use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class CLRWithDP method gradientByFunc.
protected void gradientByFunc(_AdaptStruct u, _Doc review, double weight, double[] g) {
_DPAdaptStruct user = (_DPAdaptStruct) u;
// feature index
int n;
int cIndex = user.getThetaStar().getIndex();
if (cIndex < 0 || cIndex >= m_kBar)
System.err.println("Error,cannot find the theta star!");
int offset = m_dim * cIndex;
double delta = weight * (review.getYLabel() - logit(review.getSparse(), user));
if (m_LNormFlag)
delta /= getAdaptationSize(user);
// Bias term.
// x0=1
g[offset] -= delta;
// Traverse all the feature dimension to calculate the gradient.
for (_SparseFeature fv : review.getSparse()) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
g[offset + n] -= delta * fv.getValue();
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class CLRWithDP method predict.
public int predict(_AdaptStruct user, _thetaStar theta) {
double[] As;
double sum;
int m, n, predL = 0, count = 0;
for (_Review r : user.getReviews()) {
if (r.getType() == rType.TEST) {
As = theta.getModel();
// Bias term: w_s0*a0+b0.
sum = As[0] * MTCLinAdaptWithDP.m_supWeights[0] + As[m_dim];
for (_SparseFeature fv : r.getSparse()) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
m = m_featureGroupMap[n];
sum += (As[m] * MTCLinAdaptWithDP.m_supWeights[n] + As[m_dim + m]) * fv.getValue();
if (sum > 0.5)
predL = 1;
if (predL == r.getYLabel())
return count;
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class CLinAdaptWithKmeans method linearFunc.
protected double linearFunc(_SparseFeature[] fvs, _AdaptStruct u) {
_CLinAdaptStruct user = (_CLinAdaptStruct) u;
int clusterIndex = m_userClusterIndex[user.getId()];
double scaling, shifting;
scaling = m_u * user.getGlobalScaling(0) + m_c * user.getClusterScaling(clusterIndex, 0) + m_i * user.getScaling(0);
shifting = m_u * user.getGlobalShifting(0) + m_c * user.getClusterShifting(clusterIndex, 0) + m_i * user.getShifting(0);
// Bias term: w0*a0+b0.
double value = scaling * m_gWeights[0] + shifting;
// feature index and feature group index
int n = 0, k = 0;
for (_SparseFeature fv : fvs) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
k = m_featureGroupMap[n];
scaling = m_u * user.getGlobalScaling(k) + m_c * user.getClusterScaling(clusterIndex, k) + m_i * user.getScaling(k);
shifting = m_u * user.getGlobalShifting(k) + m_c * user.getClusterShifting(clusterIndex, k) + m_i * user.getShifting(k);
value += (scaling * m_gWeights[n] + shifting) * fv.getValue();
return value;
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class MTCLinAdaptWithDP method gradientByFunc.
protected void gradientByFunc(_AdaptStruct u, _Doc review, double weight, double[] g) {
_DPAdaptStruct user = (_DPAdaptStruct) u;
// feature index
int n, k, s;
int cIndex = user.getThetaStar().getIndex();
if (cIndex < 0 || cIndex >= m_kBar)
System.err.println("Error,cannot find the theta star!");
int offset = m_dim * 2 * cIndex, offsetSup = m_dim * 2 * m_kBar;
double delta = (review.getYLabel() - logit(review.getSparse(), user)) * weight;
if (m_LNormFlag)
delta /= getAdaptationSize(user);
// Bias term for individual user.
// a[0] = ws0*x0; x0=1
g[offset] -= delta * getSupWeights(0);
// b[0]
g[offset + m_dim] -= delta;
// Bias term for super user.
// a_s[0] = a_i0*w_g0*x_d0
g[offsetSup] -= delta * user.getScaling(0) * m_gWeights[0];
// b_s[0] = a_i0*x_d0
g[offsetSup + m_dimSup] -= delta * user.getScaling(0);
// Traverse all the feature dimension to calculate the gradient for both individual users and super user.
for (_SparseFeature fv : review.getSparse()) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
k = m_featureGroupMap[n];
// w_si*x_di
g[offset + k] -= delta * getSupWeights(n) * fv.getValue();
// x_di
g[offset + m_dim + k] -= delta * fv.getValue();
s = m_featureGroupMap4SupUsr[n];
// a_i*w_gi*x_di
g[offsetSup + s] -= delta * user.getScaling(k) * m_gWeights[n] * fv.getValue();
// a_i*x_di
g[offsetSup + m_dimSup + s] -= delta * user.getScaling(k) * fv.getValue();
use of structures._SparseFeature in project IR_Base by Linda-sunshine.
the class MTCLinAdaptWithDP method logit.
// Logit function is different from the father class.
protected double logit(_SparseFeature[] fvs, _AdaptStruct u) {
int k, n;
double[] Au = ((_DPAdaptStruct) u).getThetaStar().getModel();
// Bias term: w_s0*a0+b0.
double value = Au[0] * getSupWeights(0) + Au[m_dim];
for (_SparseFeature fv : fvs) {
n = fv.getIndex() + 1;
k = m_featureGroupMap[n];
value += (Au[k] * getSupWeights(n) + Au[m_dim + k]) * fv.getValue();
return Utils.logistic(value);