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Example 36 with HexDumpEncoder

use of sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class SignerInfo method toString.

public String toString() {
    HexDumpEncoder hexDump = new HexDumpEncoder();
    String out = "";
    out += "Signer Info for (issuer): " + issuerName + "\n";
    out += "\tversion: " + Debug.toHexString(version) + "\n";
    out += "\tcertificateSerialNumber: " + Debug.toHexString(certificateSerialNumber) + "\n";
    out += "\tdigestAlgorithmId: " + digestAlgorithmId + "\n";
    if (authenticatedAttributes != null) {
        out += "\tauthenticatedAttributes: " + authenticatedAttributes + "\n";
    out += "\tdigestEncryptionAlgorithmId: " + digestEncryptionAlgorithmId + "\n";
    out += "\tencryptedDigest: " + "\n" + hexDump.encodeBuffer(encryptedDigest) + "\n";
    if (unauthenticatedAttributes != null) {
        out += "\tunauthenticatedAttributes: " + unauthenticatedAttributes + "\n";
    return out;
Also used : HexDumpEncoder(sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder)

Example 37 with HexDumpEncoder

use of sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class EngineInputRecord method read.

     * Delineate or read a complete packet from src.
     * If internal data (hs, alert, ccs), the data is read and
     * stored internally.
     * If external data (app), return a new ByteBuffer which points
     * to the data to process.
ByteBuffer read(ByteBuffer srcBB) throws IOException {
         * If we have anything besides application data,
         * or if we haven't even done the initial v2 verification,
         * we send this down to be processed by the underlying
         * internal cache.
    if (!formatVerified || (srcBB.get(srcBB.position()) != ct_application_data)) {
        internalData = true;
        read(new ByteBufferInputStream(srcBB), (OutputStream) null);
        return tmpBB;
    internalData = false;
    int srcPos = srcBB.position();
    int srcLim = srcBB.limit();
    ProtocolVersion recordVersion = ProtocolVersion.valueOf(srcBB.get(srcPos + 1), srcBB.get(srcPos + 2));
    // check the record version
    checkRecordVersion(recordVersion, false);
         * It's really application data.  How much to consume?
         * Jump over the header.
    int len = bytesInCompletePacket(srcBB);
    assert (len > 0);
    if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("packet")) {
        try {
            HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
            // Use copy of BB
            ByteBuffer bb = srcBB.duplicate();
            bb.limit(srcPos + len);
            System.out.println("[Raw read (bb)]: length = " + len);
            hd.encodeBuffer(bb, System.out);
        } catch (IOException e) {
    // Demarcate past header to end of packet.
    srcBB.position(srcPos + headerSize);
    srcBB.limit(srcPos + len);
    // Protect remainder of buffer, create slice to actually
    // operate on.
    ByteBuffer bb = srcBB.slice();
    return bb;
Also used : HexDumpEncoder(sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder)

Example 38 with HexDumpEncoder

use of sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class CipherBox method decrypt.

     * Decrypts a block of data, returning the size of the
     * resulting block if padding was required.
     * For SSLv3 and TLSv1.0, with block ciphers in CBC mode the
     * Initialization Vector (IV) for the first record is generated by
     * the handshake protocol, the IV for subsequent records is the
     * last ciphertext block from the previous record.
     * From TLSv1.1, the implicit IV is replaced with an explicit IV to
     * protect against CBC attacks.
     * Differentiating between bad_record_mac and decryption_failed alerts
     * may permit certain attacks against CBC mode. It is preferable to
     * uniformly use the bad_record_mac alert to hide the specific type of
     * the error.
int decrypt(byte[] buf, int offset, int len, int tagLen) throws BadPaddingException {
    if (cipher == null) {
        return len;
    try {
        int newLen;
        if (cipherType == AEAD_CIPHER) {
            try {
                newLen = cipher.doFinal(buf, offset, len, buf, offset);
            } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibse) {
                // unlikely to happen
                throw new RuntimeException("Cipher error in AEAD mode in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName(), ibse);
        } else {
            newLen = cipher.update(buf, offset, len, buf, offset);
            if (newLen != len) {
                // catch BouncyCastle buffering error
                throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error " + "in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
        if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("plaintext")) {
            try {
                HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
                System.out.println("Padded plaintext after DECRYPTION:  len = " + newLen);
                hd.encodeBuffer(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf, offset, newLen), System.out);
            } catch (IOException e) {
        if (cipherType == BLOCK_CIPHER) {
            int blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
            newLen = removePadding(buf, offset, newLen, tagLen, blockSize, protocolVersion);
            if (protocolVersion.v >= ProtocolVersion.TLS11.v) {
                if (newLen < blockSize) {
                    throw new BadPaddingException("invalid explicit IV");
        return newLen;
    } catch (ShortBufferException e) {
        // unlikely to happen, we should have enough buffer space here
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(e.toString());
Also used : HexDumpEncoder(sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder) ByteArrayInputStream( IOException(

Example 39 with HexDumpEncoder

use of sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class CipherBox method decrypt.

     * Decrypts a block of data, returning the size of the
     * resulting block if padding was required.  position and limit
     * point to the end of the decrypted/depadded data.  The initial
     * limit and new limit may be different, given we may
     * have stripped off some padding bytes.
     *  @see decrypt(byte[], int, int)
int decrypt(ByteBuffer bb, int tagLen) throws BadPaddingException {
    int len = bb.remaining();
    if (cipher == null) {
        return len;
    try {
             * Decrypt "in-place".
        int pos = bb.position();
        ByteBuffer dup = bb.duplicate();
        int newLen;
        if (cipherType == AEAD_CIPHER) {
            try {
                newLen = cipher.doFinal(dup, bb);
            } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibse) {
                // unlikely to happen
                throw new RuntimeException("Cipher error in AEAD mode \"" + ibse.getMessage() + " \"in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
        } else {
            newLen = cipher.update(dup, bb);
            if (newLen != len) {
                // catch BouncyCastle buffering error
                throw new RuntimeException("Cipher buffering error " + "in JCE provider " + cipher.getProvider().getName());
        // reset the limit to the end of the decryted data
        bb.limit(pos + newLen);
        if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("plaintext")) {
            try {
                HexDumpEncoder hd = new HexDumpEncoder();
                System.out.println("Padded plaintext after DECRYPTION:  len = " + newLen);
                hd.encodeBuffer((ByteBuffer) bb.duplicate().position(pos), System.out);
            } catch (IOException e) {
             * Remove the block padding.
        if (cipherType == BLOCK_CIPHER) {
            int blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
            newLen = removePadding(bb, tagLen, blockSize, protocolVersion);
            // check the explicit IV of TLS v1.1 or later
            if (protocolVersion.v >= ProtocolVersion.TLS11.v) {
                if (newLen < blockSize) {
                    throw new BadPaddingException("invalid explicit IV");
                // reset the position to the end of the decrypted data
        return newLen;
    } catch (ShortBufferException e) {
        // unlikely to happen, we should have enough buffer space here
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(e.toString());
Also used : HexDumpEncoder(sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder) IOException(

Example 40 with HexDumpEncoder

use of sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class Krb5Context method initSecContext.

     * Initiator context establishment call. This method may be
     * required to be called several times. A CONTINUE_NEEDED return
     * call indicates that more calls are needed after the next token
     * is received from the peer.
     * @param is contains the token received from the peer. On the
     *  first call it will be ignored.
     * @return any token required to be sent to the peer
     *    It is responsibility of the caller
     *    to send the token to its peer for processing.
     * @exception GSSException
public final byte[] initSecContext(InputStream is, int mechTokenSize) throws GSSException {
    byte[] retVal = null;
    InitialToken token = null;
    int errorCode = GSSException.FAILURE;
    if (DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("Entered Krb5Context.initSecContext with " + "state=" + printState(state));
    if (!isInitiator()) {
        throw new GSSException(GSSException.FAILURE, -1, "initSecContext on an acceptor " + "GSSContext");
    try {
        if (state == STATE_NEW) {
            state = STATE_IN_PROCESS;
            errorCode = GSSException.NO_CRED;
            if (myCred == null) {
                myCred = Krb5InitCredential.getInstance(caller, myName, GSSCredential.DEFAULT_LIFETIME);
            } else if (!myCred.isInitiatorCredential()) {
                throw new GSSException(errorCode, -1, "No TGT available");
            myName = (Krb5NameElement) myCred.getName();
            Credentials tgt;
            final Krb5ProxyCredential second;
            if (myCred instanceof Krb5InitCredential) {
                second = null;
                tgt = ((Krb5InitCredential) myCred).getKrb5Credentials();
            } else {
                second = (Krb5ProxyCredential) myCred;
                tgt = second.self.getKrb5Credentials();
            checkPermission(peerName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName(), "initiate");
                     * If useSubjectCredsonly is true then
                     * we check whether we already have the ticket
                     * for this service in the Subject and reuse it
            final AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext();
            if (GSSUtil.useSubjectCredsOnly(caller)) {
                KerberosTicket kerbTicket = null;
                try {
                    // get service ticket from caller's subject
                    kerbTicket = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<KerberosTicket>() {

                        public KerberosTicket run() throws Exception {
                            // instead of Krb5Util.getTicket
                            return Krb5Util.getTicket(GSSCaller.CALLER_UNKNOWN, // don't worry about the null
                            second == null ? myName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName() : second.getName().getKrb5PrincipalName().getName(), peerName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName(), acc);
                } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("Attempt to obtain service" + " ticket from the subject failed!");
                if (kerbTicket != null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println("Found service ticket in " + "the subject" + kerbTicket);
                    // convert Ticket to serviceCreds
                    // XXX Should merge these two object types
                    // avoid converting back and forth
                    serviceCreds = Krb5Util.ticketToCreds(kerbTicket);
            if (serviceCreds == null) {
                // Subject or useSubjectCreds is false
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println("Service ticket not found in " + "the subject");
                // Get Service ticket using the Kerberos protocols
                if (second == null) {
                    serviceCreds = Credentials.acquireServiceCreds(peerName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName(), tgt);
                } else {
                    serviceCreds = Credentials.acquireS4U2proxyCreds(peerName.getKrb5PrincipalName().getName(), second.tkt, second.getName().getKrb5PrincipalName(), tgt);
                if (GSSUtil.useSubjectCredsOnly(caller)) {
                    final Subject subject = AccessController.doPrivileged(new<Subject>() {

                        public Subject run() {
                            return (Subject.getSubject(acc));
                    if (subject != null && !subject.isReadOnly()) {
                             * Store the service credentials as
                             * in
                             * the Subject. We could wait till the context is
                             * succesfully established; however it is easier
                             * to do here and there is no harm indoing it here.
                        final KerberosTicket kt = Krb5Util.credsToTicket(serviceCreds);
                        AccessController.doPrivileged(new<Void>() {

                            public Void run() {
                                return null;
                    } else {
                        // log it for debugging purpose
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println("Subject is " + "readOnly;Kerberos Service " + "ticket not stored");
            errorCode = GSSException.FAILURE;
            token = new InitSecContextToken(this, tgt, serviceCreds);
            apReq = ((InitSecContextToken) token).getKrbApReq();
            retVal = token.encode();
            myCred = null;
            if (!getMutualAuthState()) {
                state = STATE_DONE;
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println("Created InitSecContextToken:\n" + new HexDumpEncoder().encodeBuffer(retVal));
        } else if (state == STATE_IN_PROCESS) {
            // No need to write anything;
            // just validate the incoming token
            new AcceptSecContextToken(this, serviceCreds, apReq, is);
            serviceCreds = null;
            apReq = null;
            state = STATE_DONE;
        } else {
            // XXX Use logging API?
            if (DEBUG) {
    } catch (KrbException e) {
        if (DEBUG) {
        GSSException gssException = new GSSException(errorCode, -1, e.getMessage());
        throw gssException;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        GSSException gssException = new GSSException(errorCode, -1, e.getMessage());
        throw gssException;
    return retVal;
Also used : PrivilegedActionException( PrivilegedExceptionAction( IOException( Subject( AccessControlContext( HexDumpEncoder(sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder)


HexDumpEncoder (sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder)51 IOException ( ByteArrayInputStream ( CRLException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( CertificateException ( NamingException (javax.naming.NamingException)3 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)2 InvalidKeyException ( NoSuchProviderException ( SignatureException ( X509CRLEntry ( PRF ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( Constructor (java.lang.reflect.Constructor)1 ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1 AccessControlContext ( GeneralSecurityException ( PrivilegedActionException (