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Example 86 with CtType

use of spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType in project spoon by INRIA.

the class SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction method apply.

public void apply(CtTypeInformation input, CtConsumer<Object> outputConsumer) {
    CtTypeReference<?> typeRef;
    CtType<?> type;
    // detect whether input is a class or something else (e.g. interface)
    boolean isClass;
    if (input instanceof CtType) {
        type = (CtType<?>) input;
        typeRef = type.getReference();
    } else {
        typeRef = (CtTypeReference<?>) input;
        try {
            type = typeRef.getTypeDeclaration();
        } catch (SpoonClassNotFoundException e) {
            if (typeRef.getFactory().getEnvironment().getNoClasspath() == false) {
                throw e;
            type = null;
    // if the type is unknown, than we expect it is interface, otherwise we would visit java.lang.Object too, even for interfaces
    isClass = type == null ? false : (type instanceof CtClass);
    if (isClass == false && includingInterfaces == false) {
        // the input is interface, but this scanner should visit only interfaces. Finish
    ScanningMode mode = enter(typeRef, isClass);
    if (mode == SKIP_ALL) {
        // listener decided to not visit that input. Finish
    if (includingSelf) {
        sendResult(typeRef, outputConsumer);
        if (query.isTerminated()) {
            mode = SKIP_CHILDREN;
    if (mode == NORMAL) {
        if (isClass == false) {
            visitSuperInterfaces(typeRef, outputConsumer);
        } else {
            // call visitSuperClasses only for input of type class. The contract of visitSuperClasses requires that
            visitSuperClasses(typeRef, outputConsumer, includingInterfaces);
    exit(typeRef, isClass);
Also used : CtClass(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass) CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) SpoonClassNotFoundException( ScanningMode(spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode)

Example 87 with CtType

use of spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType in project spoon by INRIA.

the class AllMethodsSameSignatureFunction method apply.

public void apply(final CtExecutable<?> targetExecutable, final CtConsumer<Object> outputConsumer) {
    // prepare filter for lambda expression. It will be configured by the algorithm below
    final LambdaFilter lambdaFilter = new LambdaFilter();
    final CtQuery lambdaQuery = targetExecutable.getFactory().getModel().filterChildren(lambdaFilter);
    // the to be searched method
    CtMethod<?> targetMethod;
    if (targetExecutable instanceof CtLambda) {
        // the input is lambda
        if (includingSelf && includingLambdas) {
            if (query.isTerminated()) {
        // in case of lambda, the target method is the method implemented by lambda
        targetMethod = ((CtLambda<?>) targetExecutable).getOverriddenMethod();
        if (query.isTerminated()) {
        // the input is the lambda expression, which was already returned or doesn't have to be returned at all because includingSelf == false
        // add extra filter into lambdaQuery which skips that input lambda expression Filter<CtLambda<?>>() {

            public boolean matches(CtLambda<?> lambda) {
                return targetExecutable != lambda;
    } else if (targetExecutable instanceof CtMethod) {
        if (includingSelf) {
            if (query.isTerminated()) {
        targetMethod = (CtMethod<?>) targetExecutable;
    } else {
        // CtConstructor or CtAnonymousExecutable never overrides other executable. We are done
        if (includingSelf) {
    final List<CtMethod<?>> targetMethods = new ArrayList<>();
    CtType<?> declaringType = targetMethod.getDeclaringType();
    // search for all declarations and implementations of this method in sub and super classes and interfaces of all related hierarchies.
    class Context {

        boolean haveToSearchForSubtypes;
    final Context context = new Context();
    // at the beginning we know that we have to always search for sub types too.
    context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = true;
    // Sub inheritance hierarchy function, which remembers visited sub types and does not returns/visits them again
    final SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver subHierarchyFnc = new SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver(declaringType.getFactory().getModel().getRootPackage());
    // add hierarchy of `targetMethod` as to be checked for sub types of declaring type
    // unique names of all types whose super inheritance hierarchy was searched for rootType
    Set<String> typesCheckedForRootType = new HashSet<>();
    // list of sub types whose inheritance hierarchy has to be checked
    final List<CtType<?>> toBeCheckedSubTypes = new ArrayList<>();
    // add hierarchy of `targetMethod` as to be checked for super types of declaring type
    while (toBeCheckedSubTypes.size() > 0) {
        for (CtType<?> subType : toBeCheckedSubTypes) {
            ClassTypingContext ctc = new ClassTypingContext(subType);
            // search for first target method from the same type inheritance hierarchy
            targetMethod = getTargetMethodOfHierarchy(targetMethods, ctc);
            // search for all methods with same signature in inheritance hierarchy of `subType`
            forEachOverridenMethod(ctc, targetMethod, typesCheckedForRootType, new CtConsumer<CtMethod<?>>() {

                public void accept(CtMethod<?> overriddenMethod) {
                    CtType<?> type = overriddenMethod.getDeclaringType();
                    // mark that new super type was added, so we have to search for sub types again
                    context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = true;
            if (query.isTerminated()) {
        if (context.haveToSearchForSubtypes) {
            context.haveToSearchForSubtypes = false;
            // there are some new super types, whose sub inheritance hierarchy has to be checked
            // search their inheritance hierarchy for sub types
            subHierarchyFnc.forEachSubTypeInPackage(new CtConsumer<CtType<?>>() {

                public void accept(CtType<?> type) {
    if (includingLambdas) {
        // search for all lambdas implementing any of the found interfaces
Also used : ClassTypingContext( ClassTypingContext( CtLambda(spoon.reflect.code.CtLambda) CtQuery(spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) SubInheritanceHierarchyResolver( CtMethod(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 88 with CtType

use of spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType in project spoon by INRIA.

the class LocalVariableReferenceFunction method apply.

public void apply(final CtElement scope, CtConsumer<Object> outputConsumer) {
    CtVariable<?> var = targetVariable;
    if (var == null) {
        if (variableClass.isInstance(scope)) {
            var = (CtVariable<?>) scope;
        } else {
            throw new SpoonException("The input of " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " must be a " + variableClass.getSimpleName() + " but is " + scope.getClass().getSimpleName());
    final CtVariable<?> variable = var;
    final String simpleName = variable.getSimpleName();
    // the context which knows whether we are scanning in scope of local type or not
    final Context context = new Context();
    CtQuery scopeQuery;
    if (scope == variable) {
        // we are starting search from local variable declaration
        scopeQuery = createScopeQuery(variable, scope, context);
    } else {
        // we are starting search later, somewhere deep in scope of variable declaration
        final CtElement variableParent = variable.getParent();
			 * search in parents of searching scope for the variableParent
			 * 1) to check that scope is a child of variableParent
			 * 2) to detect if there is an local class between variable declaration and scope
        if ( ParentFunction()).select(new Filter<CtElement>() {

            public boolean matches(CtElement element) {
                if (element instanceof CtType) {
                    // detected that the search scope is in local class declared in visibility scope of variable
                return variableParent == element;
        }).first() == null) {
            // the scope is not under children of localVariable
            throw new SpoonException("Cannot search for references of variable in wrong scope.");
        // search in all children of the scope element
        scopeQuery = CtScannerFunction().setListener(context));
    } Filter<CtElement>() {

        public boolean matches(CtElement element) {
            if (variableReferenceClass.isInstance(element)) {
                CtVariableReference<?> varRef = (CtVariableReference<?>) element;
                if (simpleName.equals(varRef.getSimpleName())) {
                    // we have found a variable reference of required type in visibility scope of targetVariable
                    if (context.hasLocalType()) {
                        // so finally check that found variable reference is really a reference to target variable
                        return variable == varRef.getDeclaration();
                    // else we can be sure that found reference is reference to variable
                    return true;
            return false;
Also used : CtVariableReference(spoon.reflect.reference.CtVariableReference) SpoonException(spoon.SpoonException) CtElement(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement) CtQuery(spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.CtQuery) CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) Filter(spoon.reflect.visitor.Filter)

Example 89 with CtType

use of spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType in project spoon by INRIA.

the class CtQueryImpl method getIndexOfCallerInStackOfLambda.

 * JVM implementations reports exception in call of lambda in different way.
 * A) the to be called lambda expression whose input parameters are invalid is on top of stack trace
 * B) the to be called lambda expression whose input parameters are invalid is NOT in stack trace at all
 * This method detects actual behavior of JVM, so the code, which decides whether ClassCastException is expected (part of filtering process)
 * or unexpected - thrown by clients wrong code works on all JVM implementations
private static int getIndexOfCallerInStackOfLambda() {
    CtConsumer<CtType<?>> f = (CtType<?> t) -> {
    CtConsumer<Object> unchecked = (CtConsumer) f;
    Object obj = new Integer(1);
    try {
        throw new SpoonException("The lambda expression with input type CtType must throw ClassCastException when input type is Integer. Basic CtQuery contract is violated by JVM!");
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        StackTraceElement[] stack = e.getStackTrace();
        for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
            if ("getIndexOfCallerInStackOfLambda".equals(stack[i].getMethodName())) {
                // check whether we can detect type of lambda input parameter from CCE
                Class<?> detectectedClass = detectTargetClassFromCCE(e, obj);
                if (CtType.class.equals(detectectedClass) == false) {
                    // mark it by negative index, so the query engine will fall back to eating of all CCEs and slow implementation
                    return -1;
                return i;
        throw new SpoonException("Spoon cannot detect index of caller of lambda expression in stack trace.", e);
Also used : CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) SpoonException(spoon.SpoonException)

Example 90 with CtType

use of spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType in project spoon by INRIA.

the class APITest method testPrintNotAllSourcesWithFilter.

public void testPrintNotAllSourcesWithFilter() throws Exception {
    // contract: setOutputFilter can take an arbitrary filter
    final File target = new File("./target/print-not-all/default");
    final SpoonAPI launcher = new Launcher();
    launcher.setOutputFilter(new AbstractFilter<CtType<?>>(CtType.class) {

        public boolean matches(CtType<?> element) {
            return "spoon.template.Parameter".equals(element.getQualifiedName()) || "spoon.template.AbstractTemplate".equals(element.getQualifiedName());
    List<File> list = new ArrayList<>(FileUtils.listFiles(target, new String[] { "java" }, true));
    final List<String> filesName =<String>toList());
    assertEquals(2, filesName.size());
    assertEquals("", filesName.get(0));
    assertEquals("", filesName.get(1));
Also used : CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Launcher(spoon.Launcher) File( SpoonAPI(spoon.SpoonAPI) Test(org.junit.Test)


CtType (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType)134 Test (org.junit.Test)67 Launcher (spoon.Launcher)60 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)42 CtMethod (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod)38 CtTypeReference (spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference)30 DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter (spoon.reflect.visitor.DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter)20 File ( Factory (spoon.reflect.factory.Factory)19 PrettyPrinter (spoon.reflect.visitor.PrettyPrinter)19 List (java.util.List)18 Collectors ( CtField (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtField)17 CtElement (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtElement)16 CtPackage (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtPackage)16 InputConfiguration (fr.inria.diversify.utils.sosiefier.InputConfiguration)14 IOException ( SpoonException (spoon.SpoonException)12 DSpotCompiler (fr.inria.diversify.utils.compilation.DSpotCompiler)11 Set (java.util.Set)11