use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class TimeSeriesTest method testSharpeRatio.
public void testSharpeRatio() {
TimeRange period = TimeRange.of(Time.of(2016, 1, 1), Time.of(2017, 5, 1));
DataSource ds = cfg.dataSource("0002.HK").range(period);
double sharpe = ts.returnsStatDailyAnnualized(ds.prices).sharpeRatio();
System.out.println("sharpe = " + sharpe);
assertTrue(.04d < sharpe);
use of in project suite by stupidsing.
the class DailyMain method mamr.
// moving average mean reversion
private Result mamr(float factor) {
String tag = "mamr";
int nHoldDays = 8;
Streamlet<Asset> assets = cfg.queryCompanies();
BuySellStrategy strategy = new Strategos().movingAvgMeanReverting(64, nHoldDays, .15f);
// pre-fetch quotes
cfg.quote( -> asset.symbol).toSet());
// identify stocks that are mean-reverting
Map<String, Boolean> backTestBySymbol = //
serialize.mapOfString(serialize.boolean_)).get(getClass().getSimpleName() + ".backTestBySymbol", () -> //
assets.map2(stock -> stock.symbol, stock -> {
try {
TimeRange period = TimeRange.threeYears();
DataSource ds = cfg.dataSource(stock.symbol, period).range(period).validate();
SingleAllocBackTest backTest = SingleAllocBackTest.test(ds, strategy);
return MathUtil.isPositive(;
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.warn(ex + " for " + stock);
return false;
TimeRange period = TimeRange.daysBefore(128);
List<Trade> trades = new ArrayList<>();
// capture signals
for (Asset asset : assets) {
String symbol = asset.symbol;
if (backTestBySymbol.get(symbol))
try {
DataSource ds = cfg.dataSource(symbol, period).validate();
float[] prices = ds.prices;
int last = prices.length - 1;
float latestPrice = prices[last];
int signal = strategy.analyze(prices).get(last);
int nShares = signal * asset.lotSize * Math.round(factor / nHoldDays / (asset.lotSize * latestPrice));
Trade trade = Trade.of(nShares, symbol, latestPrice);
if (signal != 0)
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.warn(ex.getMessage() + " in " + asset);
return new Result(tag, trades);