use of ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class DEDVController method getDEDVForVisualizationByProbe.
* AJAX exposed method
public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForVisualizationByProbe(Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> probeIds) {
if (eeIds.isEmpty() || probeIds.isEmpty())
return null;
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds);
if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty())
return null;
Collection<CompositeSequence> probes = this.compositeSequenceService.load(probeIds);
if (probes == null || probes.isEmpty())
return null;
Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArraysByProbe(ees, probes);
Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs);
Long time = watch.getTime();"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + eeIds.size() + " EEs and " + probeIds.size() + " genes in " + time + " ms.");
return makeVisCollection(dedvs, null, null, layouts);
use of ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class DEDVController method getSampleNames.
* Get the names we'll use for the columns of the vectors.
private void getSampleNames(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors, VisualizationValueObject vvo, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) {
for (DoubleVectorValueObject vec : vectors) {
List<String> sampleNames = new ArrayList<>();
if (layouts != null && layouts.get(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()) != null) {
// if same sample was run more than
Collection<BioMaterialValueObject> seenSamples = new HashSet<>();
for (BioAssayValueObject ba : layouts.get(vec.getExpressionExperiment().getId()).keySet()) {
if (seenSamples.contains(ba.getSample())) {
if (sampleNames.size() > 0) {
assert sampleNames.size() == vec.getData().length;
log.debug(sampleNames.size() + " sample names!");
} else {
sampleNames = getSampleNames(vec);
if (sampleNames.size() > 0) {
log.debug(sampleNames.size() + " sample names!");
use of ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class DEDVController method getDEDV.
* Given a collection of expression experiment Ids and a geneId returns a map of DEDV value objects to a collection
* of genes. The EE info is in the value object. FIXME handle subsets.
public Map<ExpressionExperimentValueObject, Map<Long, Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject>>> getDEDV(Collection<Long> eeIds, Collection<Long> geneIds) {
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
Collection<ExpressionExperiment> ees = expressionExperimentService.load(eeIds);
if (ees == null || ees.isEmpty())
return null;
Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvMap;
if (geneIds == null || geneIds.isEmpty()) {
dedvMap = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees.iterator().next(), 50);
} else {
dedvMap = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, geneIds);
* Don't reorganize them -- the headings will be wrong.
Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssay, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts = null;
// layouts= experimentalDesignVisualizationService .sortVectorDataByDesign( dedvMap );
Long time = watch.getTime();
if (time > 1000) {"Retrieved " + dedvMap.size() + " DEDVs from " + eeIds.size() + " EEs in " + time + " ms.");
return makeVectorMap(dedvMap, layouts);
use of ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class DEDVController method makeVisCollection.
* Takes the DEDVs and put them in point objects and normalize the values. returns a map of eeid to visValueObject.
* Currently removes multiple hits for same gene. Tries to pick best DEDV.
private VisualizationValueObject[] makeVisCollection(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs, Collection<Long> genes, Map<Long, Collection<Long>> validatedProbes, Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts) {
Map<Long, List<DoubleVectorValueObject>> vvoMap = new HashMap<>();
// Organize by expression experiment
if (dedvs == null || dedvs.isEmpty())
return new VisualizationValueObject[1];
for (DoubleVectorValueObject dvvo : dedvs) {
// FIXME: we can probably use this information, and do away with carrying so much Layout information around?
// assert dvvo.isReorganized() && dvvo.getBioAssayDimension().isReordered(); // not always true!!
ExpressionExperimentValueObject ee = dvvo.getExpressionExperiment();
if (!vvoMap.containsKey(ee.getId())) {
vvoMap.put(ee.getId(), new ArrayList<DoubleVectorValueObject>());
List<GeneValueObject> geneValueObjects;
if (genes == null || genes.isEmpty()) {
geneValueObjects = new ArrayList<>(getGeneValueObjectsUsed(dedvs).values());
} else {
geneValueObjects = getGeneValueObjectList(new ArrayList<>(genes));
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
VisualizationValueObject[] result = new VisualizationValueObject[vvoMap.keySet().size()];
// Create collection of visualizationValueObject for flotr on js side
int i = 0;
for (Long ee : vvoMap.keySet()) {
Collection<Long> validatedProbeList = null;
if (validatedProbes != null) {
validatedProbeList = validatedProbes.get(ee);
Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> vectors = vvoMap.get(ee);
VisualizationValueObject vvo = new VisualizationValueObject(vectors, geneValueObjects, validatedProbeList);
if (vectors.size() > 0) {
getSampleNames(vectors, vvo, layouts);
if (vectors.size() > 0 && layouts != null && !layouts.isEmpty() && layouts.containsKey(ee)) {
// Set up the experimental designinfo so we can show it above the graph.
LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>> layout = layouts.get(ee);
this.prepareFactorsForFrontEndDisplay(vvo, layout);
* Set up the experimental design info so we can show it above the graph.
if (layouts != null && layouts.get(ee) != null) {
result[i] = vvo;
long time = timer.getTime();
if (time > 1000) {"Created vis value objects in: " + time);
return result;
use of ubic.gemma.model.expression.bioAssayData.DoubleVectorValueObject in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.
the class DEDVController method getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByExperiment.
* AJAX exposed method Batch factor value analyses are filtered out; for
* ProbeLevelDiffExGrid:VisualizationDifferentialWindow.
public VisualizationValueObject[] getDEDVForDiffExVisualizationByExperiment(Long eeId, Long geneId, Double threshold, Boolean isSubset) {
if (geneId == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gene ID cannot be null");
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
BioAssaySet ee;
if (isSubset) {
ee = expressionExperimentSubSetService.load(eeId);
} else {
ee = expressionExperimentService.load(eeId);
if (ee == null)
// access denied, etc.
return new VisualizationValueObject[] {};
if (threshold == null) {
log.warn("Threshold was null, using default");
Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedvs;
Gene g = geneService.load(geneId);
if (g == null)
return null;
Collection<Long> genes = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<BioAssaySet> ees = new ArrayList<>();
dedvs = processedExpressionDataVectorService.getProcessedDataArrays(ees, genes);
Long time = watch.getTime();
if (time > 100) {"Retrieved " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for " + ee.getId() + " and " + "one gene in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported).");
Map<Long, LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject, LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor, Double>>> layouts;
layouts = experimentalDesignVisualizationService.sortVectorDataByDesign(dedvs);
time = watch.getTime();
if (time > 100) {"Ran sortVectorDataByDesign on " + dedvs.size() + " DEDVs for 1 EE" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported).");
time = watch.getTime();
if (time > 100) {"Ran sortLayoutSamplesByFactor on " + layouts.size() + " layouts" + " in " + time + " ms (times <100ms not reported).");
Map<Long, Collection<DifferentialExpressionValueObject>> validatedProbes = new HashMap<>();
validatedProbes.put(ee.getId(), geneDifferentialExpressionService.getDifferentialExpression(g, ees, threshold, null));
time = watch.getTime();
if (time > 100) {"Retrieved " + validatedProbes.size() + " valid probes in " + time + " ms.");
return makeDiffVisCollection(dedvs, new ArrayList<>(genes), validatedProbes, layouts);