use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class MTCLinAdaptWithMMB method gradientByFunc.
protected void gradientByFunc(_AdaptStruct u, _Doc review, double weight, double[] g) {
_Review r = (_Review) review;
_HDPThetaStar theta = r.getHDPThetaStar();
// feature index
int n, k, s;
int cIndex = theta.getIndex();
if (cIndex < 0 || cIndex >= m_kBar)
System.err.println("Error,cannot find the theta star!");
int offset = m_dim * 2 * cIndex, offsetSup = m_dim * 2 * m_kBar;
double[] Au = theta.getModel();
double delta = (review.getYLabel() - logit(review.getSparse(), r)) * weight;
// Bias term for individual user.
// a[0] = ws0*x0; x0=1
g[offset] -= delta * getSupWeights(0);
// b[0]
g[offset + m_dim] -= delta;
// Bias term for super user.
// a_s[0] = a_i0*w_g0*x_d0
g[offsetSup] -= delta * Au[0] * m_gWeights[0];
// b_s[0] = a_i0*x_d0
g[offsetSup + m_dimSup] -= delta * Au[0];
// Traverse all the feature dimension to calculate the gradient for both individual users and super user.
for (_SparseFeature fv : review.getSparse()) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
k = m_featureGroupMap[n];
// w_si*x_di
g[offset + k] -= delta * getSupWeights(n) * fv.getValue();
// x_di
g[offset + m_dim + k] -= delta * fv.getValue();
s = m_featureGroupMap4SupUsr[n];
// a_i*w_gi*x_di
g[offsetSup + s] -= delta * Au[k] * m_gWeights[n] * fv.getValue();
// a_i*x_di
g[offsetSup + m_dimSup + s] -= delta * Au[k] * fv.getValue();
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class MultiTaskSVM method createLibLinearFV.
// create a training instance of svm.
// for MT-SVM feature vector construction: we put user models in front of global model
public Feature[] createLibLinearFV(_Review r, int userIndex) {
int fIndex;
double fValue;
_SparseFeature fv;
_SparseFeature[] fvs = r.getSparse();
int userOffset, globalOffset;
// 0-th: x//sqrt(u); t-th: x.
Feature[] node;
if (m_bias) {
userOffset = (m_featureSize + 1) * userIndex;
globalOffset = (m_featureSize + 1) * m_userSize;
node = new Feature[(1 + fvs.length) * 2];
} else {
userOffset = m_featureSize * userIndex;
globalOffset = m_featureSize * m_userSize;
node = new Feature[fvs.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < fvs.length; i++) {
fv = fvs[i];
// liblinear's feature index starts from one
fIndex = fv.getIndex() + 1;
fValue = fv.getValue();
// Construct the user part of the training instance.
node[i] = new FeatureNode(userOffset + fIndex, fValue);
// Construct the global part of the training instance.
if (m_bias)
// global model's bias term has to be moved to the last
node[i + fvs.length + 1] = new FeatureNode(globalOffset + fIndex, fValue / m_u);
// global model's bias term has to be moved to the last
node[i + fvs.length] = new FeatureNode(globalOffset + fIndex, fValue / m_u);
if (m_bias) {
// add the bias term
// user model's bias
node[fvs.length] = new FeatureNode((m_featureSize + 1) * (userIndex + 1), 1.0);
// global model's bias
node[2 * fvs.length + 1] = new FeatureNode((m_featureSize + 1) * (m_userSize + 1), 1.0 / m_u);
return node;
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class MultiTaskSVMWithClusters method createLibLinearFV.
// create a training instance of svm with cluster information.
// for MT-SVM feature vector construction: we put user models in front of global model
public Feature[] createLibLinearFV(_Review r, int userIndex) {
int fIndex, clusterIndex = m_userClusterIndex[userIndex];
double fValue;
_SparseFeature fv;
_SparseFeature[] fvs = r.getSparse();
int userOffset, clusterOffset, globalOffset;
// 0-th: x//sqrt(u); t-th: x.
Feature[] node;
if (m_bias) {
userOffset = (m_featureSize + 1) * userIndex;
clusterOffset = (m_featureSize + 1) * (m_userSize + clusterIndex);
globalOffset = (m_featureSize + 1) * (m_userSize + m_clusterNo);
// It consists of three parts.
node = new Feature[(1 + fvs.length) * 3];
} else {
userOffset = m_featureSize * userIndex;
clusterOffset = m_featureSize * (m_userSize + clusterIndex);
globalOffset = m_featureSize * (m_userSize + m_clusterNo);
node = new Feature[fvs.length * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < fvs.length; i++) {
fv = fvs[i];
// liblinear's feature index starts from one
fIndex = fv.getIndex() + 1;
fValue = fv.getValue();
// Construct the user part of the training instance.
node[i] = new FeatureNode(userOffset + fIndex, fValue * m_i);
// Construct the cluster and global part of the training instance.
if (m_bias) {
// cluster part
node[i + fvs.length + 1] = new FeatureNode(clusterOffset + fIndex, m_c == 0 ? 0 : fValue / m_c);
// global part
node[i + 2 * fvs.length + 2] = new FeatureNode(globalOffset + fIndex, m_u == 0 ? 0 : fValue / m_u);
} else {
// cluster part
node[i + fvs.length] = new FeatureNode(clusterOffset + fIndex, m_c == 0 ? 0 : fValue / m_c);
// global part
node[i + 2 * fvs.length] = new FeatureNode(globalOffset + fIndex, m_u == 0 ? 0 : fValue / m_u);
if (m_bias) {
// add the bias term
// user model's bias
node[fvs.length] = new FeatureNode((m_featureSize + 1) * (userIndex + 1), m_i == 0 ? 0 : 1.0 / m_i);
// cluster model's bias
node[2 * fvs.length + 1] = new FeatureNode((m_featureSize + 1) * (m_userSize + clusterIndex + 1), m_c == 0 ? 0 : 1.0 / m_c);
// global model's bias
node[3 * fvs.length + 2] = new FeatureNode((m_featureSize + 1) * (m_userSize + m_clusterNo + 1), m_u == 0 ? 0 : 1.0 / m_u);
return node;
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class asyncMTRegLR method gradientByFunc.
protected void gradientByFunc(_AdaptStruct user, _Doc review, double weight) {
// feature index
int n, offset = m_featureSize + 1;
double delta = weight * (review.getYLabel() - logit(review.getSparse(), user));
if (m_LNormFlag)
delta /= getAdaptationSize(user);
// Bias term.
// a[0] = w0*x0; x0=1
m_g[0] -= delta;
// offset for the global part.
m_g[offset] -= m_u * delta;
// Traverse all the feature dimension to calculate the gradient.
for (_SparseFeature fv : review.getSparse()) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
// User part.
m_g[n] -= delta * fv.getValue();
// Global part.
m_g[offset + n] -= delta * m_u * fv.getValue();
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class asyncMTRegLR method logit.
// Every user is represented by (u*global + individual)
protected double logit(_SparseFeature[] fvs, _AdaptStruct user) {
int fid;
// User bias and Global bias
double sum = user.getPWeight(0) + m_u * m_glbWeights[0];
for (_SparseFeature f : fvs) {
fid = f.getIndex() + 1;
// User model with Global model.
sum += (user.getPWeight(fid) + m_u * m_glbWeights[fid]) * f.getValue();
return Utils.logistic(sum);