use of soot.AnySubType in project soot by Sable.
the class ThrowableSet method toAbbreviatedString.
* <p>
* Utility method which prints the abbreviations of the elements in a passed
* {@link Set} of exception types.
* </p>
* @param s
* The exceptions to print.
* @param connector
* The character to insert between exceptions.
* @return An abbreviated representation of the exceptions.
private String toAbbreviatedString(Set<? extends RefLikeType> s, char connector) {
final String JAVA_LANG = "java.lang.";
final String EXCEPTION = "Exception";
Collection<RefLikeType> vmErrorThrowables = ThrowableSet.Manager.v().VM_ERRORS.exceptionsIncluded;
boolean containsAllVmErrors = s.containsAll(vmErrorThrowables);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (containsAllVmErrors) {
for (Iterator<? extends RefLikeType> it = sortedThrowableIterator(s); it.hasNext(); ) {
RefLikeType reflikeType =;
RefType baseType = null;
if (reflikeType instanceof RefType) {
baseType = (RefType) reflikeType;
if (containsAllVmErrors && vmErrorThrowables.contains(baseType)) {
// Already accounted for vmErrors.
} else {
} else if (reflikeType instanceof AnySubType) {
baseType = ((AnySubType) reflikeType).getBase();
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + reflikeType.getClass().getName());
String typeName = baseType.toString();
int start = 0;
int end = typeName.length();
if (typeName.startsWith(JAVA_LANG)) {
start += JAVA_LANG.length();
if (typeName.endsWith(EXCEPTION)) {
end -= EXCEPTION.length();
buf.append(typeName, start, end);
if (reflikeType instanceof AnySubType) {
return buf.toString();
use of soot.AnySubType in project soot by Sable.
the class EvalResults method test_1cfa_call_graph.
* We assess the quality of building the 1-cfa call graph with the geometric
* points-to result.
private void test_1cfa_call_graph(LocalVarNode vn, SootMethod caller, SootMethod callee_signature, Histogram ce_range) {
long l, r;
IVarAbstraction pn = ptsProvider.findInternalNode(vn);
if (pn == null)
pn = pn.getRepresentative();
Set<SootMethod> tgts = new HashSet<SootMethod>();
Set<AllocNode> set = pn.get_all_points_to_objects();
LinkedList<CgEdge> list = ptsProvider.getCallEdgesInto(ptsProvider.getIDFromSootMethod(caller));
FastHierarchy hierarchy = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy();
for (Iterator<CgEdge> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
CgEdge p =;
l = p.map_offset;
r = l + ptsProvider.max_context_size_block[p.s];
for (AllocNode obj : set) {
if (!pn.pointer_interval_points_to(l, r, obj))
Type t = obj.getType();
if (t == null)
else if (t instanceof AnySubType)
t = ((AnySubType) t).getBase();
else if (t instanceof ArrayType)
t = RefType.v("java.lang.Object");
try {
tgts.add(hierarchy.resolveConcreteDispatch(((RefType) t).getSootClass(), callee_signature));
} catch (Exception e) {
use of soot.AnySubType in project soot by Sable.
the class DemandCSPointsTo method getCallTargetsForType.
protected Set<SootMethod> getCallTargetsForType(Type type, NumberedString methodStr, Type receiverType, Set<SootMethod> possibleTargets) {
if (!pag.getTypeManager().castNeverFails(type, receiverType))
return Collections.<SootMethod>emptySet();
if (type instanceof AnySubType) {
AnySubType any = (AnySubType) type;
RefType refType = any.getBase();
if (pag.getTypeManager().getFastHierarchy().canStoreType(receiverType, refType) || pag.getTypeManager().getFastHierarchy().canStoreType(refType, receiverType)) {
return possibleTargets;
} else {
return Collections.<SootMethod>emptySet();
if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
// we'll invoke the java.lang.Object method in this
// case
// Assert.chk(varNodeType.toString().equals("java.lang.Object"));
type = Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.Object").getType();
RefType refType = (RefType) type;
SootMethod targetMethod = null;
targetMethod = VirtualCalls.v().resolveNonSpecial(refType, methodStr);
return Collections.<SootMethod>singleton(targetMethod);
use of soot.AnySubType in project soot by Sable.
the class SparkLibraryHelper method caseArrayType.
* A new local array will be created and connected to
* {@link SparkLibraryHelper#node} of type {@link ArrayType}. For this new
* local an allocation edge to a new array of its declared type will be
* added. If the {@link ArrayType#getElementType()} is still an array an
* allocation to a new array of this element type will be made and stored
* until the element type is a {@link RefType}. If this is the case an
* allocation to {@link AnySubType} of {@link ArrayType#baseType} will be
* made.
public void caseArrayType(ArrayType type) {
Node array = node;
for (Type t = type; t instanceof ArrayType; t = ((ArrayType) t).getElementType()) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType) t;
if (at.baseType instanceof RefType) {
// var tmpArray;
LocalVarNode localArray = pag.makeLocalVarNode(new Object(), t, method);
// x = tmpArray;
pag.addEdge(localArray, array);
// new T[]
AllocNode newArray = pag.makeAllocNode(new Object(), at, method);
// tmpArray = new T[]
pag.addEdge(newArray, localArray);
// tmpArray[i]
FieldRefNode arrayRef = pag.makeFieldRefNode(localArray, ArrayElement.v());
// var tmp
LocalVarNode local = pag.makeLocalVarNode(new Object(), at.getElementType(), method);
// tmpArray[i] = tmp
pag.addEdge(local, arrayRef);
// x = tmp
array = local;
if (at.numDimensions == 1) {
// new T()
AllocNode alloc = pag.makeAllocNode(new Object(), AnySubType.v((RefType) at.baseType), method);
// tmp = new T()
pag.addEdge(alloc, local);
use of soot.AnySubType in project soot by Sable.
the class TypeManager method makeTypeMask.
public final void makeTypeMask() {
typeMask = new LargeNumberedMap<Type, BitVector>(Scene.v().getTypeNumberer());
if (fh == null)
int numTypes = Scene.v().getTypeNumberer().size();
if (pag.getOpts().verbose())
logger.debug("" + "Total types: " + numTypes);
// **
BitVector visitedTypes = new BitVector();
Iterator<Type> it = typeMask.keyIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Type t =;
// **
ArrayNumberer<AllocNode> allocNodes = pag.getAllocNodeNumberer();
for (Type t : Scene.v().getTypeNumberer()) {
if (!(t instanceof RefLikeType))
if (t instanceof AnySubType)
if (isUnresolved(t))
// **
if (t instanceof RefType && !t.equals(RefType.v("java.lang.Object")) && !t.equals(RefType.v("")) && !t.equals(RefType.v("java.lang.Cloneable"))) {
SootClass sc = ((RefType) t).getSootClass();
if (sc.isInterface()) {
if (!visitedTypes.get(t.getNumber()) && !((RefType) t).getSootClass().isPhantom()) {
makeClassTypeMask(((RefType) t).getSootClass());
// **
BitVector mask = new BitVector(allocNodes.size());
for (Node n : allocNodes) {
if (castNeverFails(n.getType(), t)) {
typeMask.put(t, mask);
allocNodeListener = pag.allocNodeListener();