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Example 71 with Gene

use of ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class AbstractMatrixRowPairAnalysis method crossHybridizes.

 * Determine if the probes at this location in the matrix assay any of the same gene(s). This has nothing to do with
 * whether the probes are specific, though non-specific probes (which hit more than one gene) are more likely to be
 * affected by this.
 * @return true if the probes hit the same gene; false otherwise. If the probes hit more than one gene, and any of
 * the genes are in common, the result is 'true'.
private boolean crossHybridizes(int i, int j) {
    if (this.dataMatrix == null)
        // can happen in tests.
        return false;
    ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement itemA = this.dataMatrix.getRowElement(i);
    ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement itemB = this.dataMatrix.getRowElement(j);
    Collection<Gene> genesA = this.probeToGeneMap.get(itemA.getDesignElement());
    Collection<Gene> genesB = this.probeToGeneMap.get(itemB.getDesignElement());
    return CollectionUtils.containsAny(genesA, genesB);
Also used : ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement(ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement) Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene)

Example 72 with Gene

use of ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class AbstractMatrixRowPairAnalysis method init.

 * Initialize caches.
private void init() {
    List<ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement> rowElements = this.dataMatrix.getRowElements();
    hasGenesCache = new boolean[rowElements.size()];
    for (ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement element : rowElements) {
        CompositeSequence de = element.getDesignElement();
        rowMapCache.put(element, de);
        Set<Gene> geneIdSet = this.probeToGeneMap.get(de);
        Integer i = element.getIndex();
        hasGenesCache[i] = geneIdSet != null && geneIdSet.size() > 0;
    assert rowMapCache.size() > 0;"Initialized caches for probe/gene information");
Also used : ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement(ubic.gemma.core.datastructure.matrix.ExpressionDataMatrixRowElement) Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene) CompositeSequence(ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence)

Example 73 with Gene

use of ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class AbstractMatrixRowPairAnalysis method numberOfTestsForGeneAtRow.

private double numberOfTestsForGeneAtRow(int index) {
    double testCount = 0;
    Set<Gene> clusters = this.getGenesForRow(index);
    for (Gene geneId : clusters) {
        // how many probes assay that gene
        int c = this.geneToProbeMap.get(geneId).size();
        if (c > testCount)
            testCount = c;
    return testCount;
Also used : Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene)

Example 74 with Gene

use of ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl method doMetaAnalysis.

private GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysis doMetaAnalysis(Collection<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet> updatedResultSets, Map<Gene, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> gene2result) {"Computing pvalues ...");
    DoubleArrayList pvaluesUp = new DoubleArrayList();
    DoubleArrayList pvaluesDown = new DoubleArrayList();
    // third pass: collate to get p-values. First we have to aggregate within result set for genes which have more
    // than one probe
    List<GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult> metaAnalysisResultsUp = new ArrayList<>();
    List<GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult> metaAnalysisResultsDown = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Gene g : gene2result.keySet()) {
        Map<ExpressionAnalysisResultSet, Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult>> resultSet2Results4Gene = this.getResults4GenePerResultSet(g, gene2result);
        if (g.getOfficialSymbol().equals("GUK1")) {
             * Compute the pvalues for each resultset.
        DoubleArrayList pvalues4geneUp = new DoubleArrayList();
        DoubleArrayList pvalues4geneDown = new DoubleArrayList();
        DoubleArrayList foldChanges4gene = new DoubleArrayList();
        Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> resultsUsed = new HashSet<>();
        for (ExpressionAnalysisResultSet rs : resultSet2Results4Gene.keySet()) {
            Collection<DifferentialExpressionAnalysisResult> res = resultSet2Results4Gene.get(rs);
            if (res.isEmpty()) {
                // shouldn't happen?
                DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.warn("Unexpectedly no results in resultSet for gene " + g);
            Double foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet = this.aggregateFoldChangeForGeneWithinResultSet(res);
            if (foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet == null) {
                // we can't go on.
            // we use the pvalue for the 'best' direction, and set the other to be 1- that. An alternative would be
            // to use _only_ the best one.
            Double pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp;
            Double pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown;
            if (foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet < 0) {
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = this.aggregatePvaluesForGeneWithinResultSet(res, false);
                assert pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown != null;
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = 1.0 - pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown;
            } else {
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = this.aggregatePvaluesForGeneWithinResultSet(res, true);
                assert pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp != null;
                pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = 1.0 - pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp;
            // If we have missing values, skip them. (this should be impossible!)
            if (Double.isNaN(pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp) || Double.isNaN(pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown)) {
                 * Now when we correct, we have to 1) bonferroni correct for multiple probes and 2) clip really small
                 * pvalues. We do this now, so that we don't skew the converse pvalues (up vs. down).
            pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp = this.correctAndClip(res, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp);
            pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown = this.correctAndClip(res, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown);
            // results used for this one gene's meta-analysis.
            boolean added = resultsUsed.addAll(res);
            assert added;
            if (DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
                DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.debug(String.format("%s %.4f %.4f %.1f", g.getOfficialSymbol(), pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetUp, pvalue4GeneInOneResultSetDown, foldChange4GeneInOneResultSet));
        // loop over results for one gene
        assert resultsUsed.size() >= pvalues4geneUp.size();
        if (pvalues4geneUp.size() < 2) {
             * Note that this value can be misleading. It should not be used to determine the change that was
             * "looked for". Use the 'upperTail' field instead.
        assert !Double.isNaN(Descriptive.mean(foldChanges4gene));
        double fisherPvalueUp = MetaAnalysis.fisherCombinePvalues(pvalues4geneUp);
        double fisherPvalueDown = MetaAnalysis.fisherCombinePvalues(pvalues4geneDown);
        if (Double.isNaN(fisherPvalueUp) || Double.isNaN(fisherPvalueDown)) {
        GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult metaAnalysisResultUp = this.makeMetaAnalysisResult(g, resultsUsed, fisherPvalueUp, Boolean.TRUE);
        GeneDifferentialExpressionMetaAnalysisResult metaAnalysisResultDown = this.makeMetaAnalysisResult(g, resultsUsed, fisherPvalueDown, Boolean.FALSE);
        this.debug(g, fisherPvalueUp, fisherPvalueDown);
    assert metaAnalysisResultsUp.size() == metaAnalysisResultsDown.size();
    if (metaAnalysisResultsDown.isEmpty()) {
        // can happen if platforms don't have any genes that match etc.
        DiffExMetaAnalyzerServiceImpl.log.warn("No meta-analysis results were obtained");
        return null;
    } + " initial meta-analysis results");
    DoubleArrayList qvaluesUp = MultipleTestCorrection.benjaminiHochberg(pvaluesUp);
    assert qvaluesUp.size() == metaAnalysisResultsUp.size();
    DoubleArrayList qvaluesDown = MultipleTestCorrection.benjaminiHochberg(pvaluesDown);
    assert qvaluesDown.size() == metaAnalysisResultsDown.size();
    return this.makeMetaAnalysisObject(updatedResultSets, metaAnalysisResultsUp, metaAnalysisResultsDown, qvaluesUp, qvaluesDown);
Also used : DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) DoubleArrayList(cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList) Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene)

Example 75 with Gene

use of ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene in project Gemma by PavlidisLab.

the class CoexpressionDaoImpl method createOrUpdate.

     * Errors here will be big trouble, leading to corrupt data. It has to be all one transaction.
public void createOrUpdate(BioAssaySet bioAssaySet, List<NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink> links, LinkCreator c, Set<Gene> genesTested) {
    // assumption is that these are _all_ the links for this experiment
    assert !links.isEmpty();
    assert bioAssaySet != null;
    assert c != null;
    Session sess = this.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
    // to determine the species
    Gene gene = (Gene) sess.get(Gene.class, links.iterator().next().getFirstGene());
    String geneLinkClassName = CoexpressionQueryUtils.getGeneLinkClassName(gene);
         * Check that there are no links for this experiment.
    if (this.countLinks(gene.getTaxon(), bioAssaySet) > 0) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("There are already links for given bioAssaySet; they must be deleted before proceeding");
         * Attempt to save database trips
    Map<NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink, Boolean> existingResults = this.preFetch(links);
    Query q = sess.createQuery("from " + geneLinkClassName + " where firstGene =:f and secondGene=:s and positiveCorrelation=:pc");
    SQLQuery updateFlippedLinkQuery = sess.createSQLQuery("UPDATE " + CoexpressionQueryUtils.getGeneLinkTableName(gene.getTaxon()) + " SET SUPPORT=:s WHERE FIRST_GENE_FK=:g2 AND SECOND_GENE_FK=:g1 AND POSITIVE=:po");
    // map of linkid to links, for establishing the EE-level links.
    // keep order so for this experiment
    TreeMap<Long, NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink> linkIds = new TreeMap<>();
    // they are in order.
    // for sanity checks.
    Set<Long> seenExistingLinks = new HashSet<>();
    // for sanity checks.
    Set<NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink> seenNewLinks = new HashSet<>();
    // for sanity checks.
    Set<SupportDetails> seenNewSupportDetails = new HashSet<>();
    int numNew = 0;
    int numUpdated = 0;
    int progress = 0;
    // make a multiple of jdbc batch size...
    int BATCH_SIZE = 1024;
    Map<SupportDetails, Gene2GeneCoexpression> batchToCreate = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    List<Gene2GeneCoexpression> newFlippedLinks = new ArrayList<>();
    Set<Long> genesWithUpdatedData = new HashSet<>();
    // for each link see if there is already an entry; make a new one if necessary or update the old one."Starting link processing");
    for (NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink proposedG2G : links) {
        Long firstGene = proposedG2G.getFirstGene();
        Long secondGene = proposedG2G.getSecondGene();
        // There is an index for f+s, but querying one-at-a-time is going to be slow. I attempted to speed it up by
        // fetching all links for a gene when we see it, but this causes problems with data being stale. Prefetching
        // with just the ability to tell if a link is new or not takes a lot of memory and doesn't speed things up
        // much. Trying keeping an index of which links a gene has, so we know whether we need to check the database
        // or not.
        // Currently it takes about 1 minute to process 10k links on a relatively small database, much of this is
        // the findLink call.
        Gene2GeneCoexpression existingLink = this.findLink(q, proposedG2G, existingResults);
        if (existingLink == null) {
            // initialize the supportdetails
            SupportDetails sd = c.createSupportDetails(firstGene, secondGene, proposedG2G.isPositiveCorrelation());
            assert sd.getNumIds() > 0;
            assert sd.isIncluded(bioAssaySet.getId());
            // Must be unique
            assert !seenNewSupportDetails.contains(sd) : "Already saw " + sd + " while processing " + proposedG2G;
            assert proposedG2G.getLink() != null;
            batchToCreate.put(sd, proposedG2G.getLink());
            if (seenNewLinks.contains(proposedG2G)) {
                CoexpressionDaoImpl.log.warn("The data passed had the same new link represented more than once: " + proposedG2G);
            if (CoexpressionDaoImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
                CoexpressionDaoImpl.log.debug("New: " + proposedG2G);
        } else {
            // Sanity check. If this happens, there must be two versions of the same link already in the input.
            if (seenExistingLinks.contains(existingLink.getId())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("The data passed had the same existing link represented more than once: " + existingLink);
            /* sanity check that we aren't adding dataset twice; we might be able make this an assertion instead. */
            if (existingLink.isSupportedBy(bioAssaySet)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Support for this experiment already exists for " + existingLink + ", must be deleted first");
            // cache old support for sanity check
            int oldSupport = existingLink.getSupportDetails().getNumIds();
            // update the support
            // there is no cascade... on purpose.
            assert oldSupport + 1 == existingLink.getNumDatasetsSupporting();
            assert existingLink.getSupportDetails().getNumIds() == oldSupport + 1;
            // track so we add corresponding Experiment-level links later.
            linkIds.put(existingLink.getId(), new NonPersistentNonOrderedCoexpLink(existingLink));
                 * The flipped link is asserted to be in the database. The support details is already dealt with; we
                 * just have to update the support value.
            int numFlippedUpdated = updateFlippedLinkQuery.setParameter("s", existingLink.getNumDatasetsSupporting()).setParameter("g2", proposedG2G.getSecondGene()).setParameter("g1", proposedG2G.getFirstGene()).setParameter("po", proposedG2G.isPositiveCorrelation() ? 1 : 0).executeUpdate();
            assert numFlippedUpdated == 1 : "Flipped link missing for " + proposedG2G + " [" + numFlippedUpdated + "]";
            if (CoexpressionDaoImpl.log.isDebugEnabled())
                CoexpressionDaoImpl.log.debug("Updated: " + proposedG2G);
        if (++progress % 5000 == 0) {
  "Processed " + progress + "/" + links.size() + " gene-level links..." + numUpdated + " updated, " + numNew + " new");
        if (batchToCreate.size() >= BATCH_SIZE) {
            newFlippedLinks.addAll(this.saveBatchAndMakeFlipped(sess, linkIds, batchToCreate, c));
        } else if (numUpdated > 0 && numUpdated % BATCH_SIZE == 0) {
    // tail end batch
    if (!batchToCreate.isEmpty()) {
        // we make the flipped links later to optimize their ordering.
        newFlippedLinks.addAll(this.saveBatchAndMakeFlipped(sess, linkIds, batchToCreate, c));
    // flush the updated ones one last time...
    if (numUpdated > 0) {
    assert links.size() == linkIds.size(); + " updated, " + numNew + " new links");
         * sort and save the accumulated new flipped versions of the new links, which reuse the supportDetails. In the
         * flipped links, the first gene is the second gene and vice versa. Continue to accumulate the flipped links.
         */"Saving " + newFlippedLinks.size() + " flipped versions of new links ...");
    Collections.sort(newFlippedLinks, new Comparator<Gene2GeneCoexpression>() {

        public int compare(Gene2GeneCoexpression o1, Gene2GeneCoexpression o2) {
            return o1.getFirstGene().compareTo(o2.getFirstGene());
    progress = 0;
    for (Gene2GeneCoexpression gl : newFlippedLinks) {;
        if (++progress % 5000 == 0) {
  "Processed " + progress + "/" + newFlippedLinks.size() + " new flipped gene-level links...");
        if (progress % BATCH_SIZE == 0) {
         * Save experiment-level links
         */"Saving " + linkIds.size() + " experiment-level links (plus flipped versions) ...");
    this.saveExperimentLevelLinks(sess, c, linkIds, bioAssaySet);
    if (genesTested != null)
        this.updatedTestedIn(bioAssaySet, genesTested);
    // kick anything we updated out of the cache.
    int numRemovedFromCache = this.gene2GeneCoexpressionCache.remove(genesWithUpdatedData);
    if (numRemovedFromCache > 0) + " results evicted from cache");
    // flush happens on commit..."Done,  flushing changes ...");
Also used : Gene(ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene) Gene2GeneCoexpression(ubic.gemma.model.association.coexpression.Gene2GeneCoexpression) SupportDetails(ubic.gemma.model.analysis.expression.coexpression.SupportDetails)


Gene (ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene)186 Taxon (ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon)34 CompositeSequence (ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence)32 StopWatch (org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch)31 Test (org.junit.Test)24 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)23 GeneProduct (ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.GeneProduct)20 BaseSpringContextTest (ubic.gemma.core.testing.BaseSpringContextTest)18 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)16 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Transactional (org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)12 ExpressionExperiment (ubic.gemma.model.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperiment)12 Collection (java.util.Collection)11 OntologyTerm (ubic.basecode.ontology.model.OntologyTerm)11 CharacteristicValueObject (ubic.gemma.model.genome.gene.phenotype.valueObject.CharacteristicValueObject)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)8 ArrayDesign (ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign)8 BioSequence2GeneProduct (ubic.gemma.model.association.BioSequence2GeneProduct)7 PhysicalLocation (ubic.gemma.model.genome.PhysicalLocation)7 BioSequence (ubic.gemma.model.genome.biosequence.BioSequence)7