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Example 6 with CaughtExceptionRef

use of soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef in project soot by Sable.

the class TypeResolver method applyAssignmentConstraints.

private Collection<Typing> applyAssignmentConstraints(Typing tg, IEvalFunction ef, IHierarchy h) {
    final int numAssignments = this.assignments.size();
    LinkedList<Typing> sigma = new LinkedList<Typing>(), r = new LinkedList<Typing>();
    if (numAssignments == 0)
        return sigma;
    HashMap<Typing, BitSet> worklists = new HashMap<Typing, BitSet>();
    BitSet wl = new BitSet(numAssignments - 1);
    wl.set(0, numAssignments);
    worklists.put(tg, wl);
    while (!sigma.isEmpty()) {
        tg = sigma.element();
        wl = worklists.get(tg);
        if (wl.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            // Get the next definition statement
            int defIdx = wl.nextSetBit(0);
            DefinitionStmt stmt = this.assignments.get(defIdx);
            Value lhs = stmt.getLeftOp(), rhs = stmt.getRightOp();
            Local v;
            if (lhs instanceof Local)
                v = (Local) lhs;
                v = (Local) ((ArrayRef) lhs).getBase();
            Type told = tg.get(v);
            Collection<Type> eval = new ArrayList<Type>(ef.eval(tg, rhs, stmt));
            boolean isFirstType = true;
            for (Type t_ : eval) {
                if (lhs instanceof ArrayRef) {
                    /* We only need to consider array references on the LHS
						of assignments where there is supertyping between array
						types, which is only for arrays of reference types and
						multidimensional arrays. */
                    if (!(t_ instanceof RefType || t_ instanceof ArrayType)) {
                    t_ = t_.makeArrayType();
                // Special handling for exception objects with phantom types
                final Collection<Type> lcas;
                if (!typesEqual(told, t_) && told instanceof RefType && t_ instanceof RefType && (((RefType) told).getSootClass().isPhantom() || ((RefType) t_).getSootClass().isPhantom()) && (stmt.getRightOp() instanceof CaughtExceptionRef))
                    lcas = Collections.<Type>singleton(RefType.v("java.lang.Throwable"));
                    lcas = h.lcas(told, t_);
                for (Type t : lcas) {
                    if (!typesEqual(t, told)) {
                        Typing tg_;
                        BitSet wl_;
                        if (/*(eval.size() == 1 && lcas.size() == 1) ||*/
                        isFirstType) {
                            // The types agree, we have a type we can directly use
                            tg_ = tg;
                            wl_ = wl;
                        } else {
                            // The types do not agree, add all supertype candidates
                            tg_ = new Typing(tg);
                            wl_ = new BitSet(numAssignments - 1);
                            worklists.put(tg_, wl_);
                        tg_.set(v, t);
                        BitSet dependsV = this.depends.get(v);
                        if (dependsV != null)
                    isFirstType = false;
        // end for
    Typing.minimize(r, h);
    return r;
Also used : CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Local(soot.Local) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) ArrayRef(soot.jimple.ArrayRef) RefType(soot.RefType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) RefType(soot.RefType) IntType(soot.IntType) ShortType(soot.ShortType) CharType(soot.CharType) BooleanType(soot.BooleanType) ByteType(soot.ByteType) ArrayType(soot.ArrayType) IntegerType(soot.IntegerType) Type(soot.Type) Value(soot.Value) DefinitionStmt(soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt)

Example 7 with CaughtExceptionRef

use of soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef in project soot by Sable.

the class NullnessAnalysis method handleRefTypeAssignment.

private void handleRefTypeAssignment(DefinitionStmt assignStmt, AnalysisInfo out) {
    Value left = assignStmt.getLeftOp();
    Value right = assignStmt.getRightOp();
    // unbox casted value
    if (right instanceof JCastExpr) {
        JCastExpr castExpr = (JCastExpr) right;
        right = castExpr.getOp();
    // if we have a definition (assignment) statement to a ref-like type, handle it,
    if (isAlwaysNonNull(right) || right instanceof NewExpr || right instanceof NewArrayExpr || right instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr || right instanceof ThisRef || right instanceof StringConstant || right instanceof ClassConstant || right instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) {
        // if we assign new... or @this, the result is non-null
        out.put(left, NON_NULL);
    } else if (right == NullConstant.v()) {
        // if we assign null, well, it's null
        out.put(left, NULL);
    } else if (left instanceof Local && right instanceof Local) {
        out.put(left, out.get(right));
    } else if (left instanceof Local && right instanceof PhiExpr) {
        handlePhiExpr(out, left, (PhiExpr) right);
    } else {
        out.put(left, TOP);
Also used : CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) NewArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) PhiExpr(soot.shimple.PhiExpr) NewMultiArrayExpr(soot.jimple.NewMultiArrayExpr) Value(soot.Value) NewExpr(soot.jimple.NewExpr) Local(soot.Local) JCastExpr(soot.jimple.internal.JCastExpr) StringConstant(soot.jimple.StringConstant) ClassConstant(soot.jimple.ClassConstant)

Example 8 with CaughtExceptionRef

use of soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef in project soot by Sable.

the class ThisInliner method internalTransform.

public void internalTransform(Body b, String phaseName, Map options) {
    // assure body is a constructor
    if (!b.getMethod().getName().equals("<init>"))
    // if the first invoke is a this() and not a super() inline the this()
    InvokeStmt invokeStmt = getFirstSpecialInvoke(b);
    if (invokeStmt == null)
    SpecialInvokeExpr specInvokeExpr = (SpecialInvokeExpr) invokeStmt.getInvokeExpr();
    if (specInvokeExpr.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().equals(b.getMethod().getDeclaringClass())) {
        // put locals from inlinee into container
        if (!specInvokeExpr.getMethod().hasActiveBody()) {
        HashMap<Local, Local> oldLocalsToNew = new HashMap<Local, Local>();
        for (Local l : specInvokeExpr.getMethod().getActiveBody().getLocals()) {
            Local newLocal = (Local) l.clone();
            oldLocalsToNew.put(l, newLocal);
        // find identity stmt of original method
        IdentityStmt origIdStmt = findIdentityStmt(b);
        HashMap<Stmt, Stmt> oldStmtsToNew = new HashMap<Stmt, Stmt>();
        // System.out.println("locals: "+b.getLocals());
        Chain<Unit> containerUnits = b.getUnits();
        for (Unit u : specInvokeExpr.getMethod().getActiveBody().getUnits()) {
            Stmt inlineeStmt = (Stmt) u;
            // handle identity stmts
            if (inlineeStmt instanceof IdentityStmt) {
                IdentityStmt idStmt = (IdentityStmt) inlineeStmt;
                if (idStmt.getRightOp() instanceof ThisRef) {
                    Stmt newThis = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt((Local) oldLocalsToNew.get(idStmt.getLeftOp()), origIdStmt.getLeftOp());
                    containerUnits.insertBefore(newThis, invokeStmt);
                    oldStmtsToNew.put(inlineeStmt, newThis);
                } else if (idStmt.getRightOp() instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) {
                    Stmt newInlinee = (Stmt) inlineeStmt.clone();
                    for (ValueBox next : newInlinee.getUseAndDefBoxes()) {
                        if (next.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                            next.setValue((Local) oldLocalsToNew.get(next.getValue()));
                    containerUnits.insertBefore(newInlinee, invokeStmt);
                    oldStmtsToNew.put(inlineeStmt, newInlinee);
                } else if (idStmt.getRightOp() instanceof ParameterRef) {
                    Stmt newParam = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt((Local) oldLocalsToNew.get(idStmt.getLeftOp()), specInvokeExpr.getArg(((ParameterRef) idStmt.getRightOp()).getIndex()));
                    containerUnits.insertBefore(newParam, invokeStmt);
                    oldStmtsToNew.put(inlineeStmt, newParam);
            } else // from a constructor)
            if (inlineeStmt instanceof ReturnVoidStmt) {
                Stmt newRet = Jimple.v().newGotoStmt((Stmt) containerUnits.getSuccOf(invokeStmt));
                containerUnits.insertBefore(newRet, invokeStmt);
                System.out.println("adding to stmt map: " + inlineeStmt + " and " + newRet);
                oldStmtsToNew.put(inlineeStmt, newRet);
            } else {
                Stmt newInlinee = (Stmt) inlineeStmt.clone();
                for (ValueBox next : newInlinee.getUseAndDefBoxes()) {
                    if (next.getValue() instanceof Local) {
                        next.setValue((Local) oldLocalsToNew.get(next.getValue()));
                containerUnits.insertBefore(newInlinee, invokeStmt);
                oldStmtsToNew.put(inlineeStmt, newInlinee);
        // handleTraps
        for (Trap t : specInvokeExpr.getMethod().getActiveBody().getTraps()) {
            System.out.println("begin: " + t.getBeginUnit());
            Stmt newBegin = oldStmtsToNew.get(t.getBeginUnit());
            System.out.println("end: " + t.getEndUnit());
            Stmt newEnd = oldStmtsToNew.get(t.getEndUnit());
            System.out.println("handler: " + t.getHandlerUnit());
            Stmt newHandler = oldStmtsToNew.get(t.getHandlerUnit());
            if (newBegin == null || newEnd == null || newHandler == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("couldn't map trap!");
            b.getTraps().add(Jimple.v().newTrap(t.getException(), newBegin, newEnd, newHandler));
        // patch gotos
        for (Unit u : specInvokeExpr.getMethod().getActiveBody().getUnits()) {
            Stmt inlineeStmt = (Stmt) u;
            if (inlineeStmt instanceof GotoStmt) {
                System.out.println("inlinee goto target: " + ((GotoStmt) inlineeStmt).getTarget());
                ((GotoStmt) oldStmtsToNew.get(inlineeStmt)).setTarget(oldStmtsToNew.get(((GotoStmt) inlineeStmt).getTarget()));
        // remove original invoke
        // resolve name collisions
        LocalNameStandardizer.v().transform(b, "ji.lns");
// System.out.println("locals: "+b.getLocals());
// System.out.println("units: "+b.getUnits());
Also used : InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SpecialInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) Unit(soot.Unit) GotoStmt(soot.jimple.GotoStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) GotoStmt(soot.jimple.GotoStmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt)

Example 9 with CaughtExceptionRef

use of soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef in project soot by Sable.

the class SiteInliner method inlineSite.

 *        Inlines the given site.  Note that this method does
 *        not actually check if it's safe (with respect to access modifiers and special invokes)
 *        for it to be inlined.  That functionality is handled by the InlinerSafetyManager.
public static List inlineSite(SootMethod inlinee, Stmt toInline, SootMethod container, Map options) {
    boolean enableNullPointerCheckInsertion = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "insert-null-checks");
    boolean enableRedundantCastInsertion = PhaseOptions.getBoolean(options, "insert-redundant-casts");
    Hierarchy hierarchy = Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy();
    JimpleBody containerB = (JimpleBody) container.getActiveBody();
    Chain<Unit> containerUnits = containerB.getUnits();
    if (!(inlinee.getDeclaringClass().isApplicationClass() || inlinee.getDeclaringClass().isLibraryClass()))
        return null;
    Body inlineeB = inlinee.getActiveBody();
    Chain<Unit> inlineeUnits = inlineeB.getUnits();
    InvokeExpr ie = toInline.getInvokeExpr();
    Value thisToAdd = null;
    if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr)
        thisToAdd = ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase();
    // Insert casts to please the verifier.
        boolean targetUsesThis = true;
        if (enableRedundantCastInsertion && ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr && targetUsesThis) {
            // The verifier will complain if targetUsesThis, and:
            // the argument passed to the method is not the same type.
            // For instance, Bottle.price_static takes a cost.
            // Cost is an interface implemented by Bottle.
            SootClass localType, parameterType;
            localType = ((RefType) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase().getType()).getSootClass();
            parameterType = inlinee.getDeclaringClass();
            if (localType.isInterface() || hierarchy.isClassSuperclassOf(localType, parameterType)) {
                Local castee = Jimple.v().newLocal("__castee", parameterType.getType());
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(castee, Jimple.v().newCastExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), parameterType.getType())), toInline);
                thisToAdd = castee;
    // (If enabled), add a null pointer check.
        if (enableNullPointerCheckInsertion && ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
            boolean caught = TrapManager.isExceptionCaughtAt(Scene.v().getSootClass("java.lang.NullPointerException"), toInline, containerB);
            /* Ah ha.  Caught again! */
            if (caught) {
                /* In this case, we don't use throwPoint;
                     * instead, put the code right there. */
                Stmt insertee = Jimple.v().newIfStmt(Jimple.v().newNeExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), NullConstant.v()), toInline);
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(insertee, toInline);
                // This sucks (but less than before).
                ((IfStmt) insertee).setTarget(toInline);
                ThrowManager.addThrowAfter(containerB, insertee);
            } else {
                Stmt throwPoint = ThrowManager.getNullPointerExceptionThrower(containerB);
                containerB.getUnits().insertBefore(Jimple.v().newIfStmt(Jimple.v().newEqExpr(((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase(), NullConstant.v()), throwPoint), toInline);
    // Add synchronizing stuff.
        if (inlinee.isSynchronized()) {
            // Need to get the class object if ie is a static invoke.
            if (ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr)
                SynchronizerManager.v().synchronizeStmtOn(toInline, containerB, (Local) ((InstanceInvokeExpr) ie).getBase());
            else {
                // synchronization.
                if (!container.getDeclaringClass().isInterface()) {
                    // Whew!
                    Local l = SynchronizerManager.v().addStmtsToFetchClassBefore(containerB, toInline);
                    SynchronizerManager.v().synchronizeStmtOn(toInline, containerB, l);
    Stmt exitPoint = (Stmt) containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline);
    // First, clone all of the inlinee's units & locals.
    HashMap<Local, Local> oldLocalsToNew = new HashMap<Local, Local>();
    HashMap<Stmt, Stmt> oldUnitsToNew = new HashMap<Stmt, Stmt>();
        Stmt cursor = toInline;
        for (Iterator<Unit> currIt = inlineeUnits.iterator(); currIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Stmt curr = (Stmt);
            Stmt currPrime = (Stmt) curr.clone();
            if (currPrime == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("getting null from clone!");
            containerUnits.insertAfter(currPrime, cursor);
            cursor = currPrime;
            oldUnitsToNew.put(curr, currPrime);
        for (Iterator<Local> lIt = inlineeB.getLocals().iterator(); lIt.hasNext(); ) {
            final Local l =;
            Local lPrime = (Local) l.clone();
            if (lPrime == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("getting null from local clone!");
            oldLocalsToNew.put(l, lPrime);
    // Backpatch the newly-inserted units using newly-constructed maps.
        Iterator<Unit> it = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint));
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Stmt patchee = (Stmt);
            for (ValueBox box : patchee.getUseAndDefBoxes()) {
                if (!(box.getValue() instanceof Local))
                Local lPrime = oldLocalsToNew.get(box.getValue());
                if (lPrime != null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("local has no clone!");
            for (UnitBox box : patchee.getUnitBoxes()) {
                Unit uPrime = (oldUnitsToNew.get(box.getUnit()));
                if (uPrime != null)
                    throw new RuntimeException("inlined stmt has no clone!");
    // Copy & backpatch the traps; preserve their same order.
        Trap prevTrap = null;
        for (Trap t : inlineeB.getTraps()) {
            Stmt newBegin = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getBeginUnit()), newEnd = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getEndUnit()), newHandler = oldUnitsToNew.get(t.getHandlerUnit());
            if (newBegin == null || newEnd == null || newHandler == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("couldn't map trap!");
            Trap trap = Jimple.v().newTrap(t.getException(), newBegin, newEnd, newHandler);
            if (prevTrap == null)
                containerB.getTraps().insertAfter(trap, prevTrap);
            prevTrap = trap;
    // Handle identity stmt's and returns.
        Iterator<Unit> it = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint));
        ArrayList<Unit> cuCopy = new ArrayList<Unit>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
        for (Unit u : cuCopy) {
            Stmt s = (Stmt) u;
            if (s instanceof IdentityStmt) {
                IdentityRef rhs = (IdentityRef) ((IdentityStmt) s).getRightOp();
                if (rhs instanceof CaughtExceptionRef)
                else if (rhs instanceof ThisRef) {
                    if (!(ie instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr))
                        throw new RuntimeException("thisref with no receiver!");
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(((IdentityStmt) s).getLeftOp(), thisToAdd));
                } else if (rhs instanceof ParameterRef) {
                    ParameterRef pref = (ParameterRef) rhs;
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(((IdentityStmt) s).getLeftOp(), ie.getArg(pref.getIndex())));
            } else if (s instanceof ReturnStmt) {
                if (toInline instanceof InvokeStmt) {
                    // munch, munch.
                    containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
                if (!(toInline instanceof AssignStmt))
                    throw new RuntimeException("invoking stmt neither InvokeStmt nor AssignStmt!??!?!");
                Value ro = ((ReturnStmt) s).getOp();
                Value lhs = ((AssignStmt) toInline).getLeftOp();
                AssignStmt as = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(lhs, ro);
                containerUnits.insertBefore(as, s);
                containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
            } else if (s instanceof ReturnVoidStmt)
                containerUnits.swapWith(s, Jimple.v().newGotoStmt(exitPoint));
    List<Unit> newStmts = new ArrayList<Unit>();
    for (Iterator<Unit> i = containerUnits.iterator(containerUnits.getSuccOf(toInline), containerUnits.getPredOf(exitPoint)); i.hasNext(); ) {
    // Remove the original statement toInline.
    // Resolve name collisions.
    LocalNameStandardizer.v().transform(containerB, "ji.lns");
    return newStmts;
Also used : CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Unit(soot.Unit) ReturnVoidStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt) InvokeStmt(soot.jimple.InvokeStmt) IfStmt(soot.jimple.IfStmt) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt) Stmt(soot.jimple.Stmt) AssignStmt(soot.jimple.AssignStmt) RefType(soot.RefType) Hierarchy(soot.Hierarchy) InstanceInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr) InvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InvokeExpr) IdentityRef(soot.jimple.IdentityRef) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) JimpleBody(soot.jimple.JimpleBody) Body(soot.Body) JimpleBody(soot.jimple.JimpleBody) IdentityStmt(soot.jimple.IdentityStmt) UnitBox(soot.UnitBox) InstanceInvokeExpr(soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr) Local(soot.Local) Trap(soot.Trap) SootClass(soot.SootClass) ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) ValueBox(soot.ValueBox) Value(soot.Value) ReturnStmt(soot.jimple.ReturnStmt)

Example 10 with CaughtExceptionRef

use of soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef in project soot by Sable.

the class StmtVisitor method caseIdentityStmt.

public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
    Local lhs = (Local) stmt.getLeftOp();
    Value rhs = stmt.getRightOp();
    if (rhs instanceof CaughtExceptionRef) {
        // save the caught exception with move-exception
        Register localReg = regAlloc.asLocal(lhs);
        addInsn(new Insn11x(Opcode.MOVE_EXCEPTION, localReg), stmt);
        this.insnRegisterMap.put(insns.get(insns.size() - 1), LocalRegisterAssignmentInformation.v(localReg, lhs));
    } else if (rhs instanceof ThisRef || rhs instanceof ParameterRef) {
			 * do not save the ThisRef or ParameterRef in a local, because it
			 * always has a parameter register already. at least use the local
			 * for further reference in the statements
        Local localForThis = lhs;
        regAlloc.asParameter(belongingMethod, localForThis);
        parameterInstructionsList.add(LocalRegisterAssignmentInformation.v(regAlloc.asLocal(localForThis).clone(), localForThis));
    } else {
        throw new Error("unknown Value as right-hand side of IdentityStmt: " + rhs);
Also used : ParameterRef(soot.jimple.ParameterRef) CaughtExceptionRef(soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef) ThisRef(soot.jimple.ThisRef) Value(soot.Value) Local(soot.Local) Insn11x(soot.toDex.instructions.Insn11x)


CaughtExceptionRef (soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef)13 Local (soot.Local)12 Value (soot.Value)8 RefType (soot.RefType)6 ThisRef (soot.jimple.ThisRef)6 Type (soot.Type)5 Unit (soot.Unit)5 DefinitionStmt (soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt)5 ParameterRef (soot.jimple.ParameterRef)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 IntType (soot.IntType)4 NullType (soot.NullType)4 ValueBox (soot.ValueBox)4 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)3 ArrayType (soot.ArrayType)3 CharType (soot.CharType)3 IdentityStmt (soot.jimple.IdentityStmt)3 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 DoubleType (soot.DoubleType)2