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Example 76 with Unit

use of soot.Unit in project soot by Sable.

the class StmtTemplatePrinter method caseLookupSwitchStmt.

public void caseLookupSwitchStmt(LookupSwitchStmt stmt) {
    String keyVarName = printValueAssignment(stmt.getKey(), "key");
    p.println("List<IntConstant> lookupValues = new LinkedList<IntConstant>();");
    int i = 0;
    for (IntConstant c : (List<IntConstant>) stmt.getLookupValues()) {
        vtp.suggestVariableName("lookupValue" + i);
        p.println("lookupValues.add(lookupValue" + i + ");");
    p.println("List<Unit> targets = new LinkedList<Unit>();");
    for (Unit u : stmt.getTargets()) {
        String nameOfJumpTarget = nameOfJumpTarget(u);
        p.println("targets.add(" + nameOfJumpTarget + ")");
    Unit defaultTarget = stmt.getDefaultTarget();
    p.println("Unit defaultTarget=" + defaultTarget.toString() + ";");
    printStmt(stmt, keyVarName, "lookupValues", "targets", "defaultTarget");
Also used : IntConstant(soot.jimple.IntConstant) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Unit(soot.Unit)

Example 77 with Unit

use of soot.Unit in project soot by Sable.

the class TrapSplitter method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    // If we have less then two traps, there's nothing to do here
    if (b.getTraps().size() < 2)
    // Look for overlapping traps
    TrapOverlap to;
    while ((to = getNextOverlap(b)) != null) {
        // If one of the two traps is empty, we remove it
        if (to.t1.getBeginUnit() == to.t1.getEndUnit()) {
        if (to.t2.getBeginUnit() == to.t2.getEndUnit()) {
        // t1start..t2start -> t1'start...t1'end,t2start...
        if (to.t1.getBeginUnit() != to.t2Start) {
            // We need to split off t1.start - predOf(t2.splitUnit). If both traps
            // start at the same statement, this range is empty, so we have checked
            // that.
            Trap newTrap = Jimple.v().newTrap(to.t1.getException(), to.t1.getBeginUnit(), to.t2Start, to.t1.getHandlerUnit());
            safeAddTrap(b, newTrap, to.t1);
        } else // (t1start, t2start) ... t1end ... t2end
        if (to.t1.getBeginUnit() == to.t2.getBeginUnit()) {
            Unit firstEndUnit = to.t1.getBeginUnit();
            while (firstEndUnit != to.t1.getEndUnit() && firstEndUnit != to.t2.getEndUnit()) firstEndUnit = b.getUnits().getSuccOf(firstEndUnit);
            if (firstEndUnit == to.t1.getEndUnit()) {
                if (to.t1.getException() != to.t2.getException()) {
                    Trap newTrap = Jimple.v().newTrap(to.t2.getException(), to.t1.getBeginUnit(), firstEndUnit, to.t2.getHandlerUnit());
                    safeAddTrap(b, newTrap, to.t2);
                } else if (to.t1.getHandlerUnit() != to.t2.getHandlerUnit()) {
                    // Traps t1 and t2 catch the same exception, but have different handlers
                    // The JVM specification (2.10 Exceptions) says:
                    // "At run time, when an exception is thrown, the Java
                    // Virtual Machine searches the exception handlers of the current method in the order
                    // that they appear in the corresponding exception handler table in the class file,
                    // starting from the beginning of that table. Note that the Java Virtual Machine does
                    // not enforce nesting of or any ordering of the exception table entries of a method.
                    // The exception handling semantics of the Java programming language are implemented
                    // only through cooperation with the compiler (3.12)."
                    // 3.12
                    // "The nesting of catch clauses is represented only in the exception table. The Java
                    // Virtual Machine does not enforce nesting of or any ordering of the exception table
                    // entries (2.10). However, because try-catch constructs are structured, a compiler
                    // can always order the entries of the exception handler table such that, for any thrown
                    // exception and any program counter value in that method, the first exception handler
                    // that matches the thrown exception corresponds to the innermost matching catch clause."
                    // t1 is first, so it stays the same.
                    // t2 is reduced
                    Trap newTrap = Jimple.v().newTrap(to.t1.getException(), to.t1.getBeginUnit(), firstEndUnit, to.t1.getHandlerUnit());
                    safeAddTrap(b, newTrap, to.t1);
            } else if (firstEndUnit == to.t2.getEndUnit()) {
                if (to.t1.getException() != to.t2.getException()) {
                    Trap newTrap2 = Jimple.v().newTrap(to.t1.getException(), to.t1.getBeginUnit(), firstEndUnit, to.t1.getHandlerUnit());
                    safeAddTrap(b, newTrap2, to.t1);
                } else if (to.t1.getHandlerUnit() != to.t2.getHandlerUnit()) {
                    // If t2 ends first, t2 is useless.
                } else {
Also used : Trap(soot.Trap) Unit(soot.Unit)

Example 78 with Unit

use of soot.Unit in project soot by Sable.

the class Shimple method redirectToPreds.

 * If you are removing a Unit from a Unit chain which contains
 * PhiExpr's, you might want to call this utility function in
 * order to update any PhiExpr pointers to the Unit to point to
 * the Unit's predecessor(s). This function will not modify
 * "branch target" UnitBoxes.
 * <p> Normally you should not have to call this function
 * directly, since patching is taken care of Shimple's internal
 * implementation of PatchingChain.
public static void redirectToPreds(Body body, Unit remove) {
    boolean debug = Options.v().debug();
    if (body instanceof ShimpleBody)
        debug |= ((ShimpleBody) body).getOptions().debug();
    Chain<Unit> units = body.getUnits();
    /* Determine whether we should continue processing or not. */
    List<UnitBox> boxesPointingToThis = remove.getBoxesPointingToThis();
    if (boxesPointingToThis.isEmpty())
    for (UnitBox pointer : boxesPointingToThis) {
        // continue iteration from where we left off.
        if (!pointer.isBranchTarget())
    /* Ok, continuing... */
    Set<Unit> preds = new HashSet<Unit>();
    Set<PhiExpr> phis = new HashSet<PhiExpr>();
    // find fall-through pred
    if (!remove.equals(units.getFirst())) {
        Unit possiblePred = (Unit) units.getPredOf(remove);
        if (possiblePred.fallsThrough())
    // find the rest of the preds and all Phi's that point to remove
    for (Unit unit : units) {
        for (UnitBox targetBox : unit.getUnitBoxes()) {
            if (remove.equals(targetBox.getUnit())) {
                if (targetBox.isBranchTarget())
                else {
                    PhiExpr phiExpr = Shimple.getPhiExpr(unit);
                    if (phiExpr != null)
    if (phis.size() == 0) {
        if (debug)
            logger.warn("Orphaned UnitBoxes to " + remove + "? Shimple.redirectToPreds is giving up.");
    if (preds.size() == 0) {
        if (debug)
            logger.warn("Shimple.redirectToPreds couldn't find any predecessors for " + remove + " in " + body.getMethod() + ".");
        if (!remove.equals(units.getFirst())) {
            Unit pred = (Unit) units.getPredOf(remove);
            if (debug)
                logger.warn("Falling back to immediate chain predecessor: " + pred + ".");
        } else if (!remove.equals(units.getLast())) {
            Unit succ = (Unit) units.getSuccOf(remove);
            if (debug)
                logger.warn("Falling back to immediate chain successor: " + succ + ".");
        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed.");
    /* At this point we have found all the preds and relevant Phi's */
    /* Each Phi needs an argument for each pred. */
    Iterator<PhiExpr> phiIt = phis.iterator();
    while (phiIt.hasNext()) {
        PhiExpr phiExpr =;
        ValueUnitPair argBox = phiExpr.getArgBox(remove);
        if (argBox == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed.");
        // now we've got the value!
        Value arg = argBox.getValue();
        // add new arguments to Phi
        Iterator<Unit> predsIt = preds.iterator();
        while (predsIt.hasNext()) {
            Unit pred =;
            phiExpr.addArg(arg, pred);
Also used : UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) ValueUnitPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.ValueUnitPair) Unit(soot.Unit) SPhiExpr(soot.shimple.internal.SPhiExpr) Value(soot.Value) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 79 with Unit

use of soot.Unit in project soot by Sable.

the class TagAggregator method internalTransform.

protected void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map<String, String> options) {
    BafBody body = (BafBody) b;
    LinkedList<Tag> tags = new LinkedList<Tag>();
    LinkedList<Unit> units = new LinkedList<Unit>();
    /* aggregate all tags */
    for (Iterator<Unit> unitIt = body.getUnits().iterator(); unitIt.hasNext(); ) {
        final Unit unit =;
        for (Iterator<Tag> tagIt = unit.getTags().iterator(); tagIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Tag tag =;
            if (wantTag(tag))
                considerTag(tag, unit, tags, units);
    if (units.size() > 0) {
        b.addTag(new CodeAttribute(aggregatedName(), new LinkedList<Unit>(units), new LinkedList<Tag>(tags)));
Also used : BafBody(soot.baf.BafBody) Unit(soot.Unit) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 80 with Unit

use of soot.Unit in project soot by Sable.

the class OutFlow method jimplify.

 * Main.v() entry point for converting list of Instructions to Jimple statements;
 * performs flow analysis, constructs Jimple statements, and fixes jumps.
 * @param constant_pool constant pool of ClassFile.
 * @param this_class constant pool index of the CONSTANT_Class_info object for
 * this' class.
 * @param clearStacks if <i>true</i> semantic stacks will be deleted after
 * the process is complete.
 * @return <i>true</i> if all ok, <i>false</i> if there was an error.
 * @see CFG#jimplify(cp_info[], int)
 * @see Stmt
void jimplify(cp_info[] constant_pool, int this_class) {
    Code_attribute codeAttribute = method.locate_code_attribute();
    Set<Instruction> handlerInstructions = new ArraySet<Instruction>();
    Map<Instruction, SootClass> handlerInstructionToException = new HashMap<Instruction, SootClass>();
    Map<Instruction, TypeStack> instructionToTypeStack;
    Map<Instruction, TypeStack> instructionToPostTypeStack;
        // build graph in
        // Put in successors due to exception handlers
            for (int i = 0; i < codeAttribute.exception_table_length; i++) {
                Instruction startIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].start_inst;
                Instruction endIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].end_inst;
                Instruction handlerIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].handler_inst;
                // Determine exception to catch
                    int catchType = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].catch_type;
                    SootClass exception;
                    if (catchType != 0) {
                        CONSTANT_Class_info classinfo = (CONSTANT_Class_info) constant_pool[catchType];
                        String name = ((CONSTANT_Utf8_info) (constant_pool[classinfo.name_index])).convert();
                        name = name.replace('/', '.');
                        exception = cm.getSootClass(name);
                    } else
                        exception = cm.getSootClass("java.lang.Throwable");
                    handlerInstructionToException.put(handlerIns, exception);
                if (startIns == endIns)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Empty catch range for exception handler");
                Instruction ins = startIns;
                for (; ; ) {
                    Instruction[] succs = ins.succs;
                    Instruction[] newsuccs = new Instruction[succs.length + 1];
                    System.arraycopy(succs, 0, newsuccs, 0, succs.length);
                    newsuccs[succs.length] = handlerIns;
                    ins.succs = newsuccs;
                    ins =;
                    if (ins == endIns || ins == null)
    Set<Instruction> reachableInstructions = new HashSet<Instruction>();
    // Mark all the reachable instructions
        LinkedList<Instruction> instructionsToVisit = new LinkedList<Instruction>();
        while (!instructionsToVisit.isEmpty()) {
            Instruction ins = instructionsToVisit.removeFirst();
            Instruction[] succs = ins.succs;
            for (Instruction succ : succs) {
                if (!reachableInstructions.contains(succ)) {
        // Check to see if any instruction is unmarked.
            BasicBlock b = cfg;

             while(b != null)
                Instruction ins = b.head;

                 while(ins != null)
                        throw new RuntimeException("Method to jimplify contains unreachable code!  (not handled for now)");

                     ins =;

                 b =;
    // Perform the flow analysis, and build up instructionToTypeStack and instructionToLocalArray
        instructionToTypeStack = new HashMap<Instruction, TypeStack>();
        instructionToPostTypeStack = new HashMap<Instruction, TypeStack>();
        Set<Instruction> visitedInstructions = new HashSet<Instruction>();
        List<Instruction> changedInstructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
        TypeStack initialTypeStack;
        // Build up initial type stack and initial local array (for the first instruction)
            initialTypeStack = TypeStack.v();
        // the empty stack with nothing on it.
        // Get the loop cranked up.
            instructionToTypeStack.put(firstInstruction, initialTypeStack);
            while (!changedInstructions.isEmpty()) {
                Instruction ins = changedInstructions.get(0);
                OutFlow ret = processFlow(ins, instructionToTypeStack.get(ins), constant_pool);
                instructionToPostTypeStack.put(ins, ret.typeStack);
                Instruction[] successors = ins.succs;
                for (Instruction s : successors) {
                    if (!visitedInstructions.contains(s)) {
                        if (handlerInstructions.contains(s)) {
                            TypeStack exceptionTypeStack = (TypeStack.v()).push(RefType.v(handlerInstructionToException.get(s).getName()));
                            instructionToTypeStack.put(s, exceptionTypeStack);
                        } else {
                            instructionToTypeStack.put(s, ret.typeStack);
                    // logger.debug("adding successor: " + s);
                    } else {
                        // logger.debug("considering successor: " + s);
                        TypeStack newTypeStack, oldTypeStack = instructionToTypeStack.get(s);
                        if (handlerInstructions.contains(s)) {
                            // The type stack for an instruction handler should always be that of
                            // single object on the stack.
                            TypeStack exceptionTypeStack = (TypeStack.v()).push(RefType.v(handlerInstructionToException.get(s).getName()));
                            newTypeStack = exceptionTypeStack;
                        } else {
                            try {
                                newTypeStack = ret.typeStack.merge(oldTypeStack);
                            } catch (RuntimeException re) {
                                logger.debug("Considering " + s);
                                throw re;
                        if (!newTypeStack.equals(oldTypeStack)) {
                        // logger.debug("requires a revisit: " + s);
                        instructionToTypeStack.put(s, newTypeStack);
    // logger.debug("Producing Jimple code...");
    // Jimplify each statement
        BasicBlock b = cfg;
        while (b != null) {
            Instruction ins = b.head;
            b.statements = new ArrayList<Stmt>();
            List<Stmt> blockStatements = b.statements;
            for (; ; ) {
                List<Stmt> statementsForIns = new ArrayList<Stmt>();
                if (reachableInstructions.contains(ins))
                    generateJimple(ins, instructionToTypeStack.get(ins), instructionToPostTypeStack.get(ins), constant_pool, statementsForIns, b);
                if (!statementsForIns.isEmpty()) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < statementsForIns.size(); i++) {
                    instructionToFirstStmt.put(ins, statementsForIns.get(0));
                    instructionToLastStmt.put(ins, statementsForIns.get(statementsForIns.size() - 1));
                if (ins == b.tail)
                ins =;
            b =;
    // fix up jump targets
        // Print out basic blocks
            BasicBlock b = cfg;

            logger.debug("Basic blocks for: " + jmethod.getName());

            while(b != null)
                Instruction ins = b.head;


                while(ins != null)
                    ins =;

                b =;
    // Insert beginCatch/endCatch statements for exception handling
        Map<Stmt, Stmt> targetToHandler = new HashMap<Stmt, Stmt>();
        for (int i = 0; i < codeAttribute.exception_table_length; i++) {
            Instruction startIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].start_inst;
            Instruction endIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].end_inst;
            Instruction targetIns = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].handler_inst;
            if (!instructionToFirstStmt.containsKey(startIns) || (endIns != null && (!instructionToLastStmt.containsKey(endIns)))) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Exception range does not coincide with jimple instructions");
            if (!instructionToFirstStmt.containsKey(targetIns)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Exception handler does not coincide with jimple instruction");
            SootClass exception;
            // Determine exception to catch
                int catchType = codeAttribute.exception_table[i].catch_type;
                if (catchType != 0) {
                    CONSTANT_Class_info classinfo = (CONSTANT_Class_info) constant_pool[catchType];
                    String name = ((CONSTANT_Utf8_info) (constant_pool[classinfo.name_index])).convert();
                    name = name.replace('/', '.');
                    exception = cm.getSootClass(name);
                } else
                    exception = cm.getSootClass("java.lang.Throwable");
            Stmt newTarget;
            // Insert assignment of exception
                Stmt firstTargetStmt = instructionToFirstStmt.get(targetIns);
                if (targetToHandler.containsKey(firstTargetStmt))
                    newTarget = targetToHandler.get(firstTargetStmt);
                else {
                    Local local = Util.v().getLocalCreatingIfNecessary(listBody, "$stack0", UnknownType.v());
                    newTarget = Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(local, Jimple.v().newCaughtExceptionRef());
                    // changed to account for catch blocks which are also part of normal control flow
                    // units.insertBefore(newTarget, firstTargetStmt);
                    ((PatchingChain<Unit>) units).insertBeforeNoRedirect(newTarget, firstTargetStmt);
                    targetToHandler.put(firstTargetStmt, newTarget);
                    if (units.getFirst() != newTarget) {
                        Unit prev = (Unit) units.getPredOf(newTarget);
                        if (prev != null && prev.fallsThrough())
                            units.insertAfter(Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(firstTargetStmt), prev);
            // Insert trap
                Stmt firstStmt = instructionToFirstStmt.get(startIns);
                Stmt afterEndStmt;
                if (endIns == null) {
                    // A kludge which isn't really correct, but
                    // gets us closer to correctness (until we
                    // clean up the rest of Soot to properly
                    // represent Traps which extend to the end
                    // of a method): if the protected code extends
                    // to the end of the method, use the last Stmt
                    // as the endUnit of the Trap, even though
                    // that will leave the last unit outside
                    // the protected area.
                    afterEndStmt = (Stmt) units.getLast();
                } else {
                    afterEndStmt = instructionToLastStmt.get(endIns);
                    IdentityStmt catchStart = (IdentityStmt) targetToHandler.get(afterEndStmt);
                    // (Cast to IdentityStmt as an assertion check.)
                    if (catchStart != null) {
                        // before the old afterEndStmt.
                        if (catchStart != units.getPredOf(afterEndStmt)) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException("Assertion failure: catchStart != pred of afterEndStmt");
                        afterEndStmt = catchStart;
                Trap trap = Jimple.v().newTrap(exception, firstStmt, afterEndStmt, newTarget);
    /* convert line number table to tags attached to statements */
    if (Options.v().keep_line_number()) {
        HashMap<Stmt, Tag> stmtstags = new HashMap<Stmt, Tag>();
        LinkedList<Stmt> startstmts = new LinkedList<Stmt>();
        attribute_info[] attrs = codeAttribute.attributes;
        for (attribute_info element : attrs) {
            if (element instanceof LineNumberTable_attribute) {
                LineNumberTable_attribute lntattr = (LineNumberTable_attribute) element;
                for (line_number_table_entry element0 : lntattr.line_number_table) {
                    Stmt start_stmt = instructionToFirstStmt.get(element0.start_inst);
                    if (start_stmt != null) {
                        LineNumberTag lntag = new LineNumberTag(element0.line_number);
                        stmtstags.put(start_stmt, lntag);
        /* if the predecessor of a statement is a caughtexcetionref,
             * give it the tag of its successor */
        for (Iterator<Stmt> stmtIt = new ArrayList<Stmt>(stmtstags.keySet()).iterator(); stmtIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Stmt stmt =;
            Stmt pred = stmt;
            Tag tag = stmtstags.get(stmt);
            while (true) {
                pred = (Stmt) units.getPredOf(pred);
                if (pred == null)
                if (!(pred instanceof IdentityStmt))
                stmtstags.put(pred, tag);
        /* attach line number tag to each statement. */
        for (int i = 0; i < startstmts.size(); i++) {
            Stmt stmt = startstmts.get(i);
            Tag tag = stmtstags.get(stmt);
            stmt = (Stmt) units.getSuccOf(stmt);
            while (stmt != null && !stmtstags.containsKey(stmt)) {
                stmt = (Stmt) units.getSuccOf(stmt);
Also used : ArraySet(soot.util.ArraySet) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit(soot.Unit) GotoStmt(soot.jimple.GotoStmt) IfStmt(soot.jimple.IfStmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) TableSwitchStmt(soot.jimple.TableSwitchStmt) LookupSwitchStmt(soot.jimple.LookupSwitchStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) LineNumberTag(soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ArraySet(soot.util.ArraySet) PatchingChain(soot.PatchingChain) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) SootClass(soot.SootClass) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Tag(soot.tagkit.Tag) LineNumberTag(soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag) BytecodeOffsetTag(soot.tagkit.BytecodeOffsetTag) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


Unit (soot.Unit)240 Local (soot.Local)77 Stmt (soot.jimple.Stmt)77 Value (soot.Value)74 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)65 AssignStmt (soot.jimple.AssignStmt)58 SootMethod (soot.SootMethod)47 Body (soot.Body)37 InvokeStmt (soot.jimple.InvokeStmt)35 Type (soot.Type)34 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)33 ValueBox (soot.ValueBox)33 InvokeExpr (soot.jimple.InvokeExpr)33 Trap (soot.Trap)32 RefType (soot.RefType)30 IdentityStmt (soot.jimple.IdentityStmt)28 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)27 IfStmt (soot.jimple.IfStmt)27 DefinitionStmt (soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt)25 List (java.util.List)23