use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class P12ComplexCsrGenCmd method createComplexGeneralNames.
private static GeneralNames createComplexGeneralNames(String prefix) {
List<GeneralName> list = new LinkedList<>();
// otherName
ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vec.add(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""));
vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, new DERUTF8String(prefix + "I am otherName")));
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.otherName, new DERSequence(vec)));
vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vec.add(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(""));
vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, new DERUTF8String(prefix + "I am otherName")));
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.otherName, new DERSequence(vec)));
// rfc822Name
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.rfc822Name, prefix + ""));
// dNSName
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.dNSName, prefix + ""));
// directoryName
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.directoryName, new X500Name("CN=demo,C=DE")));
// ediPartyName
vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, new DirectoryString(prefix + "assigner1")));
vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 1, new DirectoryString(prefix + "party1")));
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.ediPartyName, new DERSequence(vec)));
// uniformResourceIdentifier
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier, prefix + ""));
// iPAddress
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.iPAddress, ""));
// registeredID
list.add(new GeneralName(GeneralName.registeredID, ""));
return new GeneralNames(list.toArray(new GeneralName[0]));
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class CaUtil method createCrlDistributionPoints.
public static CRLDistPoint createCrlDistributionPoints(List<String> crlUris, X500Name caSubject, X500Name crlSignerSubject) {
ParamUtil.requireNonEmpty("crlUris", crlUris);
int size = crlUris.size();
DistributionPoint[] points = new DistributionPoint[1];
GeneralName[] names = new GeneralName[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
names[i] = new GeneralName(GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier, crlUris.get(i));
// Distribution Point
GeneralNames gns = new GeneralNames(names);
DistributionPointName pointName = new DistributionPointName(gns);
GeneralNames crlIssuer = null;
if (crlSignerSubject != null && !crlSignerSubject.equals(caSubject)) {
GeneralName crlIssuerName = new GeneralName(crlSignerSubject);
crlIssuer = new GeneralNames(crlIssuerName);
points[0] = new DistributionPoint(pointName, null, crlIssuer);
return new CRLDistPoint(points);
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class ExtensionsChecker method checkExtensionCrlDistributionPoints.
// method checkExtensionIssuerAltNames
private void checkExtensionCrlDistributionPoints(StringBuilder failureMsg, byte[] extensionValue, X509IssuerInfo issuerInfo) {
CRLDistPoint isCrlDistPoints = CRLDistPoint.getInstance(extensionValue);
DistributionPoint[] isDistributionPoints = isCrlDistPoints.getDistributionPoints();
if (isDistributionPoints == null) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "size of CRLDistributionPoints", 0, 1);
} else {
int len = isDistributionPoints.length;
if (len != 1) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "size of CRLDistributionPoints", len, 1);
Set<String> isCrlUrls = new HashSet<>();
for (DistributionPoint entry : isDistributionPoints) {
int asn1Type = entry.getDistributionPoint().getType();
if (asn1Type != DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "tag of DistributionPointName of CRLDistibutionPoints", asn1Type, DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME);
GeneralNames isDistributionPointNames = GeneralNames.getInstance(entry.getDistributionPoint().getName());
GeneralName[] names = isDistributionPointNames.getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
GeneralName name = names[i];
if (name.getTagNo() != GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "tag of CRL URL", name.getTagNo(), GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier);
} else {
String uri = ((ASN1String) name.getName()).getString();
Set<String> expCrlUrls = issuerInfo.getCrlUrls();
Set<String> diffs = strInBnotInA(expCrlUrls, isCrlUrls);
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(diffs)) {
failureMsg.append("CRL URLs ").append(diffs).append(" are present but not expected; ");
diffs = strInBnotInA(isCrlUrls, expCrlUrls);
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(diffs)) {
failureMsg.append("CRL URLs ").append(diffs).append(" are absent but are required; ");
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class ExtensionsChecker method checkExtensionDeltaCrlDistributionPoints.
// method checkExtensionCrlDistributionPoints
private void checkExtensionDeltaCrlDistributionPoints(StringBuilder failureMsg, byte[] extensionValue, X509IssuerInfo issuerInfo) {
CRLDistPoint isCrlDistPoints = CRLDistPoint.getInstance(extensionValue);
DistributionPoint[] isDistributionPoints = isCrlDistPoints.getDistributionPoints();
if (isDistributionPoints == null) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "size of CRLDistributionPoints (deltaCRL)", 0, 1);
} else {
int len = isDistributionPoints.length;
if (len != 1) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "size of CRLDistributionPoints (deltaCRL)", len, 1);
Set<String> isCrlUrls = new HashSet<>();
for (DistributionPoint entry : isDistributionPoints) {
int asn1Type = entry.getDistributionPoint().getType();
if (asn1Type != DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "tag of DistributionPointName of CRLDistibutionPoints (deltaCRL)", asn1Type, DistributionPointName.FULL_NAME);
GeneralNames isDistributionPointNames = GeneralNames.getInstance(entry.getDistributionPoint().getName());
GeneralName[] names = isDistributionPointNames.getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
GeneralName name = names[i];
if (name.getTagNo() != GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) {
addViolation(failureMsg, "tag of deltaCRL URL", name.getTagNo(), GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier);
} else {
String uri = ((ASN1String) name.getName()).getString();
Set<String> expCrlUrls = issuerInfo.getCrlUrls();
Set<String> diffs = strInBnotInA(expCrlUrls, isCrlUrls);
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(diffs)) {
failureMsg.append("deltaCRL URLs ").append(diffs).append(" are present but not expected; ");
diffs = strInBnotInA(isCrlUrls, expCrlUrls);
if (CollectionUtil.isNonEmpty(diffs)) {
failureMsg.append("deltaCRL URLs ").append(diffs).append(" are absent but are required; ");
use of in project xipki by xipki.
the class ExtensionsChecker method getRequestedSubjectAltNames.
// method checkExtensionSubjectAltName
private GeneralName[] getRequestedSubjectAltNames(X500Name requestedSubject, Extensions requestedExtensions) throws CertprofileException, BadCertTemplateException {
ASN1Encodable extValue = (requestedExtensions == null) ? null : requestedExtensions.getExtensionParsedValue(Extension.subjectAlternativeName);
Map<ASN1ObjectIdentifier, GeneralNameTag> subjectToSubjectAltNameModes = certProfile.getSubjectToSubjectAltNameModes();
if (extValue == null && subjectToSubjectAltNameModes == null) {
return null;
GeneralNames reqNames = (extValue == null) ? null : GeneralNames.getInstance(extValue);
Set<GeneralNameMode> subjectAltNameModes = certProfile.getSubjectAltNameModes();
if (subjectAltNameModes == null && subjectToSubjectAltNameModes == null) {
return (reqNames == null) ? null : reqNames.getNames();
List<GeneralName> grantedNames = new LinkedList<>();
// copy the required attributes of Subject
if (subjectToSubjectAltNameModes != null) {
X500Name grantedSubject;
try {
grantedSubject = certProfile.getSubject(requestedSubject).getGrantedSubject();
} catch (CertprofileException | BadCertTemplateException ex) {
if (certProfile.getSpecialCertprofileBehavior() == null) {
throw ex;
LogUtil.warn(LOG, ex, "could not derive granted subject from requested subject");
grantedSubject = requestedSubject;
for (ASN1ObjectIdentifier attrType : subjectToSubjectAltNameModes.keySet()) {
GeneralNameTag tag = subjectToSubjectAltNameModes.get(attrType);
RDN[] rdns = grantedSubject.getRDNs(attrType);
if (rdns == null) {
rdns = requestedSubject.getRDNs(attrType);
if (rdns == null) {
for (RDN rdn : rdns) {
String rdnValue = X509Util.rdnValueToString(rdn.getFirst().getValue());
switch(tag) {
case rfc822Name:
case dNSName:
case uniformResourceIdentifier:
case iPAddress:
case directoryName:
case registeredID:
grantedNames.add(new GeneralName(tag.getTag(), rdnValue));
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here, unknown GeneralName tag " + tag);
// end switch (tag)
// copy the requested SubjectAltName entries
if (reqNames != null) {
GeneralName[] reqL = reqNames.getNames();
for (int i = 0; i < reqL.length; i++) {
return grantedNames.isEmpty() ? null : grantedNames.toArray(new GeneralName[0]);