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Example 6 with Credentials

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class KDC method processAsReq.

     * Processes a AS_REQ and generates a AS_REP (or KRB_ERROR)
     * @param in the request
     * @return the response
     * @throws java.lang.Exception for various errors
protected byte[] processAsReq(byte[] in) throws Exception {
    ASReq asReq = new ASReq(in);
    int[] eTypes = null;
    List<PAData> outPAs = new ArrayList<>();
    PrincipalName service = asReq.reqBody.sname;
    if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.RESP_NT)) {
        service = new PrincipalName((int) options.get(KDC.Option.RESP_NT), service.getNameStrings(), Realm.getDefault());
    try {
        System.out.println(realm + "> " + asReq.reqBody.cname + " sends AS-REQ for " + service + ", " + asReq.reqBody.kdcOptions);
        KDCReqBody body = asReq.reqBody;
        eTypes = KDCReqBodyDotEType(body);
        int eType = eTypes[0];
        EncryptionKey ckey = keyForUser(body.cname, eType, false);
        EncryptionKey skey = keyForUser(service, eType, true);
        if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.ONLY_RC4_TGT)) {
            int tgtEType = EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC;
            boolean found = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < eTypes.length; i++) {
                if (eTypes[i] == tgtEType) {
                    found = true;
            if (!found) {
                throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP);
            skey = keyForUser(service, tgtEType, true);
        if (ckey == null) {
            throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP);
        if (skey == null) {
            // TODO
            throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP);
        // Session key
        EncryptionKey key = generateRandomKey(eType);
        // Check time, TODO
        KerberosTime till = body.till;
        if (till == null) {
            // TODO
            throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID);
        } else if (till.isZero()) {
            till = new KerberosTime(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 3600 * 11);
        boolean[] bFlags = new boolean[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAX + 1];
        if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.FORWARDABLE)) {
            List<String> sensitives = (List<String>) options.get(Option.SENSITIVE_ACCOUNTS);
            if (sensitives != null && sensitives.contains(body.cname.toString())) {
            // Cannot make FORWARDABLE
            } else {
                bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDABLE] = true;
        if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE)) {
            bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_RENEWABLE] = true;
        //renew = new KerberosTime(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7);
        if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.PROXIABLE)) {
            bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_PROXIABLE] = true;
        if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.POSTDATED)) {
            bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_POSTDATED] = true;
        if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.ALLOW_POSTDATE)) {
            bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAY_POSTDATE] = true;
        bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_INITIAL] = true;
        // Creating PA-DATA
        DerValue[] pas2 = null, pas = null;
        if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.DUP_ETYPE)) {
            int n = (Integer) options.get(KDC.Option.DUP_ETYPE);
            switch(n) {
                case // customer's case in 7067974
                    pas2 = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, null, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, "", null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, realm, new byte[] { 1 }).asn1Encode()) };
                    pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()) };
                case // we still reject non-null s2kparams and prefer E2 over E
                    pas2 = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, realm, new byte[] { 1 }).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, null, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, "", null).asn1Encode()) };
                    pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()) };
                case // but only E is wrong
                    pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()) };
                case // we also ignore rc4-hmac
                    pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(23, "ANYTHING").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()) };
                case // "" should be wrong, but we accept it now
                    // See s.s.k.internal.PAData$SaltAndParams
                    pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()) };
        } else {
            int[] epas = eTypes;
            if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.RC4_FIRST_PREAUTH)) {
                for (int i = 1; i < epas.length; i++) {
                    if (epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC) {
                        epas[i] = epas[0];
                        epas[0] = EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC;
            } else if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.ONLY_ONE_PREAUTH)) {
                epas = new int[] { eTypes[0] };
            pas2 = new DerValue[epas.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < epas.length; i++) {
                pas2[i] = new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(epas[i], epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC ? null : getSalt(body.cname), null).asn1Encode());
            boolean allOld = true;
            for (int i : eTypes) {
                if (i == EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 || i == EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96) {
                    allOld = false;
            if (allOld) {
                pas = new DerValue[epas.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < epas.length; i++) {
                    pas[i] = new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(epas[i], epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC ? null : getSalt(body.cname)).asn1Encode());
        DerOutputStream eid;
        if (pas2 != null) {
            eid = new DerOutputStream();
            outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ETYPE_INFO2, eid.toByteArray()));
        if (pas != null) {
            eid = new DerOutputStream();
            outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ETYPE_INFO, eid.toByteArray()));
        PAData[] inPAs = KDCReqDotPAData(asReq);
        if (inPAs == null || inPAs.length == 0) {
            Object preauth = options.get(Option.PREAUTH_REQUIRED);
            if (preauth == null || preauth.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
                throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED);
        } else {
            try {
                EncryptedData data = newEncryptedData(new DerValue(inPAs[0].getValue()));
                EncryptionKey pakey = keyForUser(body.cname, data.getEType(), false);
                data.decrypt(pakey, KeyUsage.KU_PA_ENC_TS);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED);
            bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_PRE_AUTHENT] = true;
        TicketFlags tFlags = new TicketFlags(bFlags);
        EncTicketPart enc = new EncTicketPart(tFlags, key, body.cname, new TransitedEncoding(1, new byte[0]), new KerberosTime(new Date()), body.from, till, body.rtime, body.addresses, null);
        Ticket t = new Ticket(service, new EncryptedData(skey, enc.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_TICKET));
        EncASRepPart enc_part = new EncASRepPart(key, new LastReq(new LastReqEntry[] { new LastReqEntry(0, new KerberosTime(new Date().getTime() - 10000)) }), // TODO: detect replay?
        body.getNonce(), new KerberosTime(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 3600 * 24), // Next 5 and last MUST be same with ticket
        tFlags, new KerberosTime(new Date()), body.from, till, body.rtime, service, body.addresses);
        EncryptedData edata = new EncryptedData(ckey, enc_part.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_ENC_AS_REP_PART);
        ASRep asRep = new ASRep(outPAs.toArray(new PAData[outPAs.size()]), body.cname, t, edata);
        System.out.println("     Return " + asRep.cname + " ticket for " + asRep.ticket.sname + ", flags " + tFlags);
        DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream();
        out.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.TAG_APPLICATION, true, (byte) Krb5.KRB_AS_REP), asRep.asn1Encode());
        byte[] result = out.toByteArray();
        // Added feature:
        // Write the current issuing TGT into a ccache file specified
        // by the system property below.
        String ccache = System.getProperty("");
        if (ccache != null) {
            asRep.encKDCRepPart = enc_part;
   credentials = new;
            CredentialsCache cache = CredentialsCache.create(asReq.reqBody.cname, ccache);
            if (cache == null) {
                throw new IOException("Unable to create the cache file " + ccache);
        return result;
    } catch (KrbException ke) {
        KRBError kerr = ke.getError();
        KDCReqBody body = asReq.reqBody;
        System.out.println("     Error " + ke.returnCode() + " " + ke.returnCodeMessage());
        byte[] eData = null;
        if (kerr == null) {
            if (ke.returnCode() == Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED || ke.returnCode() == Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED) {
                DerOutputStream bytes = new DerOutputStream();
                bytes.write(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP, new byte[0]).asn1Encode());
                for (PAData p : outPAs) {
                DerOutputStream temp = new DerOutputStream();
                temp.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, bytes);
                eData = temp.toByteArray();
            kerr = new KRBError(null, null, null, new KerberosTime(new Date()), 0, ke.returnCode(), body.cname, service, KrbException.errorMessage(ke.returnCode()), eData);
        return kerr.asn1Encode();
Also used : DerOutputStream( CredentialsCache( DerValue( InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)

Example 7 with Credentials

use of in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.

the class TimeInCCache method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // test code changes in DEBUG
    System.setProperty("", "true");
    CCacheInputStream cis = new CCacheInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ccache));
    Method m = CCacheInputStream.class.getDeclaredMethod("readCred", Integer.TYPE);
    Credentials c = (Credentials) m.invoke(cis, new Integer(0x504)); cc = c.setKrbCreds();
    // 1. Make sure starttime is still null
    if (cc.getStartTime() != null) {
        throw new Exception("Fail, starttime should be zero here");
    // 2. Make sure renewTill is still null
    if (cc.getRenewTill() != null) {
        throw new Exception("Fail, renewTill should be zero here");
    // 3. Make sure isValid works
Also used : CCacheInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) Credentials(

Aggregations ( CredentialsCache ( ByteArrayInputStream ( InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)1 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 InetAddress ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( Subject ( KerberosTicket ( LoginException ( ( Credentials ( CCacheInputStream ( Credentials ( AuthTimeWithHash ( KerberosString ( DerOutputStream ( DerValue (