-20388", "RHEL7-51676" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier3")
@Test(description = "subscription-manager: disable a repo.", groups = { "Tier3Tests" }, enabled = true)
public // @ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=)
void testReposDisable() throws JSONException, Exception {
    // register
    clienttasks.register(sm_clientUsername, sm_clientPassword, sm_clientOrg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, true, false, null, null, null, null);
    List<Repo> subscribedRepos = clienttasks.getCurrentlySubscribedRepos();
    // reduce the runtime of this test by randomly reducing the subscribedRepos tested
    subscribedRepos = getRandomSubsetOfList(subscribedRepos, 5);
    if (subscribedRepos.isEmpty())
        throw new SkipException("There are no entitled repos available for this test.");
    for (Repo repo : subscribedRepos) {
        SSHCommandResult result = clienttasks.repos_(false, null, null, null, repo.repoId, null, null, null, null);
        String expectedStdout = String.format("Repo %s is disabled for this system.", repo.repoId);
        // subscription-manager commit b9e7f7abb949bc007f2db02662e2abba76528082
        if (clienttasks.isPackageVersion("subscription-manager", ">=", "1.10.7-1"))
            expectedStdout = String.format("Repo '%s' is disabled for this system.", repo.repoId);
        // bug 1122530 commit add5a9b746f9f2af147a7e4622b897a46b5ef132
        if (clienttasks.isPackageVersion("subscription-manager", ">=", "1.13.6-1"))
            expectedStdout = String.format("Repository '%s' is disabled for this system.", repo.repoId);
        Assert.assertEquals(result.getStdout().trim(), expectedStdout);
Also used : Repo( YumRepo( SSHCommandResult( SkipException(org.testng.SkipException) TestDefinition(com.github.redhatqe.polarize.metadata.TestDefinition) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 17 with Repo

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class RHUITests method testDownloadRHUIISOFromFileRepo.

@// update=true,	// uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-22305", "RHEL7-55202" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier1")
@Test(description = "download an expected RHUI iso from an expected file repoUrl", // RHEL-6-RHUI-2-LATEST-Server-x86_64-DVD.iso ERROR 404: Not Found.
groups = { "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-860516", "blockedByBug-894184", "blockedByBug-1427516" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testConsumeRHUISubscriptionProduct" }, enabled = true)
public // @ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=)
void testDownloadRHUIISOFromFileRepo() {
    if (sm_rhuiDownloadIso.equals(""))
        throw new SkipException("Skipping this test when no value was given for the RHUI Download ISO");
    File downloadedIsoFile = new File("/tmp/" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso);
    RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "rm -rf " + downloadedIsoFile, 0);
    // find the repo for the isos
    ContentNamespace contentNamespaceForIso = null;
    for (EntitlementCert entitlementCert : clienttasks.getCurrentEntitlementCerts()) {
        for (ContentNamespace contentNamespace : entitlementCert.contentNamespaces) {
            if (contentNamespace.label.equals(sm_rhuiRepoIdForIsos)) {
                contentNamespaceForIso = contentNamespace;
    Assert.assertNotNull(contentNamespaceForIso, "Found expected ContentNamespace to repoId '" + sm_rhuiRepoIdForIsos + "' for rhui isos after subscribe to '" + sm_rhuiSubscriptionProductId + "'.");
    String repoUrl = clienttasks.baseurl + contentNamespaceForIso.downloadUrl;
    // assert available repos for "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server from RHUI" (when not a server, no content should exist)
    List<Repo> repos = clienttasks.getCurrentlySubscribedRepos();
    if (clienttasks.releasever.contains("Server")) {
        Assert.assertMore(repos.size(), 0, "When consuming RHUI Product ID '" + sm_rhuiSubscriptionProductId + "' on a Server '" + clienttasks.releasever + "' system, repo content should be available.");
    } else {
        Assert.assertEquals(repos.size(), 0, "When consuming RHUI Product ID '" + sm_rhuiSubscriptionProductId + "' on a non-Server '" + clienttasks.releasever + "' system, repo content should NOT be available.");
        // RHEL-6.1-RHUI-2.0-LATEST-Server-x86_64-DVD.iso
        throw new SkipException("This system release is '" + clienttasks.releasever + "'.  RHUI ISO '" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso + "' requires Server for downloading.");
    // substitute the yum vars
    String arch = Arrays.asList("i686", "i486", "i386").contains(clienttasks.arch) ? "i386" : clienttasks.arch;
    // RHEL-6.1-RHUI-2.0-LATEST-Server-x86_64-DVD.iso
    if (!sm_rhuiDownloadIso.contains(arch))
        throw new SkipException("When this system's arch (" + arch + ") is substituted into the repoUrl (" + repoUrl + "), it will not find RHUI ISO (" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso + ") for downloading.");
    repoUrl = repoUrl.replaceFirst("\\$releasever", clienttasks.releasever);
    repoUrl = repoUrl.replaceFirst("\\$basearch", arch);
    File entitlementKeyFile = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertKeyFileCorrespondingToEntitlementCertFile(entitlementCertFile);
    // $ wget  --certificate=<Content Certificate>
    // wget --no-check-certificate --certificate=/etc/pki/entitlement/7658526340059785943.pem --private-key=/etc/pki/entitlement/7658526340059785943-key.pem --output-document=/tmp/RHEL-6.1-RHUI-2.0-LATEST-Server-x86_64-DVD.iso --
    RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "wget --no-check-certificate --certificate=" + entitlementCertFile + " --private-key=" + entitlementKeyFile + " --output-document=" + downloadedIsoFile + " -- " + repoUrl + "/" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso, 0);
    Assert.assertTrue(RemoteFileTasks.testExists(client, downloadedIsoFile.getPath()), "Expected RHUI Download ISO was downloaded.");
Also used : ContentNamespace( EntitlementCert( Repo( SkipException(org.testng.SkipException) File( TestDefinition(com.github.redhatqe.polarize.metadata.TestDefinition) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 18 with Repo

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class RHUITests method testDownloadRHUIISOFromYumRepo_DEPRECATED.

@Test(description = "download an expected RHUI iso from an expected yum repoUrl", groups = { "Tier1Tests" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testConsumeRHUISubscriptionProduct" }, // this download file methodology will NOT work for a file; replaced by DownloadRHUIISOFromFileRepo_Test()
enabled = false)
public // @ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=)
void testDownloadRHUIISOFromYumRepo_DEPRECATED() {
    if (sm_rhuiDownloadIso.equals(""))
        throw new SkipException("Skipping this test when no value was given for the RHUI Download ISO");
    File downloadedIsoFile = new File("/tmp/" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso);
    RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "rm -rf " + downloadedIsoFile, 0);
    // find the repo for the isos
    Repo repoForIsos = Repo.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("repoId", sm_rhuiRepoIdForIsos, clienttasks.getCurrentlySubscribedRepos());
    Assert.assertNotNull(repoForIsos, "Found expected repoId for rhui isos after subscribe to '" + sm_rhuiSubscriptionProductId + "'.");
    String repoUrl = repoForIsos.repoUrl;
    repoUrl = repoUrl.replaceFirst("\\$releasever", clienttasks.releasever);
    repoUrl = repoUrl.replaceFirst("\\$basearch", clienttasks.arch);
    File entitlementKeyFile = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertKeyFileCorrespondingToEntitlementCertFile(entitlementCertFile);
    // $ wget  --certificate=<Content Certificate>
    // wget --no-check-certificate --certificate=/etc/pki/entitlement/7658526340059785943.pem --private-key=/etc/pki/entitlement/7658526340059785943-key.pem --output-document=/tmp/RHEL-6.1-RHUI-2.0-LATEST-Server-x86_64-DVD.iso --
    RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "wget --no-check-certificate --certificate=" + entitlementCertFile + " --private-key=" + entitlementKeyFile + " --output-document=" + downloadedIsoFile + " -- " + repoUrl + "/" + sm_rhuiDownloadIso, 0);
    Assert.assertEquals(RemoteFileTasks.testFileExists(client, downloadedIsoFile.getPath()), 1, "Expected RHUI Download ISO was downloaded.");
Also used : Repo( SkipException(org.testng.SkipException) File( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 19 with Repo

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class CertificateTests method getVerifyBaseRHELProductCertVersionFromEachCDNReleaseVersion_TestDataAsListOfLists.

protected List<List<Object>> getVerifyBaseRHELProductCertVersionFromEachCDNReleaseVersion_TestDataAsListOfLists() {
    List<List<Object>> ll = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
    if (!isSetupBeforeSuiteComplete)
        return ll;
    if (clienttasks == null)
        return ll;
    // unregister
    clienttasks.unregister(null, null, null, null);
    // get the currently installed RHEL product cert
    ProductCert rhelProductCert = clienttasks.getCurrentRhelProductCert();
    // rhel product cert cannot be subscribed if a rhel product cert is not installed
    if (rhelProductCert == null)
        throw new SkipException("Failed to find an installed RHEL product cert.");
    // register with autosubscribe
    clienttasks.register(sm_clientUsername, sm_clientPassword, sm_clientOrg, null, null, null, null, true, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
    // find the autosubscribed entitlement that provides access to RHEL content
    List<EntitlementCert> rhelEntitlementCerts = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertsProvidingProductCert(rhelProductCert);
    if (rhelEntitlementCerts.isEmpty()) {
        log.warning("Could not find an entitlement to a RHEL subscription.");
        return ll;
    // EntitlementCert rhelEntitlementCert = clienttasks.getEntitlementCertsProvidingProductCert(rhelProductCert).get(0);
    EntitlementCert rhelEntitlementCert = rhelEntitlementCerts.get(0);
    // get the cacert file
    File caCertFile = new File(clienttasks.getConfParameter("repo_ca_cert"));
    // get the baseurl
    String baseurl = clienttasks.getConfParameter("baseurl");
    // get the repo url to the currently enabled base RHEL repo (assume it ends in /6/$releasever/$basearch/os
    // get the list of currently enabled repos
    // [root@jsefler-os6 ~]# subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
    // +----------------------------------------------------------+
    // Available Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo
    // +----------------------------------------------------------+
    // Repo ID:   rhel-6-server-rpms
    // Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs)
    // Repo URL:$releasever/$basearch/os
    // Enabled:   1
    // [root@amd-dinar-01 ~]# subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
    // +----------------------------------------------------------+
    // Available Repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo
    // +----------------------------------------------------------+
    // Repo ID:   rhel-rs-for-rhel-7-server-eus-rpms
    // Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Resilient Storage (for RHEL 7 Server) - Extended Update Support (RPMs)
    // Repo URL:$releasever/$basearch/resilientstorage/os
    // Enabled:   1
    // Repo ID:   rhel-ha-for-rhel-7-server-eus-rpms
    // Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL 7 Server) - Extended Update Support (RPMs)
    // Repo URL:$releasever/$basearch/highavailability/os
    // Enabled:   1
    // Repo ID:   rhel-7-server-eus-rpms
    // Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server - Extended Update Support (RPMs)
    // Repo URL:$releasever/$basearch/os
    // Enabled:   1
    // Repo ID:   rhel-7-server-rpms
    // Repo Name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server (RPMs)
    // Repo URL:$releasever/$basearch/os
    // Enabled:   1
    // RHEL-ALT Repos:
    // Product 419 aarch64 Repo rhel-7-for-arm-64-rpms        URL:$releasever/armv8-a/$basearch/os
    // Product 420 ppc64le Repo rhel-7-for-power-9-rpms       URL:$releasever/power9/$basearch/os
    // Product 434 s390x   Repo rhel-7-for-system-z-a-rpms	   URL:$releasever/system-z-a/$basearch/os
    String rhelRepoUrl = null;
    for (Repo enabledRepo : Repo.parse(clienttasks.repos(null, true, false, (String) null, (String) null, null, null, null, null).getStdout())) {
        if (enabledRepo.enabled) {
            // if (enabledRepo.repoUrl.endsWith(clienttasks.redhatReleaseX+"/$releasever/$basearch/os")) {	// does not match the RHEL-ALT repos
            if (enabledRepo.repoUrl.matches(baseurl + "([\\w/-]+)*/" + clienttasks.redhatReleaseX + "/\\$releasever/([\\w/-]+/)*\\$basearch/os")) {
                // skip Extended Update Support repos
                if (enabledRepo.repoUrl.contains("/eus/"))
                if (rhelRepoUrl != null && !rhelRepoUrl.equals(enabledRepo.repoUrl)) {
          "Excluding EUS, encountered multiple enabled repos that appear to serve the base RHEL content.  Did not expect this:\n " + rhelRepoUrl + "\n " + enabledRepo.repoUrl);
                rhelRepoUrl = enabledRepo.repoUrl;
    // add each available release as a row to the dataProvider
    for (String release : clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableReleases(null, null, null, null)) {
        List<String> bugIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (release.startsWith("6")) {
            // Bug 1214856 - has the wrong productId version for rhel 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.2"))
            // Bug 1214856 - has the wrong productId version for rhel 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.4"))
            // Bug 1559114 - has the wrong productId version for many variants/arches of RHEL 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.2") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.matches("i386|ppc64|s390x"))
            // Bug 1559114 - has the wrong productId version for many variants/arches of RHEL 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.4") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.matches("i386|ppc64|s390x"))
            // Bug 1559114 - has the wrong productId version for many variants/arches of RHEL 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.2") && clienttasks.variant.matches("Workstation|Client|ComputeNode"))
            // Bug 1559114 - has the wrong productId version for many variants/arches of RHEL 6.2 and 6.4
            if (release.equals("6.4") && clienttasks.variant.matches("Workstation|Client|ComputeNode"))
            // Bug 1302409 - has the wrong productId version for rhel 6.6
            if (release.equals("6.6") && clienttasks.variant.matches("Client|Server") && clienttasks.arch.matches("i\\d86"))
        if (release.startsWith("7")) {
            // Bug 1261163 - uncertain of expected release listing on rhel72 arm system
            if (release.equals("7.2") && clienttasks.arch.equals("aarch64"))
            // Bug 1441281 - production CDN productid files 404: Not Found. for ARM releasever 7.2
            if (release.equals("7.2") && clienttasks.arch.equals("aarch64"))
            // Bug 1261171 - uncertain of expected release listing on rhel72 ppc64le system
            if (release.equals("7.2") && clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64le"))
            // Bug 1267732 - production CDN productid files 404: Not Found. for ComputeNode releasever 7.1 and 7Server
            if (release.equals("7.2") && clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode") && release.equals("7.1"))
            // Bug 1267732 - production CDN productid files 404: Not Found. for ComputeNode releasever 7.1 and 7Server
            if (release.equals("7.2") && clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode") && release.equals("7ComputeNode"))
            // Bug 1338857 - has the wrong productId version for rhel 7.2
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
            // Bug 1356738 - has the wrong repodata/productId version at server/7/7.2/s390x and server/7/7Server/s390x
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("s390x"))
            // Bug 1356740 - has the wrong repodata/productId version at server/7/7.2/ppc64 and server/7/7Server/ppc64
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64"))
            // Bug 1356710 - has the wrong repodata/productId version at workstation/7/7.2 and workstation/7/7Workstation
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Workstation") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
            // Bug 1356722 - has the wrong repodata/productId version at computenode/7/7.2 and computenode/7/7ComputeNode
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("ComputeNode") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
            // Bug 1356729 - has the wrong repodata/productId version at client/7/7.2 and client/7/7Client
            if (!release.matches("7.0|7.1") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Client") && clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64"))
            // Bug 1351754 - production CDN productid files 404: Not Found. for Power, little endian releasever 7.1, 7.2, and 7Server
            if (release.matches("7.0|7.1|7.2") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("ppc64le"))
            // Bug 1351800 - production CDN productid files 404: Not Found. for ARM releasever 7.1, 7.2, and 7Server
            if (release.matches("7.*") && clienttasks.variant.equals("Server") && clienttasks.arch.equals("aarch64"))
        BlockedByBzBug blockedByBzBug = new BlockedByBzBug(bugIds.toArray(new String[] {}));
        // Object blockedByBug, String release, String rhelRepoUrl, File rhelEntitlementCertFile, File caCertFile
        ll.add(Arrays.asList(new Object[] { blockedByBzBug, release, rhelRepoUrl, rhelEntitlementCert.file, caCertFile }));
    return ll;
Also used : EntitlementCert( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ProductCert( Repo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SkipException(org.testng.SkipException) File( BlockedByBzBug(

Example 20 with Repo

use of in project rhsm-qe by RedHatQE.

the class BugzillaTests method testNoMultipleReposCreated.

 * @author skallesh
 * @throws Exception
 * @throws JSONException
@// update=true,	// uncomment to make TestDefinition changes update Polarion testcases through the polarize testcase importer
TestDefinition(projectID = { Project.RHEL6, Project.RedHatEnterpriseLinux7 }, testCaseID = { "RHEL6-21916", "RHEL7-51777" }, level = DefTypes.Level.COMPONENT, component = "subscription-manager", testtype = @TestType(testtype = DefTypes.TestTypes.FUNCTIONAL, subtype1 = DefTypes.Subtypes.RELIABILITY, subtype2 = DefTypes.Subtypes.EMPTY), posneg = PosNeg.POSITIVE, importance = DefTypes.Importance.HIGH, automation = DefTypes.Automation.AUTOMATED, tags = "Tier3")
@Test(description = "verify if no multiple repos are created,if subscribed to a product that share one or more engineering subscriptions", groups = { "Tier3Tests", "NoMultipleReposCreated" }, enabled = true)
public void testNoMultipleReposCreated() throws JSONException, Exception {
    clienttasks.register(sm_clientUsername, sm_clientPassword, sm_clientOrg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, null);
    String consumerId = clienttasks.getCurrentConsumerId();
    ownerKey = CandlepinTasks.getOwnerKeyOfConsumerId(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, consumerId);
    CandlepinTasks.deleteSubscriptionsAndRefreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, sm_clientOrg, "multi-stackable");
    CandlepinTasks.refreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, ownerKey);
    String resourcePath = "/products/multi-stackable";
    if (SubscriptionManagerTasks.isVersion(servertasks.statusVersion, ">=", "2.0.0"))
        resourcePath = "/owners/" + sm_clientOrg + resourcePath;
    CandlepinTasks.deleteResourceUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, resourcePath);
    // right now
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    Date todaysDate = calendar.getTime();
    calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
    calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 10);
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
    // avoid times in the middle of the
    calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    // day
    Date futureDate = calendar.getTime();
    Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
    attributes.put("sockets", "8");
    attributes.put("arch", "ALL");
    attributes.put("type", "MKT");
    attributes.put("multi-entitlement", "yes");
    attributes.put("stacking_id", "726409");
    List<String> providedProducts = new ArrayList<String>();
    CandlepinTasks.createProductUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, sm_clientOrg, "Multi-Stackable", "multi-stackable", 1, attributes, null);
    String requestBody = CandlepinTasks.createSubscriptionRequestBody(sm_serverUrl, 20, todaysDate, futureDate, "multi-stackable", Integer.valueOf(getRandInt()), Integer.valueOf(getRandInt()), providedProducts, null).toString();
    CandlepinTasks.postResourceUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, "/owners/" + ownerKey + "/subscriptions", requestBody);
    JSONObject jobDetail = CandlepinTasks.refreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, ownerKey);
    CandlepinTasks.waitForJobDetailStateUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, jobDetail, "FINISHED", 5 * 1000, 1);
    sleep(3 * 60 * 1000);
    clienttasks.register(sm_clientUsername, sm_clientPassword, sm_clientOrg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null, null);
    for (SubscriptionPool pools : clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableSubscriptionPools()) {
        if (pools.subscriptionName.equals("Multi-Stackable")) {
            clienttasks.subscribe_(null, null, pools.poolId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
    String productIdOne = null;
    List<Repo> originalRepos = clienttasks.getCurrentlySubscribedRepos();
    for (Repo repo : originalRepos) {
        String productIdTwo = null;
        productIdOne = repo.repoId;
        if (!(productIdTwo == null)) {
            Assert.assertNotSame(repo.repoId, productIdOne);
        productIdTwo = productIdOne;
    CandlepinTasks.deleteSubscriptionsAndRefreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, sm_clientOrg, "multi-stackable");
    CandlepinTasks.refreshPoolsUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, ownerKey);
    resourcePath = "/products/multi-stackable";
    if (SubscriptionManagerTasks.isVersion(servertasks.statusVersion, ">=", "2.0.0"))
        resourcePath = "/owners/" + sm_clientOrg + resourcePath;
    CandlepinTasks.deleteResourceUsingRESTfulAPI(sm_serverAdminUsername, sm_serverAdminPassword, sm_serverUrl, resourcePath);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) Repo( YumRepo( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SubscriptionPool( Date(java.util.Date) TestDefinition(com.github.redhatqe.polarize.metadata.TestDefinition) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) ImplementsNitrateTest(


Repo ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)27 TestDefinition (com.github.redhatqe.polarize.metadata.TestDefinition)26 YumRepo ( SSHCommandResult ( SkipException (org.testng.SkipException)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 File ( SubscriptionPool ( ImplementsNitrateTest ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 List (java.util.List)4 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)4 EntitlementCert ( ProductCert ( BlockedByBzBug ( BugzillaAPIException ( JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)2 ContentNamespace (