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Example 36 with WBSNode

use of teamdash.wbs.WBSNode in project processdash by dtuma.

the class ProxyRateColumn method recalcInheritedRates.

void recalcInheritedRates() {
    // scan the list of proxy tables.
    WBSNode[] proxies = proxyModel.getChildren(proxyModel.getRoot());
    for (WBSNode proxy : proxies) {
        // determine whether this table has a size and a default rate.
        boolean hasSize = ProxySizeColumn.hasSizeMetric(proxy);
        double rate = hasSize ? proxy.getNumericAttribute(ATTR_NAME) : Double.NaN;
        // Now scan the relative size buckets in this proxy table.
        WBSNode[] buckets = proxyModel.getChildren(proxy);
        for (WBSNode bucket : buckets) {
            // set the inherited rate for this bucket.
            bucket.setNumericAttribute(INHERITED_ATTR_NAME, rate);
            // if the explicit rate is equal to the inherited rate, remove
            // the explicit entry.
            double explicit = bucket.getNumericAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
            if (equal(rate, explicit))
            // clear the "calculated" rate for now (it will be set later
            // in the recalculation process).
Also used : WBSNode(teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)

Example 37 with WBSNode

use of teamdash.wbs.WBSNode in project processdash by dtuma.

the class ProxySizeColumn method extrapolateMissingValues.

     * Look at the values for a set of buckets, and fill in missing values with
     * a log-normal extrapolation.
static void extrapolateMissingValues(AbstractNumericColumn col, WBSNode[] buckets, String extrapolatedAttr) {
    // retrieve the current value for each bucket.
    int numValuesFound = 0;
    double[] values = new double[buckets.length];
    for (int i = buckets.length; i-- > 0; ) {
        WBSNode b = buckets[i];
        b.setAttribute(extrapolatedAttr, null);
        NumericDataValue v = (NumericDataValue) col.getValueAt(b);
        if (v != null && v.value > 0) {
            values[i] = v.value;
    // if no buckets have values, or if all buckets have values, exit.
    if (numValuesFound == 0 || numValuesFound == buckets.length) {
    } else // scaling factor
    if (numValuesFound == 1) {
        int pos = findFirstValue(values, 0);
        extrapolateDown(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, pos, DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR);
        extrapolateUp(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, pos, DEFAULT_SCALING_FACTOR);
    } else // if we have two or more values, extrapolate between and around them
    if (numValuesFound > 1) {
        // find the first pair of values, and extrapolate between them
        int low = findFirstValue(values, 0);
        int high = findFirstValue(values, low + 1);
        double factor = extrapolateBetween(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, low, high);
        // use the same factor to extrapolate down below that first pair
        extrapolateDown(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, low, factor);
        // find additional pairs and extrapolate between them too
        while (true) {
            low = high;
            high = findFirstValue(values, low + 1);
            if (high == -1)
            factor = extrapolateBetween(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, low, high);
        // extrapolate up from the last pair
        extrapolateUp(buckets, values, extrapolatedAttr, low, factor);
Also used : NumericDataValue(teamdash.wbs.NumericDataValue) WBSNode(teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)

Example 38 with WBSNode

use of teamdash.wbs.WBSNode in project processdash by dtuma.

the class ProxyTimeColumn method recalculate.

public boolean recalculate() {
    // give the rate column a chance to record state of inherited values
    // recalculate data for each proxy category, one at a time.
    WBSNode[] proxies = proxyModel.getChildren(proxyModel.getRoot());
    for (WBSNode proxy : proxies) recalculateProxy(proxy);
    return true;
Also used : WBSNode(teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)

Example 39 with WBSNode

use of teamdash.wbs.WBSNode in project processdash by dtuma.

the class ProxyTimeColumn method recalculateProxy.

private void recalculateProxy(WBSNode proxy) {
    WBSNode[] buckets = proxyModel.getChildren(proxy);
    boolean proxyHasSizeMetric = ProxySizeColumn.hasSizeMetric(proxy);
    // scan the buckets and calculate rate-driven times where appropriate
    for (WBSNode bucket : buckets) {
        if (proxyHasSizeMetric) {
            double explicitTime = bucket.getNumericAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
            if (!(explicitTime > 0)) {
                double size = parseNum(sizeColumn.getValueAt(bucket));
                double rate = parseNum(rateColumn.getValueAt(bucket));
                if (size > 0 && rate > 0) {
                    double time = size / rate;
                    bucket.setNumericAttribute(RATE_CALC_ATTR_NAME, time);
    // fill in missing cells with an extrapolation
    ProxySizeColumn.extrapolateMissingValues(this, buckets, EXTRAPOLATED_ATTR_NAME);
    // finally, calculate effective rates for applicable buckets
    if (proxyHasSizeMetric) {
        for (WBSNode bucket : buckets) {
            double time = bucket.getNumericAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
            if (!(time > 0))
                time = bucket.getNumericAttribute(EXTRAPOLATED_ATTR_NAME);
            double size = parseNum(sizeColumn.getValueAt(bucket));
            if (time > 0 && size > 0) {
                double rate = size / time;
                rateColumn.storeCalculatedRate(bucket, rate);
Also used : WBSNode(teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)

Example 40 with WBSNode

use of teamdash.wbs.WBSNode in project processdash by dtuma.

the class SizeActualDataColumn method recalc.

protected double recalc(WBSNode node) {
    double result = safe(node.getNumericAttribute(nodeAttrName));
    for (WBSNode child : wbsModel.getChildren(node)) {
        double childVal = recalc(child);
        if (shouldFilterFromCalculations(child) == false)
            result += childVal;
    Object value = null;
    if (result > 0)
        value = new NumericDataValue(result, false);
    node.setAttribute(resultAttrName, value);
    return result;
Also used : NumericDataValue(teamdash.wbs.NumericDataValue) WBSNode(teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)


WBSNode (teamdash.wbs.WBSNode)40 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)2 Change (net.sourceforge.processdash.ui.lib.autocomplete.AssignedToEditList.Change)2 WBSNodeContent (teamdash.wbs.AbstractWBSModelMerger.WBSNodeContent)2 DataTableModel (teamdash.wbs.DataTableModel)2 NumericDataValue (teamdash.wbs.NumericDataValue)2 Color (java.awt.Color)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 List (java.util.List)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1 AssignedToEditList (net.sourceforge.processdash.ui.lib.autocomplete.AssignedToEditList)1 HSSFRow (org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow)1 BlameCaretPos (teamdash.hist.BlameCaretPos)1 BlameModelData (teamdash.hist.BlameModelData)1 BlameNodeData (teamdash.hist.BlameNodeData)1