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Example 16 with Aspect

use of thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ItemFocusBasic method addInformation.

public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, List list, boolean par4) {
    AspectList al = this.getVisCost();
    if (al != null && al.size() > 0) {
        list.add(StatCollector.translateToLocal(isVisCostPerTick() ? "item.Focus.cost2" : "item.Focus.cost1"));
        for (Aspect aspect : al.getAspectsSorted()) {
            DecimalFormat myFormatter = new DecimalFormat("#####.##");
            String amount = myFormatter.format(al.getAmount(aspect) / 100f);
            list.add(" \u00A7" + aspect.getChatcolor() + aspect.getName() + "\u00A7r x " + amount);
Also used : AspectList(thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) Aspect(thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)

Example 17 with Aspect

use of thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ResearchItem method getResearchPrimaryTag.

 * @return the aspect aspects ordinal with the highest value. Used to determine scroll color and similar things
public Aspect getResearchPrimaryTag() {
    Aspect aspect = null;
    int highest = 0;
    if (tags != null)
        for (Aspect tag : tags.getAspects()) {
            if (tags.getAmount(tag) > highest) {
                aspect = tag;
                highest = tags.getAmount(tag);
    return aspect;
Also used : Aspect(thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)

Example 18 with Aspect

use of thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ThaumcraftApiHelper method getAllCompoundAspects.

public static AspectList getAllCompoundAspects(int amount) {
    if (allCompoundAspects.get(amount) == null) {
        AspectList al = new AspectList();
        for (Aspect aspect : Aspect.getCompoundAspects()) {
            al.add(aspect, amount);
        allCompoundAspects.put(amount, al);
    return allCompoundAspects.get(amount);
Also used : AspectList(thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList) Aspect(thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)

Example 19 with Aspect

use of thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ThaumcraftApiHelper method cullTags.

public static AspectList cullTags(AspectList temp) {
    AspectList temp2 = new AspectList();
    for (Aspect tag : temp.getAspects()) {
        if (tag != null)
            temp2.add(tag, temp.getAmount(tag));
    while (temp2 != null && temp2.size() > 10) {
        Aspect lowest = null;
        int low = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Aspect tag : temp2.getAspects()) {
            if (tag == null)
            if (temp2.getAmount(tag) < low) {
                low = temp2.getAmount(tag);
                lowest = tag;
    return temp2;
Also used : AspectList(thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList) Aspect(thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)

Example 20 with Aspect

use of thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect in project ArsMagica2 by Mithion.

the class ThaumcraftApi method registerComplexObjectTag.

 * Used to assign aspects to the given item/block.
 * Attempts to automatically generate aspect tags by checking registered recipes.
 * Here is an example of the declaration for pistons:<p>
 * <i>ThaumcraftApi.registerComplexObjectTag(new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone), (new AspectList()).add(Aspect.MECHANISM, 2).add(Aspect.MOTION, 4));</i>
 * @param item, pass OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE to meta if all damage values of this item/block should have the same aspects
 * @param aspects A ObjectTags object of the associated aspects
public static void registerComplexObjectTag(ItemStack item, AspectList aspects) {
    if (!exists(item.getItem(), item.getItemDamage())) {
        AspectList tmp = ThaumcraftApiHelper.generateTags(item.getItem(), item.getItemDamage());
        if (tmp != null && tmp.size() > 0) {
            for (Aspect tag : tmp.getAspects()) {
                aspects.add(tag, tmp.getAmount(tag));
        registerObjectTag(item, aspects);
    } else {
        AspectList tmp = ThaumcraftApiHelper.getObjectAspects(item);
        for (Aspect tag : aspects.getAspects()) {
            tmp.merge(tag, tmp.getAmount(tag));
        registerObjectTag(item, tmp);
Also used : AspectList(thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList) Aspect(thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)


Aspect (thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect)26 AspectList (thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList)21 DecimalFormat (java.text.DecimalFormat)3 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)3 com.github.technus.tectech.elementalMatter.core.tElementalException (com.github.technus.tectech.elementalMatter.core.tElementalException)1 SideOnly (cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)1 Minecraft (net.minecraft.client.Minecraft)1 SideOnly (net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly)1 IAspectContainer (thaumcraft.api.aspects.IAspectContainer)1 INode (thaumcraft.api.nodes.INode)1