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Example 11 with GetPropertyAction

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class RenderingEngine method getInstance.

     * Returns an instance of {@code RenderingEngine} as determined
     * by the installation environment and runtime flags.
     * <p>
     * A specific instance of the {@code RenderingEngine} can be
     * chosen by specifying the runtime flag:
     * <pre>
     *     java -Dsun.java2d.renderer=&lt;classname&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If no specific {@code RenderingEngine} is specified on the command
     * or Ductus renderer is specified, it will attempt loading the
     * sun.dc.DuctusRenderingEngine class using Class.forName as a fastpath;
     * if not found, use the ServiceLoader.
     * If no specific {@code RenderingEngine} is specified on the command
     * line then the last one returned by enumerating all subclasses of
     * {@code RenderingEngine} known to the ServiceLoader is used.
     * <p>
     * Runtime tracing of the actions of the {@code RenderingEngine}
     * can be enabled by specifying the runtime flag:
     * <pre>
     *     java -Dsun.java2d.renderer.trace=&lt;any string&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @return an instance of {@code RenderingEngine}
     * @since 1.7
public static synchronized RenderingEngine getInstance() {
    if (reImpl != null) {
        return reImpl;
    reImpl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<RenderingEngine>() {

        public RenderingEngine run() {
            final String ductusREClass = "sun.dc.DuctusRenderingEngine";
            String reClass = System.getProperty("sun.java2d.renderer", ductusREClass);
            try {
                Class<?> cls = Class.forName(reClass);
                return (RenderingEngine) cls.newInstance();
            } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ignored) {
            // not found
            ServiceLoader<RenderingEngine> reLoader = ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(RenderingEngine.class);
            RenderingEngine service = null;
            for (RenderingEngine re : reLoader) {
                service = re;
                if (re.getClass().getName().equals(reClass)) {
            return service;
    if (reImpl == null) {
        throw new InternalError("No RenderingEngine module found");
    GetPropertyAction gpa = new GetPropertyAction("sun.java2d.renderer.trace");
    String reTrace = AccessController.doPrivileged(gpa);
    if (reTrace != null) {
        reImpl = new Tracer(reImpl);
    return reImpl;
Also used : GetPropertyAction( PrivilegedAction(

Example 12 with GetPropertyAction

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class ExtendedCharsets method init.

// If the property is defined on the command line we won't
// see it in the system-properties table until after the charset subsystem
// has been initialized.  We therefore delay the effect of this property
// until after the JRE has completely booted.
// At the moment following values for this property are supported, property
// value string is case insensitive.
// (1)"Windows-31J/Shift_JIS"
// In 1.4.1 we added a correct implementation of the Shift_JIS charset
// but in previous releases this charset name had been treated as an alias
// for Windows-31J, aka MS932. Users who have existing code that depends
// upon this alias can restore the previous behavior by defining this
// property to have this value.
// (2)"x-windows-50221/ISO-2022-JP"
//    "x-windows-50220/ISO-2022-JP"
//    "x-windows-iso2022jp/ISO-2022-JP"
// The charset ISO-2022-JP is a "standard based" implementation by default,
// which supports ASCII, JIS_X_0201 and JIS_X_0208 mappings based encoding
// and decoding only.
// There are three Microsoft iso-2022-jp variants, namely x-windows-50220,
// x-windows-50221 and x-windows-iso2022jp which behaves "slightly" differently
// compared to the "standard based" implementation. See for
// detailed description. Users who prefer the behavior of MS iso-2022-jp
// variants should use these names explicitly instead of using "ISO-2022-JP"
// and its aliases. However for those who need the ISO-2022-JP charset behaves
// exactly the same as MS variants do, above properties can be defined to
// switch.
// If we need to define other charset-alias mappings in the future then
// this property could be further extended, the general idea being that its
// value should be of the form
//     new-charset-1/old-charset-1,new-charset-2/old-charset-2,...
// where each charset named to the left of a slash is intended to replace
// (most) uses of the charset named to the right of the slash.
protected void init() {
    if (initialized)
    if (!sun.misc.VM.isBooted())
    String map = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(""));
    boolean sjisIsMS932 = false;
    boolean iso2022jpIsMS50221 = false;
    boolean iso2022jpIsMS50220 = false;
    boolean iso2022jpIsMSISO2022JP = false;
    if (map != null) {
        String[] maps = map.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < maps.length; i++) {
            if (maps[i].equalsIgnoreCase("Windows-31J/Shift_JIS")) {
                sjisIsMS932 = true;
            } else if (maps[i].equalsIgnoreCase("x-windows-50221/ISO-2022-JP")) {
                iso2022jpIsMS50221 = true;
            } else if (maps[i].equalsIgnoreCase("x-windows-50220/ISO-2022-JP")) {
                iso2022jpIsMS50220 = true;
            } else if (maps[i].equalsIgnoreCase("x-windows-iso2022jp/ISO-2022-JP")) {
                iso2022jpIsMSISO2022JP = true;
    if (sjisIsMS932) {
        deleteCharset("Shift_JIS", new String[] { // historical
        "sjis", "shift_jis", "shift-jis", "ms_kanji", "x-sjis", "csShiftJIS" });
        deleteCharset("windows-31j", new String[] { // JDK historical
        "MS932", "windows-932", "csWindows31J" });
        charset("Shift_JIS", "SJIS", new String[] { // JDK historical
        "sjis" });
        charset("windows-31j", "MS932", new String[] { // JDK historical
        "MS932", "windows-932", "csWindows31J", "shift-jis", "ms_kanji", "x-sjis", "csShiftJIS", // resolved first, before looking up canonical names.
        "shift_jis" });
    if (iso2022jpIsMS50221 || iso2022jpIsMS50220 || iso2022jpIsMSISO2022JP) {
        deleteCharset("ISO-2022-JP", new String[] { "iso2022jp", "jis", "csISO2022JP", "jis_encoding", "csjisencoding" });
        if (iso2022jpIsMS50221) {
            deleteCharset("x-windows-50221", new String[] { "cp50221", "ms50221" });
            charset("x-windows-50221", "MS50221", new String[] { "cp50221", "ms50221", "iso-2022-jp", "iso2022jp", "jis", "csISO2022JP", "jis_encoding", "csjisencoding" });
        } else if (iso2022jpIsMS50220) {
            deleteCharset("x-windows-50220", new String[] { "cp50220", "ms50220" });
            charset("x-windows-50220", "MS50220", new String[] { "cp50220", "ms50220", "iso-2022-jp", "iso2022jp", "jis", "csISO2022JP", "jis_encoding", "csjisencoding" });
        } else {
            deleteCharset("x-windows-iso2022jp", new String[] { "windows-iso2022jp" });
            charset("x-windows-iso2022jp", "MSISO2022JP", new String[] { "windows-iso2022jp", "iso-2022-jp", "iso2022jp", "jis", "csISO2022JP", "jis_encoding", "csjisencoding" });
    String osName = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(""));
    if ("SunOS".equals(osName) || "Linux".equals(osName) || "AIX".equals(osName) || osName.contains("OS X")) {
        charset("x-COMPOUND_TEXT", "COMPOUND_TEXT", new String[] { // JDK historical
        "COMPOUND_TEXT", "x11-compound_text", "x-compound-text" });
    initialized = true;
Also used : GetPropertyAction(

Example 13 with GetPropertyAction

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class FileChannelImpl method isSharedFileLockTable.

// The lock list in J2SE 1.4/5.0 was local to each FileChannel instance so
// the overlap check wasn't system wide when there were multiple channels to
// the same file. This property is used to get 1.4/5.0 behavior if desired.
private static boolean isSharedFileLockTable() {
    if (!propertyChecked) {
        synchronized (FileChannelImpl.class) {
            if (!propertyChecked) {
                String value = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(""));
                isSharedFileLockTable = ((value == null) || value.equals("false"));
                propertyChecked = true;
    return isSharedFileLockTable;
Also used : GetPropertyAction(

Example 14 with GetPropertyAction

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class UIManager method getSystemLookAndFeelClassName.

     * Returns the name of the <code>LookAndFeel</code> class that implements
     * the native system look and feel if there is one, otherwise
     * the name of the default cross platform <code>LookAndFeel</code>
     * class. This value can be overriden by setting the
     * <code>swing.systemlaf</code> system property.
     * @return the <code>String</code> of the <code>LookAndFeel</code>
     *          class
     * @see #setLookAndFeel
     * @see #getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName
public static String getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() {
    String systemLAF = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("swing.systemlaf"));
    if (systemLAF != null) {
        return systemLAF;
    OSInfo.OSType osType = AccessController.doPrivileged(OSInfo.getOSTypeAction());
    if (osType == OSInfo.OSType.WINDOWS) {
        return "";
    } else {
        String desktop = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction("sun.desktop"));
        Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        if ("gnome".equals(desktop) && toolkit instanceof SunToolkit && ((SunToolkit) toolkit).isNativeGTKAvailable()) {
            // May be set on Linux and Solaris boxs.
            return "";
        if (osType == OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
            if (toolkit.getClass().getName().equals("sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit")) {
                return "";
        if (osType == OSInfo.OSType.SOLARIS) {
            return "";
    return getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName();
Also used : OSInfo(sun.awt.OSInfo) GetPropertyAction( SunToolkit(sun.awt.SunToolkit) SunToolkit(sun.awt.SunToolkit) Toolkit(java.awt.Toolkit)

Example 15 with GetPropertyAction

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class MarlinProperties method getInteger.

static int getInteger(final String key, final int def, final int min, final int max) {
    final String property = AccessController.doPrivileged(new GetPropertyAction(key));
    int value = def;
    if (property != null) {
        try {
            value = Integer.decode(property);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            logInfo("Invalid integer value for " + key + " = " + property);
    // check for invalid values
    if ((value < min) || (value > max)) {
        logInfo("Invalid value for " + key + " = " + value + "; expected value in range[" + min + ", " + max + "] !");
        value = def;
    return value;
Also used : GetPropertyAction(


GetPropertyAction ( IOException ( PrintStream ( BorderLayout (java.awt.BorderLayout)1 Component (java.awt.Component)1 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)1 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)1 Toolkit (java.awt.Toolkit)1 CMMException (java.awt.color.CMMException)1 ContainerEvent (java.awt.event.ContainerEvent)1 ContainerListener (java.awt.event.ContainerListener)1 File ( FileOutputStream ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1 InetSocketAddress ( Proxy ( ProxySelector ( ServerSocket ( SocketException ( URI (