use of sun.util.locale.provider.LocaleProviderAdapter in project jdk8u_jdk by JetBrains.
the class DateFormat method get.
* Creates a DateFormat with the given time and/or date style in the given
* locale.
* @param timeStyle a value from 0 to 3 indicating the time format,
* ignored if flags is 2
* @param dateStyle a value from 0 to 3 indicating the time format,
* ignored if flags is 1
* @param flags either 1 for a time format, 2 for a date format,
* or 3 for a date/time format
* @param loc the locale for the format
private static DateFormat get(int timeStyle, int dateStyle, int flags, Locale loc) {
if ((flags & 1) != 0) {
if (timeStyle < 0 || timeStyle > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal time style " + timeStyle);
} else {
timeStyle = -1;
if ((flags & 2) != 0) {
if (dateStyle < 0 || dateStyle > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal date style " + dateStyle);
} else {
dateStyle = -1;
LocaleProviderAdapter adapter = LocaleProviderAdapter.getAdapter(DateFormatProvider.class, loc);
DateFormat dateFormat = get(adapter, timeStyle, dateStyle, loc);
if (dateFormat == null) {
dateFormat = get(LocaleProviderAdapter.forJRE(), timeStyle, dateStyle, loc);
return dateFormat;