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Example 6 with IntegerType

use of soot.IntegerType in project soot by Sable.

the class ConstraintChecker method caseIfStmt.

public void caseIfStmt(IfStmt stmt) {
    ConditionExpr cond = (ConditionExpr) stmt.getCondition();
    BinopExpr expr = cond;
    Value lv = expr.getOp1();
    Value rv = expr.getOp2();
    TypeNode lop = null;
    TypeNode rop = null;
    // ******** LEFT ********
    if (lv instanceof Local) {
        if (((Local) lv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) lv).getType());
    } else if (lv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
    } else if (lv instanceof FloatConstant) {
    } else if (lv instanceof IntConstant) {
        int value = ((IntConstant) lv).value;
        if (value < -32768) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (value < -128) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
        } else if (value < 0) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
        } else if (value < 2) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
        } else if (value < 128) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
        } else if (value < 32768) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
        } else if (value < 65536) {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
        } else {
            lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
    } else if (lv instanceof LongConstant) {
    } else if (lv instanceof NullConstant) {
    } else if (lv instanceof StringConstant) {
    } else if (lv instanceof ClassConstant) {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression left operand type: " + lv.getClass());
    // ******** RIGHT ********
    if (rv instanceof Local) {
        if (((Local) rv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) rv).getType());
    } else if (rv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
    } else if (rv instanceof FloatConstant) {
    } else if (rv instanceof IntConstant) {
        int value = ((IntConstant) rv).value;
        if (value < -32768) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (value < -128) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
        } else if (value < 0) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
        } else if (value < 2) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
        } else if (value < 128) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
        } else if (value < 32768) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
        } else if (value < 65536) {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
        } else {
            rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
    } else if (rv instanceof LongConstant) {
    } else if (rv instanceof NullConstant) {
    } else if (rv instanceof StringConstant) {
    } else if (rv instanceof ClassConstant) {
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression right operand type: " + rv.getClass());
    if (lop != null && rop != null) {
        if (lop.lca_1(rop) == ClassHierarchy.v().TOP) {
            if (fix) {
                if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    expr.setOp1(insertCast(expr.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), getTypeForCast(rop), stmt));
                if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    expr.setOp2(insertCast(expr.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), getTypeForCast(lop), stmt));
            } else {
                error("Type Error(17)");
Also used : LongConstant(soot.jimple.LongConstant) DoubleConstant(soot.jimple.DoubleConstant) FloatConstant(soot.jimple.FloatConstant) Local(soot.Local) NullConstant(soot.jimple.NullConstant) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) ConditionExpr(soot.jimple.ConditionExpr) Value(soot.Value) IntConstant(soot.jimple.IntConstant) StringConstant(soot.jimple.StringConstant) ClassConstant(soot.jimple.ClassConstant) BinopExpr(soot.jimple.BinopExpr)

Example 7 with IntegerType

use of soot.IntegerType in project soot by Sable.

the class ExprVisitor method caseNegExpr.

public void caseNegExpr(NegExpr ne) {
    Value source = ne.getOp();
    Register sourceReg = regAlloc.asImmediate(source, constantV);
    Opcode opc;
    Type type = source.getType();
    if (type instanceof IntegerType) {
        opc = Opcode.NEG_INT;
    } else if (type instanceof FloatType) {
        opc = Opcode.NEG_FLOAT;
    } else if (type instanceof DoubleType) {
        opc = Opcode.NEG_DOUBLE;
    } else if (type instanceof LongType) {
        opc = Opcode.NEG_LONG;
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("unsupported value type for neg-* opcode: " + type);
    stmtV.addInsn(new Insn12x(opc, destinationReg, sourceReg), origStmt);
Also used : IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) RefType(soot.RefType) Type(soot.Type) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntType(soot.IntType) LongType(soot.LongType) NullType(soot.NullType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) PrimType(soot.PrimType) LongType(soot.LongType) Insn12x(soot.toDex.instructions.Insn12x) DoubleType(soot.DoubleType) Value(soot.Value) Opcode(org.jf.dexlib2.Opcode) FloatType(soot.FloatType)

Example 8 with IntegerType

use of soot.IntegerType in project soot by Sable.

the class FieldRenamer method setBooleanTo.

protected void setBooleanTo(SootClass sc, SootField f, boolean value) {
    if (!value && f.getType() instanceof IntegerType && Rand.getInt() % 2 > 0) {
    RefType boolRef = Scene.v().getRefType(booleanClassName);
    Body body;
    boolean newInit = false;
    if (!sc.declaresMethodByName(SootMethod.staticInitializerName)) {
        SootMethod m = Scene.v().makeSootMethod(SootMethod.staticInitializerName, emptyList(), VoidType.v(), Modifier.STATIC);
        body = Jimple.v().newBody(m);
        newInit = true;
    } else {
        SootMethod m = sc.getMethodByName(SootMethod.staticInitializerName);
        body = m.getActiveBody();
    PatchingChain<Unit> units = body.getUnits();
    if (f.getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
        units.addFirst(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(f.makeRef()), IntConstant.v(value ? 1 : 0)));
    } else {
        Local bool = Jimple.v().newLocal("boolLcl", boolRef);
        SootMethod boolInit = boolRef.getSootClass().getMethod("void <init>(boolean)");
        units.addFirst(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(f.makeRef()), bool));
        units.addFirst(Jimple.v().newInvokeStmt(Jimple.v().newSpecialInvokeExpr(bool, boolInit.makeRef(), IntConstant.v(value ? 1 : 0))));
        units.addFirst(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(bool, Jimple.v().newNewExpr(boolRef)));
    if (newInit) {
Also used : IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) RefType(soot.RefType) SootMethod(soot.SootMethod) Local(soot.Local) Unit(soot.Unit) Body(soot.Body)

Example 9 with IntegerType

use of soot.IntegerType in project soot by Sable.

the class ConstraintChecker method caseAssignStmt.

public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
    Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
    Value r = stmt.getRightOp();
    TypeNode left = null;
    TypeNode right = null;
    if (l instanceof ArrayRef) {
        ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) l;
        Type baset = ((Local) ref.getBase()).getType();
        if (baset instanceof ArrayType) {
            ArrayType base = (ArrayType) baset;
            Value index = ref.getIndex();
            if ((base.numDimensions == 1) && (base.baseType instanceof IntegerType)) {
                left = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(base.baseType);
            if (index instanceof Local) {
                if (!ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) index).getType()).hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        ref.setIndex(insertCast((Local) index, IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(5)");
    } else if (l instanceof Local) {
        if (((Local) l).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            left = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) l).getType());
    } else if (l instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) l;
        if (ref.getFieldRef().type() instanceof IntegerType) {
            left = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ref.getFieldRef().type());
    } else if (l instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) l;
        if (ref.getFieldRef().type() instanceof IntegerType) {
            left = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ref.getFieldRef().type());
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled assignment left hand side type: " + l.getClass());
    if (r instanceof ArrayRef) {
        ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) r;
        Type baset = ((Local) ref.getBase()).getType();
        if (!(baset instanceof NullType)) {
            ArrayType base = (ArrayType) baset;
            Value index = ref.getIndex();
            if ((base.numDimensions == 1) && (base.baseType instanceof IntegerType)) {
                right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(base.baseType);
            if (index instanceof Local) {
                if (!ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) index).getType()).hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        ref.setIndex(insertCast((Local) index, IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(6)");
    } else if (r instanceof DoubleConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof FloatConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof IntConstant) {
        int value = ((IntConstant) r).value;
        if (value < -32768) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (value < -128) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
        } else if (value < 0) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
        } else if (value < 2) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
        } else if (value < 128) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
        } else if (value < 32768) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
        } else if (value < 65536) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
        } else {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
    } else if (r instanceof LongConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof NullConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof StringConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof ClassConstant) {
    } else if (r instanceof BinopExpr) {
        // ******** BINOP EXPR ********
        BinopExpr be = (BinopExpr) r;
        Value lv = be.getOp1();
        Value rv = be.getOp2();
        TypeNode lop = null;
        TypeNode rop = null;
        // ******** LEFT ********
        if (lv instanceof Local) {
            if (((Local) lv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) lv).getType());
        } else if (lv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
        } else if (lv instanceof FloatConstant) {
        } else if (lv instanceof IntConstant) {
            int value = ((IntConstant) lv).value;
            if (value < -32768) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
            } else if (value < -128) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
            } else if (value < 0) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
            } else if (value < 2) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
            } else if (value < 128) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
            } else if (value < 32768) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
            } else if (value < 65536) {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
            } else {
                lop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (lv instanceof LongConstant) {
        } else if (lv instanceof NullConstant) {
        } else if (lv instanceof StringConstant) {
        } else if (lv instanceof ClassConstant) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression left operand type: " + lv.getClass());
        // ******** RIGHT ********
        if (rv instanceof Local) {
            if (((Local) rv).getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) rv).getType());
        } else if (rv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
        } else if (rv instanceof FloatConstant) {
        } else if (rv instanceof IntConstant) {
            int value = ((IntConstant) rv).value;
            if (value < -32768) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
            } else if (value < -128) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().SHORT;
            } else if (value < 0) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
            } else if (value < 2) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_1;
            } else if (value < 128) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_127;
            } else if (value < 32768) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().R0_32767;
            } else if (value < 65536) {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR;
            } else {
                rop = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (rv instanceof LongConstant) {
        } else if (rv instanceof NullConstant) {
        } else if (rv instanceof StringConstant) {
        } else if (rv instanceof ClassConstant) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression right operand type: " + rv.getClass());
        if ((be instanceof AddExpr) || (be instanceof SubExpr) || (be instanceof MulExpr) || (be instanceof DivExpr) || (be instanceof RemExpr)) {
            if (lop != null && rop != null) {
                if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        be.setOp1(insertCast(be.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(7)");
                if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        be.setOp2(insertCast(be.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(8)");
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if ((be instanceof AndExpr) || (be instanceof OrExpr) || (be instanceof XorExpr)) {
            if (lop != null && rop != null) {
                TypeNode lca = lop.lca_1(rop);
                if (lca == ClassHierarchy.v().TOP) {
                    if (fix) {
                        if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                            be.setOp1(insertCast(be.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), getTypeForCast(rop), stmt));
                            lca = rop;
                        if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                            be.setOp2(insertCast(be.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), getTypeForCast(lop), stmt));
                            lca = lop;
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(11)");
                right = lca;
        } else if (be instanceof ShlExpr) {
            if (lop != null) {
                if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        be.setOp1(insertCast(be.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(9)");
            if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                if (fix) {
                    be.setOp2(insertCast(be.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), IntType.v(), stmt));
                } else {
                    error("Type Error(10)");
            right = (lop == null) ? null : ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if ((be instanceof ShrExpr) || (be instanceof UshrExpr)) {
            if (lop != null) {
                if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        be.setOp1(insertCast(be.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), ByteType.v(), stmt));
                        lop = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(9)");
            if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                if (fix) {
                    be.setOp2(insertCast(be.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), IntType.v(), stmt));
                } else {
                    error("Type Error(10)");
            right = lop;
        } else if ((be instanceof CmpExpr) || (be instanceof CmpgExpr) || (be instanceof CmplExpr)) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
        } else if ((be instanceof EqExpr) || (be instanceof GeExpr) || (be instanceof GtExpr) || (be instanceof LeExpr) || (be instanceof LtExpr) || (be instanceof NeExpr)) {
            if (rop != null) {
                TypeNode lca = lop.lca_1(rop);
                if (lca == ClassHierarchy.v().TOP) {
                    if (fix) {
                        if (!lop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                            be.setOp1(insertCast(be.getOp1(), getTypeForCast(lop), getTypeForCast(rop), stmt));
                        if (!rop.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                            be.setOp2(insertCast(be.getOp2(), getTypeForCast(rop), getTypeForCast(lop), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(11)");
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().BOOLEAN;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression type: " + be.getClass());
    } else if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
        CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) r;
        if (ce.getCastType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ce.getCastType());
    } else if (r instanceof InstanceOfExpr) {
        right = ClassHierarchy.v().BOOLEAN;
    } else if (r instanceof InvokeExpr) {
        InvokeExpr ie = (InvokeExpr) r;
        handleInvokeExpr(ie, stmt);
        if (ie.getMethodRef().returnType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ie.getMethodRef().returnType());
    } else if (r instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
        NewArrayExpr nae = (NewArrayExpr) r;
        Value size = nae.getSize();
        if (size instanceof Local) {
            if (!ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) size).getType()).hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                if (fix) {
                    nae.setSize(insertCast((Local) size, IntType.v(), stmt));
                } else {
                    error("Type Error(12)");
    } else if (r instanceof NewExpr) {
    } else if (r instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) {
        NewMultiArrayExpr nmae = (NewMultiArrayExpr) r;
        for (int i = 0; i < nmae.getSizeCount(); i++) {
            Value size = nmae.getSize(i);
            if (size instanceof Local) {
                if (!ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(((Local) size).getType()).hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        nmae.setSize(i, insertCast((Local) size, IntType.v(), stmt));
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(13)");
    } else if (r instanceof LengthExpr) {
        right = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
    } else if (r instanceof NegExpr) {
        NegExpr ne = (NegExpr) r;
        if (ne.getOp() instanceof Local) {
            Local local = (Local) ne.getOp();
            if (local.getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
                TypeNode ltype = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(local.getType());
                if (!ltype.hasAncestor_1(ClassHierarchy.v().INT)) {
                    if (fix) {
                        ne.setOp(insertCast(local, IntType.v(), stmt));
                        ltype = ClassHierarchy.v().BYTE;
                    } else {
                        error("Type Error(14)");
                right = (ltype == ClassHierarchy.v().CHAR) ? ClassHierarchy.v().INT : ltype;
        } else if (ne.getOp() instanceof DoubleConstant) {
        } else if (ne.getOp() instanceof FloatConstant) {
        } else if (ne.getOp() instanceof IntConstant) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().INT;
        } else if (ne.getOp() instanceof LongConstant) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled neg expression operand type: " + ne.getOp().getClass());
    } else if (r instanceof Local) {
        Local local = (Local) r;
        if (local.getType() instanceof IntegerType) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(local.getType());
    } else if (r instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) r;
        if (ref.getFieldRef().type() instanceof IntegerType) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ref.getFieldRef().type());
    } else if (r instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) r;
        if (ref.getFieldRef().type() instanceof IntegerType) {
            right = ClassHierarchy.v().typeNode(ref.getFieldRef().type());
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled assignment right hand side type: " + r.getClass());
    if (left != null && right != null) {
        if (!right.hasAncestor_1(left)) {
            if (fix) {
                stmt.setRightOp(insertCast(stmt.getRightOp(), getTypeForCast(right), getTypeForCast(left), stmt));
            } else {
                error("Type Error(15)");
Also used : MulExpr(soot.jimple.MulExpr) AndExpr(soot.jimple.AndExpr) DoubleConstant(soot.jimple.DoubleConstant) NewMultiArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewMultiArrayExpr) FloatConstant(soot.jimple.FloatConstant) GtExpr(soot.jimple.GtExpr) LtExpr(soot.jimple.LtExpr) NegExpr(soot.jimple.NegExpr) GeExpr(soot.jimple.GeExpr) UshrExpr(soot.jimple.UshrExpr) LeExpr(soot.jimple.LeExpr) ArrayRef(soot.jimple.ArrayRef) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) DynamicInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.DynamicInvokeExpr) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) InstanceFieldRef(soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef) CastExpr(soot.jimple.CastExpr) IntConstant(soot.jimple.IntConstant) ShlExpr(soot.jimple.ShlExpr) LongConstant(soot.jimple.LongConstant) XorExpr(soot.jimple.XorExpr) NeExpr(soot.jimple.NeExpr) LengthExpr(soot.jimple.LengthExpr) SubExpr(soot.jimple.SubExpr) Local(soot.Local) NullConstant(soot.jimple.NullConstant) AddExpr(soot.jimple.AddExpr) InstanceOfExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceOfExpr) OrExpr(soot.jimple.OrExpr) StaticFieldRef(soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) Type(soot.Type) IntType(soot.IntType) NullType(soot.NullType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) DivExpr(soot.jimple.DivExpr) NewArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr) RemExpr(soot.jimple.RemExpr) ShrExpr(soot.jimple.ShrExpr) CmpExpr(soot.jimple.CmpExpr) EqExpr(soot.jimple.EqExpr) CmpgExpr(soot.jimple.CmpgExpr) Value(soot.Value) NewExpr(soot.jimple.NewExpr) NullType(soot.NullType) StringConstant(soot.jimple.StringConstant) CmplExpr(soot.jimple.CmplExpr) ClassConstant(soot.jimple.ClassConstant) BinopExpr(soot.jimple.BinopExpr)

Example 10 with IntegerType

use of soot.IntegerType in project soot by Sable.

the class BytecodeHierarchy method lcas_.

public static Collection<Type> lcas_(Type a, Type b) {
    if (TypeResolver.typesEqual(a, b))
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(a);
    else if (a instanceof BottomType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(b);
    else if (b instanceof BottomType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(a);
    else if (a instanceof IntegerType && b instanceof IntegerType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(IntType.v());
    else // Implicit type widening: Integer+Float -> Float
    if (a instanceof IntegerType && b instanceof FloatType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(FloatType.v());
    else if (b instanceof IntegerType && a instanceof FloatType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(FloatType.v());
    else // Disallow type sharing for primitives in general
    if (a instanceof PrimType || b instanceof PrimType)
        return Collections.<Type>emptyList();
    else // Null reference handling
    if (a instanceof NullType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(b);
    else if (b instanceof NullType)
        return Collections.<Type>singletonList(a);
    else // a and b are both ArrayType or RefType
    if (a instanceof ArrayType && b instanceof ArrayType) {
        Type eta = ((ArrayType) a).getElementType(), etb = ((ArrayType) b).getElementType();
        Collection<Type> ts;
        // Primitive arrays are not covariant but all other arrays are
        if (eta instanceof PrimType || etb instanceof PrimType)
            ts = Collections.<Type>emptyList();
            ts = lcas_(eta, etb);
        LinkedList<Type> r = new LinkedList<Type>();
        if (ts.isEmpty()) {
            // From Java Language Spec 2nd ed., Chapter 10, Arrays
        } else
            for (Type t : ts) r.add(t.makeArrayType());
        return r;
    } else if (a instanceof ArrayType || b instanceof ArrayType) {
        Type rt;
        if (a instanceof ArrayType)
            rt = b;
            rt = a;
        /* If the reference type implements Serializable or Cloneable then 
			these are the least common supertypes, otherwise the only one is 
			Object. */
        LinkedList<Type> r = new LinkedList<Type>();
        /* Do not consider Object to be a subtype of Serializable or Cloneable
			(it can appear this way if phantom-refs is enabled and rt.jar is not
			available) otherwise an infinite loop can result. */
        if (!TypeResolver.typesEqual(RefType.v("java.lang.Object"), rt)) {
            if (ancestor_(RefType.v(""), rt))
            if (ancestor_(RefType.v("java.lang.Cloneable"), rt))
        if (r.isEmpty())
        return r;
    } else // a and b are both RefType
        Collection<AncestryTreeNode> treea = buildAncestryTree((RefType) a), treeb = buildAncestryTree((RefType) b);
        LinkedList<Type> r = new LinkedList<Type>();
        for (AncestryTreeNode nodea : treea) for (AncestryTreeNode nodeb : treeb) {
            RefType t = leastCommonNode(nodea, nodeb);
            boolean least = true;
            for (ListIterator<Type> i = r.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
                Type t_ =;
                if (ancestor_(t, t_)) {
                    least = false;
                if (ancestor_(t_, t))
            if (least)
        // syed - 05/06/2009
        if (r.isEmpty())
        return r;
Also used : ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) RefType(soot.RefType) RefType(soot.RefType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) FloatType(soot.FloatType) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) IntType(soot.IntType) Type(soot.Type) PrimType(soot.PrimType) NullType(soot.NullType) PrimType(soot.PrimType) Collection(java.util.Collection) NullType(soot.NullType)


IntegerType (soot.IntegerType)13 Local (soot.Local)10 Value (soot.Value)8 ArrayType (soot.ArrayType)6 Type (soot.Type)6 IntType (soot.IntType)5 NullType (soot.NullType)5 RefType (soot.RefType)5 BinopExpr (soot.jimple.BinopExpr)4 ClassConstant (soot.jimple.ClassConstant)4 DoubleConstant (soot.jimple.DoubleConstant)4 DynamicInvokeExpr (soot.jimple.DynamicInvokeExpr)4 FloatConstant (soot.jimple.FloatConstant)4 IntConstant (soot.jimple.IntConstant)4 LongConstant (soot.jimple.LongConstant)4 NullConstant (soot.jimple.NullConstant)4 StringConstant (soot.jimple.StringConstant)4 BooleanType (soot.BooleanType)3 PrimType (soot.PrimType)3 AddExpr (soot.jimple.AddExpr)3