use of snowblossom.node.MemPool in project snowblossom by snowblossomcoin.
the class MemPoolTest method testStormChain.
public void testStormChain() throws Exception {
HashedTrie utxo_trie = newMemoryTrie();
KeyPair keys = KeyUtil.generateECCompressedKey();
UtxoUpdateBuffer utxo_buffer = new UtxoUpdateBuffer(utxo_trie, UtxoUpdateBuffer.EMPTY);
Random rnd = new Random();
TreeMap<Double, InputInfo> ready_inputs = new TreeMap<>();
AddressSpecHash address = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
TransactionInput in = addUtxoToUseAtInput(utxo_buffer, keys, 100000L);
System.out.println("Source tx: " + new ChainHash(in.getSrcTxId()));
InputInfo ii = new InputInfo(); = in;
ii.value = 100000L;
ready_inputs.put(rnd.nextDouble(), ii);
address = new AddressSpecHash(in.getSpecHash());
ChainHash utxo_root = utxo_buffer.commit();
MemPool mem_pool = new MemPool(utxo_trie, new DummyChainState(100), 10000000);
Assert.assertEquals(0, mem_pool.getTransactionsForBlock(utxo_root, 1048576).size());
TimeRecord tr = new TimeRecord();
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
long t1 = System.nanoTime();
InputInfo ia = ready_inputs.pollFirstEntry().getValue();
InputInfo ib = ready_inputs.pollFirstEntry().getValue();
InputInfo ic = ready_inputs.pollFirstEntry().getValue();
TransactionOutput out = TransactionOutput.newBuilder().setRecipientSpecHash(address.getBytes()).setValue(100000L).build();
System.out.println("Selected inputs: " + ia + " " + ib + " " + ic);
long t3 = System.nanoTime();
Transaction tx = TransactionUtil.createTransaction(ImmutableList.of(,,, ImmutableList.of(out, out, out), keys);
TimeRecord.record(t3, "create_tx");
System.out.println("Intermediate transaction: " + new ChainHash(tx.getTxHash()));
long t2 = System.nanoTime();
mem_pool.addTransaction(tx, false);
TimeRecord.record(t2, "mem_pool");
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
TransactionInput in = TransactionInput.newBuilder().setSpecHash(address.getBytes()).setSrcTxId(tx.getTxHash()).setSrcTxOutIdx(j).build();
System.out.println(String.format("Adding output %s:%d", new ChainHash(tx.getTxHash()).toString(), j));
InputInfo ii = new InputInfo(); = in;
ii.value = 100000L;
ready_inputs.put(rnd.nextDouble(), ii);
TimeRecord.record(t1, "tx");
long t4 = System.nanoTime();
Assert.assertEquals(500, mem_pool.getTransactionsForBlock(utxo_root, 1048576).size());
TimeRecord.record(t4, "get_block_tx_list");