use of sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.
the class SetupHandler method handleCommand.
* Handle commands in the Setup Mode DMs.
* @param command The {@link CommandObject} associated with this setup.
* @param args The contents of the message sent.
* @return false if command isn't run, otherwise true.
private static boolean handleCommand(CommandObject command, String args) {
List<Command> commands = Globals.getSetupCommands();
IChannel currentChannel =;
String commandArgs;
for (Command c : commands) {
if (c.isCall(args, command)) {
commandArgs = c.getArgs(args, command);
// log command
MessageHandler.handleLogging(command, c, commandArgs);
if (c.requiresArgs && (commandArgs == null || commandArgs.isEmpty())) {
RequestHandler.sendMessage(Utility.getCommandInfo(c, command), currentChannel);
return true;
RequestBuffer.request(() ->;
String response = c.execute(commandArgs, command);
RequestHandler.sendMessage(response, currentChannel);
RequestBuffer.request(() ->;
return true;
return false;
use of sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.
the class TimerHandler method dailyMessageHandler.
private static void dailyMessageHandler(TimedEvent event) {
ZonedDateTime timeNow =;
DayOfWeek day = timeNow.getDayOfWeek();"Running Daily tasks for " + day);
Random random = new Random();
for (GuildObject task : Globals.getGuilds()) {
GuildConfig guildconfig = task.config;
// do decay
// reset offenders
// getToggles general channel
IChannel generalChannel = task.getChannelByType(ChannelSetting.GENERAL);
// do daily messages
if (generalChannel != null && guildconfig.dailyMessage) {
DailyMessage finalMessage;
List<DailyMessage> messages;
if (event != null && event.doSpecialMessages() && event.getMessagesDay(day).size() != 0) {
messages = event.getMessagesDay(day);
} else {
messages = new ArrayList<>(Globals.getDailyMessages().getDailyMessages(day));
int randomMessage = random.nextInt(messages.size());
finalMessage = messages.get(randomMessage);
CommandObject command = new CommandObject(task, generalChannel);
RequestHandler.sendMessage(finalMessage.getContents(command), generalChannel);
use of sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.
the class TimerHandler method reportHandling.
private static void reportHandling(GuildObject task) {
List<UserRateObject> offenders = task.getRateLimiting();
IRole muteRole = task.getRoleByID(task.config.getMutedRoleID());
if (muteRole == null)
IChannel admin = task.getChannelByType(ChannelSetting.ADMIN);
for (UserRateObject u : offenders) {
if (u.counter - 3 > task.config.messageLimit) {
List<IChannel> channels = u.getChannels(task);
if (admin == null && !channels.isEmpty()) {
admin = channels.get(channels.size() - 1);
StringHandler output = new StringHandler();
StringHandler modNote = new StringHandler();
IUser offender = u.getUser(task);
long rate = u.counter - task.config.messageLimit;
String formattedChannels = String.join(", ", -> channel.mention()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
// Admin Message output
output.append("> ").append(offender.mention());
output.append(" Has Been muted for breaking the guild rate limit (");
output.append(" Over Rate)");
if (channels.size() == 1) {
output.append(" in ").append(channels.get(0).mention());
} else if (channels.size() > 1) {
output.append(" in channels: ");
// modNote Output
modNote.append("> Muted by Rate Limiter, ");
modNote.append(rate).append(" Over Rate, ");
if (channels.size() > 1)
modNote.append(": ").append(formattedChannels);
// logging
if (task.config.deleteLogging) {
Utility.sendLog("> **@" + offender.getName() + "#" + offender.getDiscriminator() + "** was muted for breaking rate limit.", task, true);
ProfileObject profile = task.users.getUserByID(u.getID());
profile.addSailModNote(modNote.toString(), u.timeStamp, false);
RequestHandler.sendMessage(output.toString(), admin);
use of sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.
the class LoggingSetupStage method checkForGeneralLog.
private boolean checkForGeneralLog(CommandObject command) {
IChannel channel = null;
StringHandler output = new StringHandler();
for (String s : serverLogChannelNames) {
List<IChannel> genLogChannel = command.guild.get().getChannelsByName(s);
if (genLogChannel.size() == 1) {
channel = genLogChannel.get(0);
} else if (genLogChannel.size() > 1) {
output.append("I found multiple valid channels...").append("\nPick a channel from the list below: ```");
String format = "\n%s [%s]";
for (IChannel c : genLogChannel) {
output.appendFormatted(format, c.getName(), c.getLongID());
output.append("\n```").append("Respond with the ID of the channel you want to use.");
// handle this some special way
if (channel == null)
return false;
output.append("Do you want to use " + channel.getName() + " as the general log channel?");
return true;
use of sx.blah.discord.handle.obj.IChannel in project DiscordSailv2 by Vaerys-Dawn.
the class JoinHandler method autoReMute.
* Automatically re-mutes users that were muted when they left and their mute timer hasnt timed out.
* @param user The user that joined. ({@link UserObject})
* @param content The Guild that the user joined. ({@link GuildObject})
* @param event The event that calls this. ({@link UserJoinEvent})
public static void autoReMute(UserJoinEvent event, GuildObject content, UserObject user) {
for (UserCountDown u : content.users.mutedUsers) {
if (u.getID() == event.getUser().getLongID()) {
IChannel admin = content.getChannelByType(ChannelSetting.ADMIN);
if (admin != null) {
RequestHandler.sendMessage("> Looks like " + user.mention() + " has returned, I have muted them again for you.", admin);
RequestHandler.roleManagement(user, content, content.config.getMutedRoleID(), true);