use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class PrettyPrinter method prettyPrint_.
// op0 for avoiding unnecessary indenting; prec0 for parenthesizing
private void prettyPrint_(Node node, Operator op0, int prec0) {
int x = getX(), y = getY();
int length = lengthEstimator.getEstimatedLength(node);
// line too long?
if (node instanceof Tree) {
Tree tree = (Tree) node;
Operator op = tree.getOperator();
int prec = op.getPrecedence();
boolean isNeedPars = prec <= prec0;
int parsIndent = 0, parsIndent0 = 0;
if (isNeedPars) {
parsIndent = currentLineIndent;
parsIndent0 = incrementIndent();
if (lineLength < x + length)
if (isLookingLikeList(op, node))
prettyPrintList(op, node);
else {
Node left = tree.getLeft();
Node right = tree.getRight();
Assoc assoc = op.getAssoc();
int leftPrec = prec - (assoc == Assoc.LEFT ? 1 : 0);
int rightPrec = prec - (assoc == Assoc.RIGHT ? 1 : 0);
if (op == TermOp.BRACES)
leftPrec = rightPrec = 0;
Tree tree1 = Tree.decompose(right, op);
Node r0 = tree1 != null ? tree1.getLeft() : null;
int es0 = lengthEstimator.getEstimatedLength(left);
int es1 = r0 != null ? lengthEstimator.getEstimatedLength(r0) : lineLength;
int opLength = op.getName().length();
// breaks "a + b + xxx" in the second operator
if (//
assoc == Assoc.RIGHT && //
x + es0 + es1 + opLength < lineLength && r0 != preferLineBreakBeforeKeyword) {
prettyPrint_(left, op, leftPrec);
OperatorPosition opPos = appendOperator(op);
prettyPrint_(right, op, rightPrec);
closeBraces(op, opPos);
} else {
// breaks after the operator
boolean isIncRightIndent = op != op0;
int indent0 = 0;
prettyPrint_(left, op, leftPrec);
if (isIncRightIndent)
indent0 = incrementIndent();
OperatorPosition opPos;
if (getLineSize() + lengthEstimator.getEstimatedLength(right) < squeezeLineLength)
opPos = appendOperator(op);
opPos = appendOperatorLineFeed(op);
prettyPrint_(right, op, rightPrec);
closeBraces(op, opPos);
if (isIncRightIndent)
if (isNeedPars) {
if (y != getY())
} else {
if (node == lineBreakBeforeKeyword && !isLineBegin())
// space sufficient
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class IndentationPreprocessor method apply.
public List<Run> apply(String in) {
List<Run> runs = new ArrayList<>();
int nLastIndents = 0;
String lastIndent = "";
int pos = 0;
int length = in.length();
while (pos < length) {
int pos0 = pos;
char ch;
while (pos0 < length && (ch = in.charAt(pos0)) != '\n' && Character.isWhitespace(ch)) pos0++;
Segment segment = ParseUtil.searchPosition(in.toCharArray(), Segment.of(pos0, length), "\n", Assoc.RIGHT, false);
int pos1 = segment != null ? segment.start : length;
// includes LF
int pos2 = segment != null ? segment.end : length;
String indent = in.substring(pos, pos0);
String line = in.substring(pos0, pos1);
int nIndents = pos0 - pos, lineLength = pos1 - pos0;
if (!lastIndent.startsWith(indent) && !indent.startsWith(lastIndent))
Fail.t("indent mismatch");
if (lineLength != 0) {
// ignore empty lines
int startPos = 0, endPos = lineLength;
lastIndent = indent;
// find operators at beginning and end of line
for (Operator operator : operators) {
String name = operator.getName().trim();
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
if (line.startsWith(name + " "))
startPos = max(startPos, name.length() + 1);
if (String_.equals(line, name))
startPos = max(startPos, name.length());
if (line.endsWith(name))
endPos = min(endPos, lineLength - name.length());
if (// when a line has only one operator
endPos < startPos)
startPos = 0;
// insert parentheses by line indentation
while (nIndents < nLastIndents) {
runs.add(new Run(") "));
runs.add(new Run(pos0, pos0 + startPos));
while (nLastIndents < nIndents) {
runs.add(new Run(" ("));
runs.add(new Run(pos0 + startPos, pos2));
nLastIndents = nIndents;
pos = pos2;
while (0 < nLastIndents--) runs.add(new Run(") "));
return runs;
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class InterpretFunEager method oper.
private Operator oper(Node type) {
Operator operator;
if (type == Atom.of("L"))
operator = TermOp.OR____;
else if (type == Atom.of("P"))
operator = TermOp.AND___;
operator = Fail.t("unknown CONS type");
return operator;
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class InterpretFunEager method eager.
public Node eager(Node node) {
Node mode = isLazyify ? Atom.of("LAZY") : Atom.of("EAGER");
Node query = Suite.substitute("source .in, fc-process-function .0 .in .out, sink .out", mode);
RuleSet rs = Suite.newRuleSet(List.of("", "fc/"));
Finder finder = new SewingProverBuilder2().build(rs).apply(query);
Node parsed = FindUtil.collectSingle(finder, node);
IntrinsicCallback ic = isLazyify ? lazyIntrinsicCallback() : Intrinsics.eagerIntrinsicCallback;
Map<String, Node> df = new HashMap<>();
df.put(, f2((a, b) -> Tree.of(TermOp.AND___, a, b)));
df.put("+call%i-t1", f1(i -> fn(1, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+call%i-t2", f1(i -> fn(2, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+call%i-t3", f1(i -> fn(3, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+call%i-v1", f1(i -> fn(1, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+call%i-v2", f1(i -> fn(2, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+call%i-v3", f1(i -> fn(3, l -> Data.<Intrinsic>get(i).invoke(ic, l))));
df.put("+compare", f2((a, b) -> Int.of(, b))));
df.put("+get%i", f1(a -> new Data<>(Intrinsics.intrinsics.get(((Atom) a).name.split("!")[1]))));
df.put("+is-list", f1(a -> b(Tree.decompose(a) != null)));
df.put("+is-pair", f1(a -> b(Tree.decompose(a) != null)));
df.put("+lcons", f2((a, b) -> Tree.of(TermOp.OR____, a, b)));
df.put("+lhead", f1(a -> Tree.decompose(a).getLeft()));
df.put("+ltail", f1(a -> Tree.decompose(a).getRight()));
df.put("+pcons", f2((a, b) -> Tree.of(TermOp.AND___, a, b)));
df.put("+pleft", f1(a -> Tree.decompose(a).getLeft()));
df.put("+pright", f1(a -> Tree.decompose(a).getRight()));
for (Entry<Operator, IntInt_Bool> e : TreeUtil.boolOperations.entrySet()) {
IntInt_Bool fun = e.getValue();
df.put(e.getKey().getName(), f2((a, b) -> b(fun.apply(compare(a, b), 0))));
for (Entry<Operator, IntInt_Int> e : TreeUtil.intOperations.entrySet()) {
IntInt_Int fun = e.getValue();
df.put(e.getKey().getName(), f2((a, b) -> Int.of(fun.apply(i(a), i(b)))));
List<String> keys = df.keySet().stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());
Eager_ eager0 = new Eager_(0, IMap.empty());
Frame frame = new Frame(null);
for (String key : keys) {
eager0 = eager0.put(Atom.of(key));
return eager0.eager_(parsed).apply(frame);
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class InterpretFunLazy0 method lazy_.
private Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> lazy_(Node node) {
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> result;
Tree tree;
Node[] m;
if ((m = Suite.pattern("define .0 := .1 >> .2").match(node)) != null) {
String vk = v(m[0]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> value = lazy_(m[1]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> expr = lazy_(m[2]);
result = env -> {
Mutable<Thunk_> val = Mutable.nil();
IMap<String, Thunk_> env1 = env.put(vk, () -> val.get().get());
return expr.apply(env1);
} else if ((m = Suite.pattern("if .0 then .1 else .2").match(node)) != null) {
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> if_ = lazy_(m[0]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> then_ = lazy_(m[1]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> else_ = lazy_(m[2]);
result = env -> (if_.apply(env).get() == Atom.TRUE ? then_ : else_).apply(env);
} else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 => .1").match(node)) != null) {
String vk = v(m[0]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> value = lazy_(m[1]);
result = env -> () -> new Fun_(in -> value.apply(env.put(vk, in)));
} else if ((m = Suite.pattern(".0 {.1}").match(node)) != null) {
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> fun = lazy_(m[0]);
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> param = lazy_(m[1]);
result = env -> fun(fun.apply(env).get()).apply(param.apply(env));
} else if ((tree = Tree.decompose(node)) != null) {
Operator operator = tree.getOperator();
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> p0 = lazy_(tree.getLeft());
Fun<IMap<String, Thunk_>, Thunk_> p1 = lazy_(tree.getRight());
result = env -> {
Thunk_ r0 = env.get(operator.getName());
Thunk_ r1 = fun(r0.get()).apply(p0.apply(env));
Thunk_ r2 = fun(r1.get()).apply(p1.apply(env));
return r2;
} else if (node instanceof Atom) {
String vk = v(node);
result = env -> env.get(vk);
} else
result = env -> () -> node;
return result;