Search in sources :

Example 26 with DeleteObjectsRequest

use of in project stocator by SparkTC.

the class COSAPIClient method rename.

public boolean rename(String hostName, String srcPath, String dstPath) throws IOException {
    LOG.debug("Rename path {} to {}", srcPath, dstPath);
    Path src = new Path(srcPath);
    Path dst = new Path(dstPath);
    String srcKey = pathToKey(src);
    String dstKey = pathToKey(dst);
    if (srcKey.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException("Rename failed " + srcPath + " to " + dstPath + " source is root directory");
    if (dstKey.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException("Rename failed " + srcPath + " to " + dstPath + " dest is root directory");
    // get the source file status; this raises a FNFE if there is no source
    // file.
    FileStatus srcStatus = getFileStatus(hostName, src, "rename");
    if (srcKey.equals(dstKey)) {
        LOG.debug("rename: src and dest refer to the same file or directory: {}", dstPath);
        throw new IOException("source + " + srcPath + "and dest " + dstPath + " refer to the same file or directory");
    FileStatus dstStatus = null;
    try {
        dstStatus = getFileStatus(hostName, dst, "rename");
        // whether or not it can be the destination of the rename.
        if (srcStatus.isDirectory()) {
            if (dstStatus.isFile()) {
                throw new IOException("source + " + srcPath + "and dest " + dstPath + "source is a directory and dest is a file");
        // at this point the destination is an empty directory
        } else {
            // empty or not
            if (dstStatus.isFile()) {
                throw new IOException("source + " + srcPath + "and dest " + dstPath + "Cannot rename onto an existing file");
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        LOG.debug("rename: destination path {} not found", dstPath);
    if (srcStatus.isFile()) {
        LOG.debug("rename: renaming file {} to {}", src, dst);
        long length = srcStatus.getLen();
        if (dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isDirectory()) {
            String newDstKey = dstKey;
            if (!newDstKey.endsWith("/")) {
                newDstKey = newDstKey + "/";
            String filename = srcKey.substring(pathToKey(src.getParent()).length() + 1);
            newDstKey = newDstKey + filename;
            copyFile(srcKey, newDstKey, length);
        } else {
            copyFile(srcKey, dstKey, srcStatus.getLen());
        delete(hostName, src, false);
    } else {
        ObjectListing objects = mClient.listObjects(mBucket, srcKey);
        List<S3ObjectSummary> summaries = objects.getObjectSummaries();
        while (objects.isTruncated()) {
            objects = mClient.listNextBatchOfObjects(objects);
        // Batch copy using TransferManager
        // Build a list of copyRequests
        List<CopyObjectRequest> copyRequests = new ArrayList<>();
        List<KeyVersion> keysToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
        for (S3ObjectSummary objectSummary : summaries) {
            String newSrcKey = objectSummary.getKey();
            keysToDelete.add(new KeyVersion(newSrcKey));
            // Just in case there are still folders returned as objects
            if (newSrcKey.endsWith("/")) {
                LOG.debug("rename: {} is folder and will be ignored", newSrcKey);
            long length = objectSummary.getSize();
            if ((dstStatus != null && dstStatus.isDirectory()) || (dstStatus == null)) {
                String newDstKey = dstKey;
                if (!newDstKey.endsWith("/")) {
                    newDstKey = newDstKey + "/";
                String filename = newSrcKey.substring(pathToKey(src).length() + 1);
                newDstKey = newDstKey + filename;
                CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(mBucket, newSrcKey, mBucket, newDstKey);
                ObjectMetadata srcmd = getObjectMetadata(newSrcKey);
                if (srcmd != null) {
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Unexpected dstStatus");
        // Submit the copy jobs to transfermanager
        CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(copyRequests.size());
        ArrayList copyJobs = new ArrayList();
        for (CopyObjectRequest request : copyRequests) {
            request.setGeneralProgressListener(new CopyCompleteListener(request.getSourceBucketName() + "/" + request.getSourceKey(), request.getDestinationBucketName() + "/" + request.getDestinationKey(), doneSignal));
        try {
        } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
            throw new IOException("Couldn't wait for all copies to be finished");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted copying objects, cancelling");
        // Delete source objects
        DeleteObjectsRequest keysDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(mBucket).withKeys(keysToDelete).withQuiet(false);
        // Verify that the object versions were successfully deleted.
        DeleteObjectsResult deletedKeys = mClient.deleteObjects(keysDeleteRequest);
        int successfulDeletes = deletedKeys.getDeletedObjects().size();
        LOG.debug(successfulDeletes + " objects successfully deleted");
    if (!(src.getParent().equals(dst.getParent()))) {
        LOG.debug("{} is not equal to {}. Going to create directory {}", src.getParent(), dst.getParent(), src.getParent());
        createDirectoryIfNecessary(hostName, src.getParent());
    return true;
Also used : StocatorPath( Path(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path) InterruptedIOException( FileStatus(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus) LocatedFileStatus(org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus) KeyVersion( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) FileNotFoundException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectListing( S3ObjectSummary( InterruptedIOException( IOException( DeleteObjectsResult( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) DeleteObjectsRequest( CopyObjectRequest( ObjectMetadata(

Example 27 with DeleteObjectsRequest

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class AbstractS3SnapshotRestoreTest method cleanRepositoryFiles.

     * Deletes content of the repository files in the bucket
public void cleanRepositoryFiles(String basePath) {
    Settings settings = internalCluster().getInstance(Settings.class);
    Settings[] buckets = { settings.getByPrefix("repositories.s3."), settings.getByPrefix("repositories.s3.private-bucket."), settings.getByPrefix("repositories.s3.remote-bucket."), settings.getByPrefix("repositories.s3.external-bucket.") };
    for (Settings bucket : buckets) {
        String bucketName = bucket.get("bucket");
        // We check that settings has been set in elasticsearch.yml integration test file
        // as described in README
        assertThat("Your settings in elasticsearch.yml are incorrects. Check README file.", bucketName, notNullValue());
        AmazonS3 client = internalCluster().getInstance(AwsS3Service.class).client(Settings.EMPTY, null, randomBoolean(), null);
        try {
            ObjectListing prevListing = null;
            //we can do at most 1K objects per delete
            //We don't know the bucket name until first object listing
            DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = null;
            ArrayList<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> keys = new ArrayList<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion>();
            while (true) {
                ObjectListing list;
                if (prevListing != null) {
                    list = client.listNextBatchOfObjects(prevListing);
                } else {
                    list = client.listObjects(bucketName, basePath);
                    multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(list.getBucketName());
                for (S3ObjectSummary summary : list.getObjectSummaries()) {
                    keys.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(summary.getKey()));
                    //Every 500 objects batch the delete request
                    if (keys.size() > 500) {
                        multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(list.getBucketName());
                if (list.isTruncated()) {
                    prevListing = list;
                } else {
            if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.warn((Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage("Failed to delete S3 repository [{}]", bucketName), ex);
Also used : AmazonS3( AwsS3Service( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectListing( S3ObjectSummary( SnapshotMissingException(org.elasticsearch.snapshots.SnapshotMissingException) RepositoryVerificationException(org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryVerificationException) RepositoryMissingException(org.elasticsearch.repositories.RepositoryMissingException) DeleteObjectsRequest( Supplier(org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier) ParameterizedMessage(org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ParameterizedMessage) Settings(org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings)

Example 28 with DeleteObjectsRequest

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class S3DataStoreUtils method deleteBucket.

public static void deleteBucket(String bucket, Date date) throws Exception {"cleaning bucket [" + bucket + "]");
    Properties props = getS3Config();
    AmazonS3Client s3service = Utils.openService(props);
    TransferManager tmx = new TransferManager(s3service);
    if (s3service.doesBucketExist(bucket)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            tmx.abortMultipartUploads(bucket, date);
            ObjectListing prevObjectListing = s3service.listObjects(bucket);
            while (prevObjectListing != null) {
                List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> deleteList = new ArrayList<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion>();
                for (S3ObjectSummary s3ObjSumm : prevObjectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
                    deleteList.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(s3ObjSumm.getKey()));
                if (deleteList.size() > 0) {
                    DeleteObjectsRequest delObjsReq = new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket);
                if (!prevObjectListing.isTruncated())
                prevObjectListing = s3service.listNextBatchOfObjects(prevObjectListing);
        s3service.deleteBucket(bucket);"bucket [ " + bucket + "] cleaned");
    } else {"bucket [" + bucket + "] doesn't exists");
Also used : TransferManager( AmazonS3Client( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectListing( S3ObjectSummary( Properties(java.util.Properties) DeleteObjectsRequest(

Example 29 with DeleteObjectsRequest

use of in project jackrabbit-oak by apache.

the class S3Backend method renameKeys.

     * This method rename object keys in S3 concurrently. The number of
     * concurrent threads is defined by 'maxConnections' property in
     * As S3 doesn't have "move" command, this method simulate
     * move as copy object object to new key and then delete older key.
private void renameKeys() throws DataStoreException {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    long count = 0;
    try {
        ObjectListing prevObjectListing = s3service.listObjects(bucket);
        List<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion> deleteList = new ArrayList<DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion>();
        int nThreads = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("maxConnections"));
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads, new NamedThreadFactory("s3-object-rename-worker"));
        boolean taskAdded = false;
        while (true) {
            for (S3ObjectSummary s3ObjSumm : prevObjectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
                executor.execute(new KeyRenameThread(s3ObjSumm.getKey()));
                taskAdded = true;
                // delete the object if it follows old key name format
                if (s3ObjSumm.getKey().startsWith(KEY_PREFIX)) {
                    deleteList.add(new DeleteObjectsRequest.KeyVersion(s3ObjSumm.getKey()));
            if (!prevObjectListing.isTruncated())
            prevObjectListing = s3service.listNextBatchOfObjects(prevObjectListing);
        // This will make the executor accept no new threads
        // and finish all existing threads in the queue
        try {
            // Wait until all threads are finish
            while (taskAdded && !executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
      "Rename S3 keys tasks timedout. Waiting again");
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        }"Renamed [{}] keys, time taken [{}]sec", count, ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000));
        // Delete older keys.
        if (deleteList.size() > 0) {
            DeleteObjectsRequest delObjsReq = new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucket);
            int batchSize = 500, startIndex = 0, size = deleteList.size();
            int endIndex = batchSize < size ? batchSize : size;
            while (endIndex <= size) {
                delObjsReq.setKeys(Collections.unmodifiableList(deleteList.subList(startIndex, endIndex)));
                DeleteObjectsResult dobjs = s3service.deleteObjects(delObjsReq);
      "Records[{}] deleted in datastore from index [{}] to [{}]", new Object[] { dobjs.getDeletedObjects().size(), startIndex, (endIndex - 1) });
                if (endIndex == size) {
                } else {
                    startIndex = endIndex;
                    endIndex = (startIndex + batchSize) < size ? (startIndex + batchSize) : size;
    } finally {
        if (contextClassLoader != null) {
Also used : NamedThreadFactory( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectListing( S3ObjectSummary( DeleteObjectsResult( DeleteObjectsRequest( ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)

Example 30 with DeleteObjectsRequest

use of in project dataverse by IQSS.

the class S3AccessIO method deleteAllAuxObjects.

public void deleteAllAuxObjects() throws IOException {
    if (!this.canWrite()) {
    String prefix = getDestinationKey("");
    List<S3ObjectSummary> storedAuxFilesSummary = null;
    try {
        ListObjectsRequest req = new ListObjectsRequest().withBucketName(bucketName).withPrefix(prefix);
        ObjectListing storedAuxFilesList = s3.listObjects(req);
        storedAuxFilesSummary = storedAuxFilesList.getObjectSummaries();
        while (storedAuxFilesList.isTruncated()) {
            storedAuxFilesList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(storedAuxFilesList);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ase) {
        logger.warning("Caught an AmazonServiceException:    " + ase.getMessage());
        throw new IOException("S3AccessIO: Failed to get aux objects for listing to delete.");
    DeleteObjectsRequest multiObjectDeleteRequest = new DeleteObjectsRequest(bucketName);
    List<KeyVersion> keys = new ArrayList<>();
    for (S3ObjectSummary item : storedAuxFilesSummary) {
        String destinationKey = item.getKey();
        keys.add(new KeyVersion(destinationKey));
    // Check if the list of auxiliary files for a data file is empty
    if (keys.isEmpty()) {
        logger.fine("S3AccessIO: No auxiliary objects to delete.");
    logger.fine("Trying to delete auxiliary files...");
    try {
    } catch (MultiObjectDeleteException e) {
        logger.warning("S3AccessIO: Unable to delete auxilary objects" + e.getMessage());
        throw new IOException("S3AccessIO: Failed to delete one or more auxiliary objects.");
Also used : ListObjectsRequest( KeyVersion( MultiObjectDeleteException( AmazonClientException(com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ObjectListing( S3ObjectSummary( IOException( DeleteObjectsRequest(


DeleteObjectsRequest ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)26 S3ObjectSummary ( ObjectListing ( DeleteObjectsResult ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)10 KeyVersion ( AmazonClientException (com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException)8 AmazonS3 ( MultiObjectDeleteException ( ListObjectsRequest ( DeleteObjectsRequest ( ObjectIdentifier ( AmazonServiceException (com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException)3 AmazonS3Client ( TransferManager ( ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService)3 NamedThreadFactory ( S3Exception (