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Example 71 with Node

use of suite.node.Node in project suite by stupidsing.

the class ClonerFactoryTest method test.

private void test(String pattern, String match) {
    for (ClonerFactory cf : new ClonerFactory[] { new CompileClonerImpl(), new SewingClonerImpl() }) {
        Node node = new Generalizer().generalize(Suite.parse(pattern));
        Clone_ p = cf.cloner(node);
        assertTrue(Binder.bind(p.apply(cf.mapper().env()), Suite.parse(match), new Trail()));
Also used : Trail(suite.lp.Trail) CompileClonerImpl(suite.lp.compile.impl.CompileClonerImpl) SewingClonerImpl(suite.lp.sewing.impl.SewingClonerImpl) Node(suite.node.Node) Clone_(suite.lp.doer.ClonerFactory.Clone_)

Example 72 with Node

use of suite.node.Node in project suite by stupidsing.

the class SymbolicTest method testCubic.

public void testCubic() {
    verifySimplify("(a * x + b) ^ 3", // 
    "" + // 
    "(a * a * a) * x * x * x" + // 
    " + ((3 * a * a) * b) * x * x" + // 
    " + ((3 * a) * b * b) * x" + " + b * b * b");
    verifySimplify("(a * x + neg b) ^ 3", // 
    "" + // 
    "(a * a * a) * x * x * x" + // 
    " + ((neg 3 * a * a) * b) * x * x" + // 
    " + ((3 * a) * b * b) * x" + " + neg 1 * b * b * b");
    Node poly = // 
    x, // 
    Suite.parse("y + neg (b * inv (3 * a))"), Suite.parse("a * x * x * x + b * x * x + c * x + d"));
    verifySimplify(poly, // 
    "" + // 
    "a * y * y * y" + // 
    " + (c + (neg inv 3 * inv a) * b * b) * y" + " + d + ((neg inv 3 * inv a) * b) * c + ((2 * inv 27) * inv (a * a)) * b * b * b");
Also used : Node(suite.node.Node) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 73 with Node

use of suite.node.Node in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Chr method chrThen.

private Streamlet<State> chrThen(Streamlet<State> states, Node then) {
    Generalizer generalizer = new Generalizer();
    Atom a = atom(".a"), b = atom(".b");
    if (Binder.bind(then, generalizer.generalize(Suite.substitute(".0 = .1", a, b)), new Trail())) {
        // built-in syntactic equality
        Reference from = generalizer.getVariable(a);
        Reference to = generalizer.getVariable(b);
        states = Fun<>() {

            public State apply(State state) {
                IMap<Prototype, ISet<Node>> factsByPrototype1 = IMap.empty();
                for (Pair<Prototype, ISet<Node>> e : state.factsByPrototype) factsByPrototype1 = factsByPrototype1.put(e.t0, replace(e.t1));
                return new State(factsByPrototype1);

            private ISet<Node> replace(ISet<Node> facts) {
                ISet<Node> facts1 = ISet.empty();
                for (Node node : facts) facts1 = facts1.replace(rw.replace(from, to, node));
                return facts1;
    return -> {
        Prototype prototype = Prototype.of(then);
        ISet<Node> facts = getFacts(state, prototype);
        return setFacts(state, prototype, facts.replace(then));
Also used : Generalizer(suite.lp.doer.Generalizer) Trail(suite.lp.Trail) Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Node(suite.node.Node) ISet(suite.immutable.ISet) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun)

Example 74 with Node

use of suite.node.Node in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Chr method chrGiven.

private Streamlet<State> chrGiven(Streamlet<State> states, Trail trail, Node given) {
    Prototype prototype = Prototype.of(given);
    return states.filter(state -> {
        ISet<Node> facts = getFacts(state, prototype);
        Predicate<Node> bindFun = bindFun(trail, given);
        return facts.streamlet().isAny(bindFun);
Also used : Prototype(suite.lp.kb.Prototype) Node(suite.node.Node)

Example 75 with Node

use of suite.node.Node in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Chr method addRule.

public void addRule(Node node) {
    Rule rule = new Rule();
    while (node != Atom.of("end")) {
        Tree t0 = Tree.decompose(node, TermOp.TUPLE_);
        Tree t1 = t0 != null ? Tree.decompose(t0.getRight(), TermOp.TUPLE_) : null;
        if (t1 != null) {
            Node key = t0.getLeft();
            Node value = t1.getLeft();
            node = t1.getRight();
            if (key == Atom.of("given"))
                rule.givens = To.list(Tree.iter(value));
            else if (key == Atom.of("if"))
                rule.ifs = To.list(Tree.iter(value));
            else if (key == Atom.of("then"))
                rule.thens = To.list(Tree.iter(value));
            else if (key == Atom.of("when"))
                rule.when = value;
                Fail.t("invalid key " + key);
        } else
            Fail.t("invalid rule " + node);
Also used : Node(suite.node.Node) Tree(suite.node.Tree)


Node (suite.node.Node)139 Tree (suite.node.Tree)50 Reference (suite.node.Reference)41 Atom (suite.node.Atom)37 Int (suite.node.Int)33 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)32 Pair (suite.adt.pair.Pair)25 List (java.util.List)24 TermOp ( Read (suite.streamlet.Read)21 Test (org.junit.Test)20 Map (java.util.Map)19 Suite (suite.Suite)18 Generalizer (suite.lp.doer.Generalizer)18 Fail (suite.util.Fail)18 Fun (suite.util.FunUtil.Fun)18 Str (suite.node.Str)17 Trail (suite.lp.Trail)16 RuleSet (suite.lp.kb.RuleSet)16 Tuple (suite.node.Tuple)16