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Example 21 with ProbeSet

use of in project SeqMonk by s-andrews.

the class DeduplicationProbeGenerator method run.

/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
    Chromosome[] chromosomes = collection.genome().getAllChromosomes();
    boolean separateStrands = separateStrandsBox.isSelected();
    int maxDistance = 0;
    if (maxDistanceField.getText().length() > 0) {
        maxDistance = Integer.parseInt(maxDistanceField.getText());
    Vector<Probe> newProbes = new Vector<Probe>();
    for (int c = 0; c < chromosomes.length; c++) {
        // Time for an update
        updateGenerationProgress("Processed " + c + " chromosomes", c, chromosomes.length);
        Probe[] startingProbes = initialList.getProbesForChromosome(chromosomes[c]);
        // For directional merging we use 3 probes
        Probe currentForward = null;
        Probe currentReverse = null;
        Probe currentUnknown = null;
        // For non-directional merging we use only one
        Probe currentProbe = null;
        // Now we can make the actual probes
        for (int i = 0; i < startingProbes.length; i++) {
            if (cancel) {
            if (separateStrands) {
                switch(startingProbes[i].strand()) {
                    case (Probe.FORWARD):
                        if (currentForward == null) {
                            currentForward = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                        } else if (startingProbes[i].start() <= currentForward.end() + maxDistance) {
                            if (startingProbes[i].end() > currentForward.end()) {
                                // Extend the current probe
                                currentForward = new Probe(chromosomes[c], currentForward.start(), startingProbes[i].end(), currentForward.strand(),;
                        } else {
                            currentForward = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                    case (Probe.REVERSE):
                        if (currentReverse == null) {
                            currentReverse = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                        } else if (startingProbes[i].start() <= currentReverse.end() + maxDistance) {
                            if (startingProbes[i].end() > currentReverse.end()) {
                                // Extend the current probe
                                currentReverse = new Probe(chromosomes[c], currentReverse.start(), startingProbes[i].end(), currentReverse.strand(),;
                        } else {
                            currentReverse = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                    case (Probe.UNKNOWN):
                        if (currentUnknown == null) {
                            currentUnknown = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                        } else if (startingProbes[i].start() <= currentUnknown.end() + maxDistance) {
                            if (startingProbes[i].end() > currentUnknown.end()) {
                                // Extend the current probe
                                currentUnknown = new Probe(chromosomes[c], currentUnknown.start(), startingProbes[i].end(), currentUnknown.strand(),;
                        } else {
                            currentUnknown = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
            } else {
                if (currentProbe == null) {
                    currentProbe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
                } else if (startingProbes[i].start() <= currentProbe.end() + maxDistance) {
                    if (startingProbes[i].end() > currentProbe.end() || startingProbes[i].strand() != currentProbe.strand()) {
                        // Update the current probe
                        int usedStrand = currentProbe.strand();
                        if (startingProbes[i].strand() != currentProbe.strand()) {
                            usedStrand = Probe.UNKNOWN;
                        currentProbe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], currentProbe.start(), Math.max(startingProbes[i].end(), currentProbe.end()), usedStrand,;
                } else {
                    currentProbe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startingProbes[i].packedPosition());
        // At the end of each chromosome we add any probes we have remaining
        if (currentProbe != null)
        if (currentForward != null)
        if (currentReverse != null)
        if (currentUnknown != null)
    Probe[] finalList = newProbes.toArray(new Probe[0]);
    ProbeSet finalSet = new ProbeSet(getDescription(), finalList);
Also used : ProbeSet( Chromosome( Probe( Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 22 with ProbeSet

use of in project SeqMonk by s-andrews.

the class FeatureProbeGenerator method run.

/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
public void run() {
    // We get the problem here that we won't get per chromosome updates, but this should be
    // so quick I don't think we care:
    updateGenerationProgress("Making probes...", 0, 1);
    Probe[] finalList = optionPanel.getProbes();
    if (removeDuplicates) {
        // System.out.println("Removing duplicates from original list of "+finalList.length+" probes");
        finalList = removeDuplicates(finalList);
    // System.out.println("Unique list has "+finalList.length+" probes");
    ProbeSet finalSet = new ProbeSet(getDescription(), finalList);
Also used : ProbeSet( Probe(

Example 23 with ProbeSet

use of in project SeqMonk by s-andrews.

the class MacsPeakCaller method run.

public void run() {
    // for (int i=0;i<selectedChIPStores.length;i++) {
    // System.err.println("Selcted ChIP="+selectedChIPStores[i]);
    // }
    // for (int i=0;i<selectedInputStores.length;i++) {
    // System.err.println("Selcted Input="+selectedInputStores[i]);
    // }
    // First find the tag offsets between the watson and crick strands
    // Work out the total average coverage for all of the combined ChIP samples
    long totalChIPCoverage = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < selectedChIPStores.length; i++) {
        totalChIPCoverage += selectedChIPStores[i].getTotalReadLength();
    if (cancel) {
    double averageChIPCoveragePerBase = totalChIPCoverage / (double) collection.genome().getTotalGenomeLength();
    double lowerCoverage = averageChIPCoveragePerBase * minFoldEnrichment;
    double upperCoverage = averageChIPCoveragePerBase * maxFoldEnrichment;
    System.err.println("Coverage range for high confidence peaks is " + lowerCoverage + " - " + upperCoverage);
    // Now we go through the data to find locations for our high confidence peaks so we can
    // randomly select 1000 of these to use to find the offset between the two strands
    Chromosome[] chromosomes = collection.genome().getAllChromosomes();
    Vector<Probe> potentialHighConfidencePeaks = new Vector<Probe>();
    for (int c = 0; c < chromosomes.length; c++) {
        if (cancel) {
        // Time for an update
        updateGenerationProgress("Finding high confidence peaks on chromosome " + chromosomes[c].name(), c, chromosomes.length);
        Probe lastValidProbe = null;
        for (int startPosition = 1; startPosition < chromosomes[c].length() - fragmentSize; startPosition += fragmentSize / 2) {
            // See if we need to quit
            if (cancel) {
            long totalLength = 0;
            Probe probe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startPosition, startPosition + fragmentSize);
            for (int s = 0; s < selectedChIPStores.length; s++) {
                long[] reads = selectedChIPStores[s].getReadsForProbe(probe);
                for (int j = 0; j < reads.length; j++) {
                    totalLength += SequenceRead.length(reads[j]);
            if (totalLength >= (lowerCoverage * probe.length()) && totalLength <= upperCoverage * probe.length()) {
                if (lastValidProbe != null && SequenceRead.overlaps(lastValidProbe.packedPosition(), probe.packedPosition())) {
                    lastValidProbe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], lastValidProbe.start(), probe.end());
                } else if (lastValidProbe != null) {
                    // Check that the overall density over the region falls within our limits
                    totalLength = 0;
                    for (int s = 0; s < selectedChIPStores.length; s++) {
                        long[] reads = selectedChIPStores[s].getReadsForProbe(lastValidProbe);
                        for (int j = 0; j < reads.length; j++) {
                            totalLength += SequenceRead.length(reads[j]);
                    if (totalLength >= (lowerCoverage * lastValidProbe.length()) && totalLength <= upperCoverage * lastValidProbe.length()) {
                    lastValidProbe = probe;
                } else {
                    lastValidProbe = probe;
        if (lastValidProbe != null) {
            long totalLength = 0;
            for (int s = 0; s < selectedChIPStores.length; s++) {
                long[] reads = selectedChIPStores[s].getReadsForProbe(lastValidProbe);
                for (int j = 0; j < reads.length; j++) {
                    totalLength += SequenceRead.length(reads[j]);
            if (totalLength >= (lowerCoverage * lastValidProbe.length()) && totalLength <= upperCoverage * lastValidProbe.length()) {
    if (potentialHighConfidencePeaks.size() == 0) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(SeqMonkApplication.getInstance(), "No high confidence peaks found", "Quitting generator", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
    // System.err.println("Found "+potentialHighConfidencePeaks.size()+" high confidence peaks");
    // Now we select 1000 random probes from this set
    Probe[] highConfidencePeaks = potentialHighConfidencePeaks.toArray(new Probe[0]);
    Probe[] randomHighConfidenceProbes = new Probe[Math.min(highConfidencePeaks.length, 1000)];
    for (int i = 0; i < randomHighConfidenceProbes.length; i++) {
        randomHighConfidenceProbes[i] = highConfidencePeaks[i];
    // Now find the average distance between forward / reverse reads in the candidate peaks
    int[] distances = new int[highConfidencePeaks.length];
    // Sort the candidates so we don't do stupid stuff with the cache
    for (int p = 0; p < randomHighConfidenceProbes.length; p++) {
        // See if we need to quit
        if (cancel) {
        distances[p] = getInterStrandDistance(randomHighConfidenceProbes[p], selectedChIPStores);
    int medianInterStrandDistance = (int) SimpleStats.median(distances);
    if (medianInterStrandDistance < 0)
        medianInterStrandDistance = 0;
    // System.err.println("Median inter strand difference = "+medianInterStrandDistance);
    // Now we find the depth cutoff for overrepresented single tags using a binomial distribution
    int totalReadCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < selectedChIPStores.length; i++) {
        totalReadCount += selectedChIPStores[i].getTotalReadCount();
    BinomialDistribution bin = new BinomialDistribution(totalReadCount, 1d / collection.genome().getTotalGenomeLength());
    // We want to know what depth has a chance of less than 1^-5
    int redundantThreshold = bin.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - 0.00001d);
    if (redundantThreshold < 1)
        redundantThreshold = 1;
    // System.err.println("Redundancy threshold is "+redundantThreshold);
    // Now we construct a poisson distribution to work out the threshold to use for
    // constructing a full candidate peak set.
    updateGenerationProgress("Counting non-redundant reads", 0, 1);
    // To do this we need to get the full non-redundant length from the whole set
    int totalNonRedCount = getNonRedundantReadCount(selectedChIPStores, redundantThreshold);
    // System.err.println("Total non-redundant sequences is "+totalNonRedCount);
    // We need to know the median read length for the data
    int readLength = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < selectedChIPStores.length; i++) {
        readLength += selectedChIPStores[i].getTotalReadLength() / selectedChIPStores[i].getTotalReadCount();
    readLength /= selectedChIPStores.length;
    double expectedCountsPerWindow = getExpectedCountPerWindow(totalNonRedCount, collection.genome().getTotalGenomeLength(), fragmentSize, readLength);
    PoissonDistribution poisson = new PoissonDistribution(expectedCountsPerWindow);
    int readCountCutoff = poisson.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - pValue);
    // System.err.println("Threshold for enrichment in a window is "+readCountCutoff+" reads using a p-value of "+pValue+" and a mean of "+(totalNonRedCount/(collection.genome().getTotalGenomeLength()/(double)fragmentSize)));
    // Now we go back through the whole dataset to do a search for all possible candidate probes
    // We re-use the peak vector we came up with before.
    for (int c = 0; c < chromosomes.length; c++) {
        // Time for an update
        updateGenerationProgress("Finding candidate peaks on chromosome " + chromosomes[c].name(), c, chromosomes.length);
        Probe lastValidProbe = null;
        for (int startPosition = 1; startPosition < chromosomes[c].length() - fragmentSize; startPosition += fragmentSize / 2) {
            // See if we need to quit
            if (cancel) {
            // We expand the region we're looking at by the inter-strand distance as we're going to
            // be adjusting the read positions
            Probe probe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], startPosition, (startPosition + fragmentSize - 1));
            long[] mergedProbeReads = getReadsFromDataStoreCollection(probe, selectedChIPStores, medianInterStrandDistance);
            mergedProbeReads = deduplicateReads(mergedProbeReads, redundantThreshold);
            int thisProbeOverlapCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < mergedProbeReads.length; i++) {
                if (SequenceRead.overlaps(mergedProbeReads[i], probe.packedPosition())) {
            if (thisProbeOverlapCount > readCountCutoff) {
                if (lastValidProbe != null && SequenceRead.overlaps(lastValidProbe.packedPosition(), probe.packedPosition())) {
                    lastValidProbe = new Probe(chromosomes[c], lastValidProbe.start(), probe.end());
                } else if (lastValidProbe != null) {
                    lastValidProbe = probe;
                } else {
                    lastValidProbe = probe;
        if (lastValidProbe != null) {
    // Finally we re-filter the peaks we have using local poisson distributions with densities taken
    // from either the input samples (if there are any), or the local region.  The densities are
    // estimated over 1,5 and 10kb around the peak and genome wide and the max of these is taken.
    // If there is no input then the 1kb region is not used.
    Probe[] allCandidateProbes = potentialHighConfidencePeaks.toArray(new Probe[0]);
    // Work out which stores we're using to validate against.
    DataStore[] validationStores;
    boolean useInput = false;
    double inputCorrection = 1;
    int validationNonRedCount;
    if (selectedInputStores != null && selectedInputStores.length > 0) {
        // See if we need to quit
        if (cancel) {
        validationStores = selectedInputStores;
        useInput = true;
        // We also need to work out the total number of nonredundant seqences
        // in the input so we can work out a scaling factor so that the densities
        // for input and chip are comparable.
        validationNonRedCount = getNonRedundantReadCount(validationStores, redundantThreshold);
        inputCorrection = totalNonRedCount / (double) validationNonRedCount;
        System.err.println("From chip=" + totalNonRedCount + " input=" + validationNonRedCount + " correction is " + inputCorrection);
    } else {
        validationStores = selectedChIPStores;
        validationNonRedCount = totalNonRedCount;
    Vector<Probe> finalValidatedProbes = new Vector<Probe>();
    for (int p = 0; p < allCandidateProbes.length; p++) {
        // See if we need to quit
        if (cancel) {
        if (p % 100 == 0) {
            updateGenerationProgress("Validated " + p + " out of " + allCandidateProbes.length + " raw peaks", p, allCandidateProbes.length);
        // System.err.println("Validating "+allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome()+":"+allCandidateProbes[p].start()+"-"+allCandidateProbes[p].end());
        // We now need to find the maximum read density per 2*bandwidth against which
        // we're going to validate this peak
        // We're going to get all reads within 10kb of the peak, and then we can subselect from there
        int midPoint = allCandidateProbes[p].middle();
        Probe region10kb = new Probe(allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome(), Math.max(midPoint - 5000, 1), Math.min(midPoint + 4999, allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome().length()), allCandidateProbes[p].strand());
        Probe region5kb = new Probe(allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome(), Math.max(midPoint - 2500, 1), Math.min(midPoint + 2499, allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome().length()), allCandidateProbes[p].strand());
        Probe region1kb = new Probe(allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome(), Math.max(midPoint - 500, 1), Math.min(midPoint + 499, allCandidateProbes[p].chromosome().length()), allCandidateProbes[p].strand());
        // Get the probes for the largest region
        long[] thisRegionReads = getReadsFromDataStoreCollection(region10kb, validationStores, 0);
        // Deduplicate so it's a fair comparison
        // Should we recalculate the redundant threshold based on the input coverage?
        thisRegionReads = deduplicateReads(thisRegionReads, redundantThreshold);
        int region10kbcount = thisRegionReads.length;
        int region5kbcount = 0;
        int region1kbcount = 0;
        // Go through the reads seeing if they fit into the 5 or 1kb regions
        for (int r = 0; r < thisRegionReads.length; r++) {
            if (SequenceRead.overlaps(region5kb.packedPosition(), thisRegionReads[r]))
            if (SequenceRead.overlaps(region1kb.packedPosition(), thisRegionReads[r]))
        // System.err.println("Input counts 10kb="+region10kbcount+" 5kb="+region5kbcount+" 1kb="+region1kbcount);
        // Convert to densities per window and ajdust for global coverage
        double globalDensity = getExpectedCountPerWindow(validationNonRedCount, collection.genome().getTotalGenomeLength(), allCandidateProbes[p].length(), readLength) * inputCorrection;
        double density10kb = getExpectedCountPerWindow(region10kbcount, region10kb.length(), allCandidateProbes[p].length(), readLength) * inputCorrection;
        double density5kb = getExpectedCountPerWindow(region5kbcount, region5kb.length(), allCandidateProbes[p].length(), readLength) * inputCorrection;
        double density1kb = getExpectedCountPerWindow(region1kbcount, region1kb.length(), allCandidateProbes[p].length(), readLength) * inputCorrection;
        // Find the highest density to use for the validation
        double highestDensity = globalDensity;
        if (density10kb > highestDensity)
            highestDensity = density10kb;
        if (density5kb > highestDensity)
            highestDensity = density5kb;
        if (useInput && density1kb > highestDensity)
            highestDensity = density1kb;
        // System.err.println("Global="+globalDensity+" 10kb="+density10kb+" 5kb="+density5kb+" 1kb="+density1kb+" using="+highestDensity);
        // Construct a poisson distribution with this density
        PoissonDistribution localPoisson = new PoissonDistribution(highestDensity);
        // System.err.println("Cutoff from global="+(new PoissonDistribution(globalDensity)).inverseCumulativeProbability(1-pValue)+" 10kb="+(new PoissonDistribution(density10kb)).inverseCumulativeProbability(1-pValue)+" 5kb="+(new PoissonDistribution(density5kb)).inverseCumulativeProbability(1-pValue)+" 1kb="+(new PoissonDistribution(density1kb)).inverseCumulativeProbability(1-pValue));
        // Now check to see if the actual count from this peak is enough to still pass
        long[] mergedProbeReads = getReadsFromDataStoreCollection(allCandidateProbes[p], selectedChIPStores, medianInterStrandDistance);
        mergedProbeReads = deduplicateReads(mergedProbeReads, redundantThreshold);
        int thisProbeOverlapCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mergedProbeReads.length; i++) {
            if (SequenceRead.overlaps(mergedProbeReads[i], allCandidateProbes[p].packedPosition())) {
        if (thisProbeOverlapCount > localPoisson.inverseCumulativeProbability(1 - pValue)) {
        // System.err.println("Adding probe to final set");
    // System.err.println("From "+allCandidateProbes.length+" candidates "+finalValidatedProbes.size()+" peaks were validated");
    ProbeSet finalSet = new ProbeSet(getDescription(), finalValidatedProbes.toArray(new Probe[0]));
Also used : PoissonDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution) Chromosome( Probe( ProbeSet( DataStore( BinomialDistribution(org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.BinomialDistribution) Vector(java.util.Vector) LongVector(

Example 24 with ProbeSet

use of in project SeqMonk by s-andrews.

the class RNASeqPipeline method startPipeline.

protected void startPipeline() {
    // We first need to generate probes over all of the features listed in
    // the feature types.  The probes should cover the whole area of the
    // feature regardless of where it splices.
    Vector<Probe> probes = new Vector<Probe>();
    boolean mergeTranscripts = optionsPanel.mergeTranscripts();
    boolean pairedEnd = optionsPanel.pairedEnd();
    boolean logTransform = optionsPanel.logTransform();
    boolean applyTranscriptLengthCorrection = optionsPanel.applyTranscriptLengthCorrection();
    boolean rawCounts = optionsPanel.rawCounts();
    boolean noValueForZeroCounts = optionsPanel.noValueForZeroCounts();
    boolean correctDNAContamination = optionsPanel.correctForDNAContamination();
    boolean correctDuplication = optionsPanel.correctForDNADuplication();
    if (rawCounts) {
        logTransform = false;
        applyTranscriptLengthCorrection = false;
        noValueForZeroCounts = false;
    Chromosome[] chrs = collection().genome().getAllChromosomes();
    for (int c = 0; c < chrs.length; c++) {
        // System.err.println("Processing chr "+chrs[c].name());
        if (cancel) {
        progressUpdated("Making features for chr" + chrs[c].name(), c, chrs.length * 2);
        Feature[] features = collection().genome().annotationCollection().getFeaturesForType(chrs[c], optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType());
        FeatureGroup[] mergedTranscripts = mergeTranscripts(features, mergeTranscripts);
        for (int f = 0; f < mergedTranscripts.length; f++) {
            if (cancel) {
            probes.add(new Probe(chrs[c], mergedTranscripts[f].start(), mergedTranscripts[f].end(), mergedTranscripts[f].strand(), mergedTranscripts[f].name()));
    Probe[] allProbes = probes.toArray(new Probe[0]);
    if (collection().probeSet() == null) {
        collection().setProbeSet(new ProbeSet("Transcript features over " + optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType(), allProbes));
    } else {
        Probe[] existingProbes = collection().probeSet().getAllProbes();
        if (allProbes.length != existingProbes.length) {
            collection().setProbeSet(new ProbeSet("Transcript features over " + optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType(), allProbes));
        } else {
            // Check the positions against the new ones
            boolean areTheyTheSame = true;
            for (int p = 0; p < allProbes.length; p++) {
                if (allProbes[p].packedPosition() != existingProbes[p].packedPosition()) {
                    areTheyTheSame = false;
            if (areTheyTheSame) {
                allProbes = existingProbes;
            } else {
                collection().setProbeSet(new ProbeSet("Transcript features over " + optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType(), allProbes));
    // If we're correcting for DNA contamination we need to work out the average density of
    // reads in intergenic regions
    float[] dnaDensityPerKb = new float[data.length];
    int[] correctedTotalCounts = new int[data.length];
    if (correctDNAContamination) {
        // We need to make interstitial probes to the set we already have, ignoring those at the end of chromosomes
        Vector<Probe> intergenicProbes = new Vector<Probe>();
        Chromosome lastChr = allProbes[0].chromosome();
        for (int p = 1; p < allProbes.length; p++) {
            if (allProbes[p].chromosome() != lastChr) {
                lastChr = allProbes[p].chromosome();
            // See if there's a gap back to the last probe
            if (allProbes[p].start() > allProbes[p - 1].end()) {
                if (allProbes[p].start() - allProbes[p - 1].end() < 1000) {
                    // Don't bother with really short probes
                intergenicProbes.add(new Probe(lastChr, allProbes[p - 1].end() + 1, allProbes[p].start() - 1));
        Probe[] allIntergenicProbes = intergenicProbes.toArray(new Probe[0]);
        for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
            progressUpdated("Quantitating DNA contamination", 1, 2);
            float[] densities = new float[allIntergenicProbes.length];
            for (int p = 0; p < allIntergenicProbes.length; p++) {
                densities[p] = data[d].getReadsForProbe(allIntergenicProbes[p]).length / (allIntergenicProbes[p].length() / 1000f);
            dnaDensityPerKb[d] = SimpleStats.median(densities);
        // Work out adjusted total counts having subtracted the DNA contamination
        for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
            int predictedContamination = (int) (dnaDensityPerKb[d] * (SeqMonkApplication.getInstance().dataCollection().genome().getTotalGenomeLength() / 1000));
            int correctedTotalReadCount = data[d].getTotalReadCount() - predictedContamination;
            correctedTotalCounts[d] = correctedTotalReadCount;
        // Halve the density if they're doing a directional quantitation
        if (optionsPanel.isDirectional()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < dnaDensityPerKb.length; i++) {
                dnaDensityPerKb[i] /= 2;
        // Halve the density if the libraries are paired end
        if (pairedEnd) {
            for (int i = 0; i < dnaDensityPerKb.length; i++) {
                dnaDensityPerKb[i] /= 2;
    // If we're correcting for duplication we need to work out the modal count depth in
    // intergenic regions
    int[] modalDuplicationLevels = new int[data.length];
    if (correctDuplication) {
        for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
            progressUpdated("Quantitating DNA duplication", 1, 2);
            // We're not going to look at depths which are > 200.  If it's that duplicated
            // then there's no point continuing anyway.
            int[] depthCount = new int[200];
            for (int p = 0; p < allProbes.length; p++) {
                long[] reads = data[d].getReadsForProbe(allProbes[p]);
                int currentCount = 0;
                for (int r = 1; r < reads.length; r++) {
                    if (reads[r] == reads[r - 1]) {
                    } else {
                        if (currentCount > 0 && currentCount < 200) {
                        currentCount = 1;
            // Find the modal depth in intergenic regions. This is the best estimate
            // of duplication
            // Since unique reads turn up all over the place even in duplicated
            // data we say that if unique reads are higher than the sum of 2-10 there
            // is no duplication
            int twoTenSum = 0;
            for (int i = 2; i <= 10; i++) {
                twoTenSum += depthCount[i];
            if (depthCount[1] > twoTenSum) {
                modalDuplicationLevels[d] = 1;
            } else {
                int highestDepth = 0;
                int bestDupGuess = 1;
                for (int i = 2; i < depthCount.length; i++) {
                    // System.err.println("For depth "+i+" count was "+depthCount[i]);
                    if (depthCount[i] > highestDepth) {
                        bestDupGuess = i;
                        highestDepth = depthCount[i];
                modalDuplicationLevels[d] = bestDupGuess;
    // Having made probes we now need to quantitate them.  We'll fetch the
    // probes overlapping each sub-feature and then aggregate these together
    // to get the final quantitation.
    QuantitationStrandType readFilter = optionsPanel.readFilter();
    int currentIndex = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < chrs.length; c++) {
        if (cancel) {
        progressUpdated("Quantitating features on chr" + chrs[c].name(), chrs.length + c, chrs.length * 2);
        Feature[] features = collection().genome().annotationCollection().getFeaturesForType(chrs[c], optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType());
        FeatureGroup[] mergedTranscripts = mergeTranscripts(features, mergeTranscripts);
        int[] readLengths = new int[data.length];
        for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
            readLengths[d] = data[d].getMaxReadLength();
            // actual length.
            if (pairedEnd) {
                readLengths[d] *= 2;
        for (int f = 0; f < mergedTranscripts.length; f++) {
            Location[] subLocations = mergedTranscripts[f].getSubLocations();
            int totalLength = 0;
            // Find the total length of all of the exons
            for (int s = 0; s < subLocations.length; s++) {
                totalLength += subLocations[s].length();
            for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
                if (cancel) {
                long totalCount = 0;
                for (int s = 0; s < subLocations.length; s++) {
                    long[] reads = data[d].getReadsForProbe(new Probe(chrs[c], subLocations[s].start(), subLocations[s].end()));
                    for (int r = 0; r < reads.length; r++) {
                        if (!readFilter.useRead(subLocations[s], reads[r])) {
                        int overlap = (Math.min(subLocations[s].end(), SequenceRead.end(reads[r])) - Math.max(subLocations[s].start(), SequenceRead.start(reads[r]))) + 1;
                        totalCount += overlap;
                // Now we correct the count by the total length of reads in the data and by
                // the length of the split parts of the probe, and assign this to the probe.
                // As we're correcting for read length then we work out the whole number of
                // reads which this count could comprise, rounding down to a whole number.
                totalCount /= readLengths[d];
                // We can now subtract the DNA contamination prediction.
                if (correctDNAContamination) {
                    int predictedContamination = (int) ((totalLength / 1000f) * dnaDensityPerKb[d]);
                    totalCount -= predictedContamination;
                    // Makes no sense to have negative counts
                    if (totalCount < 0)
                        totalCount = 0;
                // ..and we can divide by the duplication level if we know it.
                if (correctDuplication) {
                    totalCount /= modalDuplicationLevels[d];
                // System.err.println("Total read count for "+mergedTranscripts[f].name+" is "+totalCount);
                float value = totalCount;
                if (value == 0 && noValueForZeroCounts) {
                    value = Float.NaN;
                // If we're log transforming then we need to set zero values to 0.9
                if (logTransform && value == 0 && !noValueForZeroCounts) {
                    value = 0.9f;
                // been asked to.
                if (applyTranscriptLengthCorrection) {
                    value /= (totalLength / 1000f);
                // We also correct by the total read count
                if (!rawCounts) {
                    // System.err.println("True total is "+data[d].getTotalReadCount()+" corrected total is "+correctedTotalCounts[d]);
                    // If these libraries are paired end then the total number of
                    // reads is also effectively halved.
                    float totalReadCount;
                    // calculated this already, but otherwise we'll take the total count (total length/read length)
                    if (correctDNAContamination) {
                        totalReadCount = correctedTotalCounts[d];
                    } else {
                        totalReadCount = data[d].getTotalReadLength() / readLengths[d];
                    // If we're correcting for duplication we divide by the duplication level.
                    if (correctDuplication) {
                        totalReadCount /= modalDuplicationLevels[d];
                    // Finally we work out millions of reads (single end) or fragments (paired end)
                    if (pairedEnd) {
                        totalReadCount /= 2000000f;
                    } else {
                        totalReadCount /= 1000000f;
                    // Lastly we divide the value by the total millions of reads to get the globally corrected count.
                    value /= totalReadCount;
                // Finally we do the log transform if we've been asked to
                if (logTransform) {
                    value = (float) Math.log(value) / log2;
                data[d].setValueForProbe(allProbes[currentIndex], value);
    collection().probeSet().setCurrentQuantitation(getQuantitationDescription(mergeTranscripts, applyTranscriptLengthCorrection, correctDNAContamination, logTransform, rawCounts));
    // If we estimated any parameters let's report them.
    if (correctDNAContamination || correctDuplication) {
        float[] dna = null;
        if (correctDNAContamination) {
            dna = dnaDensityPerKb;
        int[] dup = null;
        if (correctDuplication) {
            dup = modalDuplicationLevels;
        RNASeqParametersModel model = new RNASeqParametersModel(data, dna, dup);
        ReportTableDialog report = new ReportTableDialog(SeqMonkApplication.getInstance(), new Report(null, null) {

            public void run() {

            public String name() {
                return "RNA-Seq parameter";

            public boolean isReady() {
                return true;

            public JPanel getOptionsPanel() {
                return null;

            public void generateReport() {
        }, model);
Also used : JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Probe( Feature( ProbeSet( ReportTableDialog( QuantitationStrandType( Vector(java.util.Vector) Report( Chromosome( Location(

Example 25 with ProbeSet

use of in project SeqMonk by s-andrews.

the class BisulphiteFeaturePipeline method startPipeline.

protected void startPipeline() {
    // We first need to generate probes over all of the features listed in
    // the feature types.  The probes should cover the whole area of the
    // feature regardless of where it splices.
    Vector<Probe> probes = new Vector<Probe>();
    int minCount = optionsPanel.getMinCount();
    int minFeatureCountValue = optionsPanel.getMinFeatureCount();
    String combineString = optionsPanel.getCombineType();
    int combineType = 0;
    if (combineString.equals("Mean")) {
        combineType = MEAN;
    } else if (combineString.equals("Median")) {
        combineType = MEDIAN;
    } else if (combineString.equals("Max")) {
        combineType = MAX;
    } else if (combineString.equals("Min")) {
        combineType = MIN;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown combine type '" + combineString + "' found in methylation pipeline options");
    Chromosome[] chrs = collection().genome().getAllChromosomes();
    if (optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType() != "[Existing Probes]") {
        for (int c = 0; c < chrs.length; c++) {
            if (cancel) {
            progressUpdated("Making features for chr" + chrs[c].name(), c, chrs.length * 2);
            Feature[] features = collection().genome().annotationCollection().getFeaturesForType(chrs[c], optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType());
            for (int f = 0; f < features.length; f++) {
                if (cancel) {
                probes.add(new Probe(chrs[c], features[f].location().start(), features[f].location().end(), features[f].location().strand(), features[f].name()));
        Probe[] allProbes = probes.toArray(new Probe[0]);
        collection().setProbeSet(new ProbeSet("Features over " + optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType(), allProbes));
    for (int c = 0; c < chrs.length; c++) {
        if (cancel) {
        progressUpdated("Quantitating features on chr" + chrs[c].name(), chrs.length + c, chrs.length * 2);
        Probe[] thisChrProbes = collection().probeSet().getProbesForChromosome(chrs[c]);
        for (int p = 0; p < thisChrProbes.length; p++) {
            // This data structure is going to hold the counts.  The int array will hold
            // pairs of values for the different data stores (meth and unmeth) so the length
            // of this array will be data store length * 2.
            Hashtable<Integer, int[]> counts = new Hashtable<Integer, int[]>();
            for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
                if (cancel) {
                long[] reads = data[d].getReadsForProbe(thisChrProbes[p]);
                for (int r = 0; r < reads.length; r++) {
                    for (int pos = SequenceRead.start(reads[r]); pos <= SequenceRead.end(reads[r]); pos++) {
                        if (pos < thisChrProbes[p].start())
                        if (pos > thisChrProbes[p].end())
                        if (!counts.containsKey(pos)) {
                            counts.put(pos, new int[data.length * 2]);
                        if (SequenceRead.strand(reads[r]) == Location.FORWARD) {
                            counts.get(pos)[2 * d]++;
                        } else if (SequenceRead.strand(reads[r]) == Location.REVERSE) {
                            counts.get(pos)[(2 * d) + 1]++;
            if (optionsPanel.applyMinCountAcrossAllStores()) {
                Enumeration<Integer> en = counts.keys();
                OUTER: while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Integer i = en.nextElement();
                    int[] values = counts.get(i);
                    for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
                        if (values[2 * d] + values[(2 * d) + 1] < minCount) {
                            continue OUTER;
            for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
                Enumeration<Integer> en = counts.keys();
                Vector<Float> percentages = new Vector<Float>();
                while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Integer pos = en.nextElement();
                    int total = counts.get(pos)[2 * d] + counts.get(pos)[(2 * d) + 1];
                    if (total < minCount)
                    float percent = 100f * (counts.get(pos)[2 * d] / (float) total);
                // Now combine the methylation percentages we have in the way they
                // wanted.
                float[] validMeasures = new float[percentages.size()];
                float finalMeasure = Float.NaN;
                for (int i = 0; i < validMeasures.length; i++) {
                    validMeasures[i] = percentages.elementAt(i).floatValue();
                if (validMeasures.length < minFeatureCountValue) {
                    finalMeasure = Float.NaN;
                } else if (validMeasures.length == 0) {
                    finalMeasure = Float.NaN;
                } else if (validMeasures.length == 1) {
                    finalMeasure = validMeasures[0];
                } else {
                    switch(combineType) {
                        case MEAN:
                            finalMeasure = SimpleStats.mean(validMeasures);
                        case MEDIAN:
                            finalMeasure = SimpleStats.median(validMeasures);
                        case MIN:
                            finalMeasure = validMeasures[0];
                        case MAX:
                            finalMeasure = validMeasures[validMeasures.length - 1];
                data[d].setValueForProbe(thisChrProbes[p], finalMeasure);
    if (optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType() != "[Existing Probes]") {
        collection().probeSet().setDescription("Probes over " + optionsPanel.getSelectedFeatureType() + " features");
    StringBuffer quantitationDescription = new StringBuffer();
    quantitationDescription.append("Methylation feature pipeline quantitation using ");
    quantitationDescription.append(" features with min count ");
    if (optionsPanel.applyMinCountAcrossAllStores()) {
        quantitationDescription.append(" in all stores ");
    quantitationDescription.append("of ");
    quantitationDescription.append(" per position, and at least ");
    quantitationDescription.append(" observations per feature, then combining using the ");
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) Chromosome( Probe( Feature( ProbeSet( Vector(java.util.Vector)


ProbeSet ( Probe ( Vector (java.util.Vector)22 Chromosome ( Feature ( Location ( ProbeList ( QuantitationStrandType ( SplitLocation ( SeqMonkException ( LongVector ( BinomialDistribution (org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.BinomialDistribution)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)2 Random (java.util.Random)2 ProbeTTestValue ( ReadsWithCounts ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1