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Example 6 with Profile

use of tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile in project Ardent by adamint.

the class UserProfile method noArgs.

public void noArgs(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
    User toGet;
    List<User> mentionedUsers = message.getMentionedUsers();
    if (mentionedUsers.size() == 0)
        toGet = user;
        toGet = mentionedUsers.get(0);
    Profile profile = Profile.get(toGet);
    EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
    builder.setAuthor("{0}'s profile".replace("{0}", toGet.getName()), getShard().url, toGet.getAvatarUrl());
    Marriage marriage = Marry.getMarriage(toGet);
    if (marriage == null)
        builder.addField("Married to", "No one :(", true);
    else {
        builder.addField("Married to", UserUtils.getNameWithDiscriminator(marriage.getUser_one().equals(toGet.getId()) ? marriage.getUser_two() : marriage.getUser_one()), true);
    builder.addField("Balance", RPGUtils.formatMoney(profile.getMoney()), true);
    builder.addField("Items", "Coming soon!", true);
    sendEmbed(builder, channel, user);
Also used : EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) Marriage(tk.ardentbot.rethink.models.Marriage) Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile)

Example 7 with Profile

use of tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile in project Ardent by adamint.

the class Daily method noArgs.

public void noArgs(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
    Profile profile = Profile.get(user);
    if (profile.canCollect()) {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int random = rand.nextInt(1000);
        sendTranslatedMessage("Your daily bonus was **$" + random + "**, you can use this again in 24 hours!", channel, user);
    } else {
        sendTranslatedMessage(profile.getCollectionTime(), channel, user);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile)

Example 8 with Profile

use of tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile in project Ardent by adamint.

the class Blackjack method noArgs.

public void noArgs(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
    if (sessions.contains(user.getId()))
    sendTranslatedMessage("Enter an amount to bet", channel, user);
    interactiveOperation(channel, message, betMessage -> {
        try {
            int amountToBet = Integer.parseInt(betMessage.getContent());
            Profile profile = Profile.get(user);
            if (amountToBet <= 0 || profile.getMoney() < amountToBet) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("You entered an invalid amount of money", channel, user);
            } else if (amountToBet > 5000) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("The max bet is **$5,000**!", channel, user);
            Hand yourHand = new Hand().generate().generate();
            Hand dealerHand = new Hand().generate().generate();
            dispatchRound(amountToBet, yourHand, dealerHand, guild, channel, user, message, args);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            sendTranslatedMessage("You need to enter a whole number. Cancelling...", channel, user);
Also used : Hand( Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile) BotException(tk.ardentbot.core.misc.logging.BotException)

Example 9 with Profile

use of tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile in project Ardent by adamint.

the class Pay method noArgs.

public void noArgs(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
    String[] raw = message.getRawContent().split(" ");
    if (raw.length == 3) {
        List<User> mentionedUsers = message.getMentionedUsers();
        if (mentionedUsers.size() > 0) {
            User mentioned = mentionedUsers.get(0);
            if (mentioned.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(user.getId()) || mentioned.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(guild.getSelfMember().getUser().getId())) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("You can't pay yourself or me, lol", channel, user);
            try {
                double amount = Double.parseDouble(raw[2]);
                Profile profile = Profile.get(user);
                if (amount <= 0 || profile.getMoney() < amount) {
                    sendTranslatedMessage("You don't have enough money to do this!", channel, user);
                sendEditedTranslation("**{0}** paid **{1}** {2}", user, channel, user.getName(), mentioned.getName(), RPGUtils.formatMoney(amount));
            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("That's not a number!", channel, user);
        } else
            sendTranslatedMessage("You need to mention a user", channel, user);
    } else {
        sendTranslatedMessage("Use /pay @User [amount]", channel, user);
Also used : User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile)

Example 10 with Profile

use of tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile in project Ardent by adamint.

the class RPGMoney method setupSubcommands.

public void setupSubcommands() throws Exception {
    subcommands.add(new Subcommand("See who has the most money - globally!", "top", "top") {

        public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
            if (args.length == 2) {
                HashMap<User, Double> moneyAmounts = new HashMap<>();
                Cursor<HashMap> top = r.db("data").table("profiles").orderBy().optArg("index", r.desc("money")).limit(20).run(connection);
                top.forEach(hashMap -> {
                    Profile profile = asPojo(hashMap, Profile.class);
                    assert profile.getUser() != null;
                    moneyAmounts.put(profile.getUser(), profile.getMoney());
                Map<User, Double> sortedAmounts = MapUtils.sortByValue(moneyAmounts);
                String topMoney = "Global Richest Users";
                EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
                builder.setAuthor(topMoney, getShard().url, guild.getIconUrl());
                StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
                final int[] current = { 0 };
                sortedAmounts.forEach((u, money) -> {
                    if (u != null) {
                        description.append("\n#" + (current[0] + 1) + ": **" + u.getName() + "** " + RPGUtils.formatMoney(money));
                description.append("\n\nGet money by sending commands or asking questions on our support server ( https://ardentbot" + ".tk/guild )\n\nSee people's money by doing /money @User or see yours by just using /money");
                sendEmbed(builder.setDescription(description.toString()), channel, user);
            try {
                int page = Integer.parseInt(args[2]) - 1;
                HashMap<User, Double> moneyAmounts = new HashMap<>();
                Cursor<HashMap> top = r.db("data").table("profiles").orderBy().optArg("index", r.desc("money")).slice((page * 20), (page * 20) + 11).limit(25).run(connection);
                top.forEach(hashMap -> {
                    Profile profile = asPojo(hashMap, Profile.class);
                    assert profile.getUser() != null;
                    moneyAmounts.put(profile.getUser(), profile.getMoney());
                Map<User, Double> sortedAmounts = MapUtils.sortByValue(moneyAmounts);
                String topMoney = "Global Richest Users | Page " + page;
                EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
                builder.setAuthor(topMoney, getShard().url, guild.getIconUrl());
                StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
                final int[] current = { 0 };
                sortedAmounts.forEach((u, money) -> {
                    if (u != null) {
                        description.append("\n#" + ((page * 20) + current[0] + 1) + ": **" + u.getName() + "** " + RPGUtils.formatMoney(money));
                description.append("\n\nGet money by sending commands or asking questions on our support server ( https://ardentbot" + ".tk/guild )\n\nSee people's money by doing /money @User or see yours by just using /money");
                sendEmbed(builder.setDescription(description.toString()), channel, user);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("You need to specify a valid page number!", channel, user);
    subcommands.add(new Subcommand("See who has the most money in your server", "server", "server", "guild", "topguild") {

        public void onCall(Guild guild, MessageChannel channel, User user, Message message, String[] args) throws Exception {
            if (!generatedFirstTimeFor.contains(guild.getId())) {
                sendTranslatedMessage("Please wait a second, generating and caching your server's statistics", channel, user);
            HashMap<User, Double> moneyAmounts = new HashMap<>();
            guild.getMembers().forEach(member -> {
                User u = member.getUser();
                moneyAmounts.put(u, Profile.get(u).getMoney());
            Map<User, Double> sortedAmounts = MapUtils.sortByValue(moneyAmounts);
            EmbedBuilder builder = MessageUtils.getDefaultEmbed(user);
            builder.setAuthor("Richest Users | This Server", getShard().url, guild.getIconUrl());
            StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
            description.append("**Richest Users in this Server**");
            final int[] current = { 0 };
            sortedAmounts.forEach((u, money) -> {
                if (current[0] < 10) {
                    description.append("\n#" + (current[0] + 1) + ": **" + u.getName() + "** " + RPGUtils.formatMoney(money));
            description.append("\n\nGet money by sending commands or asking questions on our support server ( https://ardentbot" + ".tk/guild )\n\nSee people's money by doing /money @User or see yours by just using /money");
            sendEmbed(builder.setDescription(description.toString()), channel, user);
Also used : MessageUtils(tk.ardentbot.utils.discord.MessageUtils) Ratelimitable(tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Ratelimitable) Subcommand(tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Subcommand) Database.r(tk.ardentbot.rethink.Database.r) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel) Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) List(java.util.List) Cursor( User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) RPGUtils(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.RPGUtils) MapUtils(tk.ardentbot.utils.MapUtils) Database.connection(tk.ardentbot.rethink.Database.connection) Map(java.util.Map) User(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User) Subcommand(tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Subcommand) Message(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Guild(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild) Cursor( Profile(tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile) EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder) MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


Profile (tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Profile)12 User (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.User)6 Badge (tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.profiles.Badge)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Guild (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Guild)3 SecureRandom ( Map (java.util.Map)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 EmbedBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.core.EmbedBuilder)2 Message (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message)2 MessageChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.MessageChannel)2 Subcommand (tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Subcommand)2 Marriage (tk.ardentbot.rethink.models.Marriage)2 RPGUtils (tk.ardentbot.utils.rpg.RPGUtils)2 Cursor ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 List (java.util.List)1 TextChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel)1 Command (tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Command)1 Ratelimitable (tk.ardentbot.core.executor.Ratelimitable)1