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Example 6 with SpoonClassNotFoundException

use of in project spoon by INRIA.

the class SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction method visitSuperInterfaces.

 * calls `outputConsumer.accept(interface)` for all superInterfaces of type recursively.
protected void visitSuperInterfaces(CtTypeReference<?> type, CtConsumer<Object> outputConsumer) {
    Set<CtTypeReference<?>> superInterfaces;
    try {
        superInterfaces = type.getSuperInterfaces();
    } catch (SpoonClassNotFoundException e) {
        if (failOnClassNotFound) {
            throw e;
        Launcher.LOGGER.warn("Cannot load class: " + type.getQualifiedName() + " with class loader " + Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
    for (CtTypeReference<?> ifaceRef : superInterfaces) {
        ScanningMode mode = enter(ifaceRef, false);
        if (mode == SKIP_ALL) {
        sendResult(ifaceRef, outputConsumer);
        if (mode == NORMAL && query.isTerminated() == false) {
            visitSuperInterfaces(ifaceRef, outputConsumer);
        exit(ifaceRef, false);
        if (query.isTerminated()) {
Also used : CtTypeReference(spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference) SpoonClassNotFoundException( ScanningMode(spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode)

Example 7 with SpoonClassNotFoundException

use of in project spoon by INRIA.

the class NoClasspathTest method test.

public void test() throws Exception {
    // do we still have a correct model when the complete classpath is not given as input?
    Launcher spoon = new Launcher();
    spoon.getEnvironment().setSourceOutputDirectory(new File("target/spooned/apitest"));;
    Factory factory = spoon.getFactory();
    CtClass<Object> clazz = factory.Class().get("Foo");
    assertEquals("Foo", clazz.getSimpleName());
    CtTypeReference<?> superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
    // "Unknown" is not in the classpath at all
    assertEquals("Unknown", superclass.getSimpleName());
    try {
    } catch (SpoonClassNotFoundException e) {
    // expected
    // should be empty as in noClasspath the actual class cannot be retrieved
    // now we really make sure we don't have the class in the classpath
    try {
    } catch (SpoonClassNotFoundException e) {
    // expected
        CtMethod<?> method = clazz.getMethod("method", new CtTypeReference[0]);
        List<CtInvocation<?>> invocations = method.getElements(new TypeFilter<CtInvocation<?>>(CtInvocation.class));
        assertEquals(1, invocations.size());
        CtInvocation<?> c = invocations.get(0);
        assertEquals("method", c.getExecutable().getSimpleName());
        assertEquals("x.method()", method.getBody().getStatement(1).toString());
        CtMethod<?> method = clazz.getMethod("m2", new CtTypeReference[0]);
        List<CtInvocation<?>> invocations = method.getElements(new TypeFilter<CtInvocation<?>>(CtInvocation.class));
        assertEquals(3, invocations.size());
        CtInvocation<?> c = invocations.get(1);
        assertEquals("second", c.getExecutable().getSimpleName());
        assertEquals("x.first().second().third()", method.getBody().getStatement(1).toString());
        CtMethod<?> method = clazz.getMethod("m1", new CtTypeReference[0]);
        List<CtInvocation<?>> invocations = method.getElements(new TypeFilter<CtInvocation<?>>(CtInvocation.class));
        assertEquals(1, invocations.size());
        assertEquals("x.y.z.method()", method.getBody().getStatement(0).toString());
        CtMethod<?> method = clazz.getMethod("m3", new CtTypeReference[0]);
        List<CtInvocation<?>> invocations = method.getElements(new TypeFilter<CtInvocation<?>>(CtInvocation.class));
        assertEquals(1, invocations.size());
        CtLocalVariable<?> statement = method.getBody().getStatement(0);
        CtFieldAccess<?> fa = (CtFieldAccess<?>) statement.getDefaultExpression();
        assertTrue(fa.getTarget() instanceof CtInvocation);
        assertEquals("field", fa.getVariable().getSimpleName());
        assertEquals("int x = first().field", statement.toString());
Also used : CtFieldAccess(spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldAccess) Factory(spoon.reflect.factory.Factory) TypeFilter(spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.TypeFilter) CtLocalVariable(spoon.reflect.code.CtLocalVariable) CtInvocation(spoon.reflect.code.CtInvocation) CtTypeReference(spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference) Launcher(spoon.Launcher) SpoonClassNotFoundException( List(java.util.List) File( CtMethod(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtMethod) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 8 with SpoonClassNotFoundException

use of in project spoon by INRIA.

the class CompilationTest method testExoticClassLoader.

public void testExoticClassLoader() throws Exception {
    // contract: Spoon uses the exotic class loader
    final List<String> l = new ArrayList<>();
    class MyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

        protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
            return super.loadClass(name, resolve);
    Launcher launcher = new Launcher();
    launcher.getEnvironment().setInputClassLoader(new MyClassLoader());
    launcher.getModel().getRootPackage().accept(new CtScanner() {

        public <T> void visitCtTypeReference(CtTypeReference<T> reference) {
            try {
                // forcing loading it
            } catch (SpoonClassNotFoundException ignore) {
    assertEquals(3, l.size());
    assertEquals(MyClassLoader.class, launcher.getEnvironment().getInputClassLoader().getClass());
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URLClassLoader( Launcher(spoon.Launcher) SpoonClassNotFoundException( CtScanner(spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 9 with SpoonClassNotFoundException

use of in project spoon by INRIA.

the class ClassTypingContext method resolveActualTypeArgumentsOf.

 * resolve actual type argument values of the provided type reference
 * @param typeRef the reference to the type
 * 	whose actual type argument values has to be resolved in scope of `scope` type
 * @return actual type arguments of `typeRef` in scope of `scope` element or null if typeRef is not a super type of `scope`
public List<CtTypeReference<?>> resolveActualTypeArgumentsOf(CtTypeReference<?> typeRef) {
    final String typeQualifiedName = typeRef.getQualifiedName();
    List<CtTypeReference<?>> args = typeToArguments.get(typeQualifiedName);
    if (args != null) {
        // the actual type arguments of `type` are already resolved
        return args;
    // resolve hierarchy of enclosing class first.
    CtTypeReference<?> enclosingTypeRef = getEnclosingType(typeRef);
    if (enclosingTypeRef != null) {
        if (enclosingClassTypingContext == null) {
            return null;
        // `type` is inner class. Resolve it's enclosing class arguments first
        if (enclosingClassTypingContext.resolveActualTypeArgumentsOf(enclosingTypeRef) == null) {
            return null;
		 * detect where to start/continue with resolving of super classes and super interfaces
		 * to found actual type arguments of input `type`
    if (lastResolvedSuperclass == null) {
			 * whole super inheritance hierarchy was already resolved for this level.
			 * It means that `type` is not a super type of `scope` on the level `level`
        return null;
    final HierarchyListener listener = new HierarchyListener(getVisitedSet());
		 * remove last resolved class from the list of visited,
		 * because it would avoid visiting it's super hierarchy
		 * visit super inheritance class hierarchy of lastResolve type of level of `type` to found it's actual type arguments.
    ((CtElement) lastResolvedSuperclass).map(new SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction().includingSelf(false).returnTypeReferences(true).setListener(listener)).forEach(new CtConsumer<CtTypeReference<?>>() {

        public void accept(CtTypeReference<?> typeRef) {
				 * typeRef is a reference from sub type to super type.
				 * It contains actual type arguments in scope of sub type,
				 * which are going to be substituted as arguments to formal type parameters of super type
            String superTypeQualifiedName = typeRef.getQualifiedName();
            List<CtTypeReference<?>> actualTypeArguments = typeRef.getActualTypeArguments();
            if (actualTypeArguments.isEmpty()) {
                // may be they are not set - check whether type declares some generic parameters
                List<CtTypeParameter> typeParams;
                try {
                    CtType<?> type = typeRef.getTypeDeclaration();
                    typeParams = type.getFormalCtTypeParameters();
                } catch (final SpoonClassNotFoundException e) {
                    if (typeRef.getFactory().getEnvironment().getNoClasspath()) {
                        typeParams = Collections.emptyList();
                    } else {
                        throw e;
                if (typeParams.size() > 0) {
                    // yes, there are generic type parameters. Reference should use actualTypeArguments computed from their bounds
                    actualTypeArguments = new ArrayList<>(typeParams.size());
                    for (CtTypeParameter typeParam : typeParams) {
            List<CtTypeReference<?>> superTypeActualTypeArgumentsResolvedFromSubType = resolveTypeParameters(actualTypeArguments);
            // Remember actual type arguments of `type`
            typeToArguments.put(superTypeQualifiedName, superTypeActualTypeArgumentsResolvedFromSubType);
            if (typeQualifiedName.equals(superTypeQualifiedName)) {
					 * we have found actual type arguments of input `type`
					 * We can finish. But only after all interfaces of last visited class are processed too
                listener.foundArguments = superTypeActualTypeArgumentsResolvedFromSubType;
    if (listener.foundArguments == null) {
			 * superclass was not found. We have scanned whole hierarchy
        lastResolvedSuperclass = null;
    return listener.foundArguments;
Also used : SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction(spoon.reflect.visitor.filter.SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction) CtTypeParameter(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtTypeParameter) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CtType(spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType) CtTypeReference(spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference) SpoonClassNotFoundException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 10 with SpoonClassNotFoundException

use of in project spoon by INRIA.

the class CtTypeReferenceImpl method findClass.

 * Finds the class requested in {@link #getActualClass()}.
 * Looks for the class in the standard Java classpath, but also in the sourceClassPath given as option.
protected Class<T> findClass() {
    try {
        // creating a classloader on the fly is not the most efficient
        // but it decreases the amount of state to maintain
        // since getActualClass is only used in rare cases, that's OK.
        ClassLoader classLoader = getFactory().getEnvironment().getInputClassLoader();
        String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName();
        return (Class<T>) classLoader.loadClass(qualifiedName);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new SpoonClassNotFoundException("cannot load class: " + getQualifiedName(), e);
Also used : SpoonClassNotFoundException(


SpoonClassNotFoundException ( CtTypeReference (spoon.reflect.reference.CtTypeReference)5 Test (org.junit.Test)4 CtType (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtType)4 Launcher (spoon.Launcher)3 CtClass (spoon.reflect.declaration.CtClass)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 List (java.util.List)2 Factory (spoon.reflect.factory.Factory)2 CtScanner (spoon.reflect.visitor.CtScanner)2 ScanningMode (spoon.reflect.visitor.chain.ScanningMode)2 File ( URLClassLoader ( ArrayDeque (java.util.ArrayDeque)1 TypeDeclaration (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration)1 TypeReference (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference)1 FieldBinding (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding)1 ReferenceBinding (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding)1 Environment (spoon.compiler.Environment)1 CtFieldAccess (spoon.reflect.code.CtFieldAccess)1