Search in sources :

Example 11 with Fun

use of suite.util.FunUtil.Fun in project suite by stupidsing.

the class FltFunUtil method suck.

 * Sucks data from a sink and produce into a source.
public static FltSource suck(Sink<FltSink> fun) {
    NullableSyncQueue<Float> queue = new NullableSyncQueue<>();
    FltSink enqueue = c -> enqueue(queue, c);
    Thread thread = Thread_.startThread(() -> {
        try {
        } finally {
            enqueue(queue, EMPTYVALUE);
    return () -> {
        try {
            return queue.take();
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            return Fail.t(ex);
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) LogUtil(suite.os.LogUtil) Source2(suite.util.FunUtil2.Source2) FltSink(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.FltSink) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) NullableSyncQueue(suite.util.NullableSyncQueue) Thread_(suite.util.Thread_) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) Flt_Obj(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.Flt_Obj) FltObjPair(suite.primitive.adt.pair.FltObjPair) FltObjSource(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.FltObjSource) Sink(suite.util.FunUtil.Sink) FltTest(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.FltTest) Collections(java.util.Collections) FltSource(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.FltSource) Fail(suite.util.Fail) NullableSyncQueue(suite.util.NullableSyncQueue) FltSink(suite.primitive.FltPrimitives.FltSink)

Example 12 with Fun

use of suite.util.FunUtil.Fun in project suite by stupidsing.

the class BackTestMain method run.

protected boolean run(String[] args) {
    // BEGIN
    // END
    String arg0 = 0 < args.length ? args[0] : "";
    String arg1 = 1 < args.length ? args[1] : "";
    String arg2 = 2 < args.length ? args[2] : "";
    Streamlet<String> strategyMatches = !arg0.isEmpty() ? Read.from(arg0.split(",")) : null;
    Streamlet<Integer> years = !arg1.isEmpty() ? // 
    arg1.split(",")).concatMap(s -> {
        Pair<String, String> pair =, "-", Assoc.RIGHT);
        return // 
        pair != null ? // 
        Ints_.range(Integer.valueOf(pair.t0), Integer.valueOf(pair.t1)).map(i -> i) : Read.each(Integer.valueOf(s));
    }) : // 
    Ints_.range(2007, Trade_.thisYear).map(i -> i);
    Fun<Time, Streamlet<Asset>> fun = // 
    !arg2.isEmpty() ? // 
    time -> Read.from(arg2.split(",")).map(cfg::queryCompany).collect(As::streamlet) : cfg::queryCompaniesByMarketCap;
    BackAllocConfigurations bac_ = new BackAllocConfigurations(cfg, fun);
    Streamlet2<String, BackAllocConfiguration> bacByTag = bac_.bacs().bacByName;
    Streamlet2<String, Simulate> simulationByKey = // 
    n -> strategyMatches == null || strategyMatches.isAny(sm -> Wildcard.match(sm, n) != null)).map(// 
    years.sort(Object_::compare).map(TimeRange::ofYear)).map2((pair, period) -> pair.t0, (pair, period) -> {
        BackAllocConfiguration bac = pair.t1;
        Streamlet<Asset> assets = bac.assetsFun.apply(period.from);
        return runner.backTest(bac.backAllocator, period, assets);
    String content0 = // 
    Paths.get("src/main/java/" + getClass().getName().replace('.', '/') + ".java")).collect(// 
    String content1 =, "// BEGIN", "// END")[1];
    return true;
Also used : Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Streamlet2(suite.streamlet.Streamlet2) Object_(suite.util.Object_) Trade_( ExecutableProgram(suite.util.RunUtil.ExecutableProgram) Chars(suite.primitive.Chars) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) RunUtil(suite.util.RunUtil) Wildcard(suite.parser.Wildcard) ParseUtil(suite.util.ParseUtil) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) ConfigurationImpl( BackAllocConfiguration( Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) Time( BackAllocConfigurations( Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) Configuration( As(suite.streamlet.As) Simulate( Ints_(suite.primitive.Ints_) Asset( Assoc( TimeRange( Time( Object_(suite.util.Object_) As(suite.streamlet.As) Simulate( BackAllocConfigurations( Streamlet(suite.streamlet.Streamlet) BackAllocConfiguration( Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair)

Example 13 with Fun

use of suite.util.FunUtil.Fun in project suite by stupidsing.

the class HtmlUtil method parse.

public HtmlNode parse(String in) {
    List<IntIntPair> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
    int pos0, pos1 = 0;
    while (0 <= (pos0 = in.indexOf("<", pos1)) && 0 <= (pos1 = in.indexOf(">", pos0 + 1))) pairs.add(IntIntPair.of(pos0, ++pos1));
    Fun<String, IntObjPair<String>> getNameFun = tag -> {
        int p0 = 1, p1 = p0 + 1, px = tag.length() - 1;
        char first = tag.charAt(p1);
        char last = tag.charAt(px - 1);
        int d;
        if (first == '!')
            return IntObjPair.of(0, tag);
        else {
            if (first == '/') {
                d = -1;
            } else if (last == '/') {
                d = 0;
            } else
                d = 1;
            int ps0 = tag.indexOf(' ');
            int ps1 = 0 <= ps0 ? ps0 : px;
            return IntObjPair.of(d, tag.substring(p1, ps1));
    Deque<HtmlNode> deque = new ArrayDeque<>(List.of(new HtmlNode(null)));
    int prevp = 0;
    for (IntIntPair pair : pairs) {
        HtmlNode htmlNode = deque.element(), htmlNode1;
        int p0 = pair.t0;
        int px = pair.t1;
        htmlNode.children.add(new HtmlNode(in.substring(prevp, p0)));
        String tag = in.substring(p0, px);
        IntObjPair<String> dn = getNameFun.apply(tag);
        int d = dn.t0;
        String name = dn.t1;
        if (d == -1)
            while (!deque.isEmpty() && !String_.equals(getNameFun.apply(deque.pop().tag).t1, name)) ;
        else {
            htmlNode.children.add(htmlNode1 = new HtmlNode(tag));
            if (d == 1)
        prevp = px;
    return deque.pop();
Also used : List(java.util.List) IntObjPair(suite.primitive.adt.pair.IntObjPair) BiMap( IntIntPair(suite.primitive.adt.pair.IntIntPair) HashBiMap( ArrayDeque(java.util.ArrayDeque) Deque(java.util.Deque) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IntObjPair(suite.primitive.adt.pair.IntObjPair) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayDeque(java.util.ArrayDeque) IntIntPair(suite.primitive.adt.pair.IntIntPair)

Example 14 with Fun

use of suite.util.FunUtil.Fun in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Nodify method newNodifier.

private Nodifier newNodifier(Type type) {
    Nodifier nodifier;
    if (type instanceof Class) {
        Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) type;
        if (clazz == boolean.class)
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> Atom.of(object.toString()), node -> node == Atom.TRUE);
        else if (clazz == int.class)
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> Int.of((Integer) object), node -> ((Int) node).number);
        else if (clazz == Chars.class)
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> new Str(object.toString()), node -> To.chars(((Str) node).value));
        else if (clazz == String.class)
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> new Str(object.toString()), node -> ((Str) node).value);
        else if (clazz.isEnum())
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> Atom.of(object.toString()), Read.from(clazz.getEnumConstants()).toMap(e -> Atom.of(e.toString()))::get);
        else if (clazz.isArray()) {
            Class<?> componentType = clazz.getComponentType();
            Nodifier nodifier1 = getNodifier(componentType);
            Fun<Object, Node> forward = object -> {
                Node node = Atom.NIL;
                for (int i = Array.getLength(object) - 1; 0 <= i; i--) node = Tree.of(TermOp.OR____, apply_(nodifier1, Array.get(object, i)), node);
                return node;
            nodifier = new Nodifier(forward, node -> {
                List<Object> list = // 
                Tree.iter(node, TermOp.OR____)).map(// 
                n -> apply_(nodifier1, n)).toList();
                int size = list.size();
                Object objects = Array.newInstance(componentType, size);
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) Array.set(objects, i, list.get(i));
                return objects;
        } else if (// polymorphism
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> {
                Class<?> clazz1 = object.getClass();
                Node n = apply_(getNodifier(clazz1), object);
                return Tree.of(TermOp.COLON_, Atom.of(clazz1.getName()), n);
            }, node -> {
                Tree tree = Tree.decompose(node, TermOp.COLON_);
                if (tree != null) {
                    Class<?> clazz1;
                    try {
                        clazz1 = Class.forName(((Atom) tree.getLeft()).name);
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                        clazz1 = Fail.t(ex);
                    return apply_(getNodifier(clazz1), tree.getRight());
                } else
                    // happens when an enum implements an interface
                    return Fail.t("cannot instantiate enum from interfaces");
        else {
            List<FieldInfo> fieldInfos = // 
            inspect.fields(clazz)).map(field -> {
                Type type1 = field.getGenericType();
                return new FieldInfo(field, field.getName(), getNodifier(type1));
            List<Pair<Atom, FieldInfo>> pairs = Read.from(fieldInfos).map(f -> Pair.of(Atom.of(, f)).toList();
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> Rethrow.ex(() -> {
                Dict dict = new Dict();
                for (Pair<Atom, FieldInfo> pair : pairs) {
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo = pair.t1;
                    Node value = apply_(fieldInfo.nodifier, fieldInfo.field.get(object));
          , Reference.of(value));
                return dict;
            }), node -> Rethrow.ex(() -> {
                Map<Node, Reference> map = ((Dict) node).map;
                Object object1 = Object_.new_(clazz);
                for (Pair<Atom, FieldInfo> pair : pairs) {
                    FieldInfo fieldInfo = pair.t1;
                    Node value = map.get(pair.t0).finalNode();
                    fieldInfo.field.set(object1, apply_(fieldInfo.nodifier, value));
                return object1;
    } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) type;
        Type rawType = pt.getRawType();
        Type[] typeArgs = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
        Class<?> clazz = rawType instanceof Class ? (Class<?>) rawType : null;
        if (collectionClasses.contains(clazz)) {
            Nodifier nodifier1 = getNodifier(typeArgs[0]);
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> {
                Tree start = Tree.of(null, null, null), tree = start;
                for (Object o : (Collection<?>) object) {
                    Tree tree0 = tree;
                    Tree.forceSetRight(tree0, tree = Tree.of(TermOp.OR____, apply_(nodifier1, o), null));
                Tree.forceSetRight(tree, Atom.NIL);
                return start.getRight();
            }, node -> {
                List<Object> list = Read.from(Tree.iter(node, TermOp.OR____)).map(n -> apply_(nodifier1, n)).toList();
                Collection<Object> object1 = (Collection<Object>) instantiate(clazz);
                return object1;
        } else if (mapClasses.contains(clazz)) {
            Nodifier kn = getNodifier(typeArgs[0]);
            Nodifier vn = getNodifier(typeArgs[1]);
            nodifier = new Nodifier(object -> {
                Dict dict = new Dict();
                for (Entry<?, ?> e : ((Map<?, ?>) object).entrySet()), e.getKey()), Reference.of(apply_(vn, e.getValue())));
                return dict;
            }, node -> {
                Map<Node, Reference> map = ((Dict) node).map;
                Map<Object, Object> object1 = (Map<Object, Object>) instantiate(clazz);
                for (Entry<Node, Reference> e : map.entrySet()) object1.put(apply_(kn, e.getKey()), apply_(vn, e.getValue().finalNode()));
                return object1;
        } else
            nodifier = getNodifier(rawType);
    } else
        nodifier = Fail.t("unrecognized type " + type);
    return nodifier;
Also used : Read(suite.streamlet.Read) Array(java.lang.reflect.Array) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Node(suite.node.Node) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Map(java.util.Map) Dict(suite.node.Dict) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Inspect(suite.inspect.Inspect) Collection(java.util.Collection) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Set(java.util.Set) TermOp( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Chars(suite.primitive.Chars) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) List(java.util.List) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) Atom(suite.node.Atom) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Int(suite.node.Int) Str(suite.node.Str) Node(suite.node.Node) Int(suite.node.Int) Str(suite.node.Str) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) Pair(suite.adt.pair.Pair) Reference(suite.node.Reference) Atom(suite.node.Atom) ParameterizedType(java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType) Type(java.lang.reflect.Type) Dict(suite.node.Dict) Collection(java.util.Collection) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)

Example 15 with Fun

use of suite.util.FunUtil.Fun in project suite by stupidsing.

the class FunCreatorTest method testObject.

public void testObject() {
    Int_Int inc = i -> i + 1;
    Iterate<FunExpr> fun = i -> f.object(inc).invoke("apply", i);
    assertEquals(3, LambdaInstance.of(Int_Int.class, fun).newFun().apply(2));
Also used : Reference(suite.node.Reference) Suite(suite.Suite) Flt_Flt(suite.primitive.Flt_Flt) Dump(suite.inspect.Dump) PrintlnFunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExprM.PrintlnFunExpr) Source(suite.util.FunUtil.Source) Assert.assertTrue(org.junit.Assert.assertTrue) TermOp( Test(org.junit.Test) Fun(suite.util.FunUtil.Fun) ProfileFunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExprM.ProfileFunExpr) Tree(suite.node.Tree) Node(suite.node.Node) IntSource(suite.primitive.IntPrimitives.IntSource) Iterate(suite.util.FunUtil.Iterate) BiPredicate(java.util.function.BiPredicate) LambdaInstance(suite.jdk.lambda.LambdaInstance) Map(java.util.Map) Type(org.apache.bcel.generic.Type) FunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExpression.FunExpr) Int(suite.node.Int) LambdaInterface(suite.jdk.lambda.LambdaInterface) Int_Int(suite.primitive.Int_Int) Assert.assertEquals(org.junit.Assert.assertEquals) Int_Int(suite.primitive.Int_Int) PrintlnFunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExprM.PrintlnFunExpr) ProfileFunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExprM.ProfileFunExpr) FunExpr(suite.jdk.gen.FunExpression.FunExpr) Test(org.junit.Test)


Fun (suite.util.FunUtil.Fun)31 Node (suite.node.Node)18 Fail (suite.util.Fail)13 List (java.util.List)12 TermOp ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 Map (java.util.Map)11 Suite (suite.Suite)11 Tree (suite.node.Tree)11 Source (suite.util.FunUtil.Source)11 Atom (suite.node.Atom)10 Reference (suite.node.Reference)10 Pair (suite.adt.pair.Pair)9 Int (suite.node.Int)9 Read (suite.streamlet.Read)9 Iterate (suite.util.FunUtil.Iterate)8 To (suite.util.To)7 Collections (java.util.Collections)6 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)6 LogUtil (suite.os.LogUtil)6