use of ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class ExpressionExperimentFilter method doFilter.
* Apply filters as configured by the command line parameters and technology type. See getFilteredMatrix for the
* details of what filters are applied and the ordering.
* @param eeDoubleMatrix , already masked for missing values.
* @return A data matrix in which filters have been applied and missing values (in the PRESENTABSENT quantitation
* type, if present) are masked
private ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix doFilter(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix eeDoubleMatrix) {
ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix filteredMatrix = eeDoubleMatrix;
int startingRows = eeDoubleMatrix.rows();
if (config.isRequireSequences()) {
filteredMatrix = this.noSequencesFilter(eeDoubleMatrix);
if (filteredMatrix.rows() == 0) {
// This can happen if the array design is not populated. To avoid problems with useless failures, just
// skip this step.
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.warn("There were no sequences for the platform(s), but allowing filtering to go forward anyway despite config settings.");
filteredMatrix = eeDoubleMatrix;
// throw new IllegalStateException( "No rows left after removing elements without sequences" );
int afterSequenceRemovalRows = filteredMatrix.rows();
int afterAffyControlsFilter = afterSequenceRemovalRows;
int afterMinPresentFilter = afterSequenceRemovalRows;
int afterLowVarianceCut = afterSequenceRemovalRows;
int afterLowExpressionCut = afterSequenceRemovalRows;
int afterZeroVarianceCut;
if (this.usesAffymetrix()) {
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.debug("Filtering Affymetrix controls");
filteredMatrix = this.affyControlProbeFilter(filteredMatrix);
afterAffyControlsFilter = filteredMatrix.rows();
if (config.isMinPresentFractionIsSet() && !config.isIgnoreMinimumSampleThreshold()) {
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.debug("Filtering for missing data");
filteredMatrix = this.minPresentFilter(filteredMatrix);
afterMinPresentFilter = filteredMatrix.rows();
if (filteredMatrix.rows() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No rows left after minimum non-missing data filtering");
* Always remove rows that have a variance of zero.
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.debug("Filtering rows with zero variance");
filteredMatrix = ExpressionExperimentFilter.zeroVarianceFilter(filteredMatrix);
afterZeroVarianceCut = filteredMatrix.rows();
if (filteredMatrix.rows() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No rows left after filtering rows with zero variance");
* Filtering lowly expressed genes.
if (config.isLowExpressionCutIsSet()) {
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.debug("Filtering for low or too high expression");
Map<CompositeSequence, Double> ranks = eeDoubleMatrix.getRanks();
filteredMatrix = this.lowExpressionFilter(filteredMatrix, ranks);
afterLowExpressionCut = filteredMatrix.rows();
if (filteredMatrix.rows() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No rows left after expression level filtering");
* Variance filtering is a little tricky. For ratiometric arrays, you clearly should use the variance. For
* 'signal' arrays, we tried using the CV, but this has problems when the mean is near zero (filtering by low
* expression first helps). If the data are on a log scale, and furthermore variance-stabilized (RMA for
* example), this is less of an issue.
* The variance is probably the safest bet and seems to be what others use. For example see Hackstadt and Hess,
* BMC Bioinformatics 2009 10:11 (
if (config.isLowVarianceCutIsSet()) {
ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.debug("Filtering for low variance ");
filteredMatrix = this.lowVarianceFilter(filteredMatrix);
afterLowVarianceCut = filteredMatrix.rows();
if (filteredMatrix.rows() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No rows left after variance filtering");
if (ExpressionExperimentFilter.log.isInfoEnabled()) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append("Filter summary:\n");
buf.append("Filter summary for ").append(eeDoubleMatrix.getExpressionExperiment()).append(":\n");
buf.append("Started with\t").append(startingRows).append(" (").append(eeDoubleMatrix.columns()).append(" columns) ").append("\n");
if (config.isRequireSequences())
buf.append("After Seq\t").append(afterSequenceRemovalRows).append("\n");
if (this.usesAffymetrix())
buf.append("After removing Affy controls\t").append(afterAffyControlsFilter).append("\n");
if (config.isMinPresentFractionIsSet() && !config.isIgnoreMinimumSampleThreshold())
buf.append("After MinPresent\t").append(afterMinPresentFilter).append("\n");
buf.append("After ZeroVar\t").append(afterZeroVarianceCut).append("\n");
if (config.isLowExpressionCutIsSet())
buf.append("After LowExpr\t").append(afterLowExpressionCut).append("\n");
if (config.isLowVarianceCutIsSet())
buf.append("After LowVar\t").append(afterLowVarianceCut).append("\n");
return filteredMatrix;
use of ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class ExpressionExperimentFilter method getFilteredMatrix.
* Provides a ready-to-use expression data matrix that is transformed and filtered. The processes that are applied,
* in this order:
* <ol>
* <li>Log transform, if requested and not already done
* <li>Use the missing value data to mask the preferred data (ratiometric data only)
* <li>Remove rows that don't have biosequences (always applied)
* <li>Remove Affymetrix control probes (Affymetrix only)
* <li>Remove rows that have too many missing values (as configured)
* <li>Remove rows with low variance (ratiometric) or CV (one-color) (as configured)
* <li>Remove rows with very high or low expression (as configured)
* </ol>
* @param dataVectors data vectors
* @return filtered matrix
public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix getFilteredMatrix(Collection<ProcessedExpressionDataVector> dataVectors) {
ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix eeDoubleMatrix = new ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(dataVectors);
return this.filter(eeDoubleMatrix);
use of ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class RowMissingValueFilter method filter.
public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix filter(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix data) {
int numRows = data.rows();
int numCols = data.columns();
IntArrayList present = new IntArrayList(numRows);
List<CompositeSequence> kept = new ArrayList<>();
* Do not allow minPresentFraction to override minPresent if minPresent is higher.
if (minPresentFractionIsSet) {
int proposedMinimumNumberOfSamples = (int) Math.ceil(minPresentFraction * numCols);
if (!minPresentIsSet) {
} else if (proposedMinimumNumberOfSamples > minPresentCount) {"The minimum number of samples is already set to " + this.minPresentCount + " but computed missing threshold from fraction of " + minPresentFraction + " is higher (" + proposedMinimumNumberOfSamples + ")");
} else {"The minimum number of samples is already set to " + this.minPresentCount + " and computed missing threshold from fraction of " + minPresentFraction + " is lower (" + proposedMinimumNumberOfSamples + "), keeping higher value.");
if (minPresentCount > numCols) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Minimum present count is set to " + minPresentCount + " but there are only " + numCols + " columns in the matrix.");
if (!minPresentIsSet) {"No filtering was requested");
return data;
/* first pass - determine how many missing values there are per row */
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
CompositeSequence designElementForRow = data.getDesignElementForRow(i);
/* allow for the possibility that the absent/present matrix is not in the same order, etc. */
int absentPresentRow = absentPresentCalls == null ? -1 : absentPresentCalls.getRowIndex(designElementForRow);
int presentCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
boolean callIsPresent = true;
if (absentPresentRow >= 0) {
callIsPresent = absentPresentCalls.get(absentPresentRow, j);
if (!Double.isNaN(data.get(i, j)) && callIsPresent) {
if (presentCount >= RowMissingValueFilter.ABSOLUTE_MIN_PRESENT && presentCount >= minPresentCount) {
/* decide whether we need to invoke the 'too many removed' clause, to avoid removing too many rows. */
if (maxFractionRemoved != 0.0 && kept.size() < numRows * (1.0 - maxFractionRemoved)) {
IntArrayList sortedPresent = present.copy();
sortedPresent.reverse();"There are " + kept.size() + " rows that meet criterion of at least " + minPresentCount + " non-missing values, but that's too many given the max fraction of " + maxFractionRemoved + "; minPresent adjusted to " + sortedPresent.get((int) (numRows * (maxFractionRemoved))));
minPresentCount = sortedPresent.get((int) (numRows * (maxFractionRemoved)));
// Do another pass to add rows we missed before.
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
if (present.get(i) >= minPresentCount && present.get(i) >= RowMissingValueFilter.ABSOLUTE_MIN_PRESENT) {
CompositeSequence designElementForRow = data.getDesignElementForRow(i);
if (kept.contains(designElementForRow))
}"Retaining " + kept.size() + " rows that meet criterion of at least " + minPresentCount + " non-missing values");
return new ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(data, kept);
use of ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class ExpressionExperimentBatchCorrectionServiceImpl method doComBat.
private ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix doComBat(ExpressionExperiment ee, ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix originalDataMatrix, ObjectMatrix<BioMaterial, ExperimentalFactor, Object> design) {
ObjectMatrix<BioMaterial, String, Object> designU = this.convertFactorValuesToStrings(design);
DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> matrix = originalDataMatrix.getMatrix();
designU = this.orderMatrix(matrix, designU);
ScaleType scale = originalDataMatrix.getQuantitationTypes().iterator().next().getScale();
boolean transformed = false;
if (!(scale.equals(ScaleType.LOG2) || scale.equals(ScaleType.LOG10) || scale.equals(ScaleType.LOGBASEUNKNOWN) || scale.equals(ScaleType.LN))) {" *** COMBAT: LOG TRANSFORMING ***");
transformed = true;
* Process
ComBat<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> comBat = new ComBat<>(matrix, designU);
DoubleMatrix2D results =;
// note these plots always reflect the parametric setup.
comBat.plot(ee.getId() + "." + FileTools.cleanForFileName(ee.getShortName()));
* Postprocess. Results is a raw matrix/
DoubleMatrix<CompositeSequence, BioMaterial> correctedDataMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix<>(results.toArray());
if (transformed) {
ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix correctedExpressionDataMatrix = new ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(originalDataMatrix, correctedDataMatrix);
assert correctedExpressionDataMatrix.getQuantitationTypes().size() == 1;
* It is easier if we make a new quantitationtype.
QuantitationType oldQt = correctedExpressionDataMatrix.getQuantitationTypes().iterator().next();
QuantitationType newQt = this.makeNewQuantitationType(oldQt);
// Sanity check...
for (int i = 0; i < correctedExpressionDataMatrix.columns(); i++) {
assert correctedExpressionDataMatrix.getBioMaterialForColumn(i).equals(originalDataMatrix.getBioMaterialForColumn(i));
return correctedExpressionDataMatrix;
use of ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class RowsWithSequencesFilter method filter.
public ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix filter(ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix dataMatrix) {
List<CompositeSequence> kept = new ArrayList<>();
int numRows = dataMatrix.rows();
for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
CompositeSequence cs = dataMatrix.getDesignElementForRow(i);
if (cs.getBiologicalCharacteristic() != null) {
}"Retaining " + kept.size() + "/" + numRows + " rows that have associated BioSequences");
return new ExpressionDataDoubleMatrix(dataMatrix, kept);