use of in project OpenOLAT by OpenOLAT.
the class HottextAssessmentItemBuilder method getAnswers.
public List<Answer> getAnswers() {
List<Hottext> hottexts = getChoices();
List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<>(hottexts.size());
for (Hottext hottext : hottexts) {
String answer = new AssessmentHtmlBuilder().inlineStaticString(hottext.getInlineStatics());
answer = FilterFactory.getHtmlTagAndDescapingFilter().filter(answer);
answers.add(new Answer(hottext.getIdentifier(), answer));
return answers;
use of in project openolat by klemens.
the class HottextInteractionArchive method writeInteractionData.
public int writeInteractionData(AssessmentItem item, AssessmentResponse response, Interaction interaction, int itemNumber, Row dataRow, int col, OpenXMLWorkbook workbook) {
String stringuifiedResponse = response == null ? null : response.getStringuifiedResponse();
List<String> responses = CorrectResponsesUtil.parseResponses(stringuifiedResponse);
List<Identifier> correctAnswers = CorrectResponsesUtil.getCorrectIdentifierResponses(item, interaction);
List<Hottext> texts = getHottexts(interaction);
for (int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++) {
Hottext text = texts.get(i);
Identifier textIdentifier = text.getIdentifier();
// user select this hot text
if (responses.contains(text.getIdentifier().toString())) {
String content = getContent(text);
// correct -> must be clicked
boolean correct = correctAnswers.contains(textIdentifier);
if (correct) {
dataRow.addCell(col++, content, workbook.getStyles().getCorrectStyle());
} else {
dataRow.addCell(col++, content, null);
} else {
// correct -> must not be clicked
boolean correct = !correctAnswers.contains(textIdentifier);
if (correct) {
dataRow.addCell(col++, "", workbook.getStyles().getCorrectStyle());
} else {
return col;
use of in project openolat by klemens.
the class AssessmentItemFactory method appendHottext.
public static Hottext appendHottext(P parent, Identifier responseId, String text) {
Hottext hottext = new Hottext(parent);
hottext.getInlineStatics().add(new TextRun(hottext, text));
return hottext;