use of searcher.common.validator.PerfectValidator in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class CheckerUsingHoldCountTest method testAfter4Line.
void testAfter4Line() throws Exception {
// Invoker
List<Piece> pieces = Arrays.asList(I, T, S, Z, J, L, O);
int popCount = 7;
int maxClearLine = 4;
int maxDepth = 6;
// Field
String marks = "" + "XXXX______" + "XXXX______" + "XXXX______" + "XXXX______" + "";
Field field = FieldFactory.createField(marks);
// Initialize
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
PerfectValidator validator = new PerfectValidator();
CheckerUsingHold<Action> checker = new CheckerUsingHold<>(minoFactory, validator);
// Measure
Candidate<Action> candidate = new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, maxClearLine);
AnalyzeTree tree = new AnalyzeTree();
Iterable<List<Piece>> combinations = new PermutationIterable<>(pieces, popCount);
for (List<Piece> combination : combinations) {
boolean result = checker.check(field, combination, candidate, maxClearLine, maxDepth);
tree.set(result, combination);
// Source: myself 20170415
assertThat(tree.getSuccessPercent()).isEqualTo(5040 / 5040.0);
use of searcher.common.validator.PerfectValidator in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class CheckerUsingHoldCountTest method testTemplateWithHoldI.
void testTemplateWithHoldI() throws Exception {
// Invoker
String pattern = "I, *p4";
int maxClearLine = 4;
int maxDepth = 4;
// Field
String marks = "" + "XXXXX_____" + "XXXXXX____" + "XXXXXXX___" + "XXXXXX____" + "";
Field field = FieldFactory.createField(marks);
// Initialize
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
PerfectValidator validator = new PerfectValidator();
CheckerUsingHold<Action> checker = new CheckerUsingHold<>(minoFactory, validator);
// Measure
Candidate<Action> candidate = new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, maxClearLine);
AnalyzeTree tree = new AnalyzeTree();
PatternGenerator generator = new LoadedPatternGenerator(pattern);
generator.blocksStream().forEach(blocks -> {
List<Piece> pieceList = blocks.getPieces();
boolean result = checker.check(field, pieceList, candidate, maxClearLine, maxDepth);
tree.set(result, pieceList);
// Source: Nilgiri:
assertThat(tree.getSuccessPercent()).isEqualTo(711 / 840.0);
use of searcher.common.validator.PerfectValidator in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class PackSearcherTest method assertHeight5.
void assertHeight5(SizedBit sizedBit, int maxCount, BiFunction<Field, SolutionFilter, BasicSolutions> basicSolutionSupplier) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, SyntaxException {
assert sizedBit.getWidth() == 2;
assert sizedBit.getHeight() == 5;
int width = sizedBit.getWidth();
int height = sizedBit.getHeight();
Randoms randoms = new Randoms();
Candidate<Action> candidate = new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
LockedReachable reachable = new LockedReachable(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
TaskResultHelper taskResultHelper = new BasicMinoPackingHelper();
for (int count = 0; count < maxCount; count++) {
// Field
int maxDepth = randoms.nextIntClosed(3, 6);
Field initField = randoms.field(height, maxDepth);
List<InOutPairField> inOutPairFields = InOutPairField.createInOutPairFields(sizedBit, initField);
SolutionFilter solutionFilter = createSRSSolutionFilter(sizedBit, initField);
// Pack
BasicSolutions basicSolutions = basicSolutionSupplier.apply(initField, solutionFilter);
PerfectPackSearcher searcher = new PerfectPackSearcher(inOutPairFields, basicSolutions, sizedBit, solutionFilter, taskResultHelper);
List<Result> results = searcher.toList();
// Possible
HashSet<Pieces> possiblePieces = new HashSet<>();
for (Result result : results) {
// result to possible pieces
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = result.getMemento().getSeparableMinoStream(width).map(SeparableMino::toMinoOperationWithKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
Set<LongPieces> sets = new BuildUpStream(reachable, height).existsValidBuildPattern(initField, operationWithKeys).map(keys ->;
// Checker
PerfectValidator validator = new PerfectValidator();
CheckerNoHold<Action> checker = new CheckerNoHold<>(minoFactory, validator);
// Assert generator
PatternGenerator generator = createPiecesGenerator(maxDepth);
generator.blocksStream().forEach(blocks -> {
List<Piece> pieceList = blocks.getPieces();
boolean check = checker.check(initField, pieceList, candidate, height, maxDepth);
use of searcher.common.validator.PerfectValidator in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class PackSearcherTest method assertHeight4.
private void assertHeight4(SizedBit sizedBit, int maxCount, BiFunction<Field, SolutionFilter, BasicSolutions> basicSolutionSupplier) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, SyntaxException {
assert sizedBit.getWidth() == 3;
assert sizedBit.getHeight() == 4;
int width = sizedBit.getWidth();
int height = sizedBit.getHeight();
Randoms randoms = new Randoms();
Candidate<Action> candidate = new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
LockedReachable reachable = new LockedReachable(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, height);
TaskResultHelper taskResultHelper = new Field4x10MinoPackingHelper();
for (int count = 0; count < maxCount; count++) {
// Field
int maxDepth = randoms.nextIntClosed(3, 6);
Field initField = randoms.field(height, maxDepth);
List<InOutPairField> inOutPairFields = InOutPairField.createInOutPairFields(sizedBit, initField);
SolutionFilter solutionFilter = createSRSSolutionFilter(sizedBit, initField);
// Pack
BasicSolutions basicSolutions = basicSolutionSupplier.apply(initField, solutionFilter);
PerfectPackSearcher searcher = new PerfectPackSearcher(inOutPairFields, basicSolutions, sizedBit, solutionFilter, taskResultHelper);
List<Result> results = searcher.toList();
// Possible
HashSet<Pieces> possiblePieces = new HashSet<>();
for (Result result : results) {
// result to possible pieces
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = result.getMemento().getSeparableMinoStream(width).map(SeparableMino::toMinoOperationWithKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
Set<LongPieces> sets = new BuildUpStream(reachable, height).existsValidBuildPattern(initField, operationWithKeys).map(keys ->;
// Checker
PerfectValidator validator = new PerfectValidator();
CheckerNoHold<Action> checker = new CheckerNoHold<>(minoFactory, validator);
// Assert generator
PatternGenerator generator = createPiecesGenerator(maxDepth);
generator.blocksStream().forEach(blocks -> {
List<Piece> pieceList = blocks.getPieces();
boolean check = checker.check(initField, pieceList, candidate, height, maxDepth);
use of searcher.common.validator.PerfectValidator in project solution-finder by knewjade.
the class MoveEntryPoint method run.
public void run() throws FinderException {
output("# Setup Field");
// Setup field
Field field = settings.getField();
int maxClearLine = settings.getMaxClearLine();
output(FieldView.toString(field, maxClearLine));
// Setup max depth
// パフェに必要なミノ数
int maxDepth = Verify.maxDepth(field, maxClearLine);
// ========================================
output("Searching patterns:");
// Setup patterns
List<String> patterns = settings.getPatterns();
PatternGenerator generator = Verify.patterns(patterns);
// Output patterns
for (String pattern : patterns) output(" " + pattern);
// ========================================
// baseファイル
MyFile base = new MyFile(settings.getOutputBaseFilePath());
MinoFactory minoFactory = new MinoFactory();
MinoShifter minoShifter = new MinoShifter();
MinoRotation minoRotation = new MinoRotation();
ColorConverter colorConverter = new ColorConverter();
PerfectValidator perfectValidator = new PerfectValidator();
PutterNoHold<Action> putter = new PutterNoHold<>(minoFactory, perfectValidator);
output("# Calculate");
try (BufferedWriter bw = base.newBufferedWriter()) {
List<Pieces> pieces = generator.blocksStream().collect(Collectors.toList());
for (Pieces piece : pieces) {
String using = piece.blockStream().map(Piece::getName).collect(Collectors.joining());
output(" -> " + using);
TreeSet<Order> first = putter.first(field, piece.getPieceArray(), new LockedCandidate(minoFactory, minoShifter, minoRotation, maxClearLine), maxClearLine, maxDepth);
for (Order order : first) {
Stream<Operation> operationStream = order.getHistory().getOperationStream();
List<MinoOperationWithKey> operationWithKeys = OperationTransform.parseToOperationWithKeys(field, new Operations(operationStream), minoFactory, maxClearLine);
BlockField blockField = OperationTransform.parseToBlockField(operationWithKeys, minoFactory, maxClearLine);
String encodeColor = encodeColor(field, minoFactory, colorConverter, blockField);
String encodeGray = encodeGray(order.getField(), minoFactory, colorConverter);
bw.write(String.format("%s,%s,%s", using, encodeColor, encodeGray));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FinderExecuteException("Failed to output file", e);