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Example 11 with UnitBox

use of soot.UnitBox in project soot by Sable.

the class Shimple method redirectToPreds.

 * If you are removing a Unit from a Unit chain which contains
 * PhiExpr's, you might want to call this utility function in
 * order to update any PhiExpr pointers to the Unit to point to
 * the Unit's predecessor(s). This function will not modify
 * "branch target" UnitBoxes.
 * <p> Normally you should not have to call this function
 * directly, since patching is taken care of Shimple's internal
 * implementation of PatchingChain.
public static void redirectToPreds(Body body, Unit remove) {
    boolean debug = Options.v().debug();
    if (body instanceof ShimpleBody)
        debug |= ((ShimpleBody) body).getOptions().debug();
    Chain<Unit> units = body.getUnits();
    /* Determine whether we should continue processing or not. */
    List<UnitBox> boxesPointingToThis = remove.getBoxesPointingToThis();
    if (boxesPointingToThis.isEmpty())
    for (UnitBox pointer : boxesPointingToThis) {
        // continue iteration from where we left off.
        if (!pointer.isBranchTarget())
    /* Ok, continuing... */
    Set<Unit> preds = new HashSet<Unit>();
    Set<PhiExpr> phis = new HashSet<PhiExpr>();
    // find fall-through pred
    if (!remove.equals(units.getFirst())) {
        Unit possiblePred = (Unit) units.getPredOf(remove);
        if (possiblePred.fallsThrough())
    // find the rest of the preds and all Phi's that point to remove
    for (Unit unit : units) {
        for (UnitBox targetBox : unit.getUnitBoxes()) {
            if (remove.equals(targetBox.getUnit())) {
                if (targetBox.isBranchTarget())
                else {
                    PhiExpr phiExpr = Shimple.getPhiExpr(unit);
                    if (phiExpr != null)
    if (phis.size() == 0) {
        if (debug)
            logger.warn("Orphaned UnitBoxes to " + remove + "? Shimple.redirectToPreds is giving up.");
    if (preds.size() == 0) {
        if (debug)
            logger.warn("Shimple.redirectToPreds couldn't find any predecessors for " + remove + " in " + body.getMethod() + ".");
        if (!remove.equals(units.getFirst())) {
            Unit pred = (Unit) units.getPredOf(remove);
            if (debug)
                logger.warn("Falling back to immediate chain predecessor: " + pred + ".");
        } else if (!remove.equals(units.getLast())) {
            Unit succ = (Unit) units.getSuccOf(remove);
            if (debug)
                logger.warn("Falling back to immediate chain successor: " + succ + ".");
        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed.");
    /* At this point we have found all the preds and relevant Phi's */
    /* Each Phi needs an argument for each pred. */
    Iterator<PhiExpr> phiIt = phis.iterator();
    while (phiIt.hasNext()) {
        PhiExpr phiExpr =;
        ValueUnitPair argBox = phiExpr.getArgBox(remove);
        if (argBox == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Assertion failed.");
        // now we've got the value!
        Value arg = argBox.getValue();
        // add new arguments to Phi
        Iterator<Unit> predsIt = preds.iterator();
        while (predsIt.hasNext()) {
            Unit pred =;
            phiExpr.addArg(arg, pred);
Also used : UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) ValueUnitPair(soot.toolkits.scalar.ValueUnitPair) Unit(soot.Unit) SPhiExpr(soot.shimple.internal.SPhiExpr) Value(soot.Value) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 12 with UnitBox

use of soot.UnitBox in project soot by Sable.

the class BafASMBackend method generateMethodBody.

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see soot.AbstractASMBackend#generateMethodBody(org.objectweb.asm.
	 * MethodVisitor, soot.SootMethod)
protected void generateMethodBody(MethodVisitor mv, SootMethod method) {
    BafBody body = getBafBody(method);
    Chain<Unit> instructions = body.getUnits();
		 * Create a label for each instruction that is the target of some branch
    for (UnitBox box : body.getUnitBoxes(true)) {
        Unit u = box.getUnit();
        if (!branchTargetLabels.containsKey(u)) {
            branchTargetLabels.put(u, new Label());
    Label startLabel = null;
    if (Options.v().write_local_annotations()) {
        startLabel = new Label();
		 * Handle all TRY-CATCH-blocks
    for (Trap trap : body.getTraps()) {
        // Check if the try-block contains any statement
        if (trap.getBeginUnit() != trap.getEndUnit()) {
            Label start = branchTargetLabels.get(trap.getBeginUnit());
            Label end = branchTargetLabels.get(trap.getEndUnit());
            Label handler = branchTargetLabels.get(trap.getHandlerUnit());
            String type = slashify(trap.getException().getName());
            mv.visitTryCatchBlock(start, end, handler, type);
		 * Handle local variable slots for the "this"-local and the parameters
    int localCount = 0;
    int[] paramSlots = new int[method.getParameterCount()];
    Set<Local> assignedLocals = new HashSet<Local>();
		 * For non-static methods the first parameters and zero-slot is the
		 * "this"-local
    if (!method.isStatic()) {
    for (int i = 0; i < method.getParameterCount(); ++i) {
        paramSlots[i] = localCount;
        localCount += sizeOfType(method.getParameterType(i));
    for (Unit u : instructions) {
        if (u instanceof IdentityInst && ((IdentityInst) u).getLeftOp() instanceof Local) {
            Local l = (Local) ((IdentityInst) u).getLeftOp();
            IdentityRef identity = (IdentityRef) ((IdentityInst) u).getRightOp();
            int slot = 0;
            if (identity instanceof ThisRef) {
                if (method.isStatic())
                    throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to use 'this' in static method");
            } else if (identity instanceof ParameterRef)
                slot = paramSlots[((ParameterRef) identity).getIndex()];
            else {
                // Exception ref. Skip over this
            localToSlot.put(l, slot);
    for (Local local : body.getLocals()) {
        if (assignedLocals.add(local)) {
            localToSlot.put(local, localCount);
            localCount += sizeOfType(local.getType());
    // Generate the code
    for (Unit u : instructions) {
        if (branchTargetLabels.containsKey(u)) {
        if (u.hasTag("LineNumberTag")) {
            LineNumberTag lnt = (LineNumberTag) u.getTag("LineNumberTag");
            Label l;
            if (branchTargetLabels.containsKey(u)) {
                l = branchTargetLabels.get(u);
            } else {
                l = new Label();
            mv.visitLineNumber(lnt.getLineNumber(), l);
        generateInstruction(mv, (Inst) u);
    // Generate the local annotations
    if (Options.v().write_local_annotations()) {
        Label endLabel = new Label();
        for (Local local : body.getLocals()) {
            Integer slot = localToSlot.get(local);
            if (slot != null) {
                BafLocal l = (BafLocal) local;
                if (l.getOriginalLocal() != null) {
                    Local jimpleLocal = l.getOriginalLocal();
                    if (jimpleLocal != null)
                        mv.visitLocalVariable(jimpleLocal.getName(), toTypeDesc(jimpleLocal.getType()), null, startLabel, endLabel, slot);
Also used : UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) Label(org.objectweb.asm.Label) BafLocal(soot.baf.internal.BafLocal) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) Unit(soot.Unit) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) LineNumberTag(soot.tagkit.LineNumberTag) IdentityRef(soot.jimple.IdentityRef) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) BafLocal(soot.baf.internal.BafLocal)

Example 13 with UnitBox

use of soot.UnitBox in project robovm by robovm.

the class MethodCompiler method getBranchTargets.

private Map<Unit, List<Unit>> getBranchTargets(Body body) {
    Map<Unit, List<Unit>> result = new HashMap<Unit, List<Unit>>();
    for (Unit unit : body.getUnits()) {
        if (unit.branches()) {
            List<Unit> targetUnits = new ArrayList<Unit>();
            for (UnitBox ub : unit.getUnitBoxes()) {
            if (unit.fallsThrough()) {
            for (Unit targetUnit : targetUnits) {
                List<Unit> sourceUnits = result.get(targetUnit);
                if (sourceUnits == null) {
                    sourceUnits = new ArrayList<Unit>();
                    result.put(targetUnit, sourceUnits);
    return result;
Also used : UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Unit(soot.Unit)

Example 14 with UnitBox

use of soot.UnitBox in project soot by Sable.

the class SiteInliner method inlineSite.

 *        Inlines the given site.  Note that this method does
 *        not actually check if it's safe (with respect to access modifiers and special invokes)
 *        for it to be inlined.  That functionality is handled by the InlinerSafetyManager.
public static List inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, Map options) {
    boolean enableNullPointerCheckInsertion = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "insert-null-checks");
    boolean enableRedundantCastInsertion = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "insert-redundant-casts");
    Hierarchy hierarchy = Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy();
    JimpleBody containerB = (JimpleBody) container.getActiveBody();
    Chain<Unit> containerUnits = containerB.getUnits();
    if (!(inlinee.getDeclaringClass().isApplicationClass() || inlinee.getDeclaringClass().isLibraryClass()))
        return null;
    Body inlineeB = inlinee.getActiveBody();
    Chain<Unit> inlineeUnits = inlineeB.getUnits();
    InvokeExpr ie = toInline.getInvokeExpr();
    Value thisToAdd = null;
    if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr)
        thisToAdd = ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase();
    // Insert casts to please the verifier.
        boolean targetUsesThis = true;
        if (enableRedundantCastInsertion && ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr && targetUsesThis) {
            // The verifier will complain if targetUsesThis, and:
            // the argument passed to the method is not the same type.
            // For instance, Bottle.price_static takes a cost.
            // Cost is an interface implemented by Bottle.
            SootClass localType, parameterType;
            localType = ((RefType) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase().getType()).getSootClass();
            parameterType = inlinee.getDeclaringClass();
            if (localType.isInterface() || hierarchy.isClassSuperclassOf(localType, parameterType)) {
                Local castee = Jimple.v().newLocal("__castee", parameterType.getType());
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(castee, Jimple.v().newCastExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), parameterType.getType())), toInline);
                thisToAdd = castee;
    // (If enabled), add a null pointer check.
        if (enableNullPointerCheckInsertion && ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
            boolean caught = TrapManager.isExceptionCaughtAt(Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.NullPointerException"), toInline, containerB);
            /* Ah ha.  Caught again! */
            if (caught) {
                /* In this case, we don't use throwPoint;
                     * instead, put the code right there. */
                Stmt insertee = Jimple.v().newIfStmt(Jimple.v().newNeExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), NullConstant.v()), toInline);
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(insertee, toInline);
                // This sucks (but less than before).
                ((IfStmt) insertee).setTarget(toInline);
                ThrowManager.addThrowAfter(containerB, insertee);
            } else {
                Stmt throwPoint = ThrowManager.getNullPointerExceptionThrower(containerB);
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(Jimple.v().newIfStmt(Jimple.v().newEqExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), NullConstant.v()), throwPoint), toInline);
    // Add synchronizing stuff.
        if (inlinee.isSynchronized()) {
            // Need to get the class object if ie is a static invoke.
            if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr)
                SynchronizerManager.v().synchronizeStmtOn(toInline, containerB, (Local) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase());
            else {
                // synchronization.
                if (!container.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
                    // Whew!
                    Local l = SynchronizerManager.v().addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(containerB, toInline);
                    SynchronizerManager.v().synchronizeStmtOn(toInline, containerB, l);
    Stmt exitPoint = (Stmt) containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline);
    // First, clone all of the inlinee's units & locals.
    HashMap<Local, Local> oldLocalsToNew = new HashMap<Local, Local>();
    HashMap<Stmt, Stmt> oldUnitsToNew = new HashMap<Stmt, Stmt>();
        Stmt cursor = toInline;
        for (Iterator<Unit> currIt = inlineeUnits.iterator(); currIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Stmt curr = (Stmt);
            Stmt currPrime = (Stmt) curr.clone();
            if (currPrime == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("getting null from clone!");
            containerUnits.insertAfter(currPrime, cursor);
            cursor = currPrime;
            oldUnitsToNew.put(curr, currPrime);
        for (Iterator<Local> lIt = inlineeB.getLocals().iterator(); lIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Local l =;
            Local lPrime = (Local) l.clone();
            if (lPrime == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("getting null from local clone!");
            oldLocalsToNew.put(l, lPrime);
    // Backpatch the newly-inserted units using newly-constructed maps.
        Iterator<Unit> it = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint));
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Stmt patchee = (Stmt);
            for (ValueBox box : patchee.getUseAndDefBoxes()) {
                if (!(box.getValue() instanceof Local))
                Local lPrime = oldLocalsToNew.get(box.getValue());
                if (lPrime != null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("local has no clone!");
            for (UnitBox box : patchee.getUnitBoxes()) {
                Unit uPrime = (oldUnitsToNew.get(box.getUnit()));
                if (uPrime != null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("inlined stmt has no clone!");
    // Copy & backpatch the traps; preserve their same order.
        Trap prevTrap = null;
        for (Trap t : inlineeB.getTraps()) {
            Stmt newBegin = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getBeginUnit()), newEnd = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getEndUnit()), newHandler = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getHandlerUnit());
            if (newBegin == null || newEnd == null || newHandler == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("couldn't map trap!");
            Trap trap = Jimple.v().newTrap(t.getException(), newBegin, newEnd, newHandler);
            if (prevTrap == null)
                containerB.getTraps().insertAfter(trap, prevTrap);
            prevTrap = trap;
    // Handle identity stmt's and returns.
        Iterator<Unit> it = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint));
        ArrayList<Unit> cuCopy = new ArrayList<Unit>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        for (Unit u : cuCopy) {
            Stmt s = (Stmt) u;
            if (s instanceof IdentityStmt) {
                IdentityRef rhs = (IdentityRef) ((IdentityStmt) s).getRightOp();
                if (rhs instanceof CaughtExceptionRef)
                else if (rhs instanceof ThisRef) {
                    if (!(ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr))
                        throw new RuntimeException("thisref with no receiver!");
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(((IdentityStmt) s).getLeftOp(), thisToAdd));
                } else if (rhs instanceof ParameterRef) {
                    ParameterRef pref = (ParameterRef) rhs;
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(((IdentityStmt) s).getLeftOp(), ie.getArg(pref.getIndex())));
            } else if (s instanceof ReturnStmt) {
                if (toInline instanceof InvokeStmt) {
                    // munch, munch.
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
                if (!(toInline instanceof AssignStmt))
                    throw new RuntimeException("invoking stmt neither InvokeStmt nor AssignStmt!??!?!");
                Value ro = ((ReturnStmt) s).getOp();
                Value lhs = ((AssignStmt) toInline).getLeftOp();
                AssignStmt as = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(lhs, ro);
                containerUnits.insertBefore(as, s);
                containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
            } else if (s instanceof ReturnVoidStmt)
                containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
    List<Unit> newStmts = new ArrayList<Unit>();
    for (Iterator<Unit> i = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint)); i.hasNext(); ) {
    // Remove the original statement toInline.
    // Resolve name collisions.
    LocalNameStandardizer.v().transform(containerB, "ji.lns");
    return newStmts;
Also used : CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit(soot.Unit) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) IfStmt(soot.jimple.IfStmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) RefType(soot.RefType) Hierarchy(soot.Hierarchy) InstanceInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) IdentityRef(soot.jimple.IdentityRef) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) JimpleBody(soot.jimple.JimpleBody) Body(soot.Body) JimpleBody(soot.jimple.JimpleBody) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) InstanceInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) SootClass(soot.SootClass) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) Value(soot.Value) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt)

Example 15 with UnitBox

use of soot.UnitBox in project soot by Sable.

the class Shimple method redirectPointers.

 * Redirects PhiExpr pointers to the given Unit to the new Unit.
 * <p> Normally you should not have to call this function
 * directly, since patching is taken care of Shimple's internal
 * implementation of PatchingChain.
public static void redirectPointers(Unit oldLocation, Unit newLocation) {
    List<UnitBox> boxesPointing = oldLocation.getBoxesPointingToThis();
    // important to change this to an array to have a static copy
    UnitBox[] boxes = boxesPointing.toArray(new UnitBox[boxesPointing.size()]);
    for (UnitBox box : boxes) {
        if (box.getUnit() != oldLocation)
            throw new RuntimeException("Something weird's happening");
        if (!box.isBranchTarget())
Also used : UnitBox(soot.UnitBox)


UnitBox (soot.UnitBox)23 Unit (soot.Unit)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Trap (soot.Trap)9 Value (soot.Value)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Local (soot.Local)5 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)4 LabelNode (org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode)4 GotoStmt (soot.jimple.GotoStmt)4 IntConstant (soot.jimple.IntConstant)4 ReturnStmt (soot.jimple.ReturnStmt)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 List (java.util.List)3 CaughtExceptionRef (soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef)3 IdentityStmt (soot.jimple.IdentityStmt)3 IfStmt (soot.jimple.IfStmt)3 ParameterRef (soot.jimple.ParameterRef)3 Stmt (soot.jimple.Stmt)3 ThisRef (soot.jimple.ThisRef)3